Programming of 8085: 6.6 Programs On Multiplication

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Programming of 8085
Example 6.40. Write an ALP for 8085 to multiply two numbers using shift and add method. The two
numbers are in memory locations 2101 H and 2102 H. Store the result in 2103 H and 2104 H.
32(multiplicand) and 12(multiplier).

Main Program:
Label Mnemonics Operand Comments
LXI H, 2101 H ; Get H-L pair with 2101 H.
MOV E, M ; Get first number in E-register.
MVI D, 00 H ; Extend to 16 bits.
INX H ; Increment H-L pair.
MOV A, M ; Get the multiplier in accumulator.
LXI H, 0000 H ; Put 00 to H and L registers.
MVI B, 08 H ; Get count = 08.
MULT DAD H ; Multiplicand = 2 x Multiplicand...
RAL ; Rotate accumulator left to find if most significant bit
is 1.
JNC NXT ; if no carry jump to NXT.
DAD D ; Get Product = product + multiplicand.
NXT DCR B ; Decrement B.
JNZ MULT ; If not zero jump to MULT.
SHLD 2103 H ; Store the result in 2103 H and 2104 H.
HLT ; Stop processing.
Command Explanations:
Start the Process

Where the values of 32 and

12 are given.

32 is multiplied by
1 and result 32 is shifted
left by one digit to make it

If yes proceed to the

PRODUCT, and if no go
JUMP to the COUNT.

64 and 320(32o) are added

Product of 32 and 12

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