Battle of Long Island Info Text

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Battle of Long Island

Battle of Long Island

Battle of Long Island Definition: The Battle of Long Island was a military conflict between the Kingdom of Great Britain and
its thirteen colonies in North America during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). The year and date that the
Battle of Long Island took place on Tuesday, August 27, 1776. This was the first battle to take place following the signing
of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The battlefield in which the British and American Forces fought during
the Battle of Long Island was located in Brooklyn Heights, Long Island, New York. The Battle of Long Island ended in
defeat for General Washington and Patriot troops. Soon after the battle a fire broke out in New York City and destroyed
over 300 buildings.

Overview and Summary of the Battle of Long Island

The Battle of Long Island is also referred to as the Battle of Brooklyn Heights and took place on Tuesday, August 27, 1776
at Long Island, New York. The very day of the evacuation of British forces following the Siege of Boston on March 17,
1776, George Washington ordered 5 regiments of the Colonial Army to New York. The American troops were positioned
on the outskirts of New York City on a series of hills in Brooklyn, he was intent on defending New York falling to the British,
but knew he would not be able to withstand a siege. The new British commander-in-chief was General William Howe who
had led in the field at the Battle of Bunker Hill. The British first sailed to Halifax and did not begin the campaign in New
York until the end of August. The British force consisted of 400 warships, each ship was equipped with 16 cannon and
carried 1000 troops ready to storm the beaches after landing. General William Howe landed his soldiers, bolstered by
German Hessian mercenaries, on Long Island smashing the militia's camps with cannonball fire. He was able to divide the
Continental Army in two and captured one part of it. This strategic success brought the British to the foot of Brooklyn
Heights. On the top of Brooklyn Heights was a fort. Howe delayed attacking the fort which enabled Washington time to
retreat and were safely ferried the rest of the American army across to New York. When the British eventually marched to
the attack, there was no one left in the fort on Brooklyn Heights. The British Army then stormed through the small city of
New York, setting it ablaze.

The main groups of the Continental Army retreated from New York City but a small band of American Sharpshooters hid
30ft off of the main trail looking for the British as they marched after the American militia. The colonial snipers broke the
rules of war and aimed not at the soldiers but fired on the officers on horseback. These tactics were highly successful as
without the commands from their offices the British troops were thrown into confusion.

The British troops retreated to the safety of New York City but had achieved victory in the Battle of Long Island, New York.
The next major conflict between the two armies would be the Battle of White Plains.

The Importance and Significance of the Battle of Long Island

Significance of the Battle of Long Island: The significance of the conflict was that U.S. forces were forced to retreat to
Manhattan, then New Jersey. However, their defensive tactics proved to be highly successful against the British.

Facts about the Battle of Long Island

Facts about who fought in the Battle of Long Island and who were the leaders of the conflict. Facts about where the Battle
of Long Island was fought, the location of the battlefield. Facts and stats about the number of troops involved in the conflict
and the numbers of those who were killed, wounded, missing in action or captured. Interesting history and facts about the
Battle of Long Island:

Fast Facts about the Battle of Long Island

Name of Conflict: Battle of Long Island
Result of the Battle of Long Island: The Battle of Long Island ended in victory for the British
Location of Battlefield: The battlefield was located in Long Island, New York
Date of the Battle of Long Island: Tuesday, August 27, 1776
Combatants: The British Army and the Hessians fought against the Americans


Battle of Long Island American Colonies British Forces

Names of Leaders & George Washington Lord Charles Cornwallis
Commanders: Israel Putnam Sir Henry Clinton
William Alexander Sir William Howe
Strength of Forces: 10000 20000
Number of men killed in the Battle 300 64
of Long Island:
Number of men wounded: 800 293
Number of men captured: 1000 31
The following picture represents some of the early designs of the American flag. The idea of flying a flag grew
from the requirements of ancient warfare and the battlefield and used as a rallying point for troops.

American Revolutionary war - The Battle of Long Island

The American Revolutionary War (1775-1783), which included the Battle of Long Island, was the culmination of the
political American Revolution, in which many of the American colonists rejected the legitimacy of the British Parliament to
govern the 13 colonies without representation.

The Battle of Long Island

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