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Instructions for Concording Old SAT Scores to New SAT Scores

Note: Two sets of tables are available: one to concord scores from the old SAT to the new SAT, and one from the new SAT to th
with scores on the old SAT and need to concord to the new SAT, please use the companion document: Concordance Tables, N


Start with your score on the old SAT: Find the related score(s) on the new SAT:

Total 2400 (CR+W+M) Total Score (ERW+M)

(600-2400) (400-1600)

Total 1600 (CR+M) Total Score (ERW+M)

(400-1600) (400-1600)

Writing plus Critical Reading Sections Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Section
(W + CR) (ERW)

(400-1600) (200-800)

Math Section (M) Math Section (M) and Math Test (MT)

(200-800) (200-800 and 10-40)

Writing Section (W) Writing and Language Test (WL)

(200-800) (10-40)

Critical Reading Section (CR) Reading Test (R)

(200-800) (10-40)

For more resources on concordance for Higher Education Professionals, CLICK HERE.

For more resources on concordance for K–12 Professionals, CLICK HERE.

w SAT Scores
new SAT, and one from the new SAT to the old SAT. Be sure to use the appropriate direction — If you are starting
anion document: Concordance Tables, New SAT Scores to Old SAT Scores.

By using concordance table:

Table 9: Old SAT to New SAT (TOTAL 2400)

Use this table to concord old SAT 2400 (Critical Reading + Writing + Math) to New SAT 1600
(Evidence-Based Reading and Writing + Math)

Table 10: Old SAT to New SAT (TOTAL 1600)

Use this table to concord old SAT 1600 (Critical Reading + Math) to New SAT 1600
(Evidence-Based Reading and Writing + Math)

Table 11: Old SAT Writing plus Critical Reading Sections to New SAT Evidence-Based Reading
and Writing Section (W + CR to ERW)

Use this table to concord old SAT Writing plus Critical Reading Sections to New SAT Evidence-
Based Reading and Writing Section

Table 12: Old SAT Math Section to New SAT Math Section (M to M to MT)

Use this table to concord old SAT Math Section to new SAT Math Section, and to concord the old
SAT Math Section to the New SAT Math Test

Table 13: Old SAT Writing Section to New SAT Writing and Lanugage Test (W to WL)

Use this table to concord old SAT Writing Section to new SAT Writing and Language Test

Table 14: Old SAT Critical Reading Section to New SAT Reading Test (CR to R)

Use this table to concord old SAT Critical Reading Section to new SAT Reading Test

onals, CLICK HERE.

Old SAT to New SAT Concordance Table (2400 Scale)
Old SAT Total Score New SAT Total Score
(600-2400) (400-1600)
600 400
610 410
620 420
630 430
640 440
650 450
660 460
670 470
680 480
690 490
700 500
710 510
720 520
730 530
740 540
750 550
760 560
770 580
780 590
790 600
800 610
810 620
820 630
830 640
840 650
850 660
860 670
870 680
880 690
890 690
900 700
910 710
920 710
930 720
940 730
950 730
960 740
970 740
980 750
990 760
1000 760
1010 770
1020 780
1030 780
1040 790
1050 800
1060 800
1070 810
1080 810
1090 820
1100 830
1110 830
1120 840
1130 850
1140 850
1150 860
1160 870
1170 870
1180 880
1190 890
1200 890
1210 900
1220 910
1230 910
1240 920
1250 930
1260 930
1270 940
1280 950
1290 950
1300 960
1310 970
1320 980
1330 980
1340 990
1350 1000
1360 1000
1370 1010
1380 1020
1390 1020
1400 1030
1410 1030
1420 1040
1430 1050
1440 1050
1450 1060
1460 1070
1470 1070
1480 1080
1490 1090
1500 1090
1510 1100
1520 1110
1530 1110
1540 1120
1550 1120
1560 1130
1570 1140
1580 1140
1590 1150
1600 1160
1610 1160
1620 1170
1630 1180
1640 1180
1650 1190
1660 1200
1670 1200
1680 1210
1690 1210
1700 1220
1710 1230
1720 1230
1730 1240
1740 1250
1750 1250
1760 1260
1770 1270
1780 1270
1790 1280
1800 1290
1810 1290
1820 1300
1830 1300
1840 1310
1850 1320
1860 1320
1870 1330
1880 1340
1890 1340
1900 1350
1910 1350
1920 1360
1930 1370
1940 1370
1950 1380
1960 1380
1970 1390
1980 1400
1990 1400
2000 1410
2010 1410
2020 1420
2030 1430
2040 1430
2050 1440
2060 1440
2070 1450
2080 1450
2090 1460
2100 1470
2110 1470
2120 1480
2130 1480
2140 1490
2150 1490
2160 1500
2170 1500
2180 1510
2190 1510
2200 1510
2210 1520
2220 1520
2230 1530
2240 1530
2250 1540
2260 1540
2270 1550
2280 1550
2290 1550
2300 1560
2310 1560
2320 1570
2330 1570
2340 1580
2350 1580
2360 1590
2370 1590
2380 1590
2390 1600
2400 1600
Old SAT to New SAT Concordance Table (1600 Scale)
Old SAT Total Score New SAT Total Score
(400-1600) (400-1600)
400 400
410 420
420 430
430 450
440 460
450 480
460 490
470 510
480 520
490 530
500 550
510 560
520 580
530 590
540 610
550 620
560 640
570 650
580 670
590 680
600 700
610 710
620 720
630 730
640 740
650 750
660 750
670 760
680 770
690 780
700 790
710 800
720 810
730 820
740 830
750 840
760 850
770 860
780 860
790 870
800 880
810 890
820 900
830 910
840 920
850 930
860 940
870 950
880 960
890 970
900 980
910 990
920 1000
930 1010
940 1020
950 1030
960 1040
970 1050
980 1060
990 1070
1000 1080
1010 1090
1020 1100
1030 1110
1040 1120
1050 1130
1060 1130
1070 1140
1080 1150
1090 1160
1100 1170
1110 1180
1120 1190
1130 1200
1140 1210
1150 1220
1160 1230
1170 1240
1180 1250
1190 1260
1200 1270
1210 1280
1220 1290
1230 1300
1240 1310
1250 1310
1260 1320
1270 1330
1280 1340
1290 1350
1300 1360
1310 1370
1320 1380
1330 1390
1340 1400
1350 1410
1360 1420
1370 1420
1380 1430
1390 1440
1400 1450
1410 1460
1420 1470
1430 1480
1440 1480
1450 1490
1460 1500
1470 1510
1480 1510
1490 1520
1500 1530
1510 1540
1520 1540
1530 1550
1540 1560
1550 1560
1560 1570
1570 1580
1580 1590
1590 1590
1600 1600
Old SAT Writing plus Critical Reading Sections to New SAT
Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Section Concordance
Old SAT Writing plus Critical New SAT Evidence-Based Reading and
Reading Sections Writing Section
(400-1600) (200-800)
400 200
410 210
420 220
430 230
440 240
450 260
460 270
470 280
480 290
490 300
500 310
510 310
520 320
530 320
540 330
550 330
560 330
570 340
580 340
590 350
600 350
610 360
620 360
630 360
640 370
650 370
660 380
670 380
680 390
690 390
700 400
710 400
720 410
730 410
740 420
750 420
760 430
770 430
780 440
790 440
800 450
810 450
820 460
830 460
840 470
850 480
860 480
870 490
880 490
890 500
900 500
910 510
920 510
930 520
940 530
950 530
960 540
970 540
980 550
990 550
1000 560
1010 560
1020 570
1030 570
1040 580
1050 580
1060 590
1070 590
1080 600
1090 600
1100 610
1110 610
1120 620
1130 620
1140 630
1150 630
1160 640
1170 640
1180 650
1190 650
1200 650
1210 660
1220 660
1230 670
1240 670
1250 680
1260 680
1270 680
1280 690
1290 690
1300 700
1310 700
1320 700
1330 710
1340 710
1350 710
1360 720
1370 720
1380 730
1390 730
1400 730
1410 740
1420 740
1430 740
1440 750
1450 750
1460 750
1470 760
1480 760
1490 760
1500 770
1510 770
1520 770
1530 780
1540 780
1550 780
1560 790
1570 790
1580 800
1590 800
1600 800
Old SAT Math Section to New SAT Math Section to New SAT Math Test
Concordance Table
Old SAT Math Section New SAT Math Section New SAT Math Test
(200-800) (200-800) (10-40)
200 200 10
210 220 11
220 230 11.5
230 250 12.5
240 260 13
250 280 14
260 300 15
270 310 15.5
280 330 16.5
290 340 17
300 350 17.5
310 360 18
320 360 18
330 370 18.5
340 380 19
350 390 19.5
360 400 20
370 410 20.5
380 420 21
390 430 21.5
400 440 22
410 450 22.5
420 460 23
430 470 23.5
440 480 24
450 490 24.5
460 500 25
470 510 25.5
480 510 25.5
490 520 26
500 530 26.5
510 540 27
520 550 27.5
530 560 28
540 570 28.5
550 570 28.5
560 580 29
570 590 29.5
580 600 30
590 610 30.5
600 620 31
610 630 31.5
620 640 32
630 650 32.5
640 660 33
650 670 33.5
660 690 34.5
670 700 35
680 710 35.5
690 720 36
700 730 36.5
710 740 37
720 750 37.5
730 760 38
740 760 38
750 770 38.5
760 780 39
770 780 39
780 790 39.5
790 800 40
800 800 40
Old SAT Writing Section to New SAT Writing and
Language Test
New SAT Writing and
Old SAT Writing Section Language Test
(200-800) (10-40)
200 10
210 11
220 11
230 12
240 13
250 14
260 14
270 15
280 16
290 17
300 17
310 18
320 18
330 19
340 19
350 20
360 21
370 21
380 22
390 22
400 23
410 24
420 24
430 25
440 25
450 26
460 27
470 27
480 28
490 28
500 28
510 29
520 29
530 30
540 30
550 31
560 31
570 32
580 32
590 33
600 33
610 33
620 34
630 34
640 35
650 35
660 35
670 36
680 36
690 36
700 37
710 37
720 37
730 38
740 38
750 38
760 39
770 39
780 40
790 40
800 40
Old SAT Critical Reading Section to New SAT Reading Test
Concordance Table
Old SAT Critical Reading Section New SAT Reading Test
(200-800) (10-40)
200 10
210 11
220 12
230 13
240 13
250 14
260 15
270 16
280 17
290 17
300 18
310 18
320 18
330 19
340 19
350 19
360 20
370 20
380 21
390 21
400 22
410 22
420 23
430 24
440 24
450 25
460 25
470 26
480 26
490 27
500 27
510 28
520 28
530 29
540 29
550 30
560 30
570 31
580 31
590 32
600 32
610 33
620 33
630 34
640 34
650 35
660 35
670 36
680 36
690 37
700 37
710 37
720 38
730 38
740 38
750 39
760 39
770 39
780 40
790 40
800 40

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