Critical Book Report: (The Real Numbers)

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TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................................ i

CHAPTER I Preliminary ..................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Background ........................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Objective ............................................................................................................ 2
CHAPTER II Discussion ..................................................................................................... 3
2.1 1st Book Identity ................................................................................................. 3
2.2 1st Book Review ................................................................................................. 3
2.3 2nd Book Identity ................................................................................................ 5
2.4 2nd Book Review ................................................................................................ 5
2.5.3 Lack and Axxes of the book.............................................................................. 6
CHAPTER III Conclusion And Suggestion ........................................................................ 7
3.1Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Suggestion .......................................................................................................... 7
Follow up plan ..................................................................................................................... 7
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 8

Chapter I

1.1 Introduction.
Calculus has a number of important aspects: intuition, computation, application and
rigor. International Standard introductory calculus courses treat the first three of these well,
but gloss over the fourth. At base, a first course in real analysis, such as a course that uses this
text, is an exposition of the rigorous ideas that make calculus work.
Real analysis—which in its most basic form is the rigorous study of the ideas in
calculus—takes place in the context of the real numbers, because the real numbers have the
properties needed to allow things such as derivatives and integrals to work as we would like
them to. A rigorous study of derivatives and integrals requires a rigorous treatment of the
fundamental properties of the real numbers, and that is the topic of this chapter and the next.
In mathematics, a real number is a value that represents a quantity along a line. The adjective
real in this context was introduced in the 17th century by René Descartes, who distinguished
between real and imaginary roots of polynomials.
The real numbers include all the rational numbers, such as the integer −5 and the
fraction 4/3, and all the irrational numbers, such as √2 (1.41421356..., the square root of 2, an
irrational algebraic number). Included within the irrationals are the transcendental numbers,
such as π (3.14159265...). Real numbers can be thought of as points on an infinitely long line
called the number line or real line, where the points corresponding to integers are equally
spaced. Any real number can be determined by a possibly infinite decimal representation,
such as that of 8.632, where each consecutive digit is measured in units one tenth the size of
the previous one. The real line can be thought of as a part of the complex plane, and complex
numbers include real numbers.

1.2 Background.
Since there is so many books study in depth of the calculus real numbers, the author
wants to compare these books if the books fulfil the standart. The author want to present the
advantages and the deficiency of the books, criticize the similarities or the differences of the
various principles, theorems of real number that contain in this books. And in order to fulfil
our calculus assignment.

1.3 Objective.
- To criticsm what is the same or different writing concepts / definitions (kind)
discussed in both books
- Assessment / criticism of the depth of explanation of concepts / definitions (kind)
discussed both books for example from the variation of sample questions, media /
graph / images / illustration
- Check if there is a preliminary / illustration as an introduction to the theorem / nature
(kind) discussed both books, then review / critic
- Assess / criticize the similarities and differences of the various principles / theorems /
propositions / properties discussed in both books (give explanation)
- Assessment / criticism of the depth of explanation of principle / theorems /
propositions / properties discussed both books for example seen from the way of
proof, variation of sample questions, media / graph / images / illustration
- To know how the completeness and variation of the practice of the two books
- To know what are the disadvantages or advantages of both books.

Chapter II
2.1 1st Book Identity.



Type : Text Book

Author : John Stillwell

The Year : 2013

Edition : 1st
Page : 231 Pages
Publisher : Springer Science & Business Media

This book was written by John Stillwell with title ‘‘The Real Numbers and
Introduction to set theory and Analysis” The chapter that i’m going to critic is chapter
1: The Fundamental Questions ,Why does ab=ba?

2.2 1st Book Review.

In this chapter is about The set of real numbers is the first, and still the
most interesting, example of an uncountable set. The second example is the set
of countable ordinals. It is less familiar to most mathematicians, but also of
great importance in analysis. If analysis is taken to be the study of limit
processes, then countable ordinals are the numbers that measure the
complexity of functions and sets defined as limits of sequences. This
explanation is briefly and easy to understand.In this chapter the author make
table about some classes of the related decimals,fungtions each real number
and the basic problems arising from attempts to reconcile arithmetic with
geometry, by discussing certain fundamental questions in this table the author
make the origin of messenger type,the mode of action and also include the
examples,this table is clearly enough. In page 80 the author make picture

about who of uncountability also brought new clarity to the concept of
countability.this picture is very supporting the explanation before,so the reader
can not only to understand of the explanation and how to fix that but they
know who was the great people who discover and give teir concept about this
real number from this picture.
The concept of first and second messenger also explained in this
chapter,where most of the known and agree that a and b are numbers, and ab is
the product of a and b, we still have to agree on the meaning of numbers and
the meaning of product—and these turn out to be deep and fascinating issues.
To see why, consider how ab was understood from the time of ancient Greece
until about 1860. Many a beginning algebra student thinks that (a + b) 2 = a2
+ b2, but this mistake will not be made by anyone who looks at the rectangle
picture of (a + b) 2 (Fig. 1.2). Clearly, the square with side a + b consists of a
square a2 with side a, a square b2 with side b, but also two rectangles ab.
Hence (a + b) 2 = a2 + 2ab + b2. The Greeks were so fond of this picture that
they even stamped it on coins! Figure 1.3 shows an example from the Greek
island of Aegina, from around 400 BCE, even before the time of Euclid.
this explanation have picture in page 3 with Aigenia Simbols whit the
simbols why Why Does ab = ba?. there are also the table and explanation of the
“lines” are what we would call algebraic curves, and their “dimensions” are
their degrees, which are whole numbers. (Also, it should probably be pointed
out that the “y” in Newton’s time is “th” in modern English.) Finally, as late as
1863, the great number theorist Dirichlet appealed to the rectangle picture in
order to explain why ab = ba for whole numbers a and b. On page 1 of his
Lectures on Number Theory he asks the reader to imagine objects arranged in
a rows of b objects, or in b rows of a objects, and to realize that the number of
objects is the same in each case. Surely, nothing could be clearer.
Nevertheless, it is surprising that the same idea applies to two vastly different
kinds of quantity: lengths, which vary continuously, and whole numbers,
which vary discretely, or in jumps. Finding a concept of number that embraces
these two extremes is a long journey, which results in a new understanding
and appreciation of the law ab = ba. It will take two chapters to complete, and
the remainder of this chapter outlines the obstacles that have to be overcome.

2.3 2nd Book Identity

Title : The Real Numbers and

Real Analysis
Type : Text Book
Author : Ethan D.Bloch

The Year : 2011

Edition : 1st

Page : 577 Pages

Publisher : Springer Science+Business

Media, LLC 2011

This book was written By Ethan D.bloch with title ‘‘The Real Number and real
anlysis‘’The chapter that i’m going to critic is chapter 1: Construction of the Real
Numbers .

2.4 2nd Book Review

Between the first part of this century and the past decade our knowledge of
Real analysis—which in its most basic form is the rigorous study of the ideas in
calculus—takes place in the context of the real numbers, because the real numbers
have the properties needed to allow things such as derivatives and integrals to work as
we would like them to. A rigorous study of derivatives and integrals requires a
rigorous treatment of the fundamental properties of the real numbers, and that is the
topic of this chapter and the next. Inside the set of real numbers (which
intuitively form the complete “number line”) there are three familiar sets of
numbers: the natural numbers (intuitively 1,2,3,...), the integers (intuitively
...,−2,−1,0,1,2,...) and the rational numbers (the fractions). We use the standard
symbols N, Z, Q and R to denote the natural numbers, the integers, the rational
numbers and the real numbers, respectively. These sets are subsets of one
another in the order N ⊆ Z ⊆ Q ⊆ R, where each set is a proper subset of the
next. This text offers three ways to enter into the study of the real numbers.
Entry 1, which starts in Section 1.2 in the present chapter, and which offers the
most complete treatment, begins with axioms for the natural numbers, and then

leads to constructions of the integers, the rational numbers and the real
numbers, proving the main properties of each set of numbers along the way
The simplest, and most fundamental, set of numbers is the set of natural
numbers, that is, the numbers 1,2,3,4,.... In this section we will give an
axiomatic treatment of these numbers, and in subsequent sections we will
construct all the other familiar sets of numbers (integers, rational numbers, real
numbers) in terms of the natural numbers
There exists a set N with an element 1 ∈ N and a function s: N → N that
satisfy the following three properties. a. There is no n ∈ N such that s(n) = 1.
b. The function s is injective. c. Let G ⊆ N be a set. Suppose that 1 ∈ G, and
that if g ∈ G then s(g) ∈ G. Then G = N. Observe that it does not say in the
Peano Postulates (Axiom 1.2.1) that the set N is unique, though in fact that
turns out to be true; see Exercise 1.2.8 for details. We can therefore make the
following definition.
We cannot prove that N is precisely what our intuition tells us it should be,
because we cannot prove things about our intuition. The best we can do, and
we will indeed do this, is to prove that N satisfies all the basic properties we
can think of for the natural

2.5.3 Lack And Axxes Book

The set of natural numbers, denoted N, is the set the existence of which is given in the
Peano Postulates. 4 Part (a) of the Peano Postulates says, intuitively, that 1 is the
“first” number in N. Parts (a) and (b) together are needed to ensure that (N,1,s) is
infinite. .This explanation is briefly and easy to understand. In this chapter that we
know all the step to understanding this chapter and know what the differences with
another book is this book more complete and that show us the table graphics and
much picture to complete the data.But the second Book have much formula of the real
number and exercise to increase our intelegence.

3.1 Conclusion
Both book has an advantages and disadvantages. But its all depend on us, how we see
things in our own prespective. How and what makes us understand the topic is depend
on our own ability, both book has given and present the whole matter of Real Number
in calculus and the rest its on us since human have different ability to ensure and learn
There are no serious differences between the book concidering their present the same
subject of study, but the small things that we can see is The First book stick to the
tables; graphs; and more pictures to represent the data, on the other hand the second
book stick and have more formulas and equation of the real number to show and
present it as an exercises, but both books have the same purpose in order to increase
our intelegence.

3.1 Suggestion
Calculus is an important subject to learn. We can’t take away mathematical equation
from our ordinary live. So it is our responsibility to learn teach it to our heirs for the
sake of humanity. And its our own responsibility as well to make it as easy as possible
to learn so that everyone have the same opportunity to mastering this subject.
I suggest to the future author, please make books especially for calculus book as
attractive as possible, well learned from, and of course by stick to the subject to learn.

3.1 Follow up Plan

We hope this review can be usefull for academic purpose in order to classify book
more specific, so in the future it can be easier for us to consider a book before we
actually buy it or give it to another person. For those who planning to write review
about these book I suggest to sharpen your English and your knowledge about
calculus especially real numbers.


H. E. Huntley, The Divine Proportion, Dover, New York, 1970. [Jac85]

Nathan Jacobson, Basic Algebra. I, 2nd ed., W. H. Freeman and Company, New
York, 1985. Hans Niels Jahnke (ed.), A History of Analysis, History of Mathematics,
vol. 24, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2003. Translated from the
Harold Jeffreys, Scientific Inference, 3rd ed., Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1973. Toni Kasper, Integration in finite terms: the Liouville theory, Math.
Mag. 53 (1980), no. 4, 195–201
Victor J. Katz, A History of Mathematics: An Introduction, 2nd ed., AddisonWesley,
Reading, MA, 1998.
Jerome Keisler, Elementary Calculus: An Approach Using Infinitesimals, http:
// [Knu73] Donald E. Knuth, The Art of
Computer Programming, Volum

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