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City of Malolos, Bulacan




Ravago, Jane Lorraine F.

May 2019



According to International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), pain is an

iritating sensation and emotional experience that may cause a tissue damage. Pain is not just

a physical sensation but also an emotional experience. There are three main categories of

pain according to International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP); acute pain, chronic

pain and cancer pain. Acute pain occurs when there is an accident happened and there is a

breakdown of tissues needed to be healed. It usually gone when the specific period of time is

done to be healed. It was healed through the following surgery, trauma or other treatments.

This kind of pain is also a warning sign that there is something wrong with the person’s

body. The next type of pain is chronic pain. This type of pain lasts beyond the time it

supposed to be cured. Chronic pain is difficult to deal with especially when the cause of pain

is totally unknown and causes an initial injury to a person when the pain was not cured

immediately.It can only be a symptoms to other diseases or maybe a disease itself. This kind

of pain was caused by a sudden change in Central Nervous System. The last type of pain

was cancer pain. This type of pain was present in early stage, advance disease and in cancer

survivors which is a side effect of the treatments. Pain is naturally experienced by people in

everyday living. This was usually caused by heavy works and heavy activities that people

done to sustain the needs and survive in everyday life.

According to the medical review of George Krucik, MD, MBA(2013), some causes

of pain includes headache, cramps, muscle strain or overuse, cuts, arthritis, bone fractures,
stomach ache. Headache is classified by its caused. First is the primary headache. This type

of headache is caused by problems with pain-sensitive nerves, over activity and in some

cases genetic disorders. The next classification is secondary headaches. This type of

headache is a symptom of a disease or illness into a person. It can turn into serious matter if

not treated immediately. Muscle cramp is an involuntary contraction of muscles. This was

usually happened to people because of working in a long period of time, particularly during

hot weather. Muscle strain is a result of improper usage of muscles during the certain

activities. It usually happened to the players during the play. It was usually caused by

accidents or improper posture during the game. Pain during cuts is caused by skin damage,

nerve damage, infection and tissue damage. Cuts are commonly experienced by people in

everyday life. Cuts can happen when sharp objects accidentally touches or hits the skin of a

person. It can be a cut from a paper, a metal or any sharp materials. Most people are familiar

among the term arthritis. This type of pain is commonly experienced by adults who is not

engage in other activities or foods that will help to strengthen and nourish the bones. Arthritis

pain is caused by inflammation or redness and swelling of joints, muscle strain because of

overworked muscles attempting to protect joints from painful movements or activities,

damage to joint tissues caused by disease and fatigue caused by the disease process. Arthritis

pain may feel different from the pain experienced by the others. People may feel it from time

to time. The next is bone fracture. Bone fracture is classified into two categories. The first is

closed fracture. This type of fracture does not damage the surrounding tissue or tear the

through the skin. On the other hand, one does the damage and badly tears the skin and tissue

of a person. This type of bone fracture was called an open fracture and also known as

compound fracture. Open fracture needs a longer time to be healed rather than the close
fracture. Fractures are commonly happened to people who are engaged in accidents and who

does an improper positioning of body parts during the fall. The last commonly causes the

pain was stomach ache. Stomach ache is a term used to refer to cramps or a pain in abdomen

this pain is commonly short-lived pain and tend not to be serious. Severe abdominal pain is a

different case. People who suffer in severe abdominal pain should consult the doctor

immediately. This kind of pain might be symptoms of a disease especially when the pain

strikes in a specific place or part. People who suffer from pain always find a cure to lessen

the pain that they have experiencing, especially during the heavy activities or works. Because

of different pain experienced by people, many studies brought up the experiment and

invention about pain relievers.

Pain relievers are medicine that reduces and relieve head ache, arthritis, sore throat

and other types of pain. (Medline Plus, 2019) Pain relievers are differently made by their

own purpose. Some of them are made to reduce the pain during headache but cannot relieve

the pain of a sore throat. Many of pain relievers can brought even without the prescription of

a doctor. These are called over-the-counter medicines. These medicines are effectively

relieves the pain and cure diseases like tooth decay or athlete’s foot. There are two types of

over-the-counter medicines; acetaminophen (Tylenol) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory

drugs (NSAIDs). Acetaminophen is a nonaspirin pain reliever. It is a type of medicine used

to relieve pain and aches associated with fever and flu. It can also take alone or with other

drugs that contains acetaminophen, barbiturate and caffeine. Acetaminophen is used to

temporarily relieve minor aches and pains due to headache, muscular aches, backache, minor

pain of arthritis, common cold, toothache, premenstrual and menstrual cramps. It can also

reduce fever. Acetaminophen or also known in a brand names: Tylenol, Tylenol Arthritis
Pain, Tylenol Ext, Little Fevers Children's Fever/Pain Reliever, Little

Fevers Infant Fever/Pain Reliever, and PediaCare Single Dose Acetaminophen Fever

Reducer/Pain Reliever. This type of pain reliver has the following side effects: skin swelling

(angioedema), disorientation, dizziness, rash (may itch), hives, low levels of red blood cells,

white blood cells, and/or platelets, shortness of breath/cough. In some cases, acetaminophen

made a serious side effects which includes toxic epidermal necrolysis, severe allergic

reaction (anaphylaxis), liver failure, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, gastrointestinal hemorrhage,

laryngeal edema, kidney toxicity, liver toxicity/liver failure, hyperammonemia,

agranulocytosis, low white blood cell count (leukopenia, neutropenia), low platelet

count (thrombocytopenia), low red and white blood cell count and low platelet count

(pancytopenia). The next type of over-the-counter medicine is nonsteroidal anti-

inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Prostaglandins is the chemicals produced by the cells of the

body that portrays several important functions. It promotes inflammation that is necessary for

healing. It also relieves the pain and aches, protect the lining of the stomach from damaging

effect that would get from acids, and support blood clothing made by the platelets. This kind

of medicines was associated with some side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,

constipation, decreased appetite, rash, dizziness, headache, and drowsiness. NSAIDs also

made some serious side effects like kidney failure, liver failure, ulcers and prolonged

bleeding from the injury or surgery. Some medications are intended to do some function.

Maybe it can relieve pain, reduce or cure. But like other medicines, it also comes into an

excemption. Knowing that medicines can relieve pain but has side effects and in some cases,

it turn into serios situation. Because of the eagerness to ease the side effects that could get on

medicines which can put the life of people and patients into danger, researchers conducted a
research to dissmenate or lessen thr side effects during the medications. Now, resesarchers

made the pain relievers, an organic.

According to medical dictionary, organic is pertaining to a substance made from

living organism. Organic substance are defined to be good rather than other materials. Foods

and suppliments that are organic has a better results and impact in the body of a person. It

causes only a good result into the persons’s body because organic materials are all made

from natural substances. No chemicals are mixed in the substance if it is organic. Many

researchers conducted a research that may not be harmful to patients. After the years of

studying and searching, the researchers successfully discovered the organic pain killers.

Organic pain killer causes no harm to the patient who uses it and no side effects. Continuous

searching about organics made the peoople live healthier.

Statement of the problem

The study mainly focuses to identify:

Q1. Does the mixture of pandan extract, coconut oil and peppermint leaves is

effective to produce an oinment that relieves pain?

This research aim to answer the following questions:

Q2. What are the benefits of ointment produced from pandan extract, coconut oil and

peppermint extract?

Q3. What are the advantages of ointment produced from pandan extract, coconut oil

and peppermint extract?

Q4. What are the side effects of ointment produced from pandan extract, coconut oil

and peppermint extract?

Significance of the Study

The study hopes to be beneficial specially for the following:

Future Researchers. In present days, different kinds of researches about how to

improve the medicines that can cure pain and illness into most accessible way are increasing.

Through this research, the future researchers will gain a new idea and knowledge about how

effective was organic materials as pain relievers that can be used in to future researches.

Students. As the generation changes, students increases an eagerness to make work

things out. From nothing into something. People nowadays wants to have a healtier life than

before because the increasing number of people died because of unhealthy lifestyle is very

alarming. This study may give students an idea and knowledge on how organic materials can

be used as a pain reliever.

Workers. People nowadays are experiencing different types of pain because of heavy

works and activities, specially those who are working with extreme hot or cold weather. This

research may help workers to know the effectiveness of organic materials to cure pain and


Adults. As of today, not just an adult ages 60 years old and up are experiencing

different kinds of pain, even young adults can experience the pain that they should not felt on
their very young age. Because of unhelathy lifestyle, many young adults suffer from different

kind of pain that may bring them into danger. People nowadays wants to be healthy so they

always find an alternative treatment for their pain. People wants their pain relievers to be

organic. This study will help the adults to find an alternative solution to their pain relievers

that is organic. It also gives an idea and knowledge about pain and how to treat pain in most

organic and healthy way.

Teachers. As they passed by, people are too consious about their health so healthy

living is a must. When pain strikes the body, people usually search for a pain reliever that is

organic. Through this study, teachers will gain new knowledge, ideas and techniques on how

to cure pain into a very organic and healthy way. This can also give them an opportunity to

know pain better than before.

Scope and Delimitation

The study covers the second semester, from the month of April to May of academic

year 2018-2019. This will be take place at Bulacan State University (Main Campus). This

study uses the pandan extract, virgin coconut oil and peppermint leaves as an ingredient to

formulate an ointment that can relive the pain. the study will focus on the effectivity of pain

reliever ointment produced from pandan leaves extract, virgin coconut oil and

peppermint leaves. The research experiment requires the following tools and equipments,

The limitation of the study include the following exceptions, pain reliever in capsules,

pain reliever in syrups, pain reliever for fractures, pain relievers

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