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2 minutes of silence each morning monthly counseling

prayer of Examen before bed regular connection with a small group of friends
Daily Office / Scripture reading (3-4x per week) monthly “date” with each child
daily journaling (3-4x per week) weekly night out with spouse
personal retreat (1 day per quarter) 7-day break from social media each month
practice healthy relational conflict / boundaries

exercise (3-4x per week) work at a sustainable, unhurried pace

engage with food in a healthy, intentional way limit email & technology to work hours only
sleep 7 hours each night be home by 5:30pm each day
practice a weekly Sabbath regular service at church
practice a 1x per month “soul care” time intentional stewardship of time and money
thoughtfully planned vacation (1x per year) giving/saving 10% of monthly income

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