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of Printed Pages : 4 I MPA-017

Term-End Examination
June, 2018

Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50

Note : Answer any five questions, selecting at least two
questions from each section, in about 400 words each.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss the various roles of ICT. 10

2. Examine the importance of ICT in planning and 10

decision making.

3. Describe the measures towards transforming the 10

administrative culture to a flexible goal oriented

4. Give an account of ICT application areas in PRIS. 10

5. Write short notes on the following in about

200 words each :
(a) Model of e-governance 5
(b) Local Area Network 5

MPA-017 1 P.T.O.
6. Explain the concept and tools of e-commerce. 10

7. 'ICT plays a crucial role in delivering citizen 10

services'. Elaborate.

8. Examine e-seva project in Andhra Pradesh. 10

9. 'The implementation of ICT based projects or 10

programmes usually suffer in terms of certain vital
factors. Comment.

10. Write short notes on the following in about

200 words each :
(a) Digital Portfolio 5
(b) Passenger Reservation System 5

MPA-017 2
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1. fariT Pmat jai 10

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3. RiltiPlet)iteft -.). W-AIMI"a44-91§1t-itcp cf tomficr 10

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5. 1:14-iicifigcr 1:1 mActi WirlITT 200 714' 11 1f4171

reuiPitit FoRstk : •
(a) 1-41a:Ttft HUM 5
(b) Tee-4W ■Iiirist)44 (rt chri tqf eac) 5

MPA-017 3 P.T.O.
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6. aiatTR-urt 3 1 3'R1T%F celitatu F T I 10

7. -Rimer 4 tall at f-1.111( elItI)F4 1 10

TITffri 3fTrwr centaeir

8. alto uql t-14-41 1-

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9. r91:114 chitchl cizt (.011 4- 1R Mlarilca 10

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10. P-IHRiligcl -4 -4 uctli, Triirr 200 #1-Tt7r

dui fufw :
(a) isiAe.o 5
(b) 71T4 alniuf soura 5

MPA-017 4

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