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Market Trend:

The Indian textiles industry, currently estimated at around US$ 120 billion, is
expected to reach US$ 230 billion by 2020. The Indian Textile Industry contributes
approximately 2 per cent to India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 10 per cent of
manufacturing production and 14 per cent to overall Index of Industrial Production
(IIP). Just as in many other consumer segments, shoppers are increasingly aware of
damage caused to the environment by modern living, therefore consumers are
demanding eco-friendly products in several domains, including household textiles.
Organically grown fibers and recyclable materials are being favored over non-
recyclables, and manufacturers are limiting toxic chemicals used, and of cutting
down on water and energy consumption.

According to Global Industry Analysts, the global organic cotton market is

expected to hit almost $20 billion by the end of 2015. The market is driven by
environmentally conscious consumers and the perception of cotton as a fashionable
product. Organic cotton is produced without using pesticides and chemical
fertilizers. Over 85% of the world’s cotton production is concentrated in Turkey,
Syria and India. Many large home stores are carrying organic cotton, rather than
the traditional channels of distribution such as health stores, online purchasing and
organic textile shops, which were used to sell organic cotton when it was still
considered a niche product. Sustainability has become a major concern in the
industry as a whole, with consumers and companies alike working toward
environmentally friendly practices and products.

The textile industry is varied, which means that many countries choose their own
path and direction to follow, whether that is medical textiles or high fashion.
However, there are a few trends that seem to be the new direction for most of the
textile market.

 Technology - Technical textiles are a large and growing market right now.
Countries are rehabilitating mills and buildings and hiring new staff to work
on new innovations like 3D printed clothing and shoes or smart fabrics with
small chips that act as conductors and energy converters.
 Non-Woven Fabrics - New machinery has made it possible to pursue non-
woven fabrics. Non-wovens are non-yarn materials that are pressed together
rather than woven. The reason this is an advantage is the labor is less
intensive and the product can be made quicker and for less money. Non-
woven fabrics are also very hygienic, which is great for the medical field, a
large part of the textile industry.
 Domestic Sales - Countries like China and the Unites States are focusing not
only internationally, but domestically as well. Creating products
domestically, and marketing to local communities, is creating a new and
larger market for countries that are normally internationally focused.
 Environmental Sustainability - The environment has become a large issue
in the textile industry due to the immense use of water, the air pollution, and
waste concerns. Many countries have started to really focus on green

Maintenance may be defined as the chronological activities or as the process of
systematic activities done for keeping the machine or equipment at the heat level
for well run or its proper services.


1. To maintain machine equipment at optimum operation speed and production

2. To unsure best possible level of quality of product.
3. To minimize the idle time resulting from the machinery break down.
4. To reduce the cost.

1. To increase the life time cycle of machinery and equipment

2. In case of appropriate functioning.
3. Better or superior quality for the product.
4. Higher productivity of machines
5. Wastage reduces and control.
6. Economization of the process.

1. Due to proper maintenance reduce undue worn out of different parts and
equipment as well as corrosion of the items and increase the machines life (these
are the result of routine cleaning, lubricating, repairing, replacement, fitting, and
refitting etc.)
2. For sound or congenial operation of machinery, it is required the proper
lubrication, fitting, repairing, and replacement (as per necessity).
3. By the continuous operation of the machinery reduces stoppages time resulting
better quality and less wastage

Setting: Setting is the activities to set or install the machine parts or required
ancillaries. Adjustment also complementary word to setting used for appropriate

Checking: Checking means investigation of machine condition. It is very important

work in case of maintenance. It is very skilled depends work as successful
maintenance that depends on correct fault detection.

Repairing: Repairing or altering of spares and equipment (if necessary) is to be

detected and necessary measures are taken (repairing\altering\setting\adjustment) .

Overhauling: It is the work of maintenance, but not frequent or schedule work. It is

done as per as necessary.

Basically there exist 2 systems on which based different types of maintenance are
done. They are:

1. Break down maintenance

2. Planned maintenance.


1. For effective maintenance a number of pre-requirement site has to met

2. There must be a well-defined organizational structure to and implement the
3. Proper planning, scheduling and controlling of maintenance must be designed.
4. An appropriate flow of information and data on maintenance must be devised.
5. Timely supply of the spare parts and also other materials needed must be
6. Personnel of varying skilled and competence must be engaged.
Production System:
The garment production systems are a combination of production processes,
materials handling, personnel and equipment that direct workflow and produce
finished garments. It is a system that depicts how the two-dimensional fabric is
transformed into a three-dimensional garment in a manufacturing system. The names
of the production systems are based on the various factors like utilization of a
number of machines to assemble a garment, layout of machines, total number of
operators involved to produce a garment and number of pieces moving in a
production line during the production of a garment.

Each garment production system needs a suitable management philosophy, materials

handling procedures, plant layout for garments spreading and worker training. The
garment industry could combine various production systems to achieve their specific
garments’ production needs like utilizing only one production system or a
combination of different systems for one product style. Designing production system
ensures the coordination of various production activities. There is no particular
production system that is universally accepted, yet there are different types of
production systems followed by different organizations as discussed in the following

Production systems used in apparel manufacturing:

The objectives of garment production systems are:
1. Examine the features of different kinds of garment production systems
2. Compare and contrast the different production systems
3. Assess and critically relate the merits and demerits of utilization of
different production systems in various circumstances.

Types of garment production system

The different types of production systems are distinct and require different
conditions for working. However, they should meet the two basic objectives, that
is, to meet the specification of the final product and to be cost-effective in nature.
The main aim of any production system is to achieve a minimum possible total
production time. This automatically reduces in-process inventory and its cost. The
subassembly system reduces temporary storage time to zero by combining
temporary storage time with transportation time.
Any production system has four primary factors that make up the system.

Processing time + Transportation time + Temporary storage time + Inspection time

= Total Production Time.

Processing time is the sum total of working time of all operations involved in
manufacturing a garment. Transportation time involves the time taken to transport
semi-finished or finished garments from one department to another or from one
operation/machine to another. Temporary storage time is the time during which the
garment/bundle is idle as it waits for the next operation or for completion of certain
parts. Inspection time is time taken for inspecting semi-finished garments for any
defects during manufacturing or inspecting fully finished garments before

In the apparel industry, the most commonly used production systems are make
through, modular production and assembly line production systems.

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