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U P D AT E December
A Euphoric Community
Mike writes…
The recent Rugby World Cup final between England and South Africa appeared to bring
on a state of euphoria across the country. The impending General Election is unlikely to
bring on a similar feeling, our upcoming 267 Houseparty on the other hand I would guess
falls somewhere in between and I am hoping much nearer the World Cup Final feeling
than the political nonsense that we are about to see unfold.
The dictionary defines ‘euphoria’ as a feeling of intense happiness and excitement; it
comes from the Greek word that means “healthy”. Happiness and excitement, not to
mention healthy, are three great words and if any of us could experience those three
sensations at one time then we would most likely be in a very good place indeed. I
believe our 267 New Years Houseparty ticks all three boxes, and as we begin to plan and
prepare for this year’s event I will admit I have a rising sense of euphoria.
I use the word euphoria not in the sense of some fleeting emotion but in the sense
of an atmosphere that is created that brings about change and blessing. For me the
community that exists at the Houseparty is an extension of the community that we see
at Fuel and in various youth groups across the area. Aside from the fun, the food, the
laughter, the almost combative competition and the significant times when we gather
to worship and teach one another, Houseparty breeds and builds community. The result
of this community is almost euphoric because it is exciting, it is joyful (switching from
happiness as it is much deeper!) and I believe there to be much evidence that it is also
healthy. Healthy not only for individuals but also for youth groups and dare I say it, for the
whole church.
So please pray for us as we continue our Houseparty preparations. If you know of anyone
aged 14-19 then send them our way as we’d love to have them join us. Please pray
because for the past 8 years we have seen the fruit of the Houseparty, we have seen
the tangible evidence of loving, joyous community. So, as you settle down with a cheeky
mulled wine to watch the pre-recorded Jools Holland Hootenanny, think of us and know
that not only are we having a lot of fun but that also we are experiencing, modelling and
building community, deep, inclusive, life-affirming, life-changing, life-giving community.
It is this type of community that 267 strives for and that we hope will, like euphoria, be
contagious and that the whole church might be infected!
l Our ‘Greater Love’ Tour with Fuel has started great and we have had 2 amazing events at
St Paul’s and St Mark’s Church. Both times we streamed live on the internet and had over
100 ‘watchers’. So thankful for two
amazing young leaders; Lauren and
Steven, who preached an absolutely
epic message.
l We had a superb time away
with some young leaders on our
Leadership Adventure. We may have
only been a small group but I think
each of us were impacted by our
time away and the conversations
we had. We also learnt how easy
it was to lose teenagers, and their
belongings, in IKEA!
l We give thanks for a really
entertaining time at our annual quiz
night. Great food, lots of fun and
almost no cheating at all!!!
Th e Le ad er sh ip
Thank you to everyone who came and helped us raise over £1000.
A dven tu re rs !
l God is good. Our church donations are the highest they have ever been,
thank you so much to all our supporting churches.
l Our 267 Trustees & Team Away Day was truly inspirational and Mike and the team have
come back feeling a real sense of freedom and affirmation, from both the trustees and God.
Pray for the coming months as we all work out what this new freedom looks like.
l We give huge thanks for the growth of Haven in Schools and for the open doors we have
had into Townsend, Roundwood, St Georges and St Columba’s College. Pray for Claire as she
builds her team and plans each session.
l Xsite in Harpenden and St Albans continue to thrive. We give thanks for two great events
already this term with over 80 kids attending.
l Around 12 people attended ‘The Conversation’ which was our new training evening for
youth and children’s leaders. Our topic was ‘communicating Jesus in a digital generation’.
We had some great discussions and a huge amount of insight into the
impact of social media and internet use on our kids
and young people. Part 2 of ‘The Conversation’ is on
Monday 23rd March 2020.
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l This year in FUEL we launched the ‘Greater Love’ Tour where FUEL is going to be ‘on the
road’ each month and visiting 9 of our partner churches. Pray that all will be encouraged and
pray for the team and the young people as we spend time creating three outreach-focused
FUEL evenings during the year. Check out our great new flyers and tour t-shirts on our
Instagram feed - @267life
l Pray for Fuel on 24th November as it is
our 1st outreach-focused event. Our venue
is Markyate Baptist Church so pray for us all
as we plan and prepare how to best use the
wonderful space they have. Pray that God will
meet with people and as we look at John
10:10 they will step into this ‘full life’ that
Jesus offers. These are some of the guys we are praying
l In November it is the National Youth will come to the next Fuel. ~ These are
Ministry Weekend and Claire and Mike are obviously not the actual people!!
heading up the coaching stream. The coaching
element of the conference is where individuals can sign up for some time with a more
seasoned youthwork professional. Pray also for Mike as he is speaking in a seminar and also
on a youthworker Q&A panel.
l Hopefully this term we will be advertising for a new role within 267. This role will be
partly made up of what Katherine previously did with our events but also with additional
opportunities to help us grow the ministry. Pray for the next steps in this process and that
God leads us to the right individual for this next season
l We believe that by launching the ‘Ministry Partnership Initiative’ we can help the church
have a real impact on youth and children’s ministry in the area. But with anything bold, new
and adventurous there is often a financial cost involved. Pray for the 267 team and trustees
as we consider how to wisely invest our limited finances. We trust God with all we have and
we do truly believe that this idea is part of what God is calling us to. If you’d like to know more
about how you can donate and support this new, exciting and collaborative venture then Mike
would love to buy you a coffee (or tea!)
l Pray for the New Years Houseparty. Bookings are open and we are excited.

Some scripture that is encouraging us at the moment:

Micah 6:6-8. With what shall I come before the Lord and bow down before
the exalted God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves
a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten
thousand rivers of oil? Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the
fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has shown you, O mortal, what is
good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
l Wednesday 6th November – l Sunday 24th November –
267 Breakfast at High Street Methodist Fuel at Markyate Baptist Church
Church Harpenden. 9.30am
l Wednesday 27th November –
l Wednesday 6th November – Havens Haven Schools in Roundwood
Schools in Townsend and Roundwood
l Friday 29th November – CHARGE at
l Thursday 7th November – St Paul’s St Albans. 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Mike visiting ‘OneLife‘ in Watford
l Wednesday 4th December –
l Thursday 7th November – Kids Worker 267 Breakfast. 9.30am.Venue TBC
lunch at Christ Church St Albans. 12.00pm
l Friday 6th December –
l Thursday 7th November – 267 Team Christmas meal
Haven Schools in St Columbus
l Sunday 8th December –
l Wednesday 13th November - Havens Mike preaching at Cornerstone Church
Schools in Townsend and Roundwood St Albans
l Thursday 14th November – l Thursday 12th December - The Haven
The Haven at High Street Methodist at High Street Methodist Church
Church Harpenden. 4.30pm – 6.00pm Harpenden. 4.30pm – 6.00pm
l Friday 15th – Sunday 17th November l Monday 16th December – Buble Bingo
– The National Youth Ministry Weekend in (Fuel & Friends Christmas Celebration)
Birmingham at Forest Town Church (TBC)
l Monday 18th November – l Thursday 19th December -
267 Trustees meet The Haven at St Paul’s Church St Albans.
4.30pm – 6.00pm
l Tuesday 19th November –
Mike supporting St Mark’s in their l Monday 30th December – Thursday
youthworker recruitment discussions 2nd January – New Years Houseparty
l Wednesday 20th November - Havens
Schools in Townsend and Roundwood Important future date:
267 Fundriasing Wine Tasting
l Thursday 21st November –
Claire in St John Laws school Evening – Saturday 29th February
2020 at St Saviours Church
l Thursday 21st November –
The Haven at St Paul’s Church St Albans. St Albans
4.30pm – 6.00pm

If you would like to volunteer with

the267project then drop us an email – or Thanks

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