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• To track students’ progress in reading the materials for the Home Reading Assignment
• To assess students’ understanding of the texts beyond the literal level of comprehension
• To provide opportunities for students to share their personal insights on the texts to be
read which are often overlooked in standard pen-and-paper examinations

General Guidelines:
1. Read the assigned texts first before answering the questions.
2. For each short story, answer ALL the required question/s and choose the other question/s
depending on the quantity asked.
3. The rule of thumb is to answer each question in 5-6 sentences. However, you may exceed
this limit if you feel the need to explain more or share an anecdote to elaborate on your
4. Your work will be checked based on substance, organization, and mechanics.
5. As some questions will require personal anecdotes, rest assured that your confidentiality is
protected unless the information presented requires a need to disclose information to
figure/s of authority.


WEDDING DANCE (Amador Daguio)

Required. (Answer ALL questions)

1. Recall the struggle that Awiyao and Lumnay had to face. If you were to place yourself in
the shoes of either Awiyao or Lumnay, would you have done the same thing as they did
in the story? Why or why not?

2. Among the many expectations set upon by yourself or others (family, friends, school,
society, etc.), which one do you find the most unbearable or the most difficult to meet?
Why? How do you keep up to that expectation?

RICE (Manuel Arguilla)

Required. (Answer ALL questions)

1. Assess the situation of the farmers in the short story. Given that context, did Pablo and
Andres do the right thing at the end of the story? Why/ why not?

2. Almost a century later since the short story was written, compare and contrast the situation
of the farmers in the short story and the Filipino farmers at the present time. How similar
or different are their working conditions? In the present context, would you say that the
quality of life of farmers in the Philippines improved? Why/ why not? Give substantial
points to support your claim.

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