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Kusumaningrum et al.

/ Low Birth, Prematurity, and Pre-Eclampsia

Low Birth, Prematurity, and Pre-Eclampsia

as Risk Factors of Neonatal Asphyxia

Remita Yuli Kusumaningrum1), Bhisma Murti1), Hanung Prasetya2)

1) Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret
2)School of Health Polytechnics Surakarta


Background: Asphyxia neonatorum is the condition of an infant who does not breathe
spontaneously and regularly immediately after birth. This condition is accompanied by hypoxia,
hypercapnia, and ends with acidosis. Long-standing asphyxia can cause brain damage and death.
This study aimed to investigate risk factors of asphyxia in Nganjuk Hospital, East Java.
Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with a case control design. The
study was conducted in Nganjuk Hospital, East Java, in July 2018. A total sample of 150 neonates
was selected by fixed disease sampling, consisting of 50 neonates with asphyxia and 1oo neonates
without asphyxia. The dependent variable was asphyxia. The independent variables were low birth
weight, preterm birth, and pre eclampsia. The data were obtained from medical record and
analyzed by a multiple logistic regression.
Results: The risk of asphyxia increased with low birth weight (OR= 2.58; 95% CI = 3.80 to 46.15;
p<0.001), premature birth (OR= 1.27; 95% CI= 1.23 to 10.25; p= 0.019), and pre-eclampsia (OR=
3.74; 95% CI= 12.54 to 141.05; p <0.001).
Conclusions: The risk of asphyxia increases with low birth weight, premature birth, and pre-

Keywords: asphyxia, neonates, low birth weight, premature, preeclampsia

Remita Yuli Kusumaningrum. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir.
Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java. Email:
Mobile: +6281231871222.

BACKGROUND with a higher infant mortality rate which is

Asphyxia is spontaneous and regular in the 5th place in ASEAN (WHO, 2015).
respiratory failure at birth or shortly after The IMR issued by the Central Bureau
birth (Prambudi, 2013). The transition of Statistics in East Java Province in 2012
from the life of the intrauterine fetus to the was 28.31 per 1,000 live births. 27.38% of
extrauterine infant's life shows change. neonatal deaths are caused by asphyxia
Failure to decrease pulmonary vascular (East Java Health Office, 2012). Through-
resistance causes persistent pulmonary out 2014 in Nganjuk District, the neonatal
hypertension in newborns, inadequate pul- mortality rate was 131 cases or 8 per 1,000
monary blood flow and relative hypoxemia. live births with 25,146 births. The cause of
Inadequate lung expansion causes respi- neonatal death (0-28 days) in Nganjuk
ratory failure (Kosim, 2014). Regency is largely due to LBW, asphyxia,
Infant mortality can be caused by congenital abnormalities and infections.
asphyxia. The infant mortality rate (IMR) (Nganjuk Health Office, 2014). The inci-
in ASEAN ranks second highest at 142 per dence of asphyxia in Nganjuk Regional
1000 after Africa. Indonesia is a country Hospital in 2017 was 162 cases (4.24%) out

e-ISSN: 2549-0257 49
Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2019), 4(1): 49-54

of 1,011 infants born (Nganjuk Health premature, pre-eclampsia, and neonatal

Office, 2017). asphyxia in Nganjuk Hospital, East Java.
Premature infants are at risk of deve-
loping asphyxial complications because of SUBJECTS AND METHOD
the incomplete formation of vital organs 1. Study Design
and the lack of ability of the infant's respi- This was an analytic observational study
ratory organs to carry out their functions. with a case control design. The study was
Pre-eclampsia is one of the predisposing carried out at Nganjuk Hospital, East Java,
factors for placental insufficiency that can in July 2018.
cause ante and intrapartum hypoxia, fetal 2. Study Population and Samples
growth is inhibited and preterm labor The study population was all infants in the
(Muslihatun, 2010). neonatal room, Nganjuk Hospital, from
Complications can occur due to January to December 2017. A total sample
asphyxia include hypoxia, hypercapnia and of 150 infants was selected by fixed disease
metabolic acidosis (Muslihatun, 2010). sampling, including 50 infants with
Neonatal asphyxia causes morbidity and asphyxia and 1oo neonates without
mortality. Mortality incidence is 20% and asphyxia.
neurological disability is estimated at 3. Study Variables
around 25% (Antonucci et al, 2014). In The dependent variable was neonatal
addition, asphyxia can also cause physical asphyxia. The independent variables were low
abnormalities and mental development, birth weight, premature, and pre eclampsia
such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation, 4. Operational Definition of Variable
epilepsy, and learning disabilities (Mohan Asphyxia neonatorum was defined as a
et al, 2013). condition of babies born having difficulty
Childbirth assistance must be carried breathing with APGAR scores less than 7 in
out by health personnel who have the the first 5 minutes. The measurement results
knowledge and skills of Asphyxia Manage- were divided into two: a) asphyxia is if the
ment in newborns is an effort to reduce the APGAR value is ≤ 6 in the first 5 minutes with
incidence of asphyxia. As a preventive the code "1" and b) not asphyxia is if the value
effort, health personnnel provide motiva- is> 6 in the first 5 minutes with the code "0".
tion and education on the importance of The data were taken from medical records.
nutrition intake, detect and avoid the risk of The measurement scale was continuous.
Low birth weight (LBW) was defined as
neonatal asphyxia for pregnant women to
an infant born with a birth weight less than
reduce the incidence of neonatal asphyxia.
2500 grams. The data were taken from
Especially for pregnant women who expe-
medical record. The measurement scale was
rience pregnancy complications, it is
continuous, but for the purpose of data
necessary to prepare a labor process that analysis, it was transformed into dichoto-
minimizes the risk of neonatal asphyxia mous, coded 0 for normal birthweight and 1
(Rukiyah, 2012). Gerdaristi (Movement for for LBW.
High Risk Assistance) in pregnant women Premature was defined as an infant
is one of the efforts of Nganjuk District in born <37 weeks' gestation. The data were
reducing the incidence of neonatal asphyxia taken from medical record. The measurement
(Health Office, 2017). scale was continuous, but for the purpose of
The purpose of this study was to data analysis, it was transformed into
explain the effect of low birth weight,

50 e-ISSN: 2549-0257
Kusumaningrum et al./ Low Birth, Prematurity, and Pre-Eclampsia

dichotomous, coded 0 for premature and 1 for asphyxia. The results of bivariate analysis
normal. can be seen in table 2.
Pre eclampsia was defined as a Table 1. The Results of Univariate
condition when infants born to mother with Analysis
pre-eclampsia or eclampsia. The data were Variable n %
taken from medical record. The measurement Asphyxia
scale was categorical, coded 0 for did not Yes 50 33.3
have pre eclampsia and 1 for pre eclampsia. No 100 66.7
5. Data Analysis Low Birth Weight
The data analysis included univariate, LBW 70 46.7
bivariate, and multivariate analysis. Multi- Normal birthweight 80 53.3
variate analysis was done by a multiple
Premature 53 35.3
logistic regression analysis.
Not Premature 97 64.7
6. Research Ethics Pre-eclampsia
The research ethics included informed Pre-eclampsia 56 37.3
consent, anonymity, confidentiality, and Non Pre-eclampsia 94 62.7
ethical clearance.
3. Multivariate Analysis
RESULTS The results of multivariate analysis by using
1. Univariate Analysis multiple logistic regression can be seen in
The results of univariate analysis were Table 3. Table 3 showed that there was a
shown in table 1. Table 1 showed that positive relationship between LBW, prema-
infants with low birth weight were 70 ture, and pre eclampsia on the incidence of
(46.7%). The number of infants with neonatal asphyxia. Table 3 showed that the
preterm birth was 53 (35.3%). The number risk of neonatal asphyxia was increased
of pre eclampsia was 56 (37.3%). with LBW (OR= 2,58; 95% CI= 3.80 to
2. Bivariate Analysis 46.15; p<0.001), premature birth (OR=
The data were analyzed by Chi-square to 1.27; 95% CI= 1.23 to 10.25; p = 0.019), pre
observe the relationship between LBW, eclampsia (OR= 3.74; 95% CI= 12.54 to
preterm, and pre eclampsia with neonatal 141.05; p<0.001).
Table 2. The results of bivariate analysis on the risk factors of neonatal asphyxia
Total 95% CI
Independent Yes No
OR p
Variables (n=50) (n=100) Lower Upper
n % n % n % Limit Limit
No 15 18.8 65 81.2 80 100 4.33 2.09 9.00 <0.001
Yes 35 50 35 50 70 100
No 24 24.7 73 75.3 97 100 2.93 1.44 5.95 0.002
Yes 26 49.1 27 50.9 53 100
No 9 9.6 85 90.4 94 100 25.82 10.43 63.91 <0.001
Yes 41 26.8 15 73.2 56 100

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Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2019), 4(1): 49-54

Table 3. The results of a multiple logistic regression analysis on the risk factors of
neonatal asphyxia
95% CI
Independent Variables OR p
Lower Limit Upper Limit
LBW 2.58 3.80 46.15 <0.001
Prematurity 1.27 1.23 10.25 0.019
Pre eclampsia 3.74 12.54 141.05 <0.001

DISCUSSIONS 2. The Effect of Prematurity on

1. The Effect of LBW on Neonatal Neonatal Asphyxia
Asphyxia The result of analysis showed that there was
The result of analysis showed that there was an effect of prematurity on the incidence of
an effect of LBW on the incidence of neonatal asphyxia which was statistically
neonatal asphyxia which was statistically significant. Babies born prematurely were
significant. Babies born with LBW would more likely to have asphyxia than non-
increase the risk of neonatal asphyxia than preterm infants (OR = 1.27; 95% CI= 1.23
babies who did not have LBW (OR= 2.58; to 10.25; p = 0.019). The result of this study
95% CI= 3.80 to 46.15; p<0.001). The was in line with the research conducted by
result of this study was in line with a study Aminah and Wahyu (2016) which stated
by Purwaningsih et al. (2018) which stated that prematurity increased the risk of
that LBW increased the risk of neonatal neonatal asphyxia by 11.97 times.
asphyxia by 4.45 times. Manuaba (2008) stated that prema-
Proverawati and Atika (2010) stated ture babies were one of the causes of
that infants who have low birth weight asphyxia. According to Indrayani (2013),
(LBW) were more likely to have problems asphyxia occured in premature infants due
with the body system, due to unstable body to lack of ability of the infant's respiratory
conditions. One of the impacts of LBW was organs in doing their functions.
asphyxia in infants that can lead to short This study was in line with Purwa-
and long-term impact on the health of the ningsih et al. (2018) who stated that
infants. A study done by Momeni et al. prematurity increased the risk of asphyxia
(2017) stated that preterm labor has the by 4.83 times. The result of a study by
risk of LBW by 22.6 times. LBW increased Utomo (2014) stated that premature has an
the risk of neonatal asphyxia. effect on the incidence of asphyxia. Prema-
This study was in line with Aslam et ture babies have immature lungs so that
al. (2014) and Jebessa et al. (2018) which their breathing has not gone well. A study
stated that LBW has the risk of neonatal done by Momeni et al. (2017) stated that
asphyxia. Babies born with LBW have few premature labor increased the risk of
alveoli and surfactants that were included neonatal asphyxia.
in the alveoli. The surfactant function 3. The Effect of Pre Eclampsia on
reduced the surface pressure of the lungs Neonatal Asphyxia
and helped to stabilize the alveolar wall so The result of analysis showed that there was
that there was no collapse at the end of an effect of pre eclampsia on the incidence
breathing (Maryunani, 2009). of neonatal asphyxia which was statistically
significant. Pre eclampsia would increase
the risk of asphyxia than non pre eclampsia

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Kusumaningrum et al./ Low Birth, Prematurity, and Pre-Eclampsia

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