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Living off campus Bill 21 We remember

Students struggle to find International students share Langara international students
affordable accommodations reactions to Quebec's recent ban weigh in with their views of
without school support. P3 on religious symbols. P2 Canadian

Lest we forget


Indigenous lead-
er: colonialism
effects still alive

ndigenous students at Langara
are still dealing with negative
stereotypes regarding their iden-
tity and their past.
At a college family studies’ event
on atrocities, divisions and trau-
matic memories in human history,
an Indigenous strategist spoke to
students about the impact of colo-
nialism on Indigenous families.
Kory Wilson, Executive Director
of Indigenous Initiatives and Part-
nerships at BCIT, said the legacy
of colonialism is sadly still around
in Canada and getting worse in
some ways, and education is the key
to overcoming it in Canada. She
encouraged students to learn about
Indigenous culture.
Langara student Virginia Lecoy,
said education was used as a weapon
against Indigenous people. Today,
she is using education to help herself
navigate in the Western world.
“Even though the residential
school doesn’t exist anymore, inter-
generational trauma remains in
families. There are signs of micro
aggression from people telling us to
get over our history, ” Lecoy said.
Second-year associate general Arts
Adoptable cats lie in their beds at Catfe in Downtown Vancouver, available for visitors to play and spend time with them. LAUREN GARGIULO PHOTO student, Megan Hill, expressed the

Adoption denied? Don't cry.

desire for the public to raise aware-
ness with not appropriating Indige-
nous culture and seeking it for profit.
“It’s ironic when we weren’t
allowed to embrace our own culture
all these years. Now you see people
wearing the headdress as a joke.”
Temporary residents in B.C. cannot adopt pets but there are other options As an educator, Wilson said that
students from all backgrounds need
to be empowered with formal and
 By LAUREN GARGIULO Report shows that in 2017, 45 per can play with puppies that have been Catfe, in Downtown Vancouver, informal education to boost their

cent of shelter dogs and 60 per cent brought in temporarily. a coffee shop that is also home to self-esteem.
dopting a furry critter is of shelter cats were adopted into new Temporary residents are allowed multiple cats, allowing visitors to “Discrimination makes people
not an option for every- homes. to foster pets, but they are not able play with the felines, most of which feel disengaged and alone,” she said.
one who lives in Canada, The remain- to adopt them. are available for adoption. “Marginalized people don’t feel vali-
but alternatives such as der of the Natalie Doug Ferguson, a cat whisperer at dated. When people’s voices aren’t
fostering pets can allow those who animals were “I feel like it's selfish to Hellyar, who Catfe, said fostering can be a great being heard, they ended up retreat-
don’t have a permanent status in either returned graduated short-term solution. ing."
Canada the companionship that to their guard- adopt a pet if you don't from Lang- Although the policy that only Sociology instructor at Langara,
comes from having a pet. ian, euthanized, ara’s fine arts people with permanent residence Indira-Natasha Prahst, said that it
Having a pet as a companion has transferred, know where you're program in and Canadian citizens can adopt is is important to provide young Indig-
been said to reduce stress, increase "returned to the going...” April 2019, is not a law, Ferguson said it’s a policy enous students with a spark of moti-
happiness, and help combat loneli- field "(cats) or torn about the shelters have all implemented for a vation to stay in school.
ness. subject to other — NATALIE HELLYAR, RECENT LANGARA GRAD policy. reason, as they have had problems Prahst said Wilson is a role model
Only people who have perma- outcomes, As much as in the past. for the Indigenous community.
nent residency or citizenship in the according to the report. she would like to adopt an animal, “It’s not anyone’s fault, but there “There is a disconnect with how
country are allowed to adopt from As alternatives to adoption, people she is unsure about where she’s going were people who adopted [a pet] the curriculum is being taught about
shelters. can foster, house sit, visit petting zoos to end up in a couple of years. with the best intentions but then Indigenous culture,” Prahst said. “So
B.C. has 37 shelters across the or similar establishments. Annually, “I feel like it’s selfish to adopt a pet they have to go back to their coun- having more Indigenous scholars,
province. Humane Canada’s 2017 Langara hosts a destress fest towards if you don’t know where you’re going try and can’t take the pet with them,” teachers and mentors would really
Canadian Animal Shelter Statistics the end of the year where students or what you’re doing,” she said. he added. help to bridge the gap.”
Langara offering new
service for students
with disabilties, but
some still want more

angara College has
announced an online system
for students with disabili-
ties to arrange appropriate support
services at the school.
Director of accessibility services,
Suzanne Munson, told The Voice that
they recently launched a new case
management system.
“Our students are now able to do
certain things online like submit
requests for semester accommoda-
tions, accommodation letters, and
book exams,” Munson said. Gandeep Kaur and Ransher Randhawa, sit with friend Jashan Singh (right) at Langara College. Singh said Bill 21 is intolerant and negatively impacts religious
The student management system, communities in Canada. KRISTEN HOLLIDAY PHOTO

Bill 21: condoning racism

called Accommodate, is an Ameri-
can product, and complies with the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
Munson explained they chose an
American system because the Acces-
sible Canada Act is still in its infancy.
“So that’s why we went with the
US product because we knew it
would be accessible,” she said.
The news comes after the provin- Students and instructors weigh in on the recent Quebec law
cial government announced a series
of public consultations on accessi-  By KRISTEN HOLLIDAY Bill 21 was passed by Quebec’s Ranil Prasad, a campaign manager an attack on religious communi-
bility. provincial government in June for the BC Humanist Association, ties. He has friends in the Jewish

Shane Simpson, minister of social ashan Singh believes that in 2019 which bans public workers, disputes that claim. The association community who are impacted by the
development and poverty reduc- Canada, you shouldn’t have to such as teach- of atheists and agnostics believe bill and thinks it’s “terrible” Cana-
tion, said at a Vancouver commu- choose between your job and ers, police officers compassion and morality are possi- dians haven’t done more to protest. 
nity consultation on Nov. 1, that the your religion.  and lawyers, from ble without religion.   “It puts the lie to this idea that
government wants to ensure future A recent Quebec law has the wearing religious Prasad spoke about the bill at a we’re a multicultural country in an
spaces are designed to be accessi- fourth-year Langara business symbols. These UBC event, which was hosted by the ideological sense,” Blanding said. 
ble to everyone and not just aim for administration student reflecting on include turbans, Hillel Jewish Students’ Association Sociology instructor Indira-Nata-
ramps and accessible doorways. the impact of intolerance on people kippahs and and the Kazakh Student Association sha Prahst, who teaches a racism and
“We need to work on changing the who put down roots in Canada, crosses. While on Oct. 30. He said even in a secular ethnic relations course at Langara,
culture of how we view disability,” thinking the country values multi- Indira-Natasha p r o v i d i n g o r state everyone should be heard. said the students in her class waited
Simpson said. “That may be the most culturalism.   Prahst receiving some “This doesn’t mean excluding for federal leaders to react with a
important thing of all.” “You came here, you are work- INSTRUCTOR public services it people based on how they look from plan to tackle this during the election
According to visually impaired, ing so hard, and contributing to the is forbidden to society, which is what Bill 21 does,” and were disappointed with silence. 
psychology and philosophy student, economy,” Singh said. “In the end, wear anything covering the face. Prasad said. “It leads to a serious question and
Samaneh Nikmanesh, navigating the what are we going to get? A restric- Coalition Avenir Québec says this Langara Canadian studies instruc- that is, are we condoning this act of
Building A can be hard when it’s so tion on our religion? That’s not fair.”  bill protects state secularism, but tor Lee Blanding believes Bill 21 is racism,” Prahst said.
loud and crowded.

B.C. politics gain leftism

“This is supposed to be a college,
not a market,” Nikmanesh said.
Building A is one of the original
campus buildings not built under
the same regulations as the college’s
newer Science and Technology
 “The A building gets very full at
certain times of the day,” said visually
New provincial political party promising greener policies 56%
impaired, creative writing student
Gabor Bene, who takes the majority  By GINA ROGERS The BC Ecosocialists say they leftist ideas. Percentage of registered youth
of his classes there. “I tend to avoid want to offer a solution to young “They actually have a chance of voters who voted in the 2017

it during those times.” ith young voters making voters who are students. winning,” Hart said. provincial election
Navigating the older buildings is up the largest voting “We have to get back to a properly Stephen Phillips, political science
not the only challenges some Lang- demographic in Canada, funded system… it means taxing the department chair at Langara, said
ara students face. 
“Langara’s accessibility services are
not current. They are not up to date
a new provincial political party
launched this past week — directly
catering to youths.
very rich right here,” said Parker, who
was a Green Party leader prior to the
launch of BC Ecosocialists.
that the BC Ecosocialists want
housing to be declared a social right
and the government to become more
on blindness,” Nikmanesh said.  The total percentage of Canadians Langara political science student involved in building housing.
 Langara College does offer an who voted in 2019 went down from Dayla Hart said she was dissatisfied “No other party, not even the Percentage of registered youth
in-house transcription service 2015. While the number of young with the federal election but wasn’t NDP has gone that far,” Phillips voters who voted in the 2013
through the Centre for Acces- voters was not available for the most surprised with the results. said. “So that’s a message that I feel provincial election
sible Post-secondary Education recent election, statistics show they Hart believes in eco-socialism but might resonate well, particularly
Resources BC, for visually impaired climbed 18 per cent from 2011 to views the BC Ecosocialists as an with younger voters.”
students, but issues can still arise
when access to course material is
delayed, according to Bene.
2015. The October federal election
left many students unsure of the
future, especially about the environ-
awkward middle ground between
entryism and grassroots organizing.
“But with the benefits of neither,”
Parker believes that the platform
BC Ecosocialists is offering some-
thing Canadians have been wanting.
“It’s a process,” Bene said.   ment and the planet they will inherit. she said. “I think Canadians have been
   The provincial government is “Young people see that if we don’t Hart used 24-year-old NDP really short-changed,” Parker said. Percentage of registered youth
hosting a series of community meet- solve the climate crisis, we cannot candidate Yvonne Hanson as an “We decided to do this because we voters who voted in the 2009
ings to learn what the residents of solve the affordability crisis,” Stuart example of effective entryism and knew there’d be an appetite for it.” provincial election
B.C. want from provincial level legis- Parker, BC Ecosocialists spokesper- grassroots organizing, using an The next provincial election is on
lation in regards to accessibility. son said. established party to present new Saturday, Oct. 16, 2021.

a hit
Students say self
service reduces
wait times

Shouldering their T
wo new kiosks installed to
improve wait times at Lang-
ara’s Tim Hortons, have left
some waiting.
Chartwells, the company that
manages the food services at Lang-

housing risks alone

ara, worked with the college to install
two Tim Horton’s self-serve kiosks
in an attempt to alleviate long line-
ups. The units became functional at
the end of August.
Langara student Nabi Akhtar,
who frequents the kiosks, said one
Students examine flyer seeking others for shared accomodations, posted on the Student Life bulliten board outside the cafeteria. PALAK KLAIRE PHOTO has often been
out of service and

Students: school lacking support for those seeking housing is semi-satisfied

with wait times.
“There could be
 By PALAK KLAIRE to take care of many things; it should accommodations on third-party “Sometimes finding a place to stay some improve-
be in (your) budget.” websites. without knowing about it isn’t safe,” ments, especially

Reba Noel, the manager of “There are some greats risks about Rai said. if they fixed the
ith no campus student engagement at Langara that,” said Noel. “When you go about On the BCIT website a disclaimer o t h e r k i o s k , ” Anh Nguyen
housing nor college said the demand that kind of says they do not “assume any respon- Akhtar said. STUDENT
website to help
find housing, many
to provide this
kind of infor-
“Sometimes finding a service you
have to make
sibility for agreements made between
the student and the landlord.” The
Rizwan Bandali,
Chartwells’ Food Services Director,
Langara students find they are fork- mation on the place to stay without sure there site also states they do not “screen, said they have keys to open the kiosk
ing out more rent than they can website is not are mecha- inspect, warrant or approve,” any and do a reboot. If a reboot doesn’t
afford or living far from campus. high enough. knowing about it isn't nism or prac- agreements or accommodations. correct the error, the next step is
While BCIT and KPU offer off- “Personally tices in place “There are other ways students to contact SyCom Technologies, a
campus housing communication and profession-
safe.” where you can find a trustworthy place when third-party tech support company,
platforms for student-to-student ally I would refer — KESHAV RAI, LSU INTERNAL VICE PRESIDENT can mitigate it comes to shared and affordable to troubleshoot.
housing options, this same kind of people to UBC’s with that accommodations, said Himanshu Anh Nguyen, an accounting
information is unavailable on Lang- site because that encompasses a close risk.” Gautam, a student-elected member student, who for the past two weeks
ara’s website, frustrating many who geographic area,” said Noel, adding Using websites or social media to of the Langara College Board of has exclusively used the kiosks, said
come from abroad or outside the city. that students must ensure online find rental accommodations is a great Governors. she is happy overall with the short-
“It’s really hard to find accommo- housing advertisements are reli- way to connect people, but they can “Some of my friends have pages on ened wait time.
dation,” said Ekroop Kaur who stud- able, and that safety and security of also be a hotspot for fraud, accord- Instagram, where they provide infor- In regards to lining up for the
ies web and mobile development at students must be a priority. ing to the Langara Student Union mation about jobs and accommoda- counter, “I don’t want to waste my
Langara. “Being a student you have Many Langara students look for Internal Vice President, Keshav Rai. tion,” Gautam said. time,” Nguyen said.
Eva Hartkopf, a women stud-

Punjabi Market revamp taking too long

ies student, said she believes many
customers don’t use them because
they simply don’t know about them.
According to Mark Adams, direc-
tor of ancillary services at Langara,
Motion has yet to show area fighting for its existence. Market are being replaced by fran- In order to help the market survive, two locations were considered for
In an effort to revitalize the chises such as Tim Hortons and the proposal of the India Gate was the kiosks. They chose the current
improvements or epicenter of the city’s South Asian Freshii Inc. Shop owners say they first introduced by the Gordon location due to cable and network
community, Councillor Pete Fry have fewer customers than before Campbell administration in 2008. connections and avoiding potential
increase foot traffic successfully passed a motion entitled, and are struggling to keep their busi- To this date, it has not been executed. hallways congestion issues.
Punjabi Market at Fifty: Celebrating nesses alive. Since then, residents find themselves For customers not wanting to use
 By HENRI NGIMBIS the Past and Planning for the Future " M a n y betrayed by the kiosks or stand in line to order
in June 2019. Indian families “Many Indians used politicians. from the counter, there is another

unjabi Market venders in “I know that things have really have moved Section 6 of option. Tim Hortons launched their
Vancouver are migrating to started to slide and deteriorate. to Surrey to live over here. This the, Punjabi own App for mobile purchasing in
Surrey on account of better We’ve lost a lot of that cultural where Indians Market at 50, July 2017, which can also be used for
business opportunities, leaving the component,” Fry said. have opened market was the first to motion states pickup orders at Langara.
culturally unique South Vancouver Shops that have left the Punjabi new shops,”
said Inderit open in the whole B.C.” tconstruction hat; new

par t owner development
of Amrit Fashions. “In addition, has the potential to transform the
charges over here are becoming very area.
» Swimming in coffee
Canadians drink more than 14 bil-
expensive,” he added. Pardeep Kohli, owner of Kohli
lion cups of coffe a year. Enough to
Others simply lament the loss of Men Hair Stylist Ltd and Kohli's
fill more than half of Lake Superior.
the neighbourhood’s rich history. Mastercuts Hairstyles said with or
“It is true that when the Punjabi without the government’s help he
Market opened 50 years ago, there remains optimistic about the future » Top of the world, Ma
were mainly food and clothes stores of the market and sees the city with Tim Hortons remains at the top of
for Indian customers,” said Harinder a mentality of globalization which is Canadian's fast food chain, outsell-
Toor, who opened the Punjab Food a quickly changing city. ing every other fast food restuarant!
Center in 1981. “The city administration thinks of
Toor said customers visiting the bringing back customers over here » The regular, please
neighbourhood’s new franchises by modernizing the infrastructure "Double Double" is so entrenched in
aren’t shopping the older shops that around the market. But it takes too our language, it officially was
still remain in the market. long,” said Kohli. added to the Canadian Oxford
“Many Indians used to live over “We have more and more mixed Dictionary
Inderit Bunwait, part owner of Amrit Fashions, standing dutifuly at shop here. This market was the first to communities than before with new SOURCE: NEWS OUTLETS
counter. PHOTO HENRI NGIMBIS open in the whole B.C.” business ambitions,” Kohli said.

Thrifting interview outfits

Students getting more creative in how they find professional clothing

hrift stores and home- “You don’t want that as an addi-
made clothing altera- tional panic for you the morning of
tions are becoming a an interview,” she said.
more popular source for Additionally, more college
students wanting to improve their students are learning how to make
selection of professional clothing alterations to their clothes before an
due to tight budget constraints. interview. Frameworq is an organi-
Jane Cronin, a volunteer with zation that runs workshops dedi-
HOB Thrift Boutique, said, “a cated to teaching people how to
recent graduate from university make alterations and upcycle cloth-
with her first job came in, she got a ing to reduce the amount of clothes
whole wardrobe here for a hundred that go in the garbage. Irina Mcken-
dollars.” Cronin’s co-worker, Irene zie, the founder of Frameworq, said,
Regin, added, “I think it’s appealing “[Making alterations] helps with
because of the price point.” the wallet and that’s really fantastic
Langara student Elize Sonsini, because that just means somebody
prefers to shop secondhand, said, doesn’t have to buy new stuff all the
“I really find good stuff like good time. They can just use a little bit
things for a good price in a very of creativity and some skill to make
good condition.” something new.”
However, some, like Langara However, making alterations isn’t
student Deep Kur, disagree. “I necessarily a skill all young people
wouldn’t consider going to a thrift have. “It’s something that can be
store to get my interview clothing, considered an old people activity,
because I find that all of these stores and you know what? No, it’s just a
don’t have good quality.” Kur added life skill really,” McKenzie said.
she prefers to buy new, shopping Amy Robichaud, executive direc-
for professional attire at H&M and tor of Dress for Success Vancou-
Banana Republic. ver, an organization that provides
Heather Workman, the chair free interview clothing to women,
of the co-op and career develop- agrees. “The ability to make or do
ment center at Langara, said that modest alterations yourself can
thrift stores are fine to shop at, but make a huge difference to your
it depends on the workplace you’re wardrobe. With YouTube and a
applying for. plethora of online tutorials being
“As an individual that’s inter- able to do really modest and basic
viewing, you’re trying to understand alterations can make a huge differ-
what the workplace looks like and ence to your wardrobe,” Robichaud
how people interact,” Workman said, adding, “price, value, sensibil-
said. ity, and professional appearance
According to Workman, it’s best has much more to do with how our
to prepare what you’re going to wear clothes fit and not necessarily how
a few days ahead of time to reduce expensive they are. If you can do
the stress of meeting a prospective that yourself you can stretch your
employer for the first time. dollars really really far.”

ABOVE: The collared shirts rack in a thrift store. Vintage collared shirts can add personality to professional attire.
BELOW: A large part of the appeal of thrift stores to young people is the price tag.
BOTTOM CENTER: A man learning how to repair and alter clothing at the Stitch Up workshop hosted by UBC Sustain-
ability and Frameworq.

MIDDLE CENTER: Two women work together while repairing clothes at the Stitch Up workshop. Frameworq runs these
workshops to divert clothing waste from entering the landfill.
News&Features 5


LEFT: Display mannequins at a thrift store. When selecting what to wear to an interview it is important to consider the
culture of the workplace; choosing to dress too formal is just as bad as choosing to dress too casual.
ABOVE: Frameworq founder, Irina Mckenzie (left), instructing a woman (right) attending the Stitch Up event. Mckenzie
said knowing how to make basic alterations and repair clothing is a life skill that saves people money.

BOTTOM RIGHT: Rows of clothes for sale in a thrift store. When shopping for professional attire one of the most
important aspects to consider is the clothing's fit. If an article of clothing is loose, alterations can easily be made.

Fabrics that aren't green

A look at three popular materials harmful to the environment

efore throwing away your try of Forests, Lands & Natural ocean through hydrological cycle,”
old clothes you may want to Resource Operations, said other- Yin said.
consider the type of materi- wise. Leather
als used in these clothes. Certain “To produce cotton, a large While leather may be natural,
materials can have a negative envi- amount of water is needed, adding growing cattle livestock gener-
ronmental impact both in their stress to those water scarcity areas,” ates excessive amounts of methane.
production and the pollution they Yin said. “Methane is a strong greenhouse
create when they end up in the Polyester gas, and its global warming poten-
landfill. Polyester is harmful to the envi- tial is 100 times greater than normal
Cotton ronment because the production of greenhouse gases such as CO2.”
Cotton is one of the oldest fabrics polyester uses fossil fuels. When Yin concluded, “as long as it is a
and while many people may think thrown away, microfibers from poly- product, it will go through processes
cotton clothing is environmentally ester become problematic. “Because and each step generates waste and
friendly, Jun Yin, a regional hydro- [microfibers] are not biodegrad- produces a carbon footprint – more
geologist working for the Minis- able, they will be discharged to the or less.”

and photos
by Anita Zhu
Video on Frameworq's
Stitch Up event at

According to the World Bank, the fashion industry and textile production and dyeing is responsible for up to a fifth of all industrial water pollution. When companies such as Forever 21 continue to
produce cheap clothes, that water has also effectively gone to waste when the garments are out of commission. CHRISTINA DOMMER ILLUSTRATION

Fast fashion? Try fast trashin'

ast-fashion pioneer 21 store, you’ll know it’s an over- some reaching 20,000 square feet wares means they won’t stay in your into producing the equivalent of a
Forever 21 is closing its whelming expe- (1860 sq. m)—that’s bigger than a closet for long. As such, Forever 21 single cotton T-shirt and a pair of
doors in Canada, and I say rience: clothes hockey rink. also takes up valuable real estate in jeans. When you put that in a landfill,
good riddance. wall-to-wall, I'd liken shopping at Forever 21 to landfills. While competitors Aber- all that water goes down the drain
The Los Angeles-based retailer stuffed clear- reading a textbook without pictures crombie & Fitch and Zara have with it.
filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy ance racks, jack- or diagrams to break it up. There upped the quality of their products, Shoppers are tired of wearing
in late September, closing many of ets with tacky might be some interesting infor- Forever 21 has stuck to its dirt-cheap something that’s cute one week
its stores across Europe and Asia. slogans on the mation in there, but it’s not worth guns and paid sorely for it. Also, the and a dud the next, or breaking a
Forever 21 issued a statement that back. The stores rooting through such a large volume increasing popularity of online shop- zipper the second time they use it.
it would be retreating back into the OPINION take up valu- of words. ping is rendering brick-and-mortar Let Forever 21’s departure serve
U.S. to reconsider and refocus its able real estate The clothes might be inexpen- retail obsolete.  as a warning to retailers every-
brand image. CHRISTINA a t s h o p p i n g sive, but that doesn’t add up to much The World Wildlife Fund esti- where: consumers value quality
If you’ve ever shopped at a Forever DOMMER malls, with because the quality of Forever 21’s mates that 20,000 litres of water goes over quantity.


$870 million

$345 million
anada is a leading country its economy. The importation of with foreign countries in the areas
where much of the popu- films in the last ten years in Canada of scientific research, education and Wolf Warrior 2 (2017), Mandarin Spirited Away (2001), Japanese
lation has foreign roots. In shows the influence of Asian movies, trade. Foreign movies do not only
other words, Canada is a cultural
microcosm that represents many of
such as The Farewell, The Parasite, and
The Great Battle,
include cultural topics, but also
cover many themes that the world $610 million $302 million
the same aspects as the other main all which are of globalization demands.  The Passion of the Christ (2004), Dangal (2016), Hindi
global communities.  The Cana- distributed by The United States, for example, Armaic, Hebrew, Latin
dian government must establish a Netflix Canada. has a large influence in the English- $230 million
fair balance in the importation of
cultural movies and scientific movies
Canada, with
its tradition of
speaking  Canada because of the
common language. There are several
$427 million Life Is Beautiful (1997), Italian
related to education. democracy and successful Canadian  and Ameri- The Intouchables (2011), French (ALL FIGURES IN U.S. DOLLARS)
Foreign movies will always be a high respect can film co-productions such as
welcome in Canada. They convey for  interna- OPINION My Big Fat Greek Wedding and the in total film production in North Film Academy Awards. Canada is
cultural, social and economic tional relations, Saw series.  America. In 2015, two Cana- a key country in global film produc-
messages that the country needs to has signed bilat- HENRI In 2011, Toronto ranked third dian  co-productions were nomi- tion. That also means Canada can
strengthen its diversity and develop eral agreements NGIMBIS behind Los Angeles, New  York nated for Best Picture in the 88th help shape culture of the future.


Langara College Christina Dommer PAGE 6 Maxim Fossey Henri Ngimbis Have a different point
PHONE Christina Dommer Austin Everett Kristen Holiday of view? Write us.
The Voice is pub- government and 604-323-5396 SNAIL MAIL PAGE EDITORS PAGE 7 Liam Hill-Allan Gina Rogers
lished by Langara administration. We The Voice PAGE 1 Tierney Grattan Lauren Gargiulo Journalism instructor Online at
College’s journalism welcome letters to E-MAIL 100 West 49th Ave. Mathilda de Villiers PAGE 8 SOCIAL MEDIA Lina Chung Erica Bulman oversees
department. Editorial the editor. They may thevoice@langara. Vancouver, B.C. PAGE 2 Joshua Rey EDITOR Palak Klaire The Voice.
opinions are those be edited for brevity. V5Y 2Z6 Missy Johnson Chelsea Liu Ray Chopping Twitter
of the staff and Your letter must in- PAGE 3 MANAGING WEB Soubhik Chakrabarti Email: ebulman @LangaraVoice
are independent of clude your name and WEBSITE INSTRUCTOR Mandy Moon EDITOR Steven Chang
views of the student phone number. Erica Bulman Agazy Mengesha

French fest
in Canada
Foreign films step foot in B.C.
and created Champs-Élysées in

ove, empowerment and 2012 as a solution.
coming-of-age were the While foreign films to the average
main themes that domi- film viewer have almost become a
nated the French and genre, UBC film professor Chris-
American Independent film festi- tine Evans has a different view.
val Champs-Élysées 2019. “Foreign film is an oxymoron. I
Alliance Française, a French love the term.” Evans said, “Obvi-
language school in Vancouver, pre- ously an American film playing in
miered a selection of feature and Japan is foreign, as the language
short films from the biggest film it’s not the same.” Character
festival in Paris, Champs-Élysées, archetypes and themes are often
last weekend. globally recognizable, Evans said.
For the past three years, the inde- The four short films and two
pendent French film festival has feature films selected to play Nov.
been touring the United States, 1-2 in Vancouver were selected by
showcasing a selection of films, Regis Painchaud of Visions Ouest
and showing some of them for the Productions and Eloïse Loriot
first time in Canada.   the coordinator for the festival at
The Champs-Élysées Film Festival Alliance Française. “It’s a very im-
is a “gate between the French and portant festival in France,” Loriot
American film industries,” said said. “It’s interesting to see these
Justine Lévêque, the artistic and French Independent films.”
events director for the film festival, All of the films shown during the
“We mainly have American block- festival tour premiered for the first
busters in France. We don’t really time in North America. Due to
see American indie movies.” French filmmakers often not hav-
The festival’s main goal is to cor- ing distribution in North America,
rect this problem and bridge the and American filmmakers not hav-
gap between independent films in ing distribution in France, this may
France and America. Sophie Du- have been the only time any of
lac, a prominent French producer these films were on the big screen
In order from left to right, Antonia Raoux, Regis Painchaud, Justine Levesque and Eloïse Loriot. LAUREN GARGIULO PHOTO
and distributor noticed this gap, in Canada.

Volunteer benefits
Post secondary institution scholarships value
student volunteering
 By GINA ROGERS than 730, 250 hours on-campus

tudents hoping to get schol- and off-campus volunteer hours,
arships should not only think according to Stewart. 
about their grade point aver-  Shu Kurihara, an exchange
age but also building a portfolio that student from Japan in the LEAP
includes volunteering experience, program at Langara said he never
said the woman who helps Langara really volunteered until coming to
College’s students navigate various Canada and that he is really enjoy-
opportunities in the community and ing volunteering.
on campus. “It’s a good thing and I’ve made
Maggie Stewart, the coordinator friends,” Kurihara said, “I learned
Event presenter Rachael Carlevale leads participants through meditation and breathing exercises. of Langara’s a lot of things I didn’t know before

Cannabis' spiritual use

volunteer volunteering.”
program said “I received scholarships Kurihara
volunteer says that he
hours are a big
I would never have recommends
part of what received without being for to
take up
so involved in my a volunteer
Event uses notable cannabis activists and ca- Trina added that even though are looking for
in scholarship position.
sual enthusiasts, was held at UBC Canada legalized cannabis over a
applicants, community” Fulton Tom
cannabis for from Nov. 1-3 and had attendees
try out a new form of meditation
year ago, there is still this feeling of
stigma around the use that persists.  and it also — MAGGIE STEWART, VOLT COORDINATOR
rewarding for students to give back
is a Langara
professor and
-- one with cannabis as an integral “People are very cautious. We the organizer of the Good Swap,
ingredient. know that people are watching.” and be part of a community.
Stewart, said she wouldn’t be the a free thrifting event where he
Rachael Carlevale, a cannabis Not all experts agree this is the gathers up clothes from across the
 By SOUBHIK activist and conference presenter best method for meditation. Deb- person she is today without volun-
teering. city and has the student volunteers
CHAKRABARTI guided attendees through the oragh Varnel, a certified teacher of help run the event. Activities also
“Back when I was a Langara stu-

evening in an attempt to calm their Transcendental Meditation since included wrapping delicate objects
annabis has been legalized in mind and refocus.  1984, says cannabis and meditation dent, I volunteered one thousand
Canada for over a year now, hours in one year,” said   and help keep things organized.
“It’s a relationship you’re building,” can never mix. “So that’s one of the nice things,”
and this newfound freedom she said during her session, “to “We ask students to refrain from Stewart, and said people who
has helped users find their inner volunteer gain both personal and Tom said, “if they have a couple of
see it [cannabis] as a friend or an taking cannabis fourteen days hours, they can volunteer during
selves. ally.” Carlevale wanted people to before starting the meditation financial benefits, such as leader-
UBC adjunct professor Mark use cannabis with a purpose and to course,” Varnel said, “It’s important ship, networking opportunities and their school day and then go to
Haden said that psychedelic plants scholarships. “I received scholar- class.”
help them reach a goal.   that you don’t have something The Good Swap also collects
and substances can help people One attendee, named Trina, asked coursing the nervous system when ships that I would never have
reflect on themselves and that it is received without being so involved donations and gives them to the
for her last name to be withheld.  meditating.” When meditation is Langara College Foundation.
a way to connect with one’s inner Trina said she loved how cannabis meant to refine the nervous system, in my community.” 
self. Stewart said that “although For Stewart, grades and volunteer-
and meditation can go hand in release stress, and improve your ing are positively linked, for rea-
“There is no specific spiritual path hand. “It’s both informative and mental activity, it’s hard to accom- volunteering doesn’t have a direct
that is more helpful,” Haden said. financial gain it definitely pays sons like volunteering students end
engaging,” she said about the ses- plish when an opposing force like up spending more time on campus
The Spirit Plant Medicine Confer- sion, “They are partners, for sure.” cannabis is still in your system. off ”. In the nine years since VOLT
ence, an international gathering of began, students have logged more and working in community.

Falcons' Katie Skipworth (Left) and Meagan Briggs (Right) defend against Okanagan's Elizabeth Henne in a game on Nov.1, 2019 at the Langara College gym. STEVEN CHANG PHOTO

Different countries, same game

U.S. basketball different from Canadian: new Falcons players FALCONS

ball in a different environment. ent with their play calls, but the ence for us, especially for me being a
hile the game of “Besides the rules being a little terminology is similar. Sometimes point guard that needs to bring the
basketball serves as different, I would say there are coach will use a different vocabulary, ball up the court.”
Last game:
a universal language more team then Meagan The three U.S. transfers said the
Okanagan Coyotes 53 , Langara
among hoopers, components “It’s more participation and I would look competitiveness in American basket-
Falcons 50. At Langara College
there are differences in the sport in Canada, at each other ball culture begins at an early age. Nov.1, 2019
between Canada and the United whereas in in Canada and putting and recognize Jones said basketball got compet-
Next Game:
States. Something that the Falcons the States
have learned over the past three you see a kids in a team-oriented the plays we’ve
learned from the
itive in the first grade. Briggs’ first
team was in the third grade.
Langara Falcons at Capiliano
Blues, Nov.8,2019 at 6 P.M.
This year’s Langara women’s
lot of indi-
vidual play-
environment." past,” Jones said.
Third year
Briggs says Canadian youth sports
programs are leaning towards partic- MEN'S BASKETBALL
basketball team has three U.S. ers trying to G e n e r a l ipation and the U.S. focuses more on Last game:
recruits that all played in the junior carry the entire team,” Said Briggs, Management student, Katie Skip- developing individual athletes. Okanagan Coyotes 93, Langara
college level for two years before on team culture between the two worth from Lebanon, Oregon, also “It’s more participation in Canada Falcons 88. At Langara College
coming to Canada. countries. had to make adjustments to her game and putting kids in a team-oriented Nov. 1, 2019
Meagan Briggs is from Redding, Jones, from Camas, Washing- because the rules in PACWEST are environment. Whereas in the States, Next Game:
California, studying Criminology. ton and enrolled in Recreational slightly different. we start training kids at a young age Langara Falcons at Capilano
She came to Langara with former Management. She spoke about tran- “In the States, you get a 30-second just to get better,” Briggs said. Blues, Nov.8, 2019 at 8 P.M.
junior college teammate Emma sitioning to Canadian basketball. shot clock and here it’s 24 seconds,” The U.S. Players hope to bring
Jones, looking to learn about basket- “Every coach is going to be differ- Skipworth said. “That’s a huge differ- success to the Falcons this season.

Ping pong club growing, needs space

More members have scheduled times to play, though even suggested outdoor ping pong
they also allow informal practice day tables located around campus.

are joining and

to day. On the day members want to Shamekhi said in addition to
play, they text their interest via their loving the sport, he’s made friends
Whatsapp group, Langara friends, at the table.
a new table is and hear back from others who also
want to play. 
“I didn’t know anyone,” said
S h a m e -
needed Sometimes
there’s a wait.
“There’s over 12 people khi, a first-
year general
 By LINA CHUNG “There’s over and you need to wait sciences
12 people and student. “One

ith the interest in the you need to for 30 minutes to one day, I went
sport increasing each wait for 30 into the Lang-
year, the Langara ping minutes to
hour.” ara Student
pong club has been struggling one hour,” said — ALEX UTSUMI, PING PONG CLUB MEMBER Union (LSU)
to keep up with the demans and Alex Utsumi building, saw
hopes either an engineering program student. some people playing ping pong and
the student Saransh Kumar, a biology student, asked if he could play and they said
union buys a has seen increased interest from yes.”
second table or students in the ping pong club espe- Shamekhi will decide what his
the college will cially on Clubs Day in September. next steps are to lobby for more ping
add some on That day, “60 people enrolled,” said pong tables on campus.
campus. Kumar. “I’m improving my leadership
The club has Reza Shamekhi, president of actually,” said Shamekhi.
approximately Langara’s ping pong club, has more Ping pong originated in Victorian
100 members than 200 signatures from Langara England around the 1880s where it
who all play Reza Shamekhi
PING PONG CLUB students who would like LSU or was played as an after-dinner parlour
on the sole PRESIDENT Langara to purchase another ping game by the upper-class. It didn't
table owned pong table.  He says the gym would become an official Olympic sport
by the Langara be a great place to locate a second until 1988 at the Seoul Summer A student plays a game of ping pong at the LSU Building. The ping pong
Students’ Union. The tournaments or third ping pong table. Shamekhi Games. club has got so many members and one table isn't enough. LINA CHUNG

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