Grade 12 Final Examination in All Subjects

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Lobrio,VenedictRoi G.


Grade 12 Final Examination in all subjects

I. General

1. What things did you think went well on your project/the Expo?

I think there wasn’t anything that went well during the process and during the


2. What was the most frustrating part of your project/the Expo?

During the Expo, our booth’s placement was almost hidden from the

consumers/costumers of the expo resulting in our booth having only a few

customers - ranging from two to five customers only.

3. How would you do things differently next time to avoid this frustration?

I suggest to expand the work area so the all participating booths visible to people

instead of just a few.

4. Were there any other issues or changes that should be considered? Please

offer suggestions for methods of improvement.

The management of the expo needs improvement in:choice of scheduled event

and location – an event held at busier place means more potential customers, as

well as resources such as tables and chairs because the expo was lacking those

II. Management

1. Were the goals of the Expo/project clear to you?

The announcement of the Expo was too sudden anditsvague explanation left many

students confused. We were not able to grasp the goal completely as it was not

explained clearly beforehand.

2. How complete did you think the planning was before the actual

commencement of the Expo/project? What could have been improved?

The Expo/project was incomplete due to the rushed process leading up to the

event.It could have improved if the actual expo was planned and discussed in

detail then scheduled maybe a month before the expo took place instead of

releasing the date late.

3. Was the Expo/Project Schedule realistic?

Yes, the Schedule was realistic because the time it took place was when classes

are dismissed.

4. Was the schedule detailed enough?

No.They only gave us 30 minutes set-up time then we were told to sell until

5:00pm, nothing else.

5. What were the biggest obstacles to meeting the scheduled

dates/milestones/time table?

I don’t think there was any problem or obstacles to meeting the scheduled

dates/milestones/time table.

III. Resource

1. Were there enough resources assigned to the Expo/project, given the

schedule constraints? If no, where/what part could there have been more

resources assigned?

No. They should have provided more seats and tables for the booths as it was

tiring to stand for the entire duration of the Expo while waiting for customers.

2. Was there sufficient time for working on the Expo/project in addition to your

day-to-day job/studies? How could this be improved?

There was sufficient time in the project but the expo wasn’t given enough time to

prepare prior to the event itself. This could have been executed better if the expo

was planned a month ago.

IV. Testing

1. Was the testing period sufficient in identifying potential Expo/project


Yes,the testing period was sufficient enough to know some mistakes before or

during the Expo/project.

2. Was the process for reporting problems clear, easy to follow, and efficient? If

not, what improvements would you recommend?

No. They didn’t say anything regarding reporting any problems.

3. Were issues dealt with and resolved in a timely and satisfactory way? Were

you satisfied with the level of technical and moral support received?

No. There is something always missing in explanations, this could have been

different if the Expo was planned and discussed in detail.

V. Communication

1. Was the Expo/project communication handled efficiently and effectively in

disseminating information and guidelines? If not, how could it be improved?

No. This could be improved if the Expo is fully planned and announced with

complete details/explanations.

2. Were there enough group meetings, and were they useful?

The group meetings were fruitful, however there were not enough meetings held

to plan fully.

3. Were there other forms of communication that would have been useful?

I think that there is no other forms of communication that would be useful in the

VI. Organization

1. Did you all have all of the information needed to do your job/project? Were

the roles and responsibilities well-defined and communicated?

I don’t have the information due to the lack of details. The roles and

responsibilities were well-defined and communicated.

2. Did you think the group worked well together?

No. Some of our groupmates tended to slack off. It would have been more

efficient if everyone cooperated, tasks would be divided better.

3. Were there other groups/individuals that should have been a part of the

Expo/project team? If so please specify?

There are no groups/individuals I think that should have been added as part of the

Expo/project team.

4. What would you do to make the Expo/project team more effective? What

Expo/project team organization changes would you recommend?

I suggestto improve the planning process to make a have better execution and

overall result, make their announcements earlier and give complete information.

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