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This is a Casual Class

which focuses on
practicing your speaking
How can I interact with the class?
skills with one another.
Take a look at how to use your toolbar.

We do not focus on error Quick tip: Can't see the toolbar?

correction in this class. Hover your mouse at the bottom of your screen and it will
automatically pop up.
Please note that these
classes are a bit larger to
ensure adequate partners send messages
to practice with.

audio setup
Call Me
During this class you will:

Intermediate • Talk about cell


• Have a discussion
about escaping
tecnología de escalado

• Learn about
Share your thoughts.

- What kind of phone do you own? What do you

like and dislike about it? When did you get it? Why
did you choose that particular phone?
Cuando lo conseguiste
porque lo escogiste

- Who do you talk to most on the phone? What do

you talk about? How often do you talk to that
And you can quote me…
Read and answer the questions.

"Most people's cell phones are prosthetics. If you

And you
leave your cell phone at home, you feel
impacted by not having it. It's an important part
of your daily function and what you can do in a
-- Aimee Mullins
- What does this quote mean to you?

- Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

- How do you feel when you leave your cell phone at

home? Why?

- How much information do you have on your phone

that is useful during the day?
Speak your mind.
Share your thoughts and opinions.

Which is better?

- Giving bad news over the phone or giving bad news in Speak

- Talking to people over the phone, in person or sending

- Speaking English in person or over the phone?

- iPhone or Android?
Imagine that!
As a class, create a story.

Imagine you had to go without phone, internet,

TV, etc. for one week.

Discuss these questions with your classmates.

- How would you feel without any technology? that!
- Do you think you would have a lot more free time?
- What would you do with your free time?
- Do you think this would change your life?
- Do you think it's important to be technology-free
- Do you think it's important to spend time with family
and friends without cell phones and other technology?
Answer me this!
Take turns asking each other questions.

1. What is good telephone etiquette? What is

considered rude in your culture? Answer
2. What age do you think is appropriate for a child to
have a cell phone? Does your child know more about
cell phones than you?
me this!
3. How old were you when you got your first cell phone?
What model was it? What was the experience like?

4. Cell phones can be seen as a fashion statement. Can

this put pressure on you to renew your phone to the
newest model?

5. Describe your most recent phone experience. Who

did you call? Why? What did you talk about?
Before you go!
Here’s some cultural fun:

Telemarketers or customer service representatives

Before you
are people who work by calling people at home
to offer goods or services. Sometimes there are go!
telemarketing jobs that require you to call people
that owe money to the company.

- Would you like to be a telemarketer? Why or why not?

- How many times a week do you receive calls from
telemarketers selling offers?
- When you talk to telemarketers how do you react?
(nice, irritated, mad etc.)
- Would you trust someone selling something over the
phone? Why or why not?
Pick one question to discuss: Wrap-up
about today’s class?
1. What did you like most today?

2. What do you need to improve on?

3. What did you do well on today?

Use this slide to extend an activity.


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