1-Muscle of Upper Extremeties-Table

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Muscles Origin Insertion Nerve Supply Action

steadies the scapula and
external occipital ventral rami C3 & C4 (spinal controls its position and
Trapezius clavicle
protuberance (inion) nerves) movements during active use of
the upper limb
Rhomboid major T2 –T5 (spinous process) scapula Dorsal scapular Controls the position of the
Rhomboid minor C7 –T1 (spinous process) Scapular spine Dorsal scapular scapula during active use of the
atlas and axis (transverse upper limb.
Levator scapulae scapula dorsal scapular nerve
intertubercular sulcus Extends, adducts and medially
Latissimus dorsi thoracolumbar fascia Thoracodorsal nerve
(humerus) rotates the humerus.
intertubercular sulcus Adduction and medial rotation of
Pectoralis major clavicle pectoral nerve
(humerus) humerus
Assists the serratus anterior in
drawing the scapula forwards
Pectoralis minor 3rd – 5th ribs coracoid process (scapula) pectoral nerve
around the chest wall.

Pulls the point of the shoulder

downwards and forwards and
steadies the clavicle during
C5 and C6
Subclavius 1st rib clavicle movements of the shoulder, by
bracing it against the articular
disc of the sternoclavicular joint

Draws the scapula forward, and

is the chief muscle concerned in
Serratus anterior 8th – 9th ribs Scapula Long thoracic nerve all reaching and pushing

It is the great abductor of the
Deltoid Scapular spine Deltoid tuberosity Axillary nerve
Medial rotation (humerus)
Subscapularis Scapula Lesster tubercle (humerus) Subscapular nerve
Initiates abduction of the arm;
Supraspinatus Supraspinous fossa Greater tubercle Suprascapular nerve rotates the humerus laterally

Rotates the humerus laterally.

infraspinatus Infraspinous fossa Greater tubercle Suprascapular nerve
Adducts & medially rotates the
Teres major Scapula Intertubercular tubercle Subscapular nerve

Teres minor scapula Greater tubercle Axillary nerve Rotates humerus laterally

Ant. Compartment (flexors):
Long head: supraglenoid
tubercle Flexes and supinates the
Biceps brachii Radial tuberosity Musculocutaneous nerve
Short head: coracoids forearm
Medial surface fo the humerus
Coracobrachialis Coracoids process Medial surface (humerus) Musculocutaneous nerve
near its middle
Flexor of the elbow joint with the
brachialis Anterior surface (humerus) Ulnar tuberosity Musculocutaneous nerve
forearm either prone or supine
Post. Compartment (extensors):
Long head: infraglenoid
Lateral head: posterior All three heads extend the
Olecranon process (ulna) Radial nerve
triceps surface (humerus) forearm at the elbow joint
Medial head: posterior
surface (humerus)
Superficial flexor:
Pronates and flexes the forearm
Pronator teres coronoid process (ulna) radial shaft Median nerve
medial epicondyle
Flexor carpi radialis 2nd and 3rd metacarpals Median nerve Flexes the hand at the wrist joint
medial epicondyle of the Flexes the hand at the wrist and
Palmaris longus palmar fascia Median nerve
humerus tenses the palmar aponeurosis
Humeral head: medial
Flexor carpi ulnaris Ulnar head: olecranon Pisiform bone Ulnar nerve adducts the hand
Humeroulnar head: Medial
Flexor digitorum Flexes the middle and proximal
epicondyle Above: 3rd – 4th middle phalanx
superficialis (sublimis Median nerve phalanges of the four medial
Radial head: radial Below: 2nd & 5th middle phalanx
muscle) fingers, also flexes the wrist
Deep flexor:
Flexes the distal phalanx and
anterior and medial aspects
Flexor digitorum profundus Distal phalanx Median nerve helps in flexing the proximal
phalanx of the thumb
Humeral head: medial
Flexes the phalanges of the
Flexor pollicis longus Distal phalanx (thumb) Median nerve thumb
Radial head: anterior
surface radius
Pronator quadratus Ulnar shaft Anterior surface (radius) Median nerve Principal pronator of the forearm
Superficial extensor group:
Brachioradialis supracondylar ridge styloid process (radius) Radial nerve Flexor of the elbow joint
Extensor carpi radialis
supracondylar ridge 2nd metacarpal bone Radial nerve Extends the hand
Extensor carpi radialis
lateral epicondyle 3rd metacarpal bone Radial nerve Extends the hand
Extensor digitorum lateral condyle middle and distal phalanges Radial nerve Extends the fingers and hand
Extends the little finger and the
Dorsal digital expansion (little
Extensor digiti minimi lateral condyle Radial nerve wrist working in conjunction with
extensor digitorum
Extensor carpi ulnaris lateral epicondyle 5th metacarpal bone Radial nerve Extends and adducts the hand
Helps to extend the forearm at
Anconeus lateral epicondyle Olecranon Radial nerve
elbow joint
Deep extensor group:
Lateral surface of the proximal
Rotates the radius to supinate
Supinator muscle lateral epicondyle 1/3rd of the radius Radial nerve
the hand and forearm
posterior surface (radius Abducts and assists in
Abductor pollicis longus trapezoid bone Radial nerve
and ulna) extending the thumb
Extends the proximal phalanx
Extensor pollicis brevis posterior surface (radius) proximal phalanx (thumb) Radial nerve and metacarpal bone of the
Extends the thumb, and a minor
Extensor pollicis longus posterior shaft (ulna) distal phalanx (thumb) Radial nerve extent, the hand

Extends the index finger, and

Extensor indicis posterior surface (ulna) Radial nerve helps extend the hand
Draws the thumb forwards in a
plane at right angles to the palm
Adductor pollicis brevis tubercle of the trapezium proximal phalanx (thumb) Median nerve
of the hand and rotates it
Opposes the thumb to the other
Opponens pollicis tubercle of the trapezium metacarpal bone of the thumb Median nerve
Superficial head: tubercle of
Superficial head: median
trapezium Flexes the proximal phalanx of
Flexor pollicis brevis proximal phalanx (thumb) nerve
Deep head: Trapezoid and the thumb
Deep head: ulnar nerve
capitate bones
Oblique head: 2nd and 3rd
metacarpal bones
Adductor pollicis Transverse head: Palmar proximal phalanx (thumb) Ulnar nerve Adducts the thumb
surface of the 3rd
metacarpal bone
dermis on the ulnar side of the Helps tense the skin over the
Palmaris brevis palmar aponeurosis Ulnar nerve
hand hypothenar muscles
proximal phalanx and dorsal
Abductor digiti minimi pisiform bone Ulnar nerve Adducts the little finger
aponeurosis of the little finger
hamulus of the hamate proximal phalanx of the little Flexes the little finger at the
Flexor digiti minimi Ulnar nerve
bone finger metacarpophalangeal joint
hamulus of the hamate Ulnar side of the 5th metacarpal Bring the little finger into
Opponens digiti minimi Ulnar nerve
bone bone opposition with the thumb
Radial two lumbricals (1st and
Radial side of dorsal digital
tendons of the flexor 2nd): median nerve
Lumbrical muscles expansion, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Flex metacarpophalangeal joints
digitorum profundus muscle Ulnar two lumbricals (3rd and
4th): ulnar nerve
proximal phalanges and the
adjacent sides of two Abduct fingers from center of
Dorsal interossei dorsal expansions of the 2nd, Ulnar nerve
metacarpal bones third finger
3rd, and 4th fingers
one head from the 2nd, 4th, Dorsal digital expansions of the Adduct fingers toward center of
Palmar interossei Ulnar nerve
and 5th fingers 2nd, 4th and 5th fingers third finger

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