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To analyse the chemical characteristics of a given water sample viz. pH, acidity, alkalinity for assessing its

To determine the pH of the given water sample using pH meter.
The term “pH” refers to the measurement of hydrogen ion activity in the solution. Since the direct measurement
of the pH is very difficult, specific electrodes are needed for quick and accurate pH determination. pH is
measured on a scale of 0 to 14, with lower values indicating high H+ (more acidic) and higher values indicating
low H+ ion activity (less acidic). A pH of 7 is considered as neutral. Every whole unit in pH represents a ten-fold
increase in or decrease in hydrogen ion concentration.
Environmental Significance
Most natural waters possess the pH values ranging from 5.0 to 8.5. Rain water have a pH value of 5.4 to 6.0
which then reacts with the soils and minerals causing the reduction in H+ ion concentration and thus the water
may become alkaline with a pH 0f 8.0-8.5. More acid water (pH<5) and more alkaline (pH >9) and other
immediate changes in the hydrogen ion concentration (pH) suggest that the quality of the water is adversely
affected due to the introduction of some toxic contaminants in water bodies.
Dewatering of sludge, oxidation of cyanides and reduction of hexavalent chromium into trivalent chromium also
need a favorable pH range. It is used in the calculation of carbonate, bicarbonate, CO2 corrosion, stability index
and acid base equilibrium. Lower value of pH below 4 will produce sour taste and higher value above 8.5 a bitter
taste. Higher values of pH hasten the scale formation in water heating apparatus and
pH is measured using pH meter, which comprises a detecting unit consisting of a glass electrode, reference
electrode, usually a calomel electrode connected by KCl Bridge to the pH sensitive glass electrode and an
indicating unit which indicates the pH corresponding to the electromotive force is then detected. Before
measurement, pH meter should be calibrated by using at least two buffers. Also it is recommended to use
hydrated silica gel for the glass electrode, and the electrodes must be soaked with water or in suitable buffer
followed by rinsing in water. Electrode tips should be cleaned after use of wiping with tissue paper to remove
adhering substances. Potassium level in the calomel electrode is maintained and the cap should be removed
during measurement. For the accurate measurement of pH, the temperature of the buffer should be maintained
for standardization of pH meter is same.
Materials Required
Apparatus Required
1. pH meter with electrode
2. Beaker
3. Glass rod
4. Tissue paper
Chemicals Required
1. Distilled Water
2. Buffers Solutions of pH 4.0, 7.0 and 9.2
3. pH paper
1. The pH meter is set on a flat surface.
2. The electrode of the pH meter is dipped in a buffer solution with a known pH to calibrate it.
3. After calibrating, the pH meter, the electrode is washed by dipping into distilled water to get rid of any
adhered buffer.
4. The electrode is gently wiped with a tissue paper.
5. The electrode is then dipped in the sample solution and its reading is noted.
6. The electrode is washed again by dipping in distilled water and the pH of the sample is measured two
more times.

1st DIP 2nd DIP 3rd DIP pH
1) The pH of the given sample 1 = _______ which indicates that the sample is acidic/alkaline/neutral in
2) The pH of the given sample 2 = _______ which indicates that the sample is acidic/alkaline/neutral in
3) The pH of the given sample 3 = _______ which indicates that the sample is acidic/alkaline/neutral in
Drinking water with a pH between 6.5 and 8.5 is generally considered satisfactory. Acidic waters tend to be
corrosive to plumbing and faucets, particularly if the pH is below 6. Alkaline waters are less corrosive. Waters
with a pH above 8.5 may tend to have a bitter taste. The pH of the water samples are well within the limit of the
drinking water standards. The pH of the ground water is slightly towards the alkaline side because of some soil
and rocks chemicals might have dissolved in it. In case of the pH of the fresh water, aquatic plants uses up
hydrogen molecules for photosynthesis, which causes the concentration of hydrogen ions to decrease and
therefore the pH is towards the alkaline side. The sea water is mostly alkaline in nature because of the presence
of different type of salts.

To determine the acidity of given water sample.
Acidity is a measure of the capacity of water to neutralise bases. Acidity is the sum of all titrable acid present in
the water sample. Strong mineral acids, weak acids such as carbonic acid, acetic acid present in the water sample
contributes to acidity of the water. Usually dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) is the major acidic component present
in the unpolluted surface waters. The volume of standard alkali required to titrate a specific volume of the
sample to pH 8.3 is called phenolphthalein acidity (Total Acidity). The volume of standard alkali required to
titrate a specific volume of the water sample (wastewater and highly polluted water) to pH 3.7 is called methyl
orange acidity (Mineral Acidity).
Environmental Significance
Acidity interferes in the treatment of water. Carbon dioxide is of important considerations in determining
whether removal by aeration or simple neutralisation with lime /lime soda ash or NaOH will be chosen as the
water treatment method. The size of the equipment, chemical requirements, storage spaces and cost of the
treatment all depends on the carbon dioxide present. Aquatic life is affected by high water acidity. The organisms
present are prone to death with low pH of water. High acidity water is not used for construction purposes.
Especially in reinforced concrete construction due to the corrosive nature of high acidity water. Water containing
mineral acidity is not fit for drinking purposes. Industrial wastewaters containing high mineral acidity is must be
neutralized before they are subjected to biological treatment or direct discharge to water sources.
Hydrogen ions present in a sample as a result of dissociation or hydrolysis of solutes are neutralised by titration
with standard alkali. The acidity thus depends upon the end point pH or indicator used. Dissolved CO2 is usually
the major acidity component of unpolluted surface water. In the sample, containing only carbon dioxide-
bicarbonate carbonate, titration to pH 8.3 at 25°C corresponds to stoichiometric neutralisation of carbonic acid
to carbonate. Since the colour change of phenolphthalein indicator is close to pH 8.3, this value is accepted as a
standard end point for the titration of total acidity. For more complex mixture or buffered solution fixed end
point of pH 3.7 and pH 8.3 are used. Thus, for standard determination of acidity of wastewater and natural
water, methyl orange acidity (pH 3.7) and phenolphthalein acidity (pH 8.3) are used.
Thus, in determining the acidity of the sample the volumes of standard alkali required to bring about colour
change at pH 8.3 and at pH 3.7 are determined.
Materials Required

Apparatus Required
1. Burette with Burette stand
2. Pipette
3. Erlenmeyar flask
4. Wash Bottle
Chemicals Required
1. CO2 free water
2. Standard NaOH solution 0.02N
3. Methyl orange indicator solution
4. Phenolphthalein indicator solution
1. Pipette out 20ml of the sample to the flask,
2. Add 1 to 2 drops of methyl orange indicator
3. Sample is then titrated against 0.02 N standard NaOH. The end point is noted when the colour changes
from orange red to yellow. The titrate value is recorded as V1.
4. Add 1 to 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator
5. The titration is continued until the colour changes to faint pink. The volume of titrant is used as V2.
6. Repeat the titration for concordant values.
Methyl orange Indicator Phenolphthalein Indicator
Initial Final burette V1 Final burette V2
burette Reading (2) (2) – (1) Reading (3) (3) – (1)
Reading (1)

1. Mineral acidity as mg/L of CaCO3 = (Acidity at pH 3.7)
2. Total acidity as mg/L of CaCO3 = (Acidity at pH 8.3)
3. CO2 acidity as mg/L of CaCO3 = Total acidity – Mineral acidity
V1 = Volume in mL of standard Sodium Hydroxide used to titrate to pH 3.7
V2 = Volume in mL of standard Sodium Hydroxide used to titrate to pH 8.3
N = Normality of standard Sodium Hydroxide
V = Volume in mL of sample taken for test
The Mineral Acidity as CaCO3 equivalent is =
The Total Acidity as CaCO3 equivalent is =
The CO2 Acidity as CaCO3 equivalent is =
Acidity is a measure of an aggregate property of water and can be interpreted in terms of specific substances
only when the chemical composition of the sample is known. Acidity may contribute to corrosiveness and
influence chemical reaction rates, chemical speciation and biological process. The measurement also reflects a
change in the quality of the source water. Strong mineral acids, weak acids such as carbonic acid, acetic acid and
hydrolysing salts such as iron or aluminium sulphates may contribute to the measured acidity. Water having
acidity greater than 50mg/l cannot be used in R.C.C works
The given sample is having acidity less than 50mg/L, so it can be used for R.C.C works.

To determine the alkalinity of given water sample.
Alkalinity is primarily a way of measuring the acid neutralizing capacity of water. In other words, its ability to
maintain a relatively constant pH. The possibility to maintain constant pH is due to the hydroxyl, carbonate and
bicarbonate ions present in water. The ability of natural water to act as a buffer is controlled in part by the
amount of calcium and carbonate ions in solution. Carbonate ion and calcium ion both come from calcium
carbonate or limestone. So water that comes in contact with limestone will contain high levels of both Ca++ and
CO2- ions and have elevated hardness and alkalinity.
Environmental Significance
Alkalinity is important for fish and aquatic life because it protects or buffers against rapid pH changes. Higher
alkalinity levels in surface waters will buffer acid rain and other acid wastes and prevent pH changes that are
harmful to aquatic life. Large amount of alkalinity imparts bitter taste in water. The principal objection of alkaline
water is the reactions that can occur between alkalinity and certain cations in waters. The resultant precipitate
can corrode pipes and other accessories of water distribution systems. Wastewaters containing excess caustic
(hydroxide) alkalinity are not to be discharged into natural water bodies or sewers. Alkalinity as carbonate and
bicarbonate of saline water is very important in tertiary recovery processes for recovering petroleum. Alkaline
water offers better wetting to the formation rock and improve oil release. As an additional benefit, ions that
provide alkalinity absorb on rock surfaces occupying adsorption sites and decrease the loss of recovery chemical
by adsorption. The alkalinity value is necessary in the calculation of carbonate scaling tendencies of saline
waters. The alkalinity acts as a pH buffer in coagulation and lime-soda softening of water. In wastewater
treatment, alkalinity is an important parameter in determining the amenability of wastes to the treatment
process and control of processes such as anaerobic digestion, where bicarbonate alkalinity, total alkalinity, and
any fraction contributed by volatile acid salts become considerations.
Hydroxyl ions, present in a sample result of dissociation or hydrolysis of solutes are neutralized by titration with
a standard acid. Thus the alkalinity depends on the point pH used. Alkalinity is usually imparted by bicarbonate,
carbonate and hydroxide. It is measured volumetrically by titration with 0.02 N sulphuric acid and is reported in
terms of CaCO3 equivalent. For samples whose initial pH is above 8.3, the titration is conducted until
phenolphthalein indicator turns from pink to colourless. The second step of titration is conducted with the aid
of methyl orange to a pH of about 4.5. When the pH is less than 8.3, a single titration is made using methyl
orange as the indicator. At pH 8.3 all the OH alkalinity will be neutralized and all carbonates converted to
bicarbonates. This alkalinity is shown as phenolphthalein alkalinity. If the titration of a sample that originally
contained both carbonates and hydroxide alkalinity is continued beyond the phenolphthalein end point, the
bicarbonates react with the acid are converted to carbonic acid. This reaction complete when the pH is lowered
to about 4.5.
Materials Required
Apparatus Required
1. Burette
2. Pipette
3. Erlenmeyer flask
Chemicals Required
1. CO2 free water
2. Phenolphthalein indicator.
3. Methyl Orange indicator.
4. 0.02 N Sulphuric Acid.
1. Pipette 20 mL of sample into a clean Erlenmeyer flask (V).
2. Add two drops of phenolphthalein indicator; if the pH is above 8.3, colour of solution becomes pink.
3. Titrate against 0.02N Sulphuric Acid in the burette, till the colour just disappears. Note down the volume
4. Then add two drops of methyl orange indicator, the colour turns yellow.
5. Again titrate against acid, until the colour turns to orange yellow. Note down the total volume (V2).

6. Repeat the titration for concordant values.

Phenolphthalein Indicator Methyl orange Indicator
Initial burette Final burette V1 Final burette V2
Reading (1) Reading (2) (2) – (1) Reading (3) (3) – (1)

V1 x N x 50 x 1000 N= Normality of standard sodium hydroxide
Phenolphthalein alkalinity as CaCO3, P =
V = Volume in mL of sample taken for test
V2 x N x 50 x 1000
Methyl orange alkalinity as CaCO3, T =
The types of alkalinities present in the samples are calculated using the equations given in the following table
and the results are obtained.
Result of OH alkalinity as CO3 alkalinity as HCO3 alkalinity as
titration CaCO3 CaCO3 CaCO3
P=0 0 0 T
P<½T 0 2P T – 2P
P=½T 0 2P 0
P>½T 2P - T 2(T–P) 0
P=T T 0 0
P = Phenolphthalein alkalinity T = Total alkalinity
Hydroxide Alkalinity = ______________mg/L of CaCO3
Carbonate Alkalinity = _____________ mg/L of CaCO3
Bicarbonate Alkalinity = _____________ mg/L of CaCO3
Total Alkalinity = ______________ mg/L of CaCO3
Alkalinity is a measure of the capacity of water to neutralize acids. The predominant chemical system present in
natural waters is one where carbonates, bicarbonates and hydroxides are present. The bicarbonate ion is usually
prevalent. However, the ratio of these ions is a function of pH, mineral composition, temperature and ionic
strength. Water may have a low alkalinity rating but a relatively high pH or vice versa, so alkalinity alone is not
of major importance as a measure of water quality. Alkalinity is not considered detrimental to humans but is
generally associated with high pH values, hardness and excess dissolved solids. High alkalinity waters may also
have a distinctly flat, unpleasant taste. Based on the testing, it is found that the alkalinity of the sample is 83
mg/L. As per the provisional code, alkalinity should not exceed 200 mg/L for potable water. For the fresh water
alkalinity ranges between 20 – 100 mg/L. Alkalinity of tested sample is within the limits specified in the
standards. Hence the water sample is fit for drinking.

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