Experiment 2 Determining The Composition of Copper Carbonate

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Experiment 2

Determining the composition of copper carbonate

Empty crucible and lid = 26.0014g ± 0.0001

Crucible, lid and copper carbonate = 32.7712 g ± 0.0001

After burning (reweigh)

Mass of crucible: 30. 9519± 0.0001
30.9431± 0.0001
30.9144± 0.0001
30.9122± 0.0001

Moles = 6.77g / (123.5549+97.561)
= 0.031 mol
a) Mass loss if pure copper carbonate = 0.031 x 123.5549
= 3.83g
b) Mass loss if pure copper carbonate = 0.031 x 97.561
= 3.02g
c) Mass loss observed = 32.7712 g ± 0.0001 - 30.9431g ± 0.0001
= 1.8292 g ± 0.0002
d) 50% copper carbonate = 3.83 /2
= 1.915g
X % = (1.8292 / 6.85) x 100
= 27.1 %
Percentage error = ((6.85 - 1.8292)/ 6.85) x 100
= 73.3 %

This experiment is to determine the composition of copper carbonate. The composition of
copper carbonate is 27.1%

The percentage error is 73.3 % which is really high. Therefore, I think it might due to the
burning of copper carbonate might not be complete as I have not arrived to a constant mass
of copper carbonate.

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