Assessment Test V Mass Transfer Operations I ChE E2S1

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IIIT RK Valley (Idupulapaya)

Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - Andhra Pradesh

Academic Year 2019 – 20: Semester I
Assessment Test-6

Chemical Engineering
- Mass Transfer Operations-I
(R16 Batch)
Year: ENGG-2 Date of Examination: 19th October, 2019
Time: 30 Minutes Max Marks: 10
Answer All Questions
Each Question Carries 1 Mark
1. Gas absorption is mass transfer operation in which _________ is _______ from a gaseous
stream by dissolution in a liquid (solvent)
a. One species, added
b. One species, removed
c. One or more species, added
d. One or more species, removed
2. Insoluble components present in the gas which not absorbed called _______
a. Carrier gas
b. Solvent
c. solute
d. scrubber
3. Sweetening of natural gas: the solvent is physically reactive to the absorbed H2S.
a. False
b. True
4. The solubility of any gas in influenced by the temperature in a manner described by
a. Raoults law
b. Henry’s law
c. Van’t Hoff’s law
d. Both (a) and (b) are correct
5. In most of cases the solubility of gas ________with _________temperature?
a. Increase, increase
b. Increase, decrease
c. Decrease, Increase
d. Decrease, decrease
6. Ideality required
a. Similar size
b. Similar structure
c. Same chemical nature
d. All above
7. In choice of solvent for absorption,
a. Low vapour pressure
b. Low volatility
c. High volatility, high vapor pressure
d. Above all
8. Flooding velocity is 5 m/s what is operating velocity?
a. 3.5 ft/s
b. 4.5 ft/s
c. 3.5 m/s
d. 4.5 m/s
9. Tower cross section is 32.4 m2 what is tower diameter
a. 6.12 m
b. 4.12 m
c. 6.42 m
d. 4.3m
10. The vapor flow rate is 326500 m3/h , hole are is 2.32 m2 find the velocity though the hole is?
a. 33.5 ft/s
b. 44.5 ft/s
c. 39.1 m/s
d. 45.5 m/s

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