Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur Institute of Business Administration

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Business Internship Report

(BBA IV 16-24)



I want to dedicate my work to my Parents, Teachers, supervisors.

I am thankful to all of them for supporting me and encouraging me to achieve my goals.


First of all, thanks to Almighty Allah who gave me courage, potential, strength and wisdom to
walk on right path,

I deeply express my profound gratitude and whole hearted thanks to my parents, family
members, teachers and my friends who encouraged me and helped me how to work and
overcome my problems, it’s all about their precious time and efforts I have reached at this level.

I am also thankful to my honourable supervisor professor madam Iram Rani who instructed me
and helped me to complete this report, without her precious time and motivation I was unable to
do so.

I also would like to thanks all staff members of PTCL, and special thanks to my honourable
supervisor MR Muhammad Usman sahib (Assistant manager) and MR Muhammad Akram
(Manager business Department) without their guidance and help I can’t do this, today what I
have don


This Business Internship Report is prepared on a partial \requirements for the award of degree
certificate of BBA, it is prepared on basis of work experience which I got during my internship
period at Pakistan telecommunication company Limited.

This report will cover all areas of the organization like their products and services, offerings and
packagers, what are the core values of the organization who are the competitors in landline or
wireless, subsidiaries of the organization, structure and SWOT analysis of the organization.

PTCL is the largest telecommunication company in Pakistan, It has no any landline competitor
this is the Pakistan’s only organization which has large network but there is some competitors
are available in the wireless products, the organization has lack of technical staff and there is gap
of gaining market share and earning profits, Research and development department can give
better results. Political intervention must be reduced.

All the data which I collected through my personal experience from the employees of the
organization, data is also collected from websites internet and previous reports.Methodof the
collecting data was both primary as well assecondary.

Serial No Page no

Internship Certificate__________________________________________________ ii
Dedication __________________________________________________________iii
Acknowledgements ___________________________________________________iv
Executive Summary ___________________________________________________v

1. Overview of the Organization_____________________________01

1.1 History _____________________________________________________ 01
1.2 vision statement______________________________________________ 03
1.3 mission statement_____________________________________________ 03
1.4 core values__________________________________________________ 03
1.5 objectives___________________________________________________ 03
1.6 products and services___________________________________________
1.7 competitors___________________________________________________

2. Organizational Structure ________________________________04

2.1 Organizational Hierarchy Chart __________________________________ 04

3. Internship Activity Plan ________________________________ 05

3.1 Introduction of Branch __________________________________________05
3.2 Starting and Ending Dates of Internship ____________________________05
3.3 Names of Departments _________________________________________05

4. Training Program ______________________________________06

4.1 The Operations/Activities Performed By the Department ___________06
4.1.1 Activities Performed In Accounts Section ___________________06
4.1.2 Activities Performed In Remittance and Bill Section __________06
4.2 Projects/tasks assigned during training program___________________06
4.2.1 Accounts Opening ______________________________________07
4.2.2 Dealing with Remittances & Bills__________________________07

5. Reflective Journal Entrie________________________________08

5.1 First Week ________________________________________________________10
5.2 Second Week ______________________________________________________ 10
5.3 Third Week ________________________________________________________11
5.4 Fourth Week _______________________________________________________12
5.5 Fifth Week _________________________________________________________12
5.6 Sixth Week ________________________________________________________ 12

6. Work Sample __________________________________________13

7. Critical Analysis _______________________________________14

8. Learning Outcomes ____________________________________ 15
8.1 SWOT Analysis_____________________________________________________16
8.2 Conclusion_________________________________________________________17
8.3 Recommendations ___________________________________________________ 18

Copy rights_________________________________________20

PTCL titled as Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation. The objective of this Initiative was
to provide greater autonomy and flexibility to the organization in achieving its long-term
objectives. During the next five years, the telecommunications sector made tremendous progress
in the provision of telecommunication services. It started manufacturing and production of
Telecommunication equipment/materials by using the latest technologies. During PTC period the
number of lines increased to 21, 26,054 in 1995, an increase of over 230 percent over 1990.

In December 1995, PTC was converted into a joint stock company under Pakistan
Telecommunication (Reorganization) Ordinance; assets of the PTC were divided among Pakistan
Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL), Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA),
National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) and Frequency Allocation Board (FAB). While
policy was reserved for the government, the regulation of the sector was entrusted to the Pakistan
Telecommunication Authority (PTA). Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) was created for the
management of the radio frequency spectrum and National Telecommunication Corporation
(NTC) was created. For government’s telecommunication services PTCL inherited about 94.8%
of PTCL’s assets; including 2.862 million Access Line Installed (ALI) and 2.228 million

subscribers (ALIS). Later, in October 1996, the parliament of Pakistan passed the Pakistan
Telecommunication (Re-organization) Act. PTCL was established in public sector as a joint
stock company in 1996 by enactment of the parliament of Pakistan. Pakistan Telecommunication
Company Limited (PTCL) was issued a license by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority
(PTA) to provide telecommunication services in Pakistan for a period of 25 years commencing
from January 1, 1996After the partition of Indo-Pak subcontinent in1947, the areas that became
part of Pakistan were mostly neglected in respect of telecommunication services. The supporting
organization and manufacturing telecommunication equipment were almost non-existent in

In 1947, the Pakistan Posts and Telegraphs Department was attached with the Ministry of
Communication. During the first fifteen years, a sound foundation was laid by creating
supporting organizations like telephone stores, workshops, training centers, productions and
repair of equipment etc. necessary for running of PP&T Department. However,
telecommunication network systems remained limited to major cities of the country. The
Government of Pakistan started five-year plans to build a proper base for systematic
development of the telecom sector.

With the expansion of the postal and telecommunication services, government decided to split
the PP&T Department into two departments i.e. Pakistan Telegraph and Telephone Department
and Pakistan Post Office Department. The process of bifurcation was completed by July
1962.Significant developments took place during the first forty years in terms of infra-structure
development and transfer of technology from manual to digital switching systems and increase in
telephone lines from 12,000 in 1947 to 922,000 in 1990, besides establishment of manufacturing
facilities of various types.

In 1990, PT & T department was transformed into a corporation andThe Emirates

Telecommunication Corporation (Etisalat) offered the

Highest bid of $ 2.6 billion for 26% shares of Pakistan Telecommunication

Company limited (PTCL) on June 19, 2005. On 13th march 2006 the government has signed an
agreement with Etisalat to handover the management of PTCL to them.

 1947 Posts & Telegraph Dept. established

 1962 Pakistan Telegraph & Telephone Department.
 1991 Pakistan Telecom Corporation ALIS: 850,000 Waiting list: 900,000 Expansion
Program of 900,000 lines initiated (500,000 lines by Private Sector Participation 400,000
lines PTC/GOP own resources).

 1995 About 5 % of PTC assets transferred to PTA, FAB & NTC.
 1996 PTCL Formed listed on all Stock Exchanges of Pakistan
 1998 Mobile & Internet subsidiaries established
 2000 Telecom Policy Finalized
 2003 Telecom Deregulation policy Announced
 2005 26% Shares bought by Etisalat UAE through open bidding

1.2 Vision Statement

Strategic vision is a roadmap of a company’s future, providing specifics about technology and
customer focus, the geographic and product markets to be pursued, the capabilities it plans to
develop, and the kind of company that management is trying to create. Strategic vision of
Pakistan Telecommunication Company is:

To be the leading Information and Communication Technology Service Provider in the region by
achieving customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholders' value.

1.3 Mission Statement

A company’s mission statement is typically focused on its present business scope-“who they are
and what they do” mission statement broadly describes an organization’s present capabilities,
customer focus, activities and business makeup.

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited’s mission statement is stated as:

1 An organizational environment that fosters professionalism, motivation and quality.

2 An environment that is cost effective and conscious.

3 Services that are based on the most optimum technology

4 “Quality” and Timeconscious customer service

5 Sustainedgrowth in earnings and profitability

1.4 Core Values of PTCL

Values are general statements, procedures or understandings that guide or channel thinking in
decision making. It provides direction for action and regularizes the decision making in certain

Pakistan Telecommunication Company limited defines its values as:

1 Professional Integrity

2 Customer Satisfaction

3 Teamwork

4 Company loyalty

1.5 Objects of PTCL

Objectives are the ends towards which activity is aimed. These are the results to be achieved.
Pakistan Telecommunication Company limited states its objectives as under

1. To provide quality services to its customers in Pakistan.

2. To provide maximum satisfaction to its customers by using the latest technology.

3. To increase the worth of owners.

4. To lead the telecommunication industry in Pakistan.

01, 2005 to April 12, 2006, the company suffered a loss of Rs.114 million on revenues of Rs.1,
142 million. PTCL management on its part has completed all formalities pertaining to
disinvestment of TIP and transfer of shares to Ministry of IT and Govt. of Pakistan.

1.6 Products and Services

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited not only Provides Conventional telephone

facilities, it also offers optical fiber services to the private sector. We will briefly discuss below
the product lines being offered by the PTCL. Basically PTCL divide their services into two parts.

1. Home Product and services

 PTCL Smart TV
 Broadband
 Vfone
 Prepared calling cards
2. Business Product and services
 Business DSL
 EVO wireless
 Universal Internet Number

1.7 Competitors
There is no any major competitor of PTCL in landline but with the growth of telecommunication
industry of Pakistan competition increasing specially in mobile phone sector, In total there are
more than 800 million subscriber of mobile phone. There are four big players in the mobile
phone industry.

 Mobilink
 Telenor
 Waridtel
 Zong



3.1 Introduction of Branch

I was selected to do my internship programming Pakistan Telecommunication company limited

Sukkur Region for six weeks it gave me a greater practical knowledge and enhancement of
information about the operation of PTCL functions.

3.2 Starting and ending dates of internship

Starting Date 10-06-2019

Ending Date 22-07-2019

Report ending and starting date

This Report is all about my internship that I have completed at Pakistan Telecommunication
company limited Sukkur Region in 10 June 2019 TO 22 July 2019. The ambition of internship
report was to Looking for a good hand on experience in the practical field with an invaluable
knowledge during my experience and to practice relevant information to mass up internship
report on PTCL.

3.3 Name of Department in which I got Training:

The duration of the internship program was six weeks. The staff of the office was much
cooperative. They imparted me training in all departments of the office, Billing complaining new
connection cut off etc.

From 10 June 2019 to 1July 2019 I worked in OSS one stop shop department I got knowledge
about marketing and daily routine works of the department etc.

From 2 July 2019 to 22July 2019 I worked at business department where I got knowledge about
business area of PTCLetc.



On the first day of my internship I reported at main exchange of PTCL Sukkur Region. Where
they thought us about different departments and they us very comprehensive and meaningful
presentation regarding PTCL overall departments and core values of the organization.

4.2 One Stop Shop Department

On very first day I went to OSS department and I met with department staff, and I introduced
myself on that day I also met with my supervisor M.Usman sahib (Assistant Manager sales), He
was very kind and hard working men.

4.3 Business Department

4th week I reported at business department of PTCL once again I met with new employees of the
organization and introduced myselfand I met with my new supervisor M Akram Memon sahib
(Manager business department),

First week

During my first week of internship program I spent to learn about organizations core values,
policies products and offerings and packages, who are the major competitors and who are
subsidiaries of the organization. There I learned about the different departments of the
organization and their tasks and activities.

Second week

Second week of my internship was very excited I were sent with sales team for os selling
products and offerings in the different areas I went on outdoor activity with sales team staff for
selling Evo and Charji products, we did these activities whole second week.

Third week

Third week my internship supervisor assigned me a task of checking bills and collecting those
bills they were remaining for payments, through this week I learned how to pay bills and how to
check bill of customers.
Fourth week

On 4th week I reported at business department there were new environment and new activities
they introduced about all the networking functions and overall system of the organization.

Fifth Week

5th week my supervisor assigned me activity for calling those customers who have payment
remaining and are those who left to continue, it was quite difficult task for me to talk those
customers for retention,

Sixth week

6th and last week first three days my task was to sit with (A.M) for listening complaining and
problems occurring with different customers , but remaining days they released me for
completing my Internship report which I have submitted at HR Department for my internship
certificate award.

10/6/2019 Introduction of the organization Indoor
11/6/2019 Intro about products services of the Indoor
12/6/2019 Core values of the organization Indoor
13/6/2019 Core values of the organization Indoor
15/6/2019 Core values of the organization Indoor
17/6/2019 Products selling and services EVO Outdoor
and landline connection
18/6/2019 Products sell and services EVO and Outdoor
landline connection
19/6/2019 Products sell and services EVO and Outdoor
landline connection
20/6/2019 Products sell and services EVO and Outdoor
landline connection
24/6/2019 Products sell and services EVO and Outdoor
landline connection
25/6/2019 Bill check and collect Indoor
26/6/2019 Billing check and collect Indoor
27/6/2019 Billingcheck and collect Indoor

1/7/19 Info networking Indoor

2/7/19 Info networking Indoor
3/7/19 Info networking Indoor
4/7/19 Info networking Indoor
5/7/19 Info networking Indoor
8/7/19 Calling customers for retention Indoor
9/7/19 Calling customers for retention Indoor
10/7/19 Calling customers for retention Indoor
11/7/19 Calling customers for retention Indoor
12/7/19 Calling customers for retention Indoor
15/7/19 Complains listening and note Indoor
16/7/19 Complains listening and note Indoor
17/7/19 Complains listening and note Indoor

18/7/19 Complains listening and note Indoor
19/7/19 Complains listening and note Indoor
22/7/19 final day Indoor

6. Gantt Chart

Weeks Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Info about
product and
Selling products


Info about


PTCL is the largest and oldest company in telecommunication industry of Pakistan. It is the
mother of all the telecommunication companies in Pakistan. PTCL is the Gateway for these
companies and for the electronic media in Pakistan. All companies whatever industry they are in
are using PTCL landline phone which is very helpful for those companies‟ correspondence with
their clients and Head Quarter and for nationwide and international usage.

In this report I have discussed earlier about the PTCL history, organization structure,
Subsidiaries & Competitors, Products & Services, and Human Resource Management. By
considering all the above we cometo know that PTCL is the biggest organization in Pakistan but
are facing a cut throat competition in the telecom industry. PTCL are using state of the art
technology but also have to use latest technology to compete in the market. PTCL has a strong
Subsidiary named Ufone which is the third largest company in the telecom industry of Pakistan.
Ufone is also known for his TVC ads,as the most promising marketing campaign. PTCL is also
relying on Corporate SocialResponsibility as discussed earlier in chapter 1. PTCL has well
established Human ResourceDepartment which plays a vital role in the development of the
PTCL. PTCL has largest training network for their employees to improve the performance of his
employees to compete in thetelecom industry and bring more innovative and creative for their
employees. In this analysis I come to know PTCL should go by side to side with lastest

After privatization PTCL improved their services very well and again in the competition with
giant in the industry. After privatization they introduce the layoff system called Voluntary
Separation Scheme (VSS), in order to reduce the number of employees due to financial crisis in
the company, and they have done well. Through VSS PTCL has reduced the surplus employees,
reduce their pay expenditure up to 40% and avail the opportunity to hire highly qualified staff.

Strength Weakness
 Oldest Telecommunication company of  Quality of Service offered to the
Pakistan founded in 1947. Customer is very poor and inefficient
 The largest landline network of specially the Internet service.
Pakistan.  Lack of technical staff in DSL technical
 Strong International Brand names. support.
 Strong financial Position  Poor Organizational Structure.
 PTCL maintain the records of  No clear strategic direction.
customers in an organize way with the  No research and development
principle of privacy. Programs.
It offers low rates for the national calls etc, as
compared to mobile networks.
Opportunities Threat
 Huge market size to Increase market  Strong competition from
share. telecommunication companies
 Development of new, innovative and  New players in the industry.
customized products (Increase in  Inconsistent and Adhoc decisions by
company product lines) company management.
 Restructuring of organizational  Cyber crimes percentage is increasing.
Hierarchy (Proper planning and  Political instability.
implementation is required, to Improve
overall services.)
 Adopt latest technologies.
 Joint ventures with other
telecommunication companies for
introducing new services.

8.1: Strength:
Strength of the organization there is no any competitor available in the market in the landline
products there is complete monopoly for the organization, PTCL is the Pakistan’s largest brand
from foundation it gives complete privacy to their customers and it is known as international
brand after alliance with UFONE now technology and business activities are become better than

8.2: Weakness:

Quality of the internet service in wireless networks is very poor than competitors, there is also
lack of technical staff and also old DSL system and there is no any organizational structure is
available, Also huge research and development department is still ineffective.


Huge market shares and more customers gap is available to gain, recruitment should be basis on
the merit base it can create profitable and competitive advantage for the Organization. Through
joint ventures more productivity and efficiency could be maintained.

8.4: Threat:

Threat of new telecommunication competitors are available in the wireless market, cyber crimes
threat is also harmful for the growth of the organization. Political instability is exist every time in
the Pakistan which can hinder performance.


 Very large hierarchical structure but less controlled

 .Poor customer relationship.
 Connection complaints were too much,
 Now a days it is earning a good share in the market and has more profits than before.
 It has monopoly in the landline networks but competition is available in the wire line
 It is using a old technology in the organizations.
 There is lack of technical staff and skilled labors
 It provides privacy and security to their customers and also cheaper offers than their
 During rainy seasons it faces a lot of problems of line laces.
 Research and Development department is very inactive there is no any new research is
conducted still now.
 After alliances with UFONE it is performing well but there is still weakness in the
wireless products.

10. Recommendation And Suggestions

 Organizational structure should be managed properly, There must be chain of command.

 Customer relationship should be maintained, organization have to work on improve
customer relationship.
 Complaints must be solved immediately.
 The company is earning, so it should now go towards fiber to home concept.
 They should enhance their promotions and create awareness among customers about their
products and offerings about wireless products.
 They should run their business regarding new trends and the needs and wants of the
 Recruitment of the technical staff on the basis of the merit should be done and employee
training programs must be started.
 Backup should be stand by,because we have seen so many breakdowns during the rainy
 Research and development department should be more active they should work in the
new trend and technological upcoming advancements.
 There were some flaws before alliance with UFONE in the organization in wireless
products but now it is also compatible and stable it is being capable of competing in the

11. References
 I collected data from various sources
Website of PTCL
 I collected data through my own work experience
 My supervisors at One Stop Shop and business department

12. Copyright@
All right reserved with the author no publication of this book in any form or in any language is
permissible except under prior arrangement with the author.


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