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Siemens Equipment Usage Guide



last updated:


Prepared by Scott Driscoll

1. Introduction and Overview

2. Overview of Hardware
3. Overview of Software
4. How to… ? Examples
1. Introduction
The Siemens equipment and software in the lab is extremely versatile and can be
used in an incredible number of automation applications beyond the needs of the IMDL.
Unfortunately, the multitude of capabilities these systems provide also requires a
substantial amount of knowledge to use them. Many of the programs and devices have
over 1000 pages of instructions manuals, and in some cases, books written about their
use. The goal of this guide is to provide an overview of all the Siemens devices in the
lab, explain how we use them, and most importantly, show the reader where to start
looking in the mountain of documentation for help.

An Introduction to Profibus:

Most of the Siemens devices talk to each other over a network called “Profibus
DP” (DP = Distributed Peripheral) specially designed for automation systems. One
purple wire with ends that look like RS232 connectors connects all devices by making a
“daisy chain” between them. Unlike TCP/IP communication, where computers only send
/ receive data when needed, components on a Profibus network are in constant cyclical
communication—i.e., they send and receive data every 2 msec, or whatever time period
is set. Even if a component has nothing to say, it will still send a 0. The network can run
at 12Mbit/s with cycle times less than 10msec, although this is highly dependent on the
The two main players in a Profibus network are Masters and Slaves. Masters are
the only ones allowed to “talk,” or initiate a transfer of data with another component. If
there is more than one Master, the Masters pass around an imaginary token to decide
which one gets to “talk” at that moment. Slaves only communicate when a Master sends
or requests data from them. There is also something called a “Master Class 2,” which is a
master whose purpose is to monitor the network and can talk acyclically (whenever it
wants) with any device. Normally, a PC is Master Class 2.
Profibus networks are highly NON-plug and play. Before communication can
begin, each master must know exactly what and where everything else is on the network.
This is called “configuring.” Using Siemens software, a “picture” of the network is
constructed and then downloaded to the Master. The “picture” includes network
specifications (e.g. speed) and GSD files from each slave. A GSD file contains
instructions on how to communicate to a particular slave (# send / receive bytes, timing
information, etc.). Once the masters have all been configured and everything is turned
on, each master checks all the slaves against its picture of the network to make sure its
database exactly matches the real-life network.

Reference documentation:
-For more information on Profibus and the full range of network possibilities, see
“Profibus manual.pdf”
2. Overview of Hardware

PLC (Programmable Logic Controller):

The PLC is basically a small computer. It has its
own power supply, processor with memory, and
several banks analog and digital inputs and
outputs. A PLC usually acts as the brains of an
automation system. In order to use it, a program
must be written using Siemen’s software and then
downloaded via Profibus or a serial-to-MPI link.

Power Supply PLC (314C-2DP) and Analog and Digital

communication ports Input and Output

Reference documentation:
-For Installation Instructions, see S7-300 Hardware and Installation.pdf
-For Specs, (what the LEDs mean, timing) see PLC CPU specifications.pdf
-For I/O port addresses, see chapter 7 of PLC CPU specifications.pdf
-An excellent place to start learning about configuration and programming, see Working
with STEP 7 V5.1 Getting Started.pdf
-For Configuring the PLC in a network, see Configuring Hardware and
Communication Connections STEP 7 V5.1
-For learning more about programming the PLC, see Programming with STEP 7
-A complete list of documentation associated with the PLC and software can be found in
-All documentation can be found at
Simovert MotorDrives and Rectifier:

The rectifier takes 3-phase power in (AC) and

converts it to DC power which gets distributed via
the white and black wires looping out of the tops.
(Note that the input power had to be routed to the
bottom of the rectifier as well as the top). The
two boxes to the right are inverters (DC-AC) that
drive the connected motors. They are also
powerful control devices that have many built in
control schemes.

3-Phase Power input. A 24V

signal is also needed to turn on Rectifier
and operate all 3 devices.

Inverters /
Power connection Encoder add-on Card (green wire Communication
to Motors (orange) to motor encoder) Board (pink wire)

To use these you must “parameterize” them either using their front panel or a program
called “Drive Monitor” via Profibus or RS232. “Parameterizing” involves changing the
values of parameters (of which there are thousands). This allows you to do everything
from setting it up for Profibus communication or directing a signal through a series of
control blocks. The front panel allows you to select a parameter and change its value.

Reference documentation:
-All necessary documentation can be found on the “General Motion Control” CD.
-We have a Compact size C converter / regenerative rectifier and 2 Compact size B
inverters. You will need this information to locate the appropriate manuals.
-Two expansion boards are installed on each inverter: a “Communication Board
Profibus 2” and a “Sensor Board Encoder / Multiturn”. There are small (5”x8”)
booklets that cover the installation and parameterization of these.
-Hardware manuals exist for each of the above components on the CD.
-The “Quick Start-up Guides” are HIGHLY recommended for hardware installation,
configuring a Profibus network (one guide walks thru almost exactly what we have), and
use of the “DriveMonitor” software.
-Almost all questions can be answered by searching in the “SIMOVERT
CP5613 PCI to Profibus Card:

This PCI card allows a PC to communicate on a Profibus network

as a Master Class 1 or Master Class 2. The CP5614 card has two
Profibus ports on it and allows both slave and master connections.
In our setup, we use the card in Master Class 2 mode to
“configure” the PLC and “parameterize” the MotorDrives. It also
allows one to watch memory and I/O on the PLC in realtime,
monitor the network performance, and control the motors on a
limited basis through “Drive Monitor” software.

This card’s capabilities are incredibly versatile. Siemens supports

users that want to write their own applications, allowing users to
create applications that communicate via Profibus without and
Siemens software. For example, one could make a program that
writes data to slaves based off of information from the internet. (Turn garage door motor
on when it reports bad weather ☺ ). Another more relevant example is to
pass data from a non-Siemens program onto the Profibus network, i.e., MatLab.

Note: in order to use this card in an operating system besides Windows, the drivers need
to be adapted using the Driver Development Kit listed below.

Reference documentation:
-For installation, specs, FAQs, see “CP5613 Installation Guide.pdf”
-For learning how to write your own user application, see “5613 Programming
-For learning how to adapt the 5613 drivers to different operating systems, see the
“Development Kit DK-5613 CD” and the file “5613 Driver Devolopment Kit.pdf”
3. Overview of Software

Simatic Manager:
PATH: Start->Programs->Simatic->Simatic Manager

The Simatic Manager is where you start to create or edit any Projects involving Profibus
or the PLC. A Project contains information about the Profibus network, hardware
configurations, and programs you write to run on the PLC (ladder logic). This is also a
launching point for other associated Siemens software such as DriveMonitor, Hardware
Configurator, and Network Configuration.

Reference documentation:
-Clicking on help while in the program, known as “online help,” is very useful
Working with STEP 7 V5.1: Getting Started, found in hard copy and also in
Start->Programs->Simatic->Documentation->English->”STEP 7 – Working with
-For Configuring the PLC in a network, see Configuring Hardware and
Communication Connections STEP 7 V5.1
-For learning more about programming the PLC, see Programming with STEP 7
-A complete list of documentation associated with the PLC and software can be found in
-All documentation can be found at
Setting the PG/PC Interface: (PG = Programming Device)
PATH: Start->Programs->Simatic->STEP 7->Setting the PG/PC Interface
ALSO: Start->Settings->Control Panel->Setting the PG/PC Interface (more options
available thru this path)

This program “connects” software to

hardware. “Access Point of the
Application” is a software program;
for instance, S7ONLINE (STEP 7).
The “ CP5613_5614(PROFIBUS)”
means “connect STEP 7 to the
CP5613.” The list below shows all the
possible hardware connections. You
would only need to change a software
application’s access point if you were
using something other than Simatic’s

Clicking Diagnostics allows shows

you a display of the all the addresses
on the network. Addresses with white
or checked squares are “alive.” This is
useful to see if you have hardware
connected correctly.
Drive Monitor:
PATH: While in Simatic Manager, open a project with the MasterDrives and right click
on one of the MasterDrives, then go to

ALSO: Start->Programs->Siemens->

DriveMonitor allows you to configure (set

parameters) on the MotorDrives
(inverters) remotely via Profibus or serial
RS232 connection directly to the drives.

This program is more convenient to use over the panel on the drive because it allows you
to see multiple parameters at once, and more importantly, their descriptions.

Reference Documentation:
-The use of this program is described in the guides listed on the MotorDrives page.
4.1 How to… Configure Profibus Network with
PLC Master and MotorDriver(s)

Overall Steps:
4.1.1 Connect Hardware
4.1.2 Setup PC to allow Simatic Software to talk on Profibus
4.1.3 Configure Network: Create a “picture” of the network using
Siemens Simatic Manager
4.1.4 Create a program to run on the PLC
4.1.5 Download everything to the PLC
4.1.6 Setup Parameters on the MotorDriver(s) using DriveMonitor


In order to create a Profibus network with the PLC acting as a Master, the PLC must be
given a “picture” of the network that includes all of the components, their individual
settings, and also properties of the network itself, such as speed. The PLC also needs to
be given a program to run. Both the “picture” of the network and the program are created
and downloaded to the PLC using Simatic Manager (also referred to as STEP 7).

It should be noted that the PC is not going act as a normal member of the Profibus
network. It will be a “Master Class 2” object which means it does not participate in the
“cyclical” data exchange, meaning it does not constantly get a and receive data. You can
think of it as an observer that can talk to anything else on the network whenever it wants.
This type of master doesn’t need to be configured and can be used to inspect a network
just by plugging it in. The PG/PC Interface described below provides a useful method for
checking hardware connections.

Useful Documentation:

The best place to start is by reading the getting started guides, specifically Profibus
Quick Startup Guide V1.0.pdf. This guide goes step by step through almost the exact
same setup. For a good introduction about programming and configuring (making a
picture of the network) the PLC, look through Working with STEP 7 V5.1.pdf. For
more information, see the documentation listed in the Software and Hardware sections

“Online Help,” or clicking the “help” buttons within Siemens programs is very useful,
4.1.1 Connect Hardware
The first step is to connect all the components on the network by “daisy chaining” them
together. Be sure to turn the terminal resistors “on” at the ends of the chain and off in the


Terminating CP5613
Resistor Profibus Line
PCI Card Terminating

In general, the LEDs mean different things for different devices. However, here are the
meanings for the LEDs on the MotorDriver Communication Card:

RED: (flashing) Card operating with voltage supply on. (Off/On) No voltage or broken.
YELLOW: (flashing) MotorDriver can talk to card. (Off/On) Broken Card
GREEN: (flashing) “Useful” data exchange via Profibus. (Off/On) Cabling problem.
4.1.2 Setup PC to allow Simatic Software to talk on Profibus
In order to let the PC talk on the Profibus network, you need to setup some software that
manages communication between Profibus and different programs on the PC. The
program for this is called PG/PC Interface, located at

Setting the PG/PC Interface.

1. Make sure CP5613_5614 has <Active>

next to it. If not, click on it.

2. Now, click Diagnostics

3. Another window will open. Make sure

everything on the Profibus network is
connected and turned on, then click Test.
Check wiring and terminal resistors if
Test is not OK. 2

4. Click Read to see where things are on

the current network.

5. Checked boxes represent

active Stations like the PC
and PLC. Blank white
boxes represent slaves.
This picture only shows the
PC (1) and the PLC (2). It
will have passive stations if
you correctly attach and
power on the MotorDrivers.
You will use the addresses
of the other objects later, so
4 remember them (no other
devices are shown here).
Click OK.
4.1.3 Configure Network:

You will use Simatic Manager to create a project that contains all the information the
PLC needs to run a Profibus network as a Master.

1. Open Simatic Manager: Start Simatic Simatic Manager
Here you could choose to upload everything stored on the PLC (programs, configuration)
to the PC by choosing PLCUpload Station. Only do this if you know what’s there,
otherwise start from scratch.

New. Type in a name in hit OK

2. Open a new project: File Menu

3. Create a station (PLC): Insert Menu SIMATIC 300 Station

4. Create the network: Insert Menu Profibus

5. Open Hardware Config: Double click SIMATIC 300, then Double click hardware
This will open the HW Config, a program that lets you specify and configure the PLC.
This is where you will do most of the configuration.

At this point you could upload the configuration currently stored in the PLC by going to
the PLC Menu Upload. Do this if you know exactly what’s on the PLC, otherwise it’s
better to start from scratch.

6. Go to ViewCatalog and make sure this is checked. You’re now ready to start
dragging in components from the Catalog on the right into your configuration.


Object. Now click SIMATIC
7. Go to Insert
300Rack 300 Rail.

8. Navigate in the Catalog on the right to 6ES7

314-6CF00-0AB0. (SIMATIC 300 CPU-
300CPU 314C-2 DP 6ES7 314-6CF00-
0AB0). Drag this to the 2nd row in Your

9. The window below will pop up. Select the

PROFIBUS(1) network. Leave the Address at 2.
You can change network parameters by clicking
Properties. The overall speed can be adjusted in the
Network Settings Tab. Click OK.
10. Your Configuration should now look like this:

11. Now you are ready to create the

MotorDrivers. At this point, the “Motion
Control” software for the Masterdrives needs to
have been installed. Every object you can place
on a Profibus network has a GSD file that tells
the master how to communicate with it. You can
think of part of the Motion Control software as
an expansion set for the Simatic software. It
adds an additional catalog of equipment to
choose from. Select DriveES from the Profile
and then navigate to Motion Control as shown
12. Drag the Motion Control object on top of the Profibus Line.

13. Set the address to something greater or equal to 3. Note, the address entered here
MUST be the same as the address the drive is set at internally. The drive’s internal
address can be set via a parameter and this will be explained later. You should use the
address that showed up in the Set PG/PC Interface. If this address is wrong, the PLC
won’t be able to communicate because it doesn’t know where the Motordriver is! Click
OK after setting the address.
14. Click OK on the next screen
that comes up without changing

15. In the next window, leave everything alone and go to the Configuration Tab. The
Response Monitoring checkbox tells the PLC to send 0’s to the MotorDriver in case the
slave (Motordriver) reports an error or there is a communication problem. This is good
because it provides a safety stop if anything goes wrong.
16. In the Configuration tab, select PPO-Typ 5, PKW+PZD-10/10 from the Default

17. Repeat the above steps to add a second MotorDriver (Motion Control in the menu).
Change the address to something that has been used, or preferable, the address shown in
the Set PG/PC Interfaces Diagnosis area. Again, the network will not work unless these
addresses are set both in this configuration and later internally in the Motordrivers.
18. You can change network settings (like speed) later by double clicking the Profibus
Line, double clicking any device on the network and then going to its Profibus Properties,
or by clicking the network configuration button. Save this configuration.


19. Now it’s time to download your configuration to the PLC. Click the download
button shown, or go to the PLC Menu Download… Click OK. Click OK again on
the next window. Click OK
for any other windows the
pop up.
20. Close the HW Config.

4.1.2 Create a Program to run on the PLC:

This section will not show how to program the PLC for any generic task; rather, it will
give a brief overview and provide step-by-step instructions for loading pre-existing
programs. As mentioned before, a great place to start learning how to program is to work
through Working with STEP 7 V5.1: Getting Started, and then proceed to
Programming with STEP 7 V5.2.pdf for more information.

Overview of project window in Simatic Manager

Take note of which sub-level is selected.

This is the main project

level. It contains the PLC
(CPU) and networks.

This level contains

everything associated with
the PLC. Double-clicking
on the Hardware item in
the right pane will open
the HW Config.

This level contains programs on the

PLC. Blocks can be thought of as
functions, and Symbols can be
thought of as variables assigned to
memory addresses or other
The Blocks folder initially only
contains a block labeled “OB1”.
This is like the “main” function in a
c program, except OB1 is executed
repeatedly and as fast as possible by
the PLC. If you write more
functions, they will be located here.

Opening and Loading an Existing Project

A project located in the “Simatic Sample Setup” folder called

Example_Config_PLC_2Mtrs contains a complete, working configuration and set of
PLC programs that allows the PLC to talk to (2) MotorDrivers. More specifically, it
allows the PLC to send values from its analog inputs to the motors via Profibus, and also
output data from the motors on its analog outputs. The address of the MotorDrivers in
this configuration MUST match the address that is actually setup on the MotorDrivers.
Instructions for doing this will be explained later. In this example configuration, the
MotorDrivers are set to Profibus address 3 and 4. For your reference, parameter P918.01
and P918.02 contain this address on the MotorDrivers.

Open and navigate to the appropriate directory.

To open the project, go to File

Download the project, including the network and hardware configuration, in addition to
the PLC programs. PLC Compile and Download Objects.

Check the boxes and then click Start. You can also download the hardware
configuration from the HW Config and the PLC programs from the Program editor.
Note that the Blocks level / folder now contains several other objects.

“OB1” is the main function that gets called repeatedly. “FC1” contains the program that
transfers data between the analog ports on the PLC to the Profibus network. “SFC14”
and “SFC15” are built-in functions used by “FC1” to talk on Profibus. Doubling-clicking
on FC1 will open the program editor. This is where you create programs in either Ladder
Logic, STL, or Function Block diagrams. All are equivalent, although Ladder Logic is
the easiest to visually trace the logic with. You can download just one program here by
clicking the download button.
One other tool you should be aware of is the Symbol Editor. This is where all the
variables you use are declared. Go to it by double clicking Symbols in the Simatic
Manager. Note that S7 Program(2) is selected.

You can watch and edit variables real-time by opening the VAT (Variable Access

Click the glasses to enable real-time monitoring and editing capability.

One final note: If you stored the data 0x1234 at MW20 (2 bytes of hex), and then
watched MB20 (a byte at address 20), it would contain 0x12, NOT 0x34 even though the
lower part of 0x1234 is 0x34 since the number is stored as a 2-byte word.
4.1.6 Parameters on the MotorDriver(s) using DriveMonitor

The final step is to setup the Motordrivers themselves. This is done using the
DriveMonitor software which enables you to change parameters using a PC instead of the
buttons on the actual devices. Note that the addresses in the Simatic project MUST
match the Profibus addresses set on the MotorDrivers to be able to communicate to them
via Profibus. The addresses in the project can be changed by going into the Hardware
Config as described in the above steps (see 4.1.2). To change the addresses set on the
actual MotorDrivers, you need to adjust parameter P918.01 and P918.02. A brief set of
button strokes to do this will follow, but if you are setting up the MotorDrivers for the
first time, you should read chapters 5 and 6 of the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
COMPENDIUM.pdf, starting at p. 77 or 5-1.

The following pictures are taken from the compendium, chapter 5 and cover the basics of
changing parameters on the devices panels.
Parameters are organized into different sets, and some may only be changed on the
device itself if the right “set”, or “menu” is selected. P60 is the parameter that selects
which “set” or “menu” you can currently edit. P60 needs to be set to 4 before you can
adjust the Profibus address.

First, make sure the display shows a parameter number by pressing P until there is a letter
followed by 3 digits. Then use the arrow keys to scroll to parameter P60. Press P to
change to the parameter value, and then use the arrow keys to change it to 4. Now press
P again to go back to the parameter number, and navigate to P918. Press P twice to go to
the index and the value, and change it to the address you have configured in your Simatic
project. If you are using the example project, this should be 3 or 4. You should now
change P60 back to what it originally was.
Now you should be able to use the DriveMonitor software to change parameters instead
of the cumbersome panel.

In Simatic Manager, right click on one of the motors, and then go to

PLC DriveParameterization.

This should open DriveMonitor,

and if your addresses are
correctly setup, your screen will
look like the picture on the
following page. If things aren’t
working, use the PC/PG Interface
program to make sure your
MotorDrivers’ addresses match
the configured ones. Note in this
picture both address 3 and 4 are
white, showing the existence of a
passive station (the
To change a parameter value, click the + box left of the index column to display all the
indexed values stored at that parameter (there are hundreds for some). Then double-click
the parameter value to bring up a list of choices.

Make the following parameter changes to enable communication of speed information on


-Select ON/OFF Command P554 = B3100 (turns motor off/on via Profibus bit)
Set Main Speed Setpoint P443 = K3002 (sets speed based off a word in Profibus)
Set Transmit Word P734.02 = K0091 (transmit actual speed via Profibus)
P734.03 = K0091
If you are using the example configuration, you should be able to send analog values to
the PLC, and have it send those values via Profibus to the MotorDrivers.

Another noteworthy feature of DriveMonitor:

You can use the DriveMonitor software to send simple speed setpoints with the following

Set ProcessData
Select Operate Menu

Now the bottom of your screen looks like this:

Type in a value in the Setpoint box and then click the Green bottom in the lower left to
activate the motor.

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