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Berkley Culp

ISM- Period 7

Naveed Saleh, “the remarkable history of Botox

Saleh, Naveed. “The Remarkable Story of Botox.” Verywell Health, Verywell Health, 30 Sept.


 Botox is produced by the bacterium clostridium botulinum.

 After injection into the muscle, botulinum toxin suffuses the nerve, this

prevents the release of acetylcholine, and neurotransmitter.

 It took 20 years for Dr. Edward Schantz to isolate the botulinum toxin into


 They tested the treatments on monkeys, and they noticed that the botulinum

was getting rid of wrinkles.

 After the researchers proved that the treatments were successful, Allergan

licensed the treatment and called it Botox.

 FDA approved Botox to be used for medical and cosmetic uses.

 Botulinum Toxins end up wearing off after about 3 months.

 Before you get injected with Botulinum Toxins you should stop using

anticoagulants for less bruising.

This source was very helpful since I learned how the Botulinum Toxins were made and
how they found out that they could get rid of wrinkles. The history about the botulinum
toxins were also in the article, this will help me with my finale project.

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