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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115 (2017) 879–885

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

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Technical Note

Permeability of dual-height micro-post wicks for heat pipes

Sora Jeon a,b, Chan Byon b,⇑
School of Mechanical Engineering, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan 38541, Republic of Korea
School of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Micro-post wick is a promising candidate for liquid-based thermal management of future electronics and
Received 29 May 2017 energy systems. In this study, the permeability of the dual-height micro-post wicks is investigated
Received in revised form 21 July 2017 numerically with taking into account the shape of meniscus. The meniscus shape of liquid in dual-
Accepted 24 July 2017
height micro-post wicks is estimated based on surface energy minimization algorithm. The estimated
Available online 1 August 2017
meniscus shape is then imported into a CFD study for predicting the permeability using the Darcy’s
law. The effects of contact angle, primary and secondary post heights, and post diameter on the perme-
ability of the dual-height heat sink are investigated in this study. The results indicate that there exists a
Micro-post wick
finite range for the secondary height of the post according to the given primary post height. This range is
Dual-height shown to be enlarged as the contact angle decreases and hardly affected by the post height. The dual-
height configuration is shown to bring about enhanced permeability compared with single height config-
uration with same mean post height, due to the increased effective liquid height. The permeability of the
dual height micro-post wick is shown to increase monotonically as either the primary height or the sec-
ondary height increases. The permeability increases as the contact angle increases and the nondimen-
sional post diameter decreases. Unlike the permeability, the dual-height configuration is shown to
reduce the capillary pressure of the micro-post wick. Based on the numerical results a correlation for pre-
dicting the dual-height micro-post wick is proposed.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction wicked heat pipe. Recently, the micro-post wick, which is fabri-
cated MEMS-based techniques, is receiving a significant interest
Heat pipes and vapor chambers are well-known passive cooling due to its many favorable characteristics. First, the permeability
devices based on phase change phenomena inside porous of the micro-post wick is shown to be much higher than the sin-
microstructures. The heat pipe can transport heat over long dis- tered metal particle wick or mesh screen wick [7]. In addition,
tances without a substantial drop in temperature [1–3]. In the heat the micro-post wick is compatible with polymer-based heat pipes
pipe, the wick plays an important role in the thermal performance that can be directly integrated into printed circuit boards [7].
of the heat pipe, because the wick provides the capillary pressure Various studies have been conducted in regard to the micro-
for recirculating the working fluid, the flow channel, as well as post wicks. Lips et al. [8] developed a two-dimensional array of
the heat conducting path [4]. In this regard, design of microstruc- cubes with a width of 400 lm and visualized the capillary flow
tures of the wick is of a substantial interest in the thermal engi- in the cube array. Nam et al. [7] fabricated Cu post arrays and
neering field. The most commonly-employed wick structures are demonstrated their performance using the capillary-rate-of-rise
sintered metal particles, mesh screens, and linear microgrooves experiment. Lefevre and Lallemand [9] developed an analytical
[5,6]. Those types of wick structure have their own pros and cons. model for the capillary performance of the post array by approxi-
The groove wick provides relatively low capillary pressure while mating it as a porous medium. While aforementioned studies have
the mesh screen wick and sintered metal particle wick have low been limited to the post arrays with homogeneous configurations,
permeability [2]. In addition, the groove wick allows the liquid Byon et al. [10] first investigated the micro-post wicks with various
flow only along a one-dimensional direction, and thus, two- heterogeneous configurations such as parallel array or hexagonal
dimensional heat spreading cannot be facilitated via groove- array, and showed that the heterogeneous configuration can bring
about significantly higher permeability whereas the degradation of
capillary pressure is relatively low. On the other hand, Ryu et al.
⇑ Corresponding author. [11] considered the micro-post wicks with dual-height posts, and
E-mail address: cbyon@unist.ac.kr (C. Byon).

0017-9310/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
880 S. Jeon, C. Byon / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115 (2017) 879–885

shows that the dual-height micro-post wicks can have significantly uid/air interface is not flat, and thus, the effective height of the liq-
higher convective heat transfer performance than conventional uid/air interface measured from the bottom is lower than the post
single-height micro-post wicks by up to 300% because of the height [2]. Consequently, the permeability value based on the flat-
stretched thin evaporation film region with low thermal resistance. meniscus assumption significantly overestimates the permeability
Ryu et al. also indicated that the dual-height configuration does not of micro-post wicks. To estimate the meniscus shape, the Surface
affect the capillary pressure [11]. However, they did not consider Evolver (SE, hereafter) is used (ver. 2.26, freeware). In SE, the shape
the effect of dual-height configuration on the permeability, which of a meniscus is iterated by calculating the virtual force on each ver-
is the most important parameter in determining the capillary tex as the negative gradient of the energy with respect to position.
pumping performance of the micro-post wicks. In order to further The iteration is continued until the vertex positions converge to the
demonstrate the performance of the dual-height micro-post wicks, values that result in the minimum total surface energy [13]. In SE
the permeability of dual-height micro-post wicks should be inves- simulation, the surrounding geometry, liquid volume, and the con-
tigated in a quantitative manner. In addition, as indicated by some tact angle are used as input parameters. Fig. 2 shows the predicted
previous studies [2,5], the curvature shape of the meniscus should shape of meniscus for a selected dual-height micro-post wick.
be taken into account in order to accurately predict the permeabil- The predicted meniscus shape is them imported into a commer-
ity of micro-post wick. cial CFD package for solving 3D Navier-Stokes’ equation based on
In the present study, the permeability of the dual-height micro- the geometry illustrated in Fig. 1. The boundary conditions are
post wicks is investigated numerically with taking into account the shown in Fig. 3. The no-slip boundary condition is applied to all
shape of meniscus, and the results are compared with those of con- post surfaces and the bottom surface, and the symmetry condition
ventional single-height wick. The meniscus shape of liquid in dual- is applied to the side surfaces of the unit cell. A pressure boundary
height micro-post wicks is estimated based on surface energy min- condition was applied at the inlet and outlet. Along the axial direc-
imization algorithm. The estimated meniscus shape is then tion, a periodic boundary condition is applied to ensure that the
imported into a CFD study for predicting the permeability using velocity profile at the inlet exactly reappears at the outlet. The
the Darcy’s law. The effects of contact angle, post height, and post deflection of the liquid meniscus from its equilibrium shape is
diameter on the permeability of the dual-height heat sink are ignored attributable to the extremely low inertia of the flow inside
investigated in this study. typical heat pipe wicks [5]. The normal velocity and the gradients
of the tangential velocity in the normal direction are therefore both
2. Numerical study set to be zero on the boundary of the unit cell including the menis-
cus surface. The steady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
The numerical model considered in the present study is were solved to predict the 3D velocity profiles and to compute
described in Fig. 1. In this study, hexagonal array [12] of micro- the average velocity across the inlet. From the predicted average
posts is considered. The effects of post height velocity, the permeability was determined using Darcy’s law as
(35 lm  H  65 lm), contact angle (0.2  cos h  0.99), and post follows:
diameter (20 lm  d  60 lm) on the permeability are investi- K dP
gated. Aforementioned nondimensional parameters (d⁄ and H⁄) um ¼  ð3Þ
l dx
are defined based on the pitch of the array as follows:
where um is the Darcy-mean velocity [14,15], K is permeability.
 d Pressure gradient, dP/dx can be approximated to Dp/L, where L is
d ¼ ð1Þ
l the length of unit cell along the flow direction. The Darcy-mean
velocity um is obtained as the volume flow rate of liquid through
H ¼ ð2Þ a unit cell divided by the nominal cross sectional area of unit cell,
l as illustrated in Fig. 4. As indicated by literatures [2,5], the perme-
where d, H, and l are post diameter, post height, and pitch of array, ability of micro-post wicks increases as the post-height increases.
respectively. In this study, the secondary posts are juxtaposed with Therefore, the permeability increases as the secondary height (H2)
respect to the primary post, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The primary post increases provided that the primary height (H1) is fixed. In this
height (=H1) is fixed at 50 lm, and secondary post height (=H2) is regard, the height of the nominal cross sectional area is set as Hm
varied from 35 lm to 65 lm, in order to investigate the effect of
dual-height configuration on the permeability. The pitch of array
is fixed at 100 lm. In the micro-post wicks, the meniscus at the liq-

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram considered in the present study. Fig. 2. Estimated meniscus shape using SE.
S. Jeon, C. Byon / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115 (2017) 879–885 881

of tens of micrometers, which are typically used for practical appli-

cations, We and Bo are much smaller than O(1).
In the meanwhile, the capillary pressure of the micro-post wick
can be simply obtained via SE simulation, based on the change in
surface energy per unit volume as the following equation:
Pcap ¼ ð6Þ

3. Results

3.1. Numerical validation

In order to validate the present numerical model, another set of

numerical simulation is independently performed based on the
conventional single height configuration and the result thereof is
Fig. 3. Numerical model and boundary conditions.
compared with previous analytic results [2]. In case of the single-
height micro-post wicks, it is known that analytic expression for
predicting the permeability can be obtained based on the 2D per-
meability model and Brinkman-extended Darcy’s equation, as fol-
lows [16]:
eff þ aHeff
expð2bÞ  1
K  ¼ K 2D 1 ð7Þ
H2 þ aH bðexpð2bÞ þ 1Þ
H2 where the nondimensional variables are defined as follows:
K K 2D H Heff  d
K ¼ 2
; K 2D ¼ 2
; H ¼ ; Heff ¼ ; d ¼ ;
l l sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi l l l
ed eH2
a¼ ; b¼ eff
4ð1  eÞ K 2D

l The effective interface height, Heff, is determined as:

Fig. 4. Cross sectional area of unit cell used for permeability definition (left:
Heff ¼ H  DH d ð9Þ
primary post, right: secondary post).
The parameters d, l and H are the diameter, pitch of array, and
the post height, respectively. The asterisked terms such as d⁄ and
(the mean value of H1 and H2), in order for a reasonable comparison H⁄ represent nondimensional parameters which are normalized
of permeabilites of single-height and dual-height micro-post wicks. by the pitch, l. For hexagonal arrays as illustrated in Fig. 1, DH⁄ is
In our numerical study, the inlet pressure was adjusted to fix the given as follows [2]:

Reynolds number at 0.1, which is a common value in heat pipe DH ¼ 0:10786  0:02261 cos h  0:20899d
wicks.  2
In the present numerical study, a grid independence test is con- þ 0:72996ðcos hÞ2 þ 0:13571d cos h þ 0:08869d
ducted to demonstrate that the numerical results are independent  2
 1:19647d cos h2  0:18281 cos hd
on the number of mesh elements. The mesh configuration is 2
refined by reducing maximum grid size at all fluid-solid surfaces þ 0:49962d ðcos hÞ2 ð10Þ
where the flow characteristics may become very important, and where h is the contact angle. Fig. 5 shows a comparative plot of the
keeping other mesh quantities such as mesh growth rate, mini- present numerical results and analytical results obtained from Eq.
mum mesh size. From trial-and-errors, it was found that the (7). As shown in this figure, the present numerical model can excel-
numerical errors are less than 0.5% when the maximum grid size lently matches the results from the Eq. (7). In Fig. 5 also indicates
is less than d/100. Therefore, this value was used for the present that the present numerical results are in a good agreement with
numerical study. It is also worth noting that the presented analysis the previous experimental results. More details on Eq. (7) is avail-
is correct when inertia and gravitational forces are negligible com- able in Ref. [2].
pared with the surface tension force. The relative importance of
such forces is commonly characterized using the Weber number
3.2. Possible range of secondary height
and the Bond number defined as follows:
In the dual-height micro-post wicks, unlike single height wicks,
Inertia force qU 2 L it is believed that there exists a finite range of secondary height for
We ¼ ¼ ð4Þ
Surface tension force r a stable meniscus formation with respect to a given primary
height, as a function of geometry and contact angle. This is because
Gravitational force qgL2 the pinning at the upper edge of the post can be detached as the
Bo ¼ ¼ ð5Þ
Surface tension force r difference of primary and secondary heights increases beyond
some specific value, as illustrated in Fig. 6. In this figure, the left
where L is the characteristic length, U is the flow velocity, q is the post for each case represents the primary post height (=H1) while
density, r is the surface tension coefficient, and g is the gravita- the right post shows the secondary post height (=H2). For a fixed
tional constant. For sintered metal wicks with particle diameters value of H1, when H2 is too small compared with H1 (left case of
882 S. Jeon, C. Byon / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115 (2017) 879–885

Analysis(Eq. 7) Simulation 0.35 d* = 0.2
0.045 d* = 0.3
cos 0.2 cos 0.2
d* = 0.4
0.040 cos 0.4 cos 0.4 d* = 0.5
cos 0.6 cos 0.6 d* = 0.6
0.035 0.25 Polynomial Fit of B
cos 0.8 cos 0.8
0.030 cos 0.99 cos 0.99

Δ Hf


0.010 0.05

0.005 0.00
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 cos
Fig. 7. Finite range for secondary height versus contact angle and post diameter.
Fig. 5. Comparative plot for numerically, analytically, and experimentally obtained
nondimensional permeability values.
Eq. (12) indicates that the secondary post height cannot be too
much increased or decreased with respect to the primary post
Fig. 6), a stable meniscus cannot be formed. In the similar manner, height, and can be widely used for designing the dual-height
when H2 is too large (right case of Fig. 6), the liquid cannot climb micro-post array.
until the top surface whereas the remaining upper portion of post
becomes inactive, which also corresponds to a thermodynamically 3.3. Permeability of dual-height micro-post wicks
unstable state.
In order to obtain an analytic expression for the possible range Fig. 8 shows the nondimensional permeability (K⁄ = K/l2) versus
of H2 with respect to H1, we performed a numerical study using the nondimensional secondary post height (H⁄2 = H2/l) for various val-
Surface Evolver. Fig. 7 shows the results. ues of nondimensional post diameter and contact angle. As shown
This figure shows the finite range for secondary height versus in this figure, there exists a finite range for H⁄2 as discussed with
contact angle and post diameter as a nondimensional form. The Fig. 6. The span of possible H2 range decreases as the contact angle
span of possible range of nondimensional secondary height, the increases, because the configuration of the liquid meniscus
DH⁄f is defined as follows: becomes less flexible as the contact angle approaches the right
angle. However, as the contact angle increases, the permeability
DH f
DHf ¼ ð11Þ also increases due to the relatively higher effective height of liquid
l meniscus. The effect of enhanced flexibility and increased possible
where l is the pitch of array which is shown in Fig. 1, and DHf is the span of H2 on the permeability is shown to be less significant com-
span of possible range of the secondary post height which is illus- pared with that of enhanced effective height of liquid meniscus. As
trated in Fig. 6. Note that the possible range of the secondary height a result, the permeability always increases as the contact angle
is also illustrated in Fig. 8. As shown in this figure, the range for the increases, regardless of the H2, suggesting that the contact angle
secondary height is primarily a function of contact angle whereas is a more important parameter than the secondary post height in
the effect of post height on the post diameter is negligible. Based regard to the permeability. In regard to the secondary post height,
on this, a best-fit polynomial correlation for is proposed in this the permeability first decreases H2 increases, and then increases as
study as follows: H2 increases beyond approximately 0.5. In this figure, 0.5 for H⁄2
represents the single-height configuration where H1 and H2 are
DHf ¼ 0:17587 cos h2 þ 0:13571 cos h þ 0:01 ð12Þ
same. Therefore, this figure indicates that the permeability of the

(a) Small H2 : X (b) Correct H2 : O (c) Large H2 : X

Fig. 6. Schematic diagram for secondary height range (left post in each case shows the primary post whose height is denoted as H1; accordingly the right post in each case is
the secondary height of height H2).
S. Jeon, C. Byon / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115 (2017) 879–885 883

micro-post wick always increases by employing the dual-height

0.021 cos = 0.2
configuration. This can be attributed to the fact that the effective
cos = 0.4
0.020 height of the liquid meniscus increases by the dual-height config-
cos = 0.6
uration provided that the Hm (the mean value of H1 and H2), and
cos = 0.8
0.019 other geometric parameters are fixed. This figure also shows that
cos = 0.99
the permeability increases as the post diameter decreases, due to
the fact that the effective channel width decreases as the post

0.017 diameter increases for the fixed value of the pitch.

Fig. 9 shows that the nondimensional permeability of dual-
0.016 height micro-post wicks versus d⁄ and H⁄2, when the contact angle
has minimum value (cos h = 0.99), which corresponds to the best
wetting condition. This figure again demonstrates that the perme-
0.014 ability has minimum value when the H⁄2 is approximately 0.5, and
can be enhanced by employing the dual-height configuration. This
figure also shows that the permeability decreases as the post diam-
0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 eter increases.
3.4. Correlation for permeability
(a) d* = 0.3
As discussed in the previous section, we note that the effective
0.015 liquid meniscus height is a key factor for understanding the perme-
cos = 0.2 ability enhancement of the dual-height micro-post wicks. Our pre-
cos = 0.4 vious study [2] also demonstrated that the permeability of the
0.014 cos = 0.6 micro-post wick is significantly dependent on the effective liquid
cos = 0.8 height. In order to obtain the expression for predicting the effective
cos = 0.99 liquid height of dual-height micro-post wicks as a function of geo-
metric parameters, we conducted an extensive SE simulation. From
the results, it has been concluded that the effective liquid height

0.012 varies almost in line with the mean post height, suggesting that
the difference between the effective liquid height and the mean
post height at the corresponding geometry remains approximately
0.011 constant.
In accordance with the results mentioned above, we obtained
cosθ Fig. 10. In this figure, the DH⁄ is the nondimensional height differ-
enc between the effective liquid height and the mean post height,
and is defined as follows:
0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65
Hm  Heff
H2* DH  ¼ ð13Þ
(b) d = 0.4 where Heff is the effective liquid height. This figure indicates that
DH⁄ non-linearly decreases with increasing the post height or
increasing the contact angle. In other words, the effective liquid
cos = 0.2 height increases with increasing the post height or increasing the
cos = 0.4
cos = 0.6
cos = 0.8
0.0085 d* = 0.2
cos = 0.99 0.024
d* = 0.3
0.022 d* = 0.4
0.020 d* = 0.5

d* = 0.6
0.0075 0.018


0.0070 0.014
cosθ 0.012

0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.006
H2* 0.004

(c) d* = 0.5 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65

Fig. 8. Nondimensional permeability of dual-height micro-post wicks for various d*
and contact angles (H*1 = 0.5).
Fig. 9. Nondimensional permeability of dual-height micro-post wicks (cos h = 0.99).
884 S. Jeon, C. Byon / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115 (2017) 879–885

0.12 3.5. Capillary pressure of dual-height micro-post wicks

cos 0.2
cos 0.4 Alongside the permeability, the capillary pressure is regarded as
cos 0.6 another important parameter for the capillary pumping ability of
cos 0.8 the micro-porous structures. As illustrated in Section 2, we esti-
0.08 cos 0.99 mated the capillary pressure of the dual-height micro-post wick
for various geometric parameters. Fig. 11 shows the results for

the capillary pressure. As shown in this figure, the capillary pres-
sure has its maximum value approximately when the secondary
post height is same with the primary post height, which means
0.04 the dual-height configuration increases the effective radius of
meniscus curvature, and thereby reduce the capillary pressure.
0.02 The capillary pressure is shown to decrease as the post height
increases, due to the narrowed channel width and reduced effec-
tive radius of meniscus curvature.
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
4. Conclusion

Fig. 10. The effective liquid height in dual-height micro-post wicks. In this study, the permeability of the dual-height micro-post
wicks is investigated numerically with taking into account the
shape of meniscus. The meniscus shape of liquid in dual-height
contact angle. From Fig. 10, the following correlation for DH⁄ is micro-post wicks is estimated based on surface energy minimiza-
developed. tion algorithm. The estimated meniscus shape is then imported
into a CFD study for predicting the permeability using the Darcy’s
DH ¼ 0:3487  3:4544 cos h þ 10:97 cos h2  13:322 cos h3 law. The effects of contact angle, post height, and post diameter on
þ 5:4912 cos h4 þ ð3:218 þ 32:736 cos h  99:065 the permeability of the dual-height micro-post wicks are investi-

gated in this study. From this study, the following conclusions have
 cos h2 þ 118:37 cos h3  48:11 cos h4 Þd þ ð8:211 been derived:
 86:467 cos h þ 267:17 cos h2  309:65 cos h3
2 (1) There exists a finite range for the secondary height of the
þ 124:52 cos h4 Þd þ ð7:0113 þ 74:033 cos h post according to the given primary post height. This range
 222:33 cos h2 þ 261:15 cos h3  104:03 cos h4 Þd ð14Þ is shown to be enlarged as the contact angle decreases and
hardly affected by the post height.
Based on the correlation for effective liquid height represented (2) The permeability of the dual-height micro-post wick is
by Eqs. (13) and (14), the following correlation for predicting the shown to increase monotonically as either the primary
permeability of the dual-height micro-post wick can be obtained. height or the secondary height increases. The permeability
2  qffiffiffiffiffiffi  3 increases as the contact angle increases and the post diame-
exp 2 Ke2D Heff  1 ter decreases.
6 7
K ¼ K1 K2 K 2D 6
41  qffiffiffiffiffiffi   qffiffiffiffiffiffi  7
5 ð15Þ (3) The dual-height configuration can bring about enhanced
e H exp 2 Ke2D Heff þ 1 permeability compared with single-height configuration
K 2D eff
with same mean post height. On the other hand, the capil-
lary pressure generally decreases by the dual-height
where e is two-dimensional porosity, and K2D is the two- configuration.
dimensional permeability of the hexagonal circle array, which are
defined as follows, respectively [2].
p d
e ¼ 1  pffiffiffi ð16Þ 60000
2 3 l d* = 0.2
d* = 0.3
h i 50000 d* = 0.4
ln ð1  eÞ0:5
 0:745 þ ð1  eÞ  0:25ð1  eÞ 2
d* = 0.5
K 2D ¼ l ð17Þ d* = 0.6
Pc (Pa)

where K1 and K2 are correction factors for considering the variation

of wetted area and the channel cross section area, respectively, and 30000
are defined as follows:
Heff þ 4ð1 d*

K1 ¼ ed
H þ 4ð1 eÞ 10000

Heff 0
K2 ¼ ð19Þ 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65
Eq. (15) is shown to excellently predict the numerical results within
the error of 5% for the entire simulated range. Fig. 11. Capillary pressure of dual-height micro-post wicks (cos h = 0.99).
S. Jeon, C. Byon / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115 (2017) 879–885 885

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