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Unit Review on Human Computer

Part 1. The Definition of a Computer
A. Go back through the material or your notes and find the definition of a computer. Write it
A computer is a device that transmits, stores, and processes digital information.

B. Research the BBC micro:bit. Breaking the definition of a computer into pieces, use your
research to explain why the micro:bit is a computer.
A micro:bit is a computer because it can receive and send messages using codes, it
can run commands and can store information.

Part 2. The Components of a Computer

A. Review your work and your notes and refresh yourself on the components of a
computer. List those components here with a brief definition.
● Motherboard-One of the most essential parts of a computer system. All components plug
into the motherboard and it is the single platform to connect all of the parts of a computer
● Video card- A printed circuit board controlling output to a display screen. It is used to
enhance the quality of images shown on a display.
● CPU- the primary component of a computer that processes instructions. It performs the
basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of a computer system.
● Power supply- the component that supplies power to a computer. It receives power from
an electrical outlet and converts the current from AC (alternating current) to DC (direct
current), which is what the computer requires. It also regulates the voltage to an
adequate amount, which allows the computer to run smoothly without overheating.
● Storage- a process through which digital data is saved within a data storage device by
means of computing technology. Storage is a mechanism that enables a computer to
retain data, either temporarily or permanently.
● Memory- a device that is used to store information for immediate use in a computer or
related computer hardware device. Computer memory is any physical device capable of
storing information temporarily, like RAM (random access memory), or permanently, like
ROM (read-only memory). Memory devices use integrated circuits and are used by
operating systems, software, and hardware.
● Case- the enclosure that contains most of the components of a personal computer.
● Peripherals- an ancillary device used to put information into and get information out of
the computer, usually excluding the display, keyboard, and mouse.
● Monitor- an output device that displays information in pictorial form. A monitor is made
up of circuitry, a screen, a power supply, buttons to adjust screen settings, and casing
that holds all of these components.

B. Research the BBC micro:bit and list out each of the different parts. Relate each part to a
component of a computer. Note that the matching does not need to be exact, for
example the micro:bit does not have a video card, you might list the LED display as a
● 25 individually-programmable LEDs - related to a monitor/display
● 2 programmable buttons - related to a keyboard or mouse
● Physical connection pins - related to CPU
● Light and temperature sensors - related to CPU
● Motion sensors (accelerometer and compass) - related to CPU
● Wireless Communication, via Radio and Bluetooth - related to motherboard
● USB interface - related to motherboard

C. What parts of the BBC micro:bit are left over?

The parts of the BBC micro:bit that are left over are the monitor, case, peripherals, and video

D. Looking at the left over parts, what other computers have parts like those?
Desktops, Gaming Desktops, Business computers, and laptops are the other computers that
have parts like these.

Part 3. Algorithms
A. Using the ​MakeCode​ editor follow a tutorial to create a program for the micro:bit. If you
would like to run your program on a micro:bit you may check one out. Copy and paste a
copy of your program here.
B. Write the definition of an algorithm.
An algorithm is a well-defined procedure that allows a computer to solve a problem.

C. Does your program above constitute an algorithm? Why or why not? Please reference
the definition of an algorithm in your answer.
My program is above is an algorithm because it tells the micro.bit what to do when something is

D. Switch the make code editor to show you Javascript code.

a. What are some of the key words (the vocabulary) of Javascript? You may need
to research this.
Some of the keywords of Javascript are break, case, catch, continue, debugger, default, delete,
do, else, finally, for, function, if, in, instanceof, new, return, switch, this, throw, try, typeof, var,
void, while, and with.

b. Does seeing the JavaScript code impact your answer to question C? Please
don't change the answer, just describe how your answer might have changed.
Seeing the Javascript code did not impact my answer to question C.

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