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How Has Technology Impacted Society

Technology plays a role in how society has developed and how we interact with each other.
Over the last few decades more and more technology has been introduced to us to make our
lives easier. Some technology that has been introduced has benefited us and some forms of
technology has not.

Your task is to write a one page (Times new Roman, 12 pt font, 1.5 Spacing) paper that talks
about how a specific piece of technology has positively and negatively impacted society.

What I did really well on… What I need to achieve How can I Improve next time…


Times new roman Font

Size 12 pt

Spacing 1.5

Cover page (Not included in

the one page maximum)

In-text citations (4 Min)

Work Cited page (not

included in the one page


- When was it introduced

- What is its purpose


- How has it helped

- What age range is it geared to

- Where can the item be used

- etc.

- Social interaction

- Investment

- etc.

The Technology that I am writing my paper on is _________________________________________

This paper is due on: Monday November 11th 2:25 pm.

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