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Electricity crisis is the main problem in Bihar. Due to lack power, industries
can not open shops there.. Bihar doesn’t have enough coal to run thermal power
plants. In India 65% of energy is generated with coal and Indian industry
consumes 70%of total coal of the country. It is high time India moves away
from coal-intensive electricity production and explores renewable energy
resources like solar energy. In recent years, renewable energy sources are
growing rapidly all over the world. Solar energy is considered to be one of the
most promising energy alternatives due to its ubiquity and sustain-ability. The
solar energy is freely and enormously available throughout the world. The best
way to use solar energy is PV system. Photovoltaic (PV) modules are most
effective, sustain-able, and eco-friendly products in the field of renewable
energy. The main burden of land mounted solar system is availability of land.
There is large water bodies available in various parts of the country which can
reduce the saving cost of land and operating cost for power generation
expenses. So the solar PV systems can become a very logical alternative for
harnessing solar energy by utilizing obtainable water bodies and help to
increase the economic viability of solar projects. Energy from photovoltaic's
though a re-newable source, maintains a low efficiency of less than 15% in its
long life use. Due to cooling effect of the water floating solar generates more
electricity than rooftop and ground mounted systems. It also decreases the
evaporation of reservoirs and algae growth by shading the water. The floating
systems are 100% recyclable, utilizing high density polyethylene which can
withstand ultraviolet rays an corrosion.
P-N junction made solar cells most commonly made with silicon. It is nothing
but bringing one n-type silicon layer direct contact with one p-type silicon layer.
This is made by basically doing process.
If a piece of N-type region placed near the P-type region then, the
recombination of electron and. holes created. And when this combination of
electron and hole pairs are done, electric filed is created. The diffusion of
electrons & holes are balance by the process called as drift that means the
electric field promotes charge flow. The depletion region contains no mobile
charge carriers.
Solar energy can be utilized for power generation in numerous ways. One of the
barriers in harnessing solar energy is large land requirement. This problem can
be addressed by using Floating Photovoltaic (FPV) system. Floating PV system
is an innovative and new approach of installing PV modules on water bodies.
By installing FPV system, evaporation of water from water bodies can be
reduced to 70% and power gain is increased by 5.93% due to back water
cooling of PV modules [2]. The first floating PV system was installed at
California, USA in 2007. However most of the plants in the world were
installed after 2014. Worldwide, installed capacity of floating solar plants has
already reached 94 MW, of which maximum are installed in Japan. Most of the
floating PV systems were installed on man-made water bodies such as a)
reservoirs; b) storage, irrigation, or retention ponds; and c) lakes, with plant size
varying from 4 kW to 20 MW [3].
In this paper, floating PV systems are described and different types of the
floating PV plant are explained. Studies conducted on floating PV systems in
various parts of the world are summarized. Some of the floating PV systems
installed in India are also reviewed. Feasibility analysis of installing 1 MW
floating PV plant at two different sites, Kota Barrage and Kishore Sagar lake in
Kota, Rajasthan is done.
The energy that could be produced by the FPV systems, amount of water saving
from evaporation, and reduction in CO2 emissions are also estimated for Kota
Barrage and Kishore Sagar lake. The benefits of floating PV system are:
a) Increase in efficiency due to cooling effect of water;
b) Evaporation is reduced due to shading of water surface;
c) Algae growth on water is reduced;
d) Since the system is installed on water, therefore the effect of dust on PV
module is less prominent;
e) Installing PV system on water will conserve land;
f) Floating solar PV can be installed in water intensive industries such as
wineries, dairy farms etc. and thus providing electric energy and reducing the
evaporation of water;
g) Floating PV requires almost no evacuation and are affordable as well as
simple to construct;
h) Floating PV installed in industries or factories can help reduce carbon
footprints; and
i) Floating PV construction does not require any foundation work and
deployment itself is quite straight
Component of floating solar Power Plant
A. Pontoon:
Pontoon is a floating device made up of Polymer and has enough buoyancy to
float on water with heavy load placed on it .The platform is design to hold
suitable number of modules in series parallel combination according to the
requirement and space avail-ability.

Fig 2.1.Pontoon
B. Floats:
Multiple plastic hollow floats with effective buoyancy to self weight ratio are
connected in series such as to formed a huge pontoon. They are basically made
of HDPE (high density poly-ethylene), known for its tensile strength,
maintenance free, UV and non-corrosive. Glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP)
can also be used for construction of floating plat-form. For fabrication of fuel
tanks,milk bottles & water bottles HDPE is used.

Fig 2.2 Floating structure

1. Main float supporting PV module
2. float
3. Connection for tab
4. Gasket to mount module
5. locking for module

C. Mooring system:
Mooring system it is a permanent structure that holds the system at a placed.
Mooring system holds the panels in same position and avoid the turning or
floating of panels due to water waves or air pressure. The biggest challenge is
that to installed mooring system in deep water. Mooring system for floating
platform can be done with nylon wire rope slings which can be tied to bollards
on bank and lashed at each corner.

Fig.2.3 Layout of plant

1. Module
2. structure
3. substation
4. Distribution line
5. Buoyancy anchor
6. Floater
7. Weight

FPV systems can be classified in two ways: a) On the basis of PV module

tracking; and b) On the basis of type of floating system used. Fig. 2 shows the
classification of floating PV systems.
A. On the basis of PV module tracking
1) Fixed type floating PV system
In this system, PV modules are fixed at a certain angle. This system has simple
design but the mooring should be constructed precisely to avoid turning away of
PV array. An advantage with fixed type floating PV system is that the weight
of the PV system is reduced, which facilitates in selecting a rather less
mechanically strong floating structure shows fixed type floating PV system .
2) Tracking type floating PV system
In this type, tracking system is installed to track azimuth and altitude of the sun.
suggested a tracking algorithm for 100 kW FPV plant and the azimuth angle
Fiber Reinforced Polymeric (FRP) plastic member as round rotary material was
found to be more durable and stable than steel and aluminium . Floating
Tracking Cooling Concentrating (FTCC) system has 60-70% more energy yield
than a fixed plant . stated that 25% gain in efficiency is obtained by using
vertical axis tracking system.
B. On the basis of floating PV system
1) Pontoon based floating PV system
A pontoon generally refers to a floating device which has buoyancy sufficient
enough to float itself as well as with a heavy load. Most of the preinstalled FPV
system are pontoon based. The function of pontoon is to ensure stability and
buoyancy of the PV system. Pontoons are normally made from Medium Density
Polyethylene (MDPE) by rotational moulding. But the shortcomings of using
pontoons are that they cause limitation on size of plant and they also cannot
withstand adverse environmental conditions.
2) Flexible floating PV system
Thin film flexible floating PV system is a concept proposed to increase the
reliability, without significantly affecting the electrical performance of the FPV
system. designed a thin film flexible FPV array and compared its performance
with ground mounted PV system. They reported an average of 5% improvement
in electrical yield due to cooling effect of water. Flexible floating PV system .
The advantages of this design are:
a)Thin film flexible floating PV can easily deform with the wave motion;
b) The solar radiation will incident on the surface at several incident angles;
c) The infrastructure required for such a system would be less; and
d) Surface tension maintains the array in close contact with the water
surface .
3.1 Comparison of fpv and spv .
A. Solar radiation at Jodhpur
Annual global horizontal radiation for Jodhpur city in India, is calculated to be
1.98 MWh/m2 from per minute NIWE data. The tilt angle is considered same as
latitude of Jodhpur city. The annual global radiation on inclined surface is
calculated to be 2.1 MWh/m2. Fig. 3 shows the monthly variation of global
horizontal radiation and global radiation on inclined surface at
Jodhpur city in India.

B. 1 MW SPV power plant at Jodhpur

1 MW SPV power plant at Jodhpur city in India will require 3,333 numbers of
300 W Voltech Solar PV modulesand 13 number of Greenpower 80 kW
inverters. Fig. 4 shows the monthly array energy generated by 1 MW SPV plant.
The highest array energy is estimated as 164 MWh for the month of May and
lowest array energy is estimated as 108.35 MWh for the month of August. Fig.
5 shows the monthly variation of performance ratio for 1 MW SPV plant. Table
I shows the monthly ambient temperature, module temperature, energy supplied
to the grid, performance ratio, and capacity utilization factor for 1 MW SPV
power plant at Jodhpur city in India.

Fig. 3.1 Monthly variation of global horizontal radiation and global radiation
on inclined surface at Jodhpur city during year 2016.
Fig. 3.2. Monthly array energy for 1 MW SPV plant at Jodhpur city in India
C. 1 MW FPV power plant at Jodhpur
1 MW FPV power plant at Jodhpur city in India will produce 1,715.567 MWh
of energy annually.Fig. 6 shows monthly ambient temperature and module
temperature for 1 MW SPV and FPV power plants at Jodhpur.
Fig. 5. Performance ratio variation for 1 MW SPV plant at Jodhpur.

It can be observed, that for FPV plant the module temperature has values close
to ambient temperature, while the SPV module temperature is comparatively
higher. Since FPV has lower module temperature than SPV, therefore energy
generation is higher for FPV plant. Table II shows the amount of water saved
due to reduction in evaporation of water, monthly module temperature, energy
supplied to the grid, performance ratio, and capacity utilization factor for 1 MW
FPV power plant at Jodhpur city in India.

D. Comparison of 1MW SPV power plant and 1MW FPV

power plant at Jodhpur

The annual increment in energy for FPV in comparison to SPV power plants is
observed to be 2.48%. This is because of reduction in module temperature of
FPV plant due to the cooling effect of water.The decrement in average module
temperature in FPV in comparison to SPV due to cooling effect of water is
calculated Mto be 14.56% annually. Fig. 7 shows the monthly performance
ratio for 1 MW SPV and 1 MW FPV power plants at Jodhpur.

3.2 Advantages of floating solar power plant

 No land required (no land cost/availability/acquisition issues/no
uprooting of trees)
 Reduction of evaporation of water and algae growth inwater bodies
 Expected increased generation because of cooling effect on PV panels
(water is at cool temperature when the atmospheric air is hot – per day
generating around 5.7 kWh / kWp)
 Reduced installation time when compared to land
 PV modules stay free from dust to large extent –resulting in low
maintenance on cleaning.

3.3 Disadvantages Of floating solar power plant

A. Shading on panels due to water?
Solar shading is the dirty phrase of the solar industry. Due to waves created in
the water, sometimes water come on the surface of the panels. so, due to this the
PV cells acts as a load and the efficiency reduces, also the power out decreases.
Because without getting the heat, electrons hole pairs cannot formed in the
Solar cells and the energy cannot be generated. So, to eliminate this effect
panels tilted by some angle so, water can easily removed. As compare to land
mounted system the energy generation decreases only 2-3% of total energy that
of in land mounted it decrease 50% of total.

B. Effect of flood in rainy season?

As we know in rainy season more water come into the reservoir with more
kinetic energy. So, due this more waves created in the reservoir and system get
displaced & some time it get damaged. Mostly system is installed in the man-
made pond. So there is no such causing. But if the system installed in river, so
we have to protect and eliminate this effect. So, to eliminate this and to save our
system mooring system must be strong enough to with stand and more weights
are connected to system.

C. How to transfer energy from panel to battery?

Cables used for this system should me robust and mechanically strong.
Characteristics like weatherproofing and temperature resistance gives a long
service life to the cables. High current capacity connectors and easy mode of
assembly are to be used for the connections of the power plant cables. With this
cables power can be transfer to the battery.
Mathmatical modeling
Photovoltaic cells are the building blocks of a PV array. These are made up of
semiconductor materials like silicon etc. The voltage generated by a single solar
cell is very low. So, a number of solar cells are connected in both series and
parallel connections to achieve the desired output. The most common model
used to calculate energy production in a photovoltaic cell is the single diode
lumped circuit model, as shown in Figure (1). Iph is the photo current, Is is the
output current, ID is the diode current, and Vis the terminal voltage.
The I-V characteristics of the ideal solar cell with a single diode are given by:

Where Io is the diode reverse bias saturation current, q is the electron charge, n
is the diode ideality factor, k is the Boltzmann’s constant, and T is the cell

Fig.1.Equivalent circuit model

The short circuit current Isc is the highest value of the current produced by the
cell. The short circuit current Isc is given by:
Isc = Is = Iph for V = 0
The Photo current Iph is given by:

The open circuit voltage Voc is the highest value of the voltage of the cell.
The open circuit voltage Voc is given by:
For I = 0
The diode saturation current at the operating temperature of the
cell is given by:

Where Io is the diode saturation current at the reference condition, Tc is the cell
working temperature, Tref is the cell temperature at the reference condition, and
Egis the energy band gap of semiconductor.
The output power is given by

The efficiency of the solar cell was calculated by following equation:

Vm maximum voltage, Im maximum current, S intensity of solar radiation, A is
the area of the cell.
The fill factor of the current – voltage characteristics of solar cells can be
calculated by using the following relation:

Voc is open circuit voltage, Isc short circuit current. The floating PV system
investigated in this paper is a new method of installation of solar PV panels
utilizing water bodies.
Use of solar energy is efficient in nature. Due to it is renewable energy
source. By using such type of energies to generate and environment can be
protected from global warming. With such technology precious land is saved.
Comparing the land mounted system floating plant has more advantages.
Efficiency also more which is main consideration of any generating station.
Maintenance also less in floating system.
As the solar panels are mounted on the water bodies the water surface are
shaded so, water evaporation also reduced to the 70%.

[1] "Intrenational Journal of software engg. and its

[2] "Floating Solar Power Plant at, Kerla",Kerla Irrigation Infrastructure
development Corporation Ltd., 20th AUG 2016.
[3] Mr.Samujjal Ganguly,"Renewable Energy and Floating Solar Plant", Solar
[4] "Electrical and electronics engg.", An International Journal (ELELIJ) Vol
4, No 3, August 2015.
[5] "A single stage grid connected inverter topology for solar PV system with
maximum power point tracking", IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics,
[6] Matthew Wells, Stony Brook, "Model of smart solar PY charge
controller",IEEE conference on System, Applications and Technology, May

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