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COST Action C26

Urban habitat constructions under catastrophic events

Extreme Wind and Snow loads for

structural design

D. Lungu
C. Arion

WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Technical University of
Civil Engineering
WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Wind action in Romania

The meteorological database comprises the maximum annual wind velocity

(at 10 m, averaged on 1 min) at more than
140 National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology locations in Romania,
at which wind speed measurements were made.

The period of records for these locations is between 20 to 60 years, up

through the 2005.
WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

The extreme value distribution used for the estimation of

the characteristic wind velocity is the Gumbel distribution for maxima.

The coefficient of variation of the maximum annual wind velocity is

in the range VU = 0.15÷0.3 with mean 0.23 and standard deviation 0.06.

Romanian Code for Wind Loads, 2004 was prepared by UTCB.

WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Romania – Meteorological database of wind record (example)

PARAMETRII DE VANT Viteza caracteristica (m/s)
NR STATIA Viteza Viteza medie
Nr.ani Coef.var. Coef.asim.
max (m/s) (m/s) T=25ani T=50ani T=100ani
1 Adamclisi 27 24 17 0.21 0.37 25 27 29
2 Adjud 27 40 22 0.21 2.58 31 34 36
3 Alexandria 27 40 26 0.29 0.81 41 45 49
4 Apa Neagra 27 17 11 0.28 0.39 18 20 21
5 Avrameni 27 40 25 0.19 1.22 35 37 40
6 Bacau 27 40 18 0.35 1.73 32 35 39

Maximum annual wind speed
Relative frequency

Cov 0.26
Mean 0.23
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Coefficient of variation
WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Romania – Maximum recorded wind velocity

WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Romania - Characteristic wind velocity averaged on 1 min

having 2% annual probability to be exceeded
WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006
WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006
WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Test site – Tg. Jiu (Romania)

The statistical indicators for the maximum annual wind velocity averaged on 1 min in Tg. Jiu are as follows:

1min mean wind velocity at 10meters above

- Maximum observed wind velocity, 35 m/s the ground in Tg. Jiu
- Mean of the annual maxima, 17 m/s
- Standard deviation, 5.1 m/s Mean recurrence Wind velocity in Gumbel
- Coefficient of variation, 0.30 interval largest extreme distribution
- Skewness coefficient, 1.65.
10 yr 28 m/s
50 yr 31m/s
100 yr 34 m/s

yr = 0.83⋅ 31 = 25.7 m/s = Vref the mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation of
maximum wind velocity in N years in Gumbel distribution

The statistic indicators for maximum annual wind velocity averaged ln N

on 10 min in Tg. Jiu are: m N = m1 + ⋅σ 1
m1 = 0.83⋅17m/s = 14.5 m/s σN = σ1
σ1 = 4.35 m/s (since V1 = 0.3).
σN σ1 V1
VN = = =
mN ln N ln N
m1 + ⋅σ 1 1+ ⋅ V1
1.282 1.282
WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Wind turbulence


Karman (1948), Panovski (1964), Davenport (1967), Harris (1968),

Flicht (1970), Kaimal (1972), Simiu (1974,1975), ESDU (1976, 1985),
Naito (1978, 1983), Kareem (1985), Solari (1987,1993).

Solari and von Karman spectral densities are compared.

WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Power spectra of the along-wind gust velocity

Solari in von Karman in
Eurocode 1 JCSS and CIB codes

nGu (n) 6.868x nGu (n) 4x

= =
σ 2u 5
(1+ 10.32x )3 σ 2u 5
(1+ 70.8 x2 )6

x=LuC n / V(z), x=Lu n / V(z)

where: where Lu is either
LuC=300(z/300)0.46+0.074lnz0 LuC=300(z/300)0.46+0.074lnz0 or
Luold_ESDU =25z0.35z0-0.063

nGu(n)/σu2 is the normalized spectrum (i.e. unit area)

n the frequency in Hz
V(z) the mean velocity at height z
WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Lu is the integral length scale (after Couniham or ESDU)

C o u n i h a m a n d E S D U i n te g r a l le n g th s c a le s

C o uniha m
Integral length scale


O ld _ E S D U



0 50 100 150 200 250 300
z [m ]
WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Solari spectrum with Couniham integral length scale (SC),

the Von Karman spectrum with Couniham integral length scale (KC),
the von Karman spectrum with old ESDU integral length scale (KE).
vref=30m/s, z0=0.05m, z=10m vref=30m/s, z0=0.05m, z=100

Normalized spectrum

Normalized spectrum
van Gelder & Lungu, 1998
0.1 0.2

0 -1 0 1 2
0 -2 0
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]
vref=30m/s, z0=0.3m, z=10m vref=30m/s, z0=0.3m, z=100
Normalized spectrum

Normalized spectrum

0 -1 0 1 2
0 -2 0
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

For every combination of input values (Vref=30m/s,

z0=0.05..0.3m, and z=10..100m), the same ordering in spectra
is found (from high to low): KE, SC, KC.
WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Comparison between various spectral densities over the whole

frequency range at z=100m, vref=30m/s and z0=0.05m.
v r e f= 3 0 m /s ; z 0 = 0 .0 5 m ; z = 1 0 0 m
0 .3

van Gelder & Lungu, 1998

0 .2 5
Normalized spectrum

0 .2

0 .1 5

0 .1

0 .0 5

0 -4 -2 0
10 10 10
F r e q u e n c y [H z ]

Solari spectrum with Couniham integral length scale (SC),

the Von Karman spectrum with Couniham integral length scale (KC),
the von Karman spectrum with old ESDU integral length scale (KE).
WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Snow action in Romania

The meteorological database comprises the maximum annual snow height

and water equivalence at more than
110 National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology locations in Romania,
at which the measurements were made.

The period of records for these locations is between 20 to 60 years, up

through the 2005.
WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

The distribution used for the estimation of

the characteristic snow load is the lognormal distribution for maxima.

The coefficient of variation of the maximum annual snow weight has the mean
value VU = 0.57 and maximum value close to 1.

Romanian Code for Snow Loads, 2005 was prepared by UTCB.

WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Maximum annual ground snow
Relative frequency

0.2 119 meteo stations

0.15 Cov 0.25
Mean 0.57
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Coefficient of variation
WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Romania - Characteristic snow load s0,k , kN/m2

WG 4 Meeting in Delft, 17-18 November 2006

Ratio of characteristic values defined by various

recurrence intervals (lognormal distribution)
Mean recurrence C
interval, MRI=N years
10 1.282
sN (C −2.054 )⋅ ln (1+V 2 )
=e 25 1.751
s0 ,k
50 2.054
100 2.326


s N /s 0,k


0.7 V=0,5

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Interval mediu de recurenta IMR , ani

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