Extraordinary Salmon: By: Avni Murarka

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Extraordinary salmon

By: Avni Murarka

Atlantic Salmon

• Salmon are awesome animals espially

adults. Adults travel lots of miles just to lay
• In this PowerPoint you will learn about the
salmon life cycle, anatomy, spieces,
predators, eggs and how we can help
• We are the biggest predator of salmon.
Now let me tell you about salmon.
Life cycle Spawning



The Great Salmon Run

• When adults are going to fertilize eggs they are

called Spawning Adults. It takes them from the end
of summer to the beginning of fall to lay eggs on
the exact gravel rock they were born on.
• They make a pit to lay 500- 1000 eggs. Only 2 or 3
come back the next year to lay the eggs. They stop
eating during this time also. Tons of salmon go to
the gravel.
• Many fail but some succeed.
going down
using a
going down
with a
in a ziplock to
human skin
without the oils
The rollercostar
with the
in a ziplock
with oil in it
Salmon eggs

• When salmon come back from the

ocean they lay eggs. They lay about
500- 1000 eggs at one time.
• Only two or three come back next
time to breed. Salmon eggs can be
eaten by eagles and other
• Most of the time spawning salmon
die after they lay eggs.
Salmon Species
• Chinook
• Masu

• Eosalmo(extinct)

• Black Sea

• Sockeye

• Atlantic

• Chum

• Coho

• Pink
• Masu
• Huchen
• Kokani
Salmon Predators

• Eagles
• Bears
• Wolfs
• Seagulls
• Orcas
• Harbor Seals
• Humans
• Sharks
What salmon eat
• Krill
• Shrimp
• Other fish
• Squids
• Eels
• Plankton
• Little invertebrates
The Issaquah
Salmon Hatchery
• The Issaquah Salmon Hatcherys goal is fertilize
the eggs without hurting the salmon. They do
this by trapping salmon in a big tank and taking
a hammer like object and banging it against
the salmon. The eggs will come out and it is
the most easiest and it does not hurt the
• They help chinook salmon and coho salmon
• When the become fry they store them in a
• The salmon hatchery is also helping trout.
Salmon Anatomy
Salmons anatomy help them swim and be awesome creatures.
How we can help
• Do less pollution, it pollutes the water
• Don’t fish endangered speiceis
• Stop or don’t do global warming
• Use less fertilizer it can get in rivers
• Global warming stops salmon by decreasing water so
Global they have limited space to swim.
• When lots and lots of salmon or swimming and the
Warming water level is low many salmon can die.

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