Jacobs Salmon

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Jacobs Salmon

• Salmon are bottom of the food chain.

• Salmon always once every 4 years go to the ocean and come back to
both lay their eggs and DIE.
What Eats Salmon?

• Bears 🐻
• Eagles 🦅
• Wolves 🐺
• Snakes 🐍
• Whales 🐋
• Sharks 🦈
Salmon Eggs
Salmon adaptations

• One physical adaptation of salmon is their mouth starts looking like

• ————>
• One behavioral adaptation like that they always face up current.
• Like dis
Salmon Life Cycle
• With blubber they are med hot to cold. With oil the are cool but also
cold and warm. They final NO blubber was just cold in the freezing
water and probably would just freeze and die.
Issaquah salmon hatchery
What Salmon Eat!
• Salmon eat eels, insects, other fish, squid, krill, and shrimp.
• Salmon migrate from their little creeks too the big ocean to eat and
live and grow up. Then they come back to their childhood creeks have
babies and die. On the way back they travel through tons of water
beds like rivers, lakes, and artificial water places. So that’s where and
how they migrate.
Human Threats To Salmon, and How They Can
• Humans are a threat to Salmon they are polluting the water, over
fishing them, and moving them. So some ways humans can help is not
fish them and just stop polluting the water. Also humans can make
like special salmon lakes or like water beds.
Salmon species
Salmon anatomy
Salmon have fins, gills, stomachs, and other body

• Our blubber experiment let us learn that blubber and skin makes your
temp go up then down and that it will keep you warmer and let you
live much longer in very cold weather.

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