Newsletter 8 November 2019 PDF

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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 2, Issue 16 8 November 2019

Useful Links Editorial

Welcome to the sixteenth issue of my Herbs
newsletter Anita’s Garden for 2019.
 Parsley (Italian and triple
Newsletter back issues curled)
I hope you have all had a good week.
Facebook  Coriander
In this week’s column, I thought I
Instagram would outline some of the plants that
you might want to put into your sum-  Chives
Twitter mer garden, to help make sure noth-
 Thyme
ing gets overlooked!
 Sage
 Rosemary
 Tomatoes
 Dill
 Capsicums
Contact me
 Oregano
 Chillies
 Feedback
 Marjoram
 Eggplants
 Newsletter input
(tips, recipes, gar-  Zucchini
den photos etc)  Marigolds
 Cucumbers
 To be added to my  Pansies
mailing list  Pumpkins
 Violas  Squash (including Kamo Kamo)
 Dahlias
 Beans (dwarf and climbing)
 Gladioli
 Okra
Inside this issue:
 Begonias (tuberous and bed-
 Melons (watermelon, rock mel-
on and honeydew)
 Sunflowers
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2  Potatoes
Anita’s Garden
 Zinnias
 Kumara
 Petunias
Top 5 gardening tasks 2  Beetroot
for the week  Wildflowers
 Carrots
 Gerberas
Making your garden a 2  Parsnips
cat haven  Geraniums
 Lettuce
 Impatiens
 Spring onions
How to grow cucumbers 3
I hope you enjoyed this week’s column.
 Strawberries
Anita Kundu
 Celeriac
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 1 6

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

More broad beans!
Planting tomatoes busy with the following tasks:
Every second day, I harvest broad
beans and this is perhaps our best Over Labour Weekend, Eleanor, a  Potting up seedlings
crop yet! Look at how many beans wwoofer from Scotland, helped me
are in just one of our harvests! plant 35 tomatoes in our garden.  Planting lettuce in contain-
These were a mix of Russian Red, ers
Beefsteak, Grosse Lisse, Roma and
Sweet 100. Unfortunately, not all  Lifting bulb baskets
survived and I found myself hav-  Digging over garden beds in
ing to put in replacements for the preparation of planting
ones that died with the wwoofer
who is currently staying with us. I  Planting gladioli
planted Red Cherry from Franchi
Seeds and Sweet Hearts, a grape  Sowing sunflowers
tomato from Egmont Seeds. Let’s
hope that the good weather contin-  Sowing radishes in buckets
ues, with some rain as forecasted,
 Planting corn (it didn’t sur-
so all our plantings get off to a
vive so I will have to replace
strong start.
More gardening activity
 Planting bok choy
Over the past week, I have been

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

1. Plant tomatoes Plant cucumbers in your garden. it doesn’t go limp in the heat.
They love to climb so try growing
Don’t worry about Labour Week- them up a trellis or an obelisk, like 5. Liquid feed your plants!
end, it’s better to wait until No- I do. For tips on growing cucum-
vember to put in your tomatoes, Continue to liquid feed your plants
bers, see page 3 of this newsletter. with a soluble plant food or sea-
when the weather’s more stable.
4. Plant more lettuce weed tonic every week, to encour-
2. Plant zucchini age flowering and fruiting. This
Put in some more lettuce plants. includes fruit trees and berries. I
Now is the perfect time to plant We can’t get enough of this staple did this last year and really no-
zucchini seedlings. salad green! As it’s getting warm- ticed a difference to the volume
3. Plant cucumbers er, it might pay to plant your let- and quality of our fruit.
tuce in partial shade if you can, so

Making your garden a cat haven

I thought I’d briefly mention three Some (but not all) cats love the
Many gardeners complain of what
plants you may want to put in smell of cat mint. Ginger isn’t too
a nuisance cats can be in the gar-
your garden for your cat. fussed by it. She prefers catnip
den. This column isn’t about how
(see below). I do have some cat-
to control cats’ activity because I
Cat grass mint in a container and it seems to
don’t have much experience in the
area. Our cat Ginger respects and Cats seek out cat grass to lie and
loves the garden. Honestly, she play in it. Sow seeds fairly thickly. Catnip
thinks it’s all for her and I think I sow ours in seed raising trays
that’s what attracted her to our and Ginger fits nicely inside. Cats go crazy over catnip. Ginger
property in the first instance. enjoys sniffing and nibbling on it
Cat mint and it makes her so happy!
V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 1 6 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N PAGE 3

How to grow cucumbers

I don’t think a summer garden planting and thereafter. Try not
would be complete without cucum- to get too much water on the
bers. There are so many different leaves, which can be susceptible to
varieties available. Crisp and powdery mildew
juicy, cucumbers make a wonder-
ful addition to salads and sand- 6. Liquid feed weekly with a
wiches. water soluble plant food
such as Thrive or a seaweed
Growing cucumbers from seed tonic like Seasol

Cucumbers are easy to grow from 7. Don’t plant your cucumbers

seed, so I normally start them this too early. I normally wait
way. However, if you’re pressed until November. By then,
for time or don’t want to start night time temperatures
them from seed, you can purchase Homegrown cucumbers have increased as it can still
plants from the garden centre. be quite cool in the evenings
Awapuni is a great place to pur- I grew it last year in 35 litre buck- in October
chase plants from, because they ets with an obelisk, with great re-
deliver direct to your door, saving sults. 8. Pick cucumbers as they be-
you valuable time. At this time of come ready to encourage
Tips for growing cucumbers further flowering and fruit-
the year, it’s best to sow seeds un-
dercover as they’re a heat-loving ing.
 Cucumbers need full sun (at
plant and if temperatures are too least six hours per day) 9. Cucumbers should keep for
low, seed won’t germinate. I rec- around two weeks. If you
ommend using a heat pad. With  Prepare the ground well have excess, you could share
one, you shouldn’t have any trou- beforehand. I like to mix in them with family, friends,
ble getting seed to germinate. I lots of compost, sheep pel- colleagues and neighbours.
like using egg cartons to raise lets and fertiliser prior to
seeds in rather than plastic pun- planting. Some ideas for
nets. Once plants develop two using cucum-
leaves, I usually pot them into in- 3. Before plant- bers
dividual pots. ing, I like to “Crisp and j ui c y ,
soak each cucumbers make a  Tzatziki
Varieties plant, wheth- wonderful addition to
er raised  Raita
As mentioned above, there are salads and sandwiches”
from seed or
many different varieties of cucum-  Club sand-
bers on the market—apple, tele- wiches with
from the gar-
graph, long green, short green and cream cheese, cucumber and
den centre, in some Seasol
Lebanese, to name a few. This dill
diluted in a bucket of water.
year, I’m excited to be growing a This minimizes transplant
range of cucumbers from Egmont  Bottled (gherkins)
shock and ensures that
Seeds—Martini, Paska, Manny, plants get off to a strong  Pickled
Iznik, Louisa, Bella and Tasty start
Green. I can report that all of  Greek salad with tomatoes,
these varieties have germinated 4. I like to add a scoop of toma- cucumber, red onion, feta
and grown really well and I just to fertilizer to each plant’s cheese and olives
have to plant them out in the gar- hole prior to planting. Did
den. Another variety I strongly you know that tomato ferti-  Sliced cucumber drizzled
recommend is Beth Alpha from lizer can be used for so with some vinegar
Franchi Seeds (distributed by Ital- much more than just toma-
ian Seeds Pronto), which I grew toes? It’s suitable for any  Raw as a snack and in lunch
successfully last season. It is a flowering and fruiting boxes (especially for mini
beautiful long, smooth green cu- plant—zucchini, cucumbers, cucumbers)
cumber with a lovely taste. If pumpkins, squash, melons
you’re short on space and growing and strawberries. Have a great weekend
cucumbers in pots, I highly recom-
mend Snacker from Egmont Seeds. 5. Water well at the time of Happy gardening!

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