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final EXAM

Exam Description

Task 1—Reading and Writing (30–35 minutes)

Activity 1 (15–17 minutes)

A. Reading (2–3 minutes)

Discourse Type: narration

B. Interpretation (3–5 minutes)

a) Ability to summarize ideas

b) Ability to understand the text
c) Ability to predict possible continuations

C. Writing (10–12 minutes)

Discourse Type: dialogue, argumentation

Skills: argumentative skills, strategies to emphasize/soften up opinions, shifts, and fillers

Activity 2 (15–27 minutes)

A. Reading (2–3 minutes)

Discourse Type: argumentation, definition

B. Interpretation (3–5) minutes

Reference and cohesive devices

C. Writing (10–12 minutes)

Discourse Type: argumentation—students continue the paragraph they read

Skills: cohesion (create lexical chains with the first paragraph), contrast information, raise hypotheses,
and give advice

Task 2—Video Analysis (20 minutes)

Activities 1 and 2
Discourse Focus: social constraints in communication
Skills: understanding implied meaning, knowledge of social constraints, narrative skills

Duration: 10 minutes
Take this time to talk to your students in English. This time should not be used for them to study or
review items. Instead, lead them to a light chat about random subjects so they can relax and exchange
ideas. If possible, you may bring some snacks for them to eat during this break.

Task 3—Debating and Listening (30–35 minutes)

Main Objective: Checks students’ skills to debate different topics and listen to information in a variety
of discourse types.

Activity 1 (10–12 minutes)

A. Debating (2–4 minutes)

Discourse Type: hypothetical discourse

Grammar Focus: use of modality to raise hypotheses and connectors to justify ideas
Lexical Focus: chunks to raise hypotheses, give opinions, show agreement and disagreement, and
connectors to justify points of view

B. Listening (6–8 minutes)

Discourse Type: narration

Letter a

Listening Skills: contrast sentences with information in the recording (True or False)

Letter b

Skills: raise hypotheses based on the context given

Activity 2 (13–15 minutes)

A. Debating (2–4 minutes)

Discourse Type: argumentation

Lexical Focus: chunks to express points of view and to show agreement and disagreement

B. Listening (7–9 minutes)

Discourse Type: argumentation

Letter a

Skills: critical judgment and contrasting strategies used to express points of view

Letter b

Skills: strategies to give opinion, ability to analyze and produce different registers

Activity 3 (10–13 minutes)

A. Debating (2–4 minutes)

Discourse Type: argumentation

Lexical Focus: strategies to compare information and draw conclusions

B. Listening (7–9 minutes)

Discourse Type: explaining procedures and advice giving

Skills: understanding advice
Lexical Focus: expressions used to contrast information and express points of view

Task 4—Web reSearch (20 minutes)

Activity 1 (8–10 minutes)

Discourse Type: description and argumentation—spoken mode
Skills: strategies to describe objects and defend points of view

Activity 2 (8–10 minutes)

Discourse Type: description and narration—written mode
Skills: strategies to describe places and people and narrate events

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