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HTRI Input Design Basis

HTRI Input Desig n Basis

Shell Gl obal Sol uti ons
HTRI Input Design Basis


Project No: 58FFEGXX

Document Title: HTRI Input Design Basis
Document No.: .
Revision: 0
Date: Feb 23, 2018
Client Name: Canada Kuwait Petrochemical Corporation
Client No:
Project Manager:
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Document history and status

Revision Date Description By Review Approved

0 02/23/18 For Review BD KS

Document No. i
HTRI Input Design Basis

1. Contents
1. Contents..................................................................................................................................................... ii
2. Objective .................................................................................................................................................... 4
3. TEMA Type ................................................................................................................................................ 5
4. Shell (TEMA) Type Selection ................................................................................................................... 6
5. Front and Rear Head Type Selection ...................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Fixed tube sheet ......................................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 U-tube bundle heat exchangers .................................................................................................................. 7
5.3 Floating-head heat Exchanger .................................................................................................................... 7
5.4 Water cooled Exchanger............................................................................................................................. 8
5.5 TEMA Type C ............................................................................................................................................. 8
5.6 Head selection table ................................................................................................................................... 8
5.7 TEMA Type S .............................................................................................................................................. 8
5.8 TEMA Type T .............................................................................................................................................. 8
5.9 TEMA Type D ............................................................................................................................................. 9
6. Tube Diameter ......................................................................................................................................... 10
6.1 Tube 19.05mm selection........................................................................................................................... 10
6.2 Tube 25.04mm selection........................................................................................................................... 10
6.3 Tube 31.75mm selection........................................................................................................................... 10
7. Tube Length ............................................................................................................................................ 12
7.1 Minimum wall thickness of tubes .............................................................................................................. 11
8. Tube Pitch ................................................................................................................................................ 13
8.1 Tube to Tubesheet Joints ......................................................................................................................... 13
9. Tube Layout Pattern ............................................................................................................................... 15
10. Shell Diameter ......................................................................................................................................... 16
11. Baffle ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
11.1 Single segmental baffle............................................................................................................................. 17
11.2 NTIW baffle ............................................................................................................................................... 17
11.3 Double segmental baffle ........................................................................................................................... 17
11.4 Doughnut baffle ......................................................................................................................................... 17
11.5 Baffle cut ................................................................................................................................................... 17
12. Baffle Spacing ......................................................................................................................................... 19
13. Velocity .................................................................................................................................................... 20
14. Impingement ............................................................................................................................................ 22
14.1 Impingement Rod ...................................................................................................................................... 22
14.2 Annular distributor ..................................................................................................................................... 23
14.3 Kettle Type reboiler inlet device ................................................................................................................ 23

Document No. ii
HTRI Input Design Basis

15. Tie rods and spacers .............................................................................................................................. 24

16. U-Tube Heat Exchanger mean radius ................................................................................................... 25
17. Support plates ......................................................................................................................................... 27
17.1 U Tube exchanger .................................................................................................................................... 27
17.2 S type ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
17.3 TEMA E shell ............................................................................................................................................ 27
17.4 TEMA type G, H, J .................................................................................................................................... 27
17.5 TEMA type T, X ......................................................................................................................................... 27
18. Bundle entrance and exit ....................................................................................................................... 28
19. Pressure drop .......................................................................................................................................... 29
20. Nozzle ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
20.1 Nozzle Pressure drop ............................................................................................................................... 30
21. Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................................................... 31
21.1 Design Margins (As per Project PDQ) ...................................................................................................... 31
21.2 Material of construction ............................................................................................................................. 31
21.3 Fouling factor ............................................................................................................................................ 31
21.4 Design Conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 31
21.5 Temperature gradient for Cooling Water Exchanger ................................................................................ 31
22. Clearances ............................................................................................................................................... 32

Document No. iii

HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

2. Objective
This document provide Shell and Tube heat exchanger design guideline for thermal design
engineers to provide input to HTRI software.

For the Project, HTRI Xchanger Suite 7.3 shall be used.

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

3. TEMA Type
Unless otherwise specified by the Shell, TEMA Class R shall be specified for all exchangers.
TEMA Class 'R' shall apply even if TEMA class 'B’ has been specified (e.g., as sometimes occurs
with process licensors).

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

4. Shell (TEMA) Type Selection

The shell type for most applications will be an E-type with segmental baffles. Other shell types
may be selected as follows:
a. Where the shell side pressure drop is a constraint, the divided flow shell Type J,
Cross-flow shell Type X or double-split flow shell Type H should be considered.
b. G shells may also be considered for slight amounts of temperature cross between the
hot and cold fluids that could not otherwise be achieved through the use of an E shell.
c. J, X, H or G type shall be used for horizontal thermosiphons. E shell type
thermosiphons may be considered when approved by the Principal.
d. K type (kettles) shall be selected for pool boiling applications where almost 100%
Vaporization (typically with 0% to 5% liquid entrainment) is required or where phase
Separation is required
e. F type may be considered where the temperature profile of the process fluids requires
two or more heat exchangers in series (temperature crossovers), or to increase the
shell side velocity, subject to the restrictions below.
For design of new facilities, multiple shell pass designs shall only be applied in services with
non-removable bundles or removable bundles that will not require frequent disassembly for
mechanical cleaning; i.e., shell side fluid has a very low, low, or medium fouling tendency
with fouling resistances ≤ 0.00034 m 2-ºK/W (0.002 hr-ft²-°F/Btu).
f. An F shell (or baffled G or H shells requiring sealing of the longitudinal baffle against the
shell) may only be selected in the following cases:
 The longitudinal baffle is continuously welded to the shell and the maximum
allowable shell side pressure drop is less than 100 kpa (15 psi);
 For removable bundles, the maximum allowable shell side pressure drop shall
not exceed 50 kpa (7.5 psi). The gap between the longitudinal baffle and the
shell shall be closed with a double-sided, multi-layered clip-on spring set
(Kempchen T4 type or Principal approved equivalent). Alternate sealing
devices, such as single-sided multiple ply flexible seals may be provided when
approved by the Principal;
 The difference between the shell side inlet and outlet temperature does not
exceed 110°C (200°F).
For the TEMA type selection, first choice will be TEMA type from reference project. In
case of better option is possible, same will be consulted with Lead engineer.

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

5. Front and Rear Head Type Selection

The use of removable tube bundles is generally preferred.

5.1 Fixed tube sheet

This heat exchanger shall be used only in services where all of the following
conditions are satisfied:
 Stresses caused by differential expansion between the tubes and the shell shall
not exceed the design stress limits for all design operating scenarios. A floating-
head type or U-tube type heat exchanger should be selected if flexibility is
required to avoid overstressing. The use of a flexible shell element is allowed
only with the approval of the Principal.
 Shell side fluid is designated as very low or low fouling tendency with a fouling
resistance ≤ 0.00026 m 2-ºK/W (0.0015 hr-ft²-°F/Btu), not requiring mechanical
cleaning or when the shell side foulant can be removed by chemical cleaning.
Shell side entry is not required for shell/nozzle inspection, maintenance, etc.;
e.g., some sour, wet H2S, or other potentially corrosive or materials degrading
fluids may require shell internal inspection techniques and/or associated internal
repairs, as equipment sizing, etc. allows.
 Rear end head Type M should be used for fixed tubesheet designs; however, for
heat exchangers with a Type A front end stationary head and an odd number of
tube passes, Type L shall be selected.

5.2 U-tube bundle heat exchangers

This may be used only in services where at least one of the following conditions are
 The tube side fluid’s fouling tendency is not high or severe, with a fouling
resistance not exceeding 0.00035 m²-°K/W (0.002 hr-ft²-°F/Btu).
 Tube side mechanical cleaning is not required or, if it is required, then
mechanical cleaning shall be possible and the tube side fouling deposit is
relatively easy to remove via high pressure water lancing. In this respect, tube
side mechanical cleaning is considered possible with a minimum nominal tube
diameter of 25.4 mm (1 in) with a centre-to-centre distance between the parallel
legs of the U-tube is at least 100 mm (4 in), or with 19.05 mm (¾ in) nominal
tube diameters with a centre-to-centre distance between the parallel legs of the
U-tube is at least 150 mm (6 in).
 tube-side fouling can be removed by chemical cleaning
 U-tube bundles should be considered, however, for all high pressure
applications typically greater than 6200 kPag (900 psig) when it is economically
attractive to do so.

5.3 Floating-head heat Exchanger

 This Exchanger shall be used in all services for which fixed tubesheet or U-tube
bundles are not allowed.

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

5.4 Water cooled Exchanger

 For water-cooled exchangers where frequent tube side cleaning is anticipated
and the tube side design pressure is less than 1035 kPag (150 psig), the front-
end stationary head shall be Type A.

5.5 TEMA Type C

 TEMA Type C designs shall be considered for tube side design pressures
greater than 10.3 MPag (1500 psig).

5.6 Head selection table

The selection of the TEMA front and rear head type shall be made on a case-by-
case basis with the use of below table as a general guide. The term "fouled" means
mechanical cleaning access is expected and has a fouling resistance exceeding
0.00035 m2 ºK/W (0.002 hr-ft²-°F/Btu), or fouling margins of ‘Medium’ and higher.
Table Front and rear head selection guidance

Shell Side Clean Fouled

Tube Side Clean Fouled Clean Fouled
B/M or B/U N/N or B/T (Note) A/T (Note)
A/T (Note) or U

NOTE: A split ring (S) type floating head may be used in lieu of a pull-through (T) type if A split ring
(S) type floating head may be used in lieu of a pull-through (T) type whenever the main
cross-flow (B-stream) flow fraction with a T type is less than 0.5, or when a B-stream flow
fraction advantage of 0.1 or greater can be achieved through use of an S type. Designer
shall start with Default T type as an input.

 Rear end head Type T shall be used for a kettle type heat exchanger with
floating heads.

5.7 TEMA Type S

A split ring (S) type floating head may be used in lieu of a pull-through (T) type
whenever the main cross-flow (B-stream) flow fraction with a T type is
less than 0.5, or when a B-stream flow fraction advantage of 0.1 or
greater can be achieved through use of an S type. Designer shall start
with Default T type as an input.

 TEMA S type floating heads should be limited to services with tube side design
pressures less than 4100 kPag (600 psig) and shell side design pressures less
than 6200 kPag (900 psig).

5.8 TEMA Type T

 TEMA T type floating heads shall be limited to a design pressure on either side
of 6200 kPag (900 psig).

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

 Rear end head Type T shall be used for a kettle type heat exchanger with
floating heads.

5.9 TEMA Type D

 TEMA Type D closures shall be considered in high pressure tube side services,
where they may be more economical than A, B, C or N types. The
Manufacturer’s/Supplier’s proposed closure shall be reviewed in detail prior to
purchase of the exchanger. See (3.9) for further information on high pressure

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

6. Tube Diameter
Acceptable tube diameters are 19.05 mm (3/4 in), 25.4 mm (1 in), 31.75 mm (1-¼ in), 38.10 mm
(1-½ in) and 50.80 mm (2 in). Minimum tube wall thicknesses shall be as per TEMA requirement.

6.1 Tube 19.05mm selection

Tubes with an outside diameter of 19.05 mm (¾ in) may be used for:
 Heat exchangers where the tube-side fluid has a very low or low fouling
tendency with a fouling resistance not greater than 0.00026 m2-°K/W (0.0015 hr-
 Heat exchangers where the tube side fluid has a medium fouling tendency with a
fouling resistance not greater than 0.00052 m2-°K/W (0.003 hr-ft²-°F/Btu)
provided that straight tubes of non-carbon or low alloy steel materials are used.
 Except for closed-loop re-circulating water, the use of 19.05 mm (¾ in) tubes in
cooling water service should be limited to straight tubes of non-carbon or low
alloy steel materials and is subject to the approval of the Principal.

6.2 Tube 25.04mm selection

Tubes with an outside diameter of 25.4 mm (1 in) or larger shall be used for:
 Heat exchangers where the tube-side fluid has a medium or higher fouling
tendency with a fouling resistance exceeding of 0.00026 m2-°K/W (0.0015 hr-ft²-
 Cooling water service, except for closed loop recirculating water and subject to
the following:
 When 25.4 mm (1 in) outside diameter U-tubes are used in cooling water
service, the minimum bend diameter is 4 times the tube outside diameter.
 Vertical thermosiphon reboilers with a medium or higher tube side tendency with
a fouling resistances greater than 0.00026 m2-ºK/W (0.0015 hr-ft²-°F/Btu).

6.3 Tube 31.75mm selection

Tubes with an outside diameter of 31.75 mm (1-¼ in), 38.10 mm (1-½ in) or 50.8 mm (2 in)
should be used for:
 Special types of shell and tube heat exchangers in Sulphur Recovery Units
(SRU) and SCOT units (such as sulphur condensers, and steam re-heaters).
The tube wall thickness may be increased for these special applications;
Heat exchangers where it would be economical to use these sizes because of process design
restraints, e.g., pressure drop limitations.

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

6.4 Minimum wall thickness of tubes

Tube material Nominal Tube
tube outside diameter gauge Tube wall thickness
(Note 4)
mm (in) mm (in)
Copper alloys 15.88 (5/8) 16 1.63 (0.064)
19.05 (3/4) 16 1.63 (0.064)
25.40 (1) 16 1.63 (0.064)
31.75 (1-1/4) 14 2.03 (0.080)
38.10 (1-1/2) 14 2.03 (0.080)
50.80 (2) 12 2.64 (0.104)
Carbon steel, low alloy 15.88 (5/8) 14 2.03 (0.080)
steels, and 19.05 (3/4) 14 2.03 (0.080)
aluminium alloys 25.40 (1) 14 2.03 (0.080)
31.75 (1-1/4) 14 2.03 (0.080)
38.10 (1-1/2) 12 2.64 (0.104)
50.80 (2) 12 2.64 (0.104)
High alloys 15.87 (5/8) 16 1.63 (0.064)
(defined in ISO 16812) 19.05 (3/4) 16 1.63 (0.064)
25.40 (1) 16 1.63 (0.064)
31.75 (1-1/4) 14 2.03 (0.080)
38.10 (1-1/2) 14 2.03 (0.080)
50.80 (2) 14 2.03 (0.080)

NOTES: 1. Values in this table are based on Standard Wire Gauge (SWG). Birmingham Wire Gauge
(BWG) may also be selected with the same gauge number. The Standard used shall be
specified on the data/requisition sheet.
2. For special materials (e.g., titanium tubes) the minimum wall thickness shall be 18 SWG.
3. For low fin tubing, the wall thickness shall be at the root diameter. Titanium low-finned tubes
shall have a minimum bare end wall thickness of 16 SWG so that the minimum thickness
under the fins is not less than 0.9 mm (0.035 in).
4. Tubes shall be supplied as minimum wall, except that high alloys (as defined in ISO 16812)
may be supplied as average wall.

Some time for high pressure exchanger (i.e. D type or C type exchanger) for which design
pressure is more than 40 barg calculated tube sheet thickness by HTRI is on lower side.

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

7. Tube Length

7.1 Straight Tube

 For straight tubes, standard tube lengths of 1.829 (6), 2.440 (8), 3.050 (10),
3.660 (12), 4.880 (16), 6.100 (20) and 7.315 (24) m (ft) should be used.

7.2 U Tube
 For U-tubes, the maximum tube length, from the tube end to the U-bend tangent
point, shall be 7315 mm (24 ft). Longer tube lengths may be considered for
special services, subject to the approval of the Principal.

7.3 Thermosiphon
 Vertical thermosiphon reboilers should be limited to a maximum nominal tube
length of 4880 mm (16 ft), unless approved by the Principal.

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

8. Tube Pitch
Minimum tube pitch shall be in accordance with following table. Strength welded tube pitch
to be considered.

Tube OD Pitch (Expanded Only) Pitch (Strength-Welded)

[NOTE] Tube
30° or 60° 45° or 90° 30° or 60° 45° or 90°
mm (in) SWG mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in)

15.9 (5/8) 16 19.8 (0.7813) 22.2 (0.875) 22.2 (0.875) 22.2 (0.875)
15.9 (5/8) 14 20.6 (0.8125) 22.2 (0.875) 22.2 (0.875) 22.2 (0.875)
19.1 (3/4) 16 23.8 (0.9375) 25.4 (1.0) 25.4 (1.0) 25.4 (1.0)
19.1 (3/4) 14 23.8 (0.9375) 25.4 (1.0) 25.4 (1.0) 25.4 (1.0)
19.1 (3/4) 12 25.4 (1.0) 25.4 (1.0) 25.4 (1.0) 25.4 (1.0)
19.1 (3/4) 10 - - 27.0 (1.0625) 27.0 (1.0625)
25.4 (1.0) 16 31.8 (1.25) 31.8 (1.25) 31.8 (1.25) 31.8 (1.25)
25.4 (1.0) 14 31.8 (1.25) 31.8 (1.25) 31.8 (1.25) 31.8 (1.25)
25.4 (1.0) 12 31.8 (1.25) 31.8 (1.25) 31.8 (1.25) 31.8 (1.25)
25.4 (1.0) 10 31.8 (1.25) 31.8 (1.25) 33.3 (1.3125) 33.3 (1.3125)
25.4 (1.0) 8 - - 33.3 (1.3125) 33.3 (1.3125)

NOTE: For tubes with an outside diameter of 31.8 mm (1-1/4 in) and larger, the minimum pitch shall be
1.25 times the tube OD.

8.1 Tube to Tubesheet Joints

 Tubes shall normally be attached to tubesheets via roller expansion with two
grooves in accordance with TEMA. Where appropriate, and if approved by the
Principal, hydraulic or explosive expanding may also be used.
 Strength-welded tube-to-tubesheet joints shall be specified on the data sheet
under the following conditions:
o design pressures on either side exceeding 10.3 MPag (1500 psig);
o design temperature on either side exceeding 343°C (650°F);
o hydrogen service with design pressure/temperature conditions exceeding
ASME B16.5 300# flange ratings
o units with a tube wall thickness greater than 10 BWG/SWG;
o very-toxic service;
o exchangers designed for cyclic service;
o coolers in closed loop system hot oil systems or other heat transfer fluid
(HTF) services with process inlet temperatures exceeding 150°C (300°F);

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

o duplex stainless steel tubes when attached to a clad tubesheet or with

any tubesheet material in set H2S or sour service (NOTE 2);
o dissimilar tubesheet and tube materials (NOTE 1); and,
o fixed tubesheet exchangers provided with bellows type expansion joints
in the shell; and
o where contamination of the lower pressure side would be detrimental to
the process or poses an unacceptable hazard to utility systems such as
steam or cooling water. A safeguarding review will normally identify such
NOTE 1: Where the tubes and tubesheet are of dissimilar metals, depending upon the
material combination, it may become necessary to clad or weld overlay the tube side face
of the tubesheet with an alloy compatible with the tubes for welding. The Principal’s
metallurgist shall be consulted on all dissimilar metal tube to tubesheet joints.
NOTE 2: Expanded tube joints of duplex stainless steel tubes into a duplex stainless
steel tubesheet may be considered in services which are not subject to stress or hardness
induced corrosion and/or cracking, when approved by the Principal. Expanded tube joints
of duplex stainless steel tubes into a carbon steel or austenitic stainless steel tubesheet is
prohibited for any service.

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

9. Tube Layout Pattern

 The tubes shall be arranged in standard triangular and square patterns with layout angles
of 30, 60, 45 or 90 degrees as defined by TEMA.
 Ninety or 45 degree layouts shall be used for removable bundles. These bundles shall
have continuous cleaning lanes with a minimum width of 6.35 mm (¼ in).
 The 90° layout is generally preferred due to its higher pressure drop to heat transfer
conversion efficiency. Forty-five degrees should be specified for low shell side Reynolds
numbers (generally less than 500) to improve the heat transfer coefficient. Forty-five
degrees may also be considered in services to reduce vibration due to fluid-elastic
instability, but shall not be used in gas service which might be subject to acoustic
 Ninety degree layouts shall not be used in cross flow (TEMA Type X) exchangers utilizing
low finned tubing.
 Thirty or 60 degree layouts shall be used for non-removable bundles and may be applied
for removable bundles in clean shell side service with a fouling resistance of 0.00018 m 2-
ºK/W (0.001 hr-ft²-°F/Btu) or less, or a low to very low fouling margin where mechanical
cleaning is not required.
 The 30° triangular layout is generally preferred due to its higher pressure drop to heat
transfer conversion efficiency. Sixty degree triangular layouts may be used to reduce
shell side pressure drop.
 In general, the arrangement of the tube passes (ribbon flow versus quadrant) shall be
chosen to maximize the number of tubes in a given shell diameter while minimizing the
number of pass partition lanes perpendicular to the baffle cut and to promote free
draining and venting of the channel. With viscous shell side fluids, the tube pass
arrangement shall be ribbon flow with a horizontal baffle cut to minimize mal-distribution.
 Where possible, the number of tubes in any pass shall not vary by greater than 10 %.
 Summary Table

Bundle Type Layout Type

Removable bundle 90° (Preferred) Gas Service. (Not for X type)

45° Low NRe, Vibration concern due to Fluid

elastic instability

Non-Removable bundle 30° (Preferred) Clean service fouling ≤ 0.00018 m 2K/W,

High allowable pressure drop

60° Clean service fouling ≤ 0.00018 m 2K/W,

Low allowable pressure drop

For the tube orientation, first choice will be from reference project. In case of better
option is possible, same will be consulted with Lead engineer.

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10. Shell Diameter

Line pipe dimensions shall be used for carbon and low alloy steel shells up to a nominal shell
diameter of DN 400 mm (NPS 16), and up to a nominal shell diameter of DN 300 mm (NPS 12)
for high alloys. For shells to be fabricated from rolled plate, the nominal diameter is the shell
inside diameter.
Above Shell diameters exceeding 1525 mm (60 in) for exchangers with removable bundles shall
be subject to the approval of the Principal.
Pipes listed as follows shall be selected for shell diameter smaller than 400 mm.

Nominal Diameter 200 250 300 350


O.D. of pipe shell 168 219 273 325 377

Thk. 6, 8 6, 8 8, 10, 12 8, 10, 12 9, 10, 12, 14

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

11. Baffle
 The permissible types of baffles are segmental, double segmental, and the
segmental type with No Tubes-in-Window (NTIW) area.

11.1 Single segmental baffle

 Baffle cuts for single segmental baffles shall normally be maintained between 15 To
35% of the shell diameter. Larger cuts are especially detrimental in single Phase
flow. A cut up to 45% of the diameter may be used for vertical cut baffles for pure
component condensing services to aid removal of condensate from the shell.

11.2 NTIW baffle

 Baffle cuts for NTIW baffles shall normally be maintained between 10 to 25% of the shell
diameter, but in no case shall the velocity head in the window area exceed 440 kg/m-s2
(5,000 lb/ft-s2).

11.3 Double segmental baffle

 Baffle cuts for double segmental baffles shall have equal nominal window flow areas and
shall be specified in terms of the number of tube rows between baffle cuts and/or percent
cut on an area basis. The minimum number of tube rows overlapped shall be in
accordance with the following:
o two (2) for bundle diameters up to and including 1000 mm (39 in);
o four (4) for bundle diameters between 1005 and 1525 mm (40 and 60 in);
o Six (6) for bundle diameters exceeding 1525 mm (60 in).

11.4 Doughnut baffle

 Floating heads in shells with removable shell covers shall be supported by a doughnut
baffle. Unless required for anchoring sealing strips, the doughnut baffle need not be
provided with TEMA Type T floating heads provided without removable shell covers.

11.5 Baffle cut

 Baffle cuts should be horizontally oriented for single-phase fluids with a shell side fluid
fouling tendency of medium or lower, with a fouling resistance not exceeding 0.00052 m²-
°K/W (0.003 hr-ft²-°F/Btu).
 Single-phase fluids which can be subject to laminar or transition to turbulent flow with
temperature ranges (inlet minus outlet operating temperatures in a single shell) greater
than 20 °C (36 °F) should have horizontal cut baffles to prevent thermal stratification.

 Baffle cut shall be vertically oriented in the following cases:

o double segmental baffle types;
o shell side fluid that normally contain or may contain suspended solids;

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o shell side crude oil and residuum streams that are or have been exposed
to temperatures above 315 °C (600 °F)
o shell side fluids with high or severe fouling tendencies, with a fouling
resistance greater than 0.00052 m²-°K/W (0.003 hr-ft²-°F/Btu);
o shell-side fluid is a condensing vapour;
o TEMA type F, G or H shells
For the baffle cut selection, first choice will be from reference project. In case of better
option is possible, same will be consulted with Lead engineer.

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12. Baffle Spacing

 The minimum number of effective shell side baffle spaces (i.e., cross-passes) shall be 5.
 The minimum central baffle spacing shall be 30% of the nominal shell diameter.
 The maximum baffle spacing for baffle types other than NTIW should be taken to be the
nominal shell diameter. Larger spaces may be considered in pure component shell side
condensing services.
 For NTIW designs, the maximum baffle spacing should be taken to be two times the
nominal shell diameter.
 The inlet/outlet baffle space adjacent to the tubesheet shall be sufficient to ensure that
there will be adequate clearance between the nozzle and any required reinforcing pad
and any adjacent girth flange or tubesheet for maintenance access. The minimum
distance between the edge of the inlet/outlet nozzle and the adjacent baffle shall be 20%
of the nominal nozzle diameter or 50 mm (2 in), whichever is less.
 When vertical double segmental baffles are used, an even number of cross passes shall
be provided and the first and last baffle shall be the one-piece central baffle type.
 When vertical double segmental baffles are used with two-pass shells, the baffles in the
first shell pass shall be the mirror image of the baffles in the second pass. The inlet and
outlet baffles shall be the one-piece central baffle type.

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13. Velocity
The minimum velocities for single phase non-erosive liquid streams, excluding water, shall be
as specified in Table below. For erosive streams, the Principal’s heat transfer specialist shall
be consulted.
Minimum Velocities

Fouling Characterization Fouling Factor Tube Side Shell Side

m2-K/W Velocity; m/s Velocity; m/s
(hr-ft²-°F/Btu) (ft/s) (ft/s)
Very Low ≤ 0.00009 1.0 (3.0) 0.3 (1.0)
Low ≤ 0.00026 1.0 (3.0) 0.3 (1.0)
Medium ≤ 0.00052 (0.003) 1.5 (5.0) 0.5 (1.6)
High ≤ 0.0012 (0.0068) 2.0 (6.5) 0.6 (2.0)
Severe > 0.0012 (0.0068) 2.2 (7.2) 0.7 (2.3)

Cooling water velocities (Tube Side)

Minimum In-tube Velocity m/sec (ft/sec)

Tube Open Closed Loop Brackish Raw Seawater

Material Recirculated Cooling Water Water Surface
Cooling Tower Water
Ferrous 1.5 (5.0) (2) 1.0 (3.3) --- --- ---
Non- 1.5 (5.0) (2) 1.0 (3.3) 1.2 (4.0) 1.5 (5.0) 1.5 (5.0)
NOTES: 1. De-ionized or boiler feed/condensate quality.

Maximum In-tube Velocity m/sec (ft/sec)

Tube Open Closed Loop Brackish Raw Seawater

Material Recirculated Cooling Water Water Surface
Cooling Tower Water
Ferrous 3.0 (10.0) 4.9 (16.0) --- --- ---
Admiralty 2.4 (8.0) --- --- --- ---
Al-Brass 2.4 (8.0) --- 2.1 (7.0) 2.1 2.1 (7.0)
Cupro- 2.4 (8.0) --- 2.1 (7.0) 2.1 2.1 (7.0)
Nickel (7.0)

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Cupro- 3.0 (10.0) --- 2.1 (7.0) 2.1 2.1 (7.0)

Nickel (7.0)
Austenitic 3.7 (12.0) 4.9 (16.0) --- --- ---
Duplex 3.7 (12.0) 4.9 (16.0) --- --- ---
Monel 3.7 (12.0) 4.9 (16.0) 4.3 (14.0) 4.3 4.3 (14.0)
Titanium 4.9 (16.0) 4.9 (16.0) 4.9 (16.0) 4.9 4.9 (16.0)

 The window/crossflow velocity ratio for single segmental baffles should be

maintained between 0.8 and 1.2, with a ratio between 0.9 and 1.1 preferred.
 For NTIW designs, the window/crossflow velocity ratio should be between 2 and 3,
with a ratio between 2 and 2.5 preferred.
 The minimum recommended design nominal crossflow and window flow velocity with
cooling water on the shell side is 0.6 m/s (2 ft/s).

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14. Impingement
 Impingement protection is normally provided by an impingement rod grid or impingement
plate attached to the bundle. Impingement rods are usually preferred over plates
because they provide a relatively uniform velocity profile at the inlet. Plates block the
flow, and produce relatively high velocity at the bundle periphery and across the first row
of tubes, which are possible areas for vibration.
 Heat exchangers with vapor or steam (superheated, saturated or wet) as heating medium
on the shell side shall always have impingement protection. Impingement rods should be
specified in lieu of a circular plate.
 Impingement plates shall be equal in diameter to the inlet nozzle bore plus 50 mm (2 in),
or 20% larger than the inside diameter of the inlet nozzle, whichever is greater.
Impingement plates shall not be used when the diameter of the plate exceeds 50% of the
inlet baffle spacing.
 The shell entrance velocity taken at the periphery of any impingement plate shall not be
greater than the velocity in the inlet nozzle.
 The use of rectangular impingement plates is discouraged in favor of circular plates.
 The clearance between the impingement plate and the adjacent row of tubes shall not be
less than 3 mm (⅛ in).
 At least two (2) tie rods/spacers shall be used to support an impingement plate. The
clearance between the impingement plate and the top row of tubes shall not be less than
3 mm (1/8 in). Where an impingement plate is specified with nozzle diameters of
DN 400 (NPS 16) or higher, three (3) tie rods/spacers shall be used for support.

14.1 Impingement Rod

Impingement rods SHALL [PS] be used in the following cases:

 when an impingement plate diameter would be equal to, or greater than, 50 % of the inlet
baffle spacing;
 with a No Tubes-in-Window (NTIW) baffle design;
 When vibration at the bundle entrance and exit area is problematic with an Impingement
 Impingement rods shall be used when the inlet baffle spacing is 10 % or more of the
effective tube length and the shell side fluid heat transfer resistance is equal to or greater
than 35 % of the total resistance.
 When impingement rods are used at least two (2) rows of rods are required, laid out on
an angle of 30 degrees, or 45 degrees conforming to below Table.
 The length and width of impingement rod array (based on the centreline of the outermost
rods) shall be at least 50 mm (2 in.) or 20 % larger than the inside diameter of the inlet
nozzle, whichever is greater.

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

Tube lay-out Rod lay-out Rod pitch,

angle angle mm (in)
(degrees) (degrees) 25 mm (1 in) 32 mm (1.25 in)
For 19 mm (¾ in) For ≥ 25 mm (1 in) tubes
Rod diameter, mm (in)
30, 60, 90 30 16 (5/8 in) 19 (3/4 in)
45 45 19 (3/4 in) 25 (1 in)

For the Impingement rod selection, first choice will be from reference project. In case
of better option is possible, same will be consulted with Lead engineer.

14.2 Annular distributor

 When the shell side nozzle’s nominal diameter exceeds 50% of the shell diameter, or
when the nozzle size is such that the unsupported span at the bundle entrance would
exceed 80% of the TEMA maximum span, a full annular distributor shall be used.

14.3 Kettle Type reboiler inlet device

 The shell side inlet nozzle for kettle reboilers shall normally be located at the bottom of
the shell and adjacent to the front tubesheet, with the following exceptions:
o For a 2-phase vapor/liquid mixture the inlet nozzle shall be located above
the boiling pool. Spider pipes or a splash plate shall be used to direct the
flow downwards to promote separation.
o For an inlet temperature which is 28°C (50°F) or more below the boiling
point, the shell side inlet nozzle shall be located on the side of the shell,
mid-way along the tube length at two-thirds of the liquid level. A means
for distribution of the highly sub-cooled feeds axially along the tube
bundle shall be provided. An internal pipe distributor or multiple inlet
nozzles may be used for this purpose.
o For waste heat exchangers in high temperature gas cooling applications
specified as kettle-type, a full-length internal distributor pipe shall not be
used. These applications require that the feedwater inlet is preferentially
located adjacent to the hot tubesheet to ensure that a dedicated quantity
of fresh feed water is provided to prevent film boiling and dry-out in the
hottest section of the bundle. This may be accomplished with a dedicated
inlet nozzle or partial-length internal distributor to serve this location, with
consideration to provide additional feedwater inlet nozzle(s) along the
remaining length of the tube bundle. The Principal shall approve the
proposed details of the Manufacturer’s/Supplier’s design

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

15. Tie rods and spacers

Tie rods and spacers shall be in accordance with Table below. The tie rods and spacers shall
be evenly distributed around the circumference of the baffles. Additional tie rods may be
required near the center of the bundle. Spacers shall not be used if there is a hazardous fluid
(H2, H2S, HCN, etc.) on the shell side.

Nominal shell diameter Tube OD of 19.05 mm Tube OD of 25.4 mm

(3/4 in) and less (1 in) and larger Minimum
Solid Rod Solid Rod Spacer Pipe number of
minimum minimum OD (sch 80) tie rods
Pipe OD
diameter diameter (3)
(sch 80)
mm (in) m in DN NPS mm in DN NPS
132 - 393 (6-15) 12 1/2 10 3/8 12 1/2 10 3/8 4
394 - 698 (16-27) 15 5/8 10 3/8 15 5/8 10 3/8 6
699 - 850 (28-33) 15 5/8 10 3/8 19 3/4 15 1/2 6
851 - 1231 (34-48) 15 5/8 10 3/8 19 3/4 15 1/2 8
1232 - 1537 (49-60) 19 3/4 15 1/2 22 7/8 20 3/4 10
1538 - 2540 (61-100) 19 3/4 15 1/2 22 7/8 20 3/4 12

NOTES: 1. The baffles shall be supported by solid rods welded to the baffles or by spacer pipes, keeping
the baffles at distance, with supporting rods inside.
2. The screw thread connection of the tie rod in the tubesheet shall have a diameter that is equal
to, or slightly smaller than, the diameter of the tie rod.
3. When solid rods are used without spacer pipes, the rod diameter shall be as indicated in the
table. When spacer pipes are used, the supporting rod diameter shall be in accordance with
TEMA Table R-4.71.

For the Tie rod selection, first choice will be from reference project. In case of better
option/conflict, same will be consulted with Lead engineer.

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

16. U-Tube Heat Exchanger mean radius

 The mean radius of U-bends shall not be less than one and one-half times the nominal
outside diameter of the tube (i.e., 1.5 * tube O.D.) unless otherwise noted (HTRI pass
partition width as mentioned below will be used. When mechanical cleaning (high
pressure water lancing) of U-bends are required, the mean radius of U-bends shall
comply with
1. 75 mm (3 in) for tubes of an outside diameter less than 25.4 mm (1 in).
2. Two times the nominal outside diameter of the tube for tube diameters
greater than or equal to 25.4 mm (1 in).
 Where titanium U-tubes are specified, regardless of the need for mechanical cleaning,
the minimum bend radius shall be two times the nominal outside tube diameter for tube
diameters less 25.4 mm (1 in), and 3.3 times the nominal tube diameter for tube
diameters greater than or equal to 25.4 mm (1 in).
 Where standard duplex stainless steel (e.g., S31803 or S32205) U-tubes are specified,
regardless of the need for mechanical cleaning, the minimum bend radius shall not be
less than 3.3 times the nominal outside diameter of the tube. For benign services (e.g.,
non sour or wet H2S), consideration may be given to using a minimum bend radius of two
times the nominal tube diameter when approved by the Principal.
 Where super duplex stainless steel (e.g., S32750) is used, U-tubes may be provided with
a minimum bend radius of two times the nominal outside diameter of the tube regardless
of service.
 In HTRI U bend radius can be specified as pass partition width which is distance between
the outside surfaces of tuberows on either side of the partition (center-to-center distance
minus one tube OD)
 Summary Table prepared based on above clauses

Tube Cleaning Tube OD HTRI

Requirement (D) mm Pass

For Carbon steel

Not required 19.0 38

Not required 25.0 50

Required 19.0 131

Required 25.0 75

Duplex SS

Not applicable 19.0 106.4

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

Not applicable 25.0 140

Super Duplex SS

19.0 57

25.0 75

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

17. Support plates

17.1 U Tube exchanger

 For large diameter shells, which would require the installation of two or more U-bend
intermediate support plates to maintain TEMA-specific unsupported lengths, or when a
tube vibration analysis indicates a likelihood of damage in the U-bend area, the nozzle
shall be located in front of the U-bend and a full diameter support shall be provided at the
 The baffle located adjacent to the U-bend shall be located a distance of approximately
two tube diameters in front of the U-bend tangent point.
 When the baffle located at the U-bend is a flowing baffle, the baffle cut shall be on the
opposite side of the shell from the nozzle located either over or beyond the U-bends.
 Consider full support at U-bend then nozzle at U-tube side should be before U-bend.

17.2 S type
 Distance between support and head for S type as follows:
300 mm for shells of ID > 500 mm

200 mm for shells of ID <= 500 mm

375 mm for shells of ID > 1000 mm

17.3 TEMA E shell

 For NTIW designs or sensible vapor cooling services in TEMA E shells, the nozzle at the
rear of the shell shall be located in front of the U-bend and a full diameter support shall
be provided at the bend.

17.4 TEMA type G, H, J

 A full support baffle shall be provided at the shell inlet/exit nozzles for TEMA shell types
G and H and at the central nozzle for TEMA shell type J. The baffle shall be located at
the centerline of the nozzle.
 TEMA Type G, H, X and J shells in U-tube exchangers shall be provided with a full
support baffle at the U-bend.

17.5 TEMA type T, X

 A full support shall be provided at the centerline of each shell side nozzle in TEMA Type
X shell

 Steam service Partial support baffles shall be specified under the inlet nozzle for all
steam heated services where the steam inlet pressure is throttled for control of the
process side temperature.

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

18. Bundle entrance and exit

When impingement protection is not required and vertically cut segmental baffles are used,
sufficient tubes shall be removed to maintain the velocity in the flow area entering and leaving the
tube bundle to be equal to or less than the velocity in the corresponding nozzle.
When an impingement device is utilized, the shell and bundle entrance areas shall not be less
than the flow area in the inlet nozzle. It is generally preferred that the shell and bundle entrance
areas be equal to or greater than the nozzle area but this is not required in the absence of
impingement devices, except For TEMA Type G and H shells.

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

19. Pressure drop

A pressure drop margin should be provided in the hydraulic design of the overall system using the
multipliers as below.

Pressure drop multiplication factors

Fouling Characterization Fouling Factor Pressure Drop

m2-K/W (hr-ft²-°F/Btu) Multiplier
Very Low  0.00009 (0.0005) 1.1
Low  0.00026 (0.0015) 1.1
Medium  0.00052 (0.003) 1.2
High  0.0012 (0.0068) 1.3
Severe > 0.0012 (0.0068) 1.4

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20. Nozzle
 The shell & tube side nozzle schedule should be chosen based on the connected piping
schedule (i.e. from piping material specification).

20.1 Nozzle Pressure drop

 When an axial tube side inlet nozzle is used in a single tube-pass exchanger, the
pressure drop in the inlet nozzle shall not be greater than 15% of the pressure drop in the
tubes, otherwise the inlet head shall be configured as a conical transition with an included
angle not exceeding 30 degrees.
 The pressure drop in the heat exchanger nozzles should be less than 10-15 % of the
allowable pressure drop.
 Select nozzle location such that 1st tube pass is in counter current with respect to shell
side pass.

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HTRI Input Basis for Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

21. Miscellaneous

21.1 Design Margins (As per Project PDQ)

 10% margin on flow/duty

21.2 Material of construction

Material of construction for as per Process Datasheets / Reference project HTRI output.

21.3 Fouling factor

Fouling factor as per input received.

Service Fouling Factor (°C.m2/W)

Glycol/Water mixture 0.000176

Steam 0.00009

DM water/Steam Condensate 0.00018

For process side fouling factor, reference project values will be used.

21.4 Fluid Properties

Properties generated from HTRI will be used for tow phase flow and no heat curves will be
generated. Peng-Robinson/VMG thermos property model will be used

21.5 Design Conditions

Design pressure & temperature for shell side & tube side of the exchanger shall be taken from
process datasheet/P&ID’s.

21.6 Temperature gradient for Cooling Water Exchanger

Temperature gradient for Cooling Water Exchanger should be such that to avoid multiple shells in

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22. Clearances

Following are the various values for clearances to be used during thermal design of exchangers:
 Tube holes for all baffles shall be specified as 0.4 mm (1/64 in) over the tube outside
 Tube-to-shell clearance shall be at least 50 mm (2 in) at any place in the bundle in case of
Kettle type reboiler.
 For Floating head exchanger Bundle to Shell Clearance =(t1+t2+t3+t4+t5)
t1 = Gap between gasket & Shell ID which should be min. 6 mm for shell ID <500 mm,
min. 10 mm for shell ID in between 500 & 1000 mm,
min. 12 mm for shell ID more than 1000 mm,
t2 = Gap between outer tube & inner face of gasket which should be minimum 3 mm.
t3 = Gasket Width, which is min 20 mm.
t4 = If gasket is spiral wound then additional thickness required , which is minimum 6 mm.
t5 = Outer ring spiral wound, which is minimum 8 mm. Once we get bundle to shell
clearance, we should enter this in HTRI as a clearance

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