Pthreads Programming - Synchronizing Pthreads

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Chapter 3 - Synchronizing Pthreads

Pthreads Programming

Bradford Nichols, Dick Buttlar and Jacqueline Proulx Farrell

Copyright ╘ 1996 O'Reilly & Associates,


Thread Pools
We designed our ATM server according to the boss/worker model for multithreaded
programs. The boss creates worker threads on demand. When it receives a request, the
boss creates a new worker thread to service that request and that request alone. When the
worker completes this request, it exits. This might be ideal if we got a nickel for each thread
we created, but it can slow our server in a couple of different ways:
∙ We don't reuse idle threads to handle new requests. Rather, we create≈and destroy≈a
thread for each request we receive. Consequently, our server spends a lot of time in the
Pthreads library.
∙ We've added to each request's processing time (a request's latency, to use a term from
an engineering design spec) the time it takes to create a thread. No wonder our ATM
customers keep tapping the Enter button and scowling at the camera!
We'll address these performance snags by redesigning our server to use a thread pool, a
very common and very important design technique. Ina server that uses a thread pool, the
boss thread creates a fixed number of worker threads up front. Like their boss, these
worker threads survive for the duration of the program. When the boss receives a new
request, it places it on a queue. Workers remove requests from the queue and process
them. When a worker completes a request, it simply removes another one from the queue.
Figure 3-4 shows the components of a thread pool.

Figure 3-4: Thread pool components

The focal point of a thread pool is the request queue. Each request describes a unit of
work. (This description might be the name of a routine; it might be just a flag.) Worker
threads continually monitor the queue for new work requests; the boss thread places new
requests on the queue.
A thread pool has some basic characteristics:
∙ Number of worker threads. This limits the number of requests that can be in progress at
the same time.
∙ Request queue size. This limits the number of requests that can be waiting for service.
∙ Behavior when all workers are occupied and the request queue is full. Some requesters
may want to block until their requests can be queued and only then resume execution.
Others may prefer immediate notification that the pool is full. (For instance, network-
based applications typically depend on a status value to avoid "dropping requests on the
floor" when the server is overloaded.)

An ATM Server Example That Uses a Thread Pool

We'll start on a version of our ATM server that uses a thread pool by adding some
definitions to its header file, as shown in Example 3-22.

Example 3-22: Interface to a Thread Pool (tpool.h)

typedef struct tpool_work {
void (*routine)();
void *arg;
struct tpool_work *next;
} tpool_work_t;
typedef struct tpool {
/* pool characteristics */
int num_threads;
int max_queue_size;
int do_not_block_when_full;
/* pool state */
pthread_t *threads;
int cur_queue_size;
tpool_work_t *queue_head;
tpool_work_t *queue_tail;
pthread_mutex_t queue_lock;
pthread_cond_t queue_not_empty;
pthread_cond_t queue_not_full;
pthread_cond_t queue_empty;
int queue_closed;
int shutdown;
} *tpool_t;
tpool_init(tpool_t *tpoolp,
int num_worker_threads,
int max_queue_size,
int do_not_block_when_full);
tpool_add_work(tpool_t tpool,
void *routine,
void *arg);
tpool_destroy(tpool_t tpoolp, int finish);
We've defined three routines that manipulate a thread pool and two new data types. The
routines are tpool_init, tpool_add_work,and tpool_destroy.
∙ The tpool_work_t type represents a single request on the request queue. It includes a
pointer to the routine that should be executed by the worker that selects the request, a
pointer to this routine's single argument (if any), and a pointer to the next request on the
queue. When an external thread (such as the boss) calls tpool_add_work, a new request
is added to the tail of the queue. When a worker comes along looking for something to
do, it removes a request from the queue's head.
∙ The tpool_t type is a pointer to a structure that records the characteristics and state of a
single thread pool. It contains pointers to the head and tail of the request queue.
Because the queue is a shared data structure that may be accessed by all worker
threads (as well as any thread that exists outside of the pool and calls tpool_add_work),
we'll need to add some synchronization. We'll do so by incorporating a mutex
(queue_lock) and three condition variables (queue_not_empty, queue_not_full,and
queue_empty) in the tpool_t structure.
∙ When a worker looks at the queue and finds it empty, it sleeps on the queue_not_empty
condition variable. When a caller in tpool_add_work adds an item to an empty queue, it
wakes up a sleeping worker by signaling the queue_not_empty condition. Depending on
the do_not_block_when_full characteristic of the queue, a thread calling tpool_add_work
can wait on the queue_not_full condition variable. When a worker makes room on the
queue by removing a request, it signals the queue_not_full condition variable, thus
letting the thread in tpool_add_work continue.
∙ Finally, the tpool_t structure defines shutdown and queue_closed flags. Our
tpool_destroy routine uses these flags to shut down the thread pool. The queue_closed
flag is used in combination with the queue_empty condition variable to support a delayed
shutdown. The delayed shutdown allows the currently queued work to complete.

Initializing a thread pool

The tpool_init routine, shown in Example 3-23, initializes a thread pool. The routine sets the
basic characteristics of the thread pool by copying into the tpoolt structure the values of its
three input parameters (num_worker_threads,max_queue_size, and
do_not_block_when_full). It also initializes the thread pool's state.

Example 3-23: The Thread Pool Initialization Routine (tpool.c)

void tpool_init(tpool_t *tpoolp,
int num_worker_threads,
int max_queue_size,
int do_not_block_when_full)
int i, rtn;
tpool_t tpool;
/* allocate a pool data structure */
if ((tpool = (tpool_t )malloc(sizeof(struct tpool))) == NULL)
perror("malloc"), exit(-1);
/* initialize the fields */
tpool->num_threads = num_worker_threads;
tpool->max_queue_size = max_queue_size;
tpool->do_not_block_when_full = do_not_block_when_full;
if ((tpool->threads =
(pthread_t *)malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)*num_worker_threads))
== NULL)
perror("malloc"), exit(-1);
tpool->cur_queue_size = 0;
tpool->queue_head = NULL;
tpool->queue_tail = NULL;
tpool->queue_closed = 0;
tpool->shutdown = 0;
if ((rtn = pthread_mutex_init(&(tpool->queue_lock), NULL)) != 0)
fprintf(stderr,"pthread_mutex_init %s",strerror(rtn)),
if ((rtn = pthread_cond_init(&(tpool->queue_not_empty), NULL))
!= 0)
fprintf(stderr,"pthread_cond_init %s",strerror(rtn)),
if ((rtn = pthread_cond_init(&(tpool->queue_not_full), NULL)) !=
fprintf(stderr,"pthread_cond_init %s",strerror(rtn)),
if ((rtn = pthread_cond_init(&(tpool->queue_empty), NULL)) != 0)
fprintf(stderr,"pthread_cond_init %s",strerror(rtn)),
/* create threads */
for (i = 0; i != num_worker_threads; i++) {
if ((rtn = pthread_create( &(tpool->threads[i]),
(void *)tpool)) != 0)
fprintf(stderr,"pthread_create %d",rtn), exit(-1);
*tpoolp = tpool;

Checking for work

In Example 3-23, the tpool_init routine creates all worker threads, starting each one in the
tpool_thread routine. The tpool_thread routine, in Example 3-24, contains the logic each
worker uses to check the queue for work and take appropriate action depending upon
whether or not a request is available. It takes a single argument≈a pointer to the tpool_t
structure for the pool to which the thread belongs.

Example 3-24: The Thread Pool Thread (tpool.c)

void tpool_thread(tpool_t tpool)
tpool_work_t *my_workp;
for (;;) {
while ( (tpool->cur_queue_size == 0) && (!tpool-
>shutdown)) {
if (tpool->shutdown) {
my_workp = tpool->queue_head;
if (tpool->cur_queue_size == 0)
tpool->queue_head = tpool->queue_tail = NULL;
tpool->queue->head = my_workp->next;
if ((!tpool->do_not_block_when_full) &&
(tpool->cur_queue_size == (tpool->max_queue_size -
if (tpool->cur_queue_size == 0)
The body of the routine is a loop in which the worker checks the request queue. If it's
empty, the worker sleeps on the queue_not_empty condition variable. It can be awakened
by either a shutdown request from tpool_destroy or a work item placed on its request
queue. When awakened by a shutdown request, the worker exits. When awakened by a
work request, however, it rechecks the queue, removes the request from the queue's head,
and executes the routine specified in the request (using any associated argument). If the
worker finds that the queue was full before it removed the node and knows that threads
may be blocked waiting to add to the queue (because the pool's do_not_block_when_full
characteristic is not set), it signals the queue_not_full condition. Likewise, if this thread
empties the queue, it signals queue_empty to allow a delayed shutdown to proceed.

Adding work
In Example 3-25, the tpool_add_work routine adds work requests to the queue.

Example 3-25: Adding Work to a Thread Pool (tpool.c)

int tpool_add_work(tpool_t tpool, void *routine, void *arg)
tpool_work_t *workp;
if ((tpool->cur_queue_size == tpool->max_queue_size) &&
tpool->do_not_block_when_full) {
return -1;
while ((tpool->cur_queue_size == tpool->max_queue_size) &&
(!(tpool->shutdown || tpool-
>queue_closed))) {
pthread_cond_wait(&tpool->queue_not_full, &tpool-
if (tpool->shutdown || tpool->queue_closed) {
return -1;
/* allocate work structure */
workp = (tpool_work_t *)malloc(sizeof(tpool_work_t));
workp->routine = routine;
workp->arg = arg;
workp->next = NULL;
if (tpool->cur_queue_size == 0) {
tpool->queue_tail = tpool->queue_head = workp;
} else {
(tpool->queue_tail)->next = workp;
tpool->queue_tail = workp;
return 1;
The tpool_add_work routine checks the do_not_block_when_full flag and examines the
current size of the request queue. If the queue is full, the routine either returns an error to
its caller or suspends itself on the queue_not_full condition, depending on the value of the
pool's do_not_block_when_full flag. In the latter case, the tpool_add_work routine resumes
when the condition is signaled; it queues the request and returns to its caller.

Deleting a thread pool

The final routine in our thread pool interface, tpool_destroy (Example 3-26),deallocates a
thread pool. It sets the shutdownflag in the tpool _t structure to indicate to workers (and
threads calling tpool_add_work) that the pool is being deactivated. Worker threads exit
when they find this flag set; the tpool_add_work routine returns a -1 to its caller, as shown
in Example 3-26.

Example 3-26: Deleting a Thread Pool (tpool.c)

int tpool_destroy(tpool_t tpool,
int finish)
int i,rtn;
tpool_work_t *cur_nodep;
if ((rtn = pthread_mutex_lock(&(tpool->queue_lock))) != 0)
fprintf(stderr,"pthread_mutex_lock %d",rtn), exit(-1);
/* Is a shutdown already in progress? */
if (tpool->queue_closed || tpool->shutdown) {
if ((rtn = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(tpool->queue_lock))) != 0)
fprintf(stderr,"pthread_mutex_unlock %d",rtn), exit(-1);
return 0;
tpool->queue_closed = 1;
/* If the finish flag is set, wait for workers to drain queue */
if (finish == 1) {
while (tpool->cur_queue_size != 0) {
if ((rtn = pthread_cond_wait(&(tpool->queue_empty),
&(tpool->queue_lock))) != 0)
fprintf(stderr,"pthread_cond_wait %d",rtn), exit(-1);
tpool->shutdown = 1;
if ((rtn = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(tpool->queue_lock))) != 0)
fprintf(stderr,"pthread_mutex_unlock %d",rtn), exit(-1);
/* Wake up any workers so they recheck shutdown flag */
if ((rtn = pthread_cond_broadcast(&(tpool->queue_not_empty))) !=
fprintf(stderr,"pthread_cond_broadcast %d",rtn), exit(-1);
if ((rtn = pthread_cond_broadcast(&(tpool->queue_not_full))) !=
fprintf(stderr,"pthread_cond_broadcast %d",rtn), exit(-1);
/* Wait for workers to exit */
for(i=0; i < tpool->num_threads; i++) {
if ((rtn = pthread_join(tpool->threads[i],NULL)) != 0)
fprintf(stderr,"pthread_join %d",rtn), exit(-1);
/* Now free pool structures */
while(tpool->queue_head != NULL) {
cur_nodep = tpool->queue_head->next;
tpool->queue_head = tpool->queue_head->next;
return 0;
The tpool_destroy routine ensures that all threads are awake to see the shutdown flag by
signaling both the queue_not_empty and queue_not_full conditions. Even still, some
threads may be busy completing their current requests; it may still be some time before
they learn that a shutdown has begun. To avoid interfering with in-progress requests,
tpool_destroy waits for all worker threads to exit by calling pthread_join for each thread.
When all workers have departed, tpool_destroy frees the pool's data structures.
The current edition of our tpool_destroy routine is not without its surprises. When it sets the
shutdown flag, only those requests that are currently in progress are completed. Any
requests that are still in the request queue are lost when the thread pool is deallocated.
Instead, it could disallow additions to the queue and wait for the queue to empty before
deactivating the thread pool. It could also speed performance by canceling workers rather
than waiting for them to check the shutdown flag.
We'll leave the particulars of these enhancements to your imagination. In the meantime, we
must move on to our next chapter, Managing Pthreads, in which we'll focus a bit more on
some of the Pthreads features we've already introduced (such as attribute objects and
keys) and add cancellation and scheduling capabilities to our multithreaded ATM server.

Adapting the atm_server_init and main routines

In Example 3-27, we'll make some quick changes to our atm_server_init so that it:
∙ Uses a new global thread pool structure (tpool_t) instead of our thread information
structure (thread_info_t).
∙ Initializes the thread pool by supplying the maximum number of threads to tpool_init.

Example 3-27: Using the Thread Pool from the atm_server_init Routine
#define ATM_MAX_THREADS 10
#define ATM_MAX_QUEUE 10
tpool_t atm_thread_pool;
void atm_server_init(int argc, char **argv)
/* Process input arguments */
tpool_init(&atm_thread_pool, ATM_MAX_THREADS, ATM_MAX_QUEUE, 0);
/* Initialize database and communications */
Now, we simply need to change the main routine of our ATM server so that it:
∙ Calls tpool_add_work for each new request instead of calling pthread_create directly to
create a new thread.
∙ Calls tpool_destroy to synchronize shutdown of the threads and to release resources.
There's no need for the thread exit notification we used in the previous examples.
Example 3-28 implements these changes.

Example 3-28: Using the Thread Pool from the main Routine (atm_svr_tpool.c)
extern int
main(int argc, char **argv)
workorder_t *workorderp;
int trans_id;
void *status;
atm_server_init(argc, argv);
for(;;) {
/*** Wait for a request ***/
server_comm_get_request(&workorderp->conn, workorderp-
/*** Is it a shutdown request? ***/
sscanf(workorderp->req_buf, "%d", &trans_id);
if (trans_id == SHUTDOWN) {
char resp_buf[COMM_BUF_SIZE];
tpool_destroy(atm_thread_pool, 1);
/* process it here with main() thread */
if (shutdown_req(workorderp->req_buf, resp_buf)) {
server_comm_send_response(workorderp->conn, resp_buf);
/*** Use a thread to process this request ***/

return 0;
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