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Job Analysis
• Job is a collection of tasks to be carried out/performed
• Job Analysis is a formal and detailed examination of the
• Job Analysis is the procedure for determining the duties
and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person
who should be hired for it
• It is a primary tool of HRM
JOB TASKS Identifiable Activity


JOB Obligations to
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Job Analysis
• Job analysis aims to answer questions such as:
– Why does the job exist?
– What physical and mental activities does the worker
– What are the behavioural requirements? WHY CARRY OUT JOB ANALYSIS?
– When is the job to be performed?
– Where is the job to be performed?
– How does the worker do the job?
– What qualifications are needed to perform the job?
– What are the working conditions (such as levels of
temperature, noise, offensive fumes, light)
– What machinery or equipment is used in the job?
– What constitutes successful performance?
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Why Job Analysis? Job Analysis to give following Information

• Job Analysis produces two important information • Work Activities: Such as selling, painting, cleaning etc,
– Job Description may also include how, when, why etc
– Job Specification • Human Behaviours: Human behaviour the job demands
– communication, decision making etc, also lifting of
weights, travel etc
• Machines, tools and other work aids: Will give the
• Performance Standards: Will give the quantity and
A list of duties, responsibilities, A list of job’s “human requirements” that quality standards expected
reporting relationships, working is the requisite education, skills
conditions, supervisory responsibilities personality and so on • Job Context: Working conditions, schedule, team work
details if any etc
• Human Requirements: Knowledge, skill and attributes
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Advantages of Job Analysis

• Job analysis helps the personnel manager at the time of
recruitment and selection of right man on right job.
• It helps him to understand extent and scope of training required
in that field.
• It helps in evaluating the job in which the worth of the job has to
be evaluated.
USES OF JOB ANALYSIS • In those instances where smooth work force is required in
• When he has to avoid overlapping of authority- responsibility
relationship so that distortion in chain of command doesn’t
• It also helps to chalk out the compensation plans for the
• It also helps the personnel manager to undertake performance
appraisal effectively in a concern. 10

Uses of Job Analysis

• Recruitment and Selection
– For proper candidate selection
• Compensation
– For proper job evaluation and appropriate compensation
• Performance Appraisal PROCESS OR STEPS
– To compare expected performance and delivered
• Training
– To identify knowledge/skill gaps
• To find unassigned duties
– Helps to reveal unassigned duties

11 12


Steps of Job Analysis Steps of Job Analysis

• Step1: Collection of data • Step 2: Collection of Information from Organisation
– Through actually performing the job Chart and Process Chart
– Through Observation • Step 3: Select representative position and analyse (eg: if
– Through interview there are 100 assembly line position select 10 and
– From Panel of experts analyse)
– Through diary method • Step 4: Analyse the representative jobs in detail of
– Through Questionnaire method tasks, responsibilities, working conditions, behaviours
• Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) – Breaking the job in etc
to elements and colleting data through questions
• Step 5: Verify analysis information with the performer,
• Management Position Description Questionnaire (MPDQ)
– Similar to PAQ for managerial jobs
correct and complete
• Functional Job Analysis (FJA) – Describing the whole • Step 6: Develop job description and job specification
person on the job (Thomas Profiling)
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Methods of Job Analysis Remember

• Observation
• Job Analysis is a process and organisations
• Interview
may not utilise the analysis as such, but the
– Individual
out put it produces are Job Description and
– Group
Job Specification which is maintained by the
• Questionnaires (Position analysis
HR department for various uses
• Diary
• Technical Conference (through experts)
• Critical Incident Technique

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Job Description
• JOB DESCRIPTION is an organized factual
statement of job contents in the form of
duties and responsibilities of a specific job.
The preparation of job description is very
important before a vacancy is advertised. It
tells in brief the nature and type of job. This
type of document is descriptive in nature and
it constitutes all those facts which are related
to a job.

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Job Description Advantages of Job Description

• A typical job description will contain the following • It helps the supervisors in assigning work to the
– Job Identification or Title subordinates so that he can guide and monitor their
– Department performances.
– Reporting to • It helps in recruitment and selection procedures.
– Job Summary • It assists in manpower planning.
– Authority, Responsibilities and Duties
• It is also helpful in performance appraisal.
– Standards of Performance expected
• It is helpful in job evaluation in order to decide about
– Working conditions
rate of remuneration for a specific job.
– May also include job specifications at the end
• It also helps in chalking out training and
• Depending on the position it may be simple and
development programmes.
comprehensive or very exhaustive

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Job Specification Job Specification

• Summarises the human characteristics needed for
• JOB SPECIFICATION is a statement which tells us
doing the job
minimum acceptable human qualities which helps to
perform a job. Job specification translates the job • It is the out flow of Job Analysis and description
description into human qualifications so that a job • To determine what kind of people are required to
can be performed in a better manner. Job take up the job
specification helps in hiring an appropriate person • Human characteristics can be classified into three
for an appropriate position. categories
– Essential attributes: Qualification, Knowledge, Skills,
abilities that a person must possess
– Desirable attributes: Similar to above which are desirable
– Contra-indicators: Those attributes that will be handicap to
successful job performance

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Contents of Job Specification An Example of Job Specification

• Job title and designation • Job Title: Compensation manager
• Educational qualifications for that title • Education: MBA with Specialisation in HR/ MA in
industrial psychology
• Physical and other related attributes
• Experience: Three years experience in similar
• Physique and mental health
position in a large manufacturing industry
• Special attributes and abilities
• Skill, Knowledge, abilities:
• Maturity and dependability – Knowledge of compensation practices, Job analysis and job
• Relationship of that job with other jobs in a concern. evaluation procedures
– Ability to plan, conduct meetings and prioritise work
– Experience of working in ERP package
• Other work orientation: Involve occasional travel
• Age: Preferably below 30 years
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Advantages of Job Specification Role Analysis

• It is helpful in preliminary screening in the selection • Role is a set of expectations, more applicable at
procedure. senior level positions
• It helps in giving due justification to each job. • The process is more or less similar to job analysis
• It also helps in designing training and development
• It helps the supervisors for counseling and
monitoring performance of employees.
• It helps in job evaluation.
• It helps the management to take decisions regarding
promotion, transfers and giving extra benefits to the
27 28

Job Design
• It is the way of organising tasks, duties,
responsibilities in to productive unit of work
• Designing to take care of:
– Efficiency elements: timely completion, quality of
performance, economic use of resources, logical
JOB DESIGN grouping of tasks and duties etc
– Behavioral elements: varied and interesting duties,
freedom and independency etc

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Approaches of job design

• Scientific Approach:
– Fragmentation and routinisation to reap specialisation
– Logical sequential arranging
– Sufficient allotment of time
• Human relations Approach:
– Interesting
– Feeling of growth opportunity
– Feeling of dignity
• Job Characteristics Approach:
– Skill variety, Task identity, Task significance, Autonomy
• Sociotechnical Approach:
– Need of social support interms part of team, opportunity
to learn, decision making etc
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Job Evaluation Methods of Job Evaluation

• Ranking
• It is the process of systematically determining the
• Classification
relative worth of jobs to create a job structure for the
organisation. The evaluation is based on combination • Point
of job content, skill required, value to the organisation, Advantage Disadvantage

organisational culture and the external market Cumbersome as number of jos

Fast, Simple and easy to
• Sequence Ranking
Basis for comparison is not
called out
Job Analysis Job description Job evaluation
Job structure Can group a wide range of Descriptions may leave too
work together in one system much room for manipulation
Compensable factors call out
Can become bureaucratic and
basis for comparisons.
Point rule bound
Compensable factors
communicate what is valued
guru-comp-V 33 guru-comp-V 34

Ranking Method Ranking Method

• Orders the job from highest to lowest based on • Paired ranking:
relative value or contribution to the organisation’s – Uses matrix to compare all possible pairs of jobs
success. There are two ranking methods – Starting at the top left cell and moving to the right, each
pair of jobs is compared and the higher-ranked job is
• Alternation ranking: entered in the cell
– Orders jobs alternately at each extreme
– Agreement has to reach among the evaluators
1 Most valued Master Welder
2 Next most valued Electrician

9 Next least valued Grinder

10 Least valued Dispatch clerk

guru-comp-V 35 guru-comp-V 36


Paired Ranking Method Classification Method

Dispatch clerk
Punch operator
• Write the class descriptions of the jobs

Master welder


– Simple routine office work

– Involves application of technical knowledge at subordinate
Opr Electrician
Shear Master Shear Shear Shear – Involves application higher knowledge and skills
Operator welder operator operator Opr -3
– Involves conceptual knowledge, skills and application of
Electrician Electrician Master Electrician Electrician Electrician - 4
welder higher level technical knowledge
Punch Master Punch Punch Punch • Group jobs under the appropriate classification
operator welder operator operator Operator - 2
• Jobs with in each class is considered similar and paid
Master Master Master Master
welder welder welder Welder - 5 equally
Grinder Grinder Grinder - 1 • Jobs in different classes may have different pay rates
guru-comp-V Clerk - 0 37 guru-comp-V 38

Point Factor Method Scaling the Factors

• Has three characteristics • Once factors are chosen, scales reflecting the different
– Compensable factors degrees with in each factor are constructed
– Factor degrees numerically scaled • Each degree may also be anchored by the typical skills,
– Weights reflecting the relative importance of each factor tasks, behaviours etc taken from the bench mark jobs
• Compensable factors are those characteristics in the • For Example knowledge required for a position may be
work that the organisation values, that help it pursue divided into 5 degrees as follows:
its strategy and achieve its objectives • Degree 1: Use of reading and writing, adding and
– Know-how or knowledge or skills subtracting of whole numbers, following of
– Problem solving or decision making instructions, use of fixed gauges, direct reading
– Accountability instruments and similar devices where interpretation
– Planning and organising skills is not required
– Interpersonal skills etc
• Acceptability to whom and how many factors?
guru-comp-V 39 guru-comp-V 40

Scaling the Factors Scaling the Factors

• Degree 2: Use of reading and writing, adding and • Degree 4: Use of advanced trades mathematics,
subtracting of numbers including decimals and together with use of complicated drawings,
fractions, simple use of formulae, charts tables, specifications, charts, tables, formulae; all varieties of
drawings, specifications, schedules, wiring diagrams, precision measuring instruments. Completed
use of adjustable measuring instruments, checking of accredited apprenticeship in a recognised trade or 2
reports, forms, records and comparable data where years technical college education
interpretation is required • Degree 5: Use of higher mathematics involved in the
• Degree 3: Use of mathematics together with use of application of engineering principles and the
complicated drawings, specifications, charts, tables; performance of related practical operations, together
various types of precision measuring instruments. One with a comprehensive knowledge of the theories and
to three years applied trades training in a particular or practices of mechanical, electrical etc or like
specialised occupation engineering field. Completed 4 years of technical
guru-comp-V 41 guru-comp-V 42


Scaling the Factors Job Evaluation Form: Book store Manager

• While making the degrees it should be limited to, so as Compensable Factors Degree Weight Points
1 2 3 4 5
to handle effectively Skill
• Mental X 45% 180
• Each degree to be more or less equidistant from • Experience X 45% 135
adjacent degrees (interval scaling), which may be Effort
difficult, but need to be done • Physical X 30% 60
• The next step is to weight the factors according to its • Mental X 30% 120
• Effect of Error X 20% 80
• In order to bring it to common scale, multiply degree • Innovation 60
X 20%
to weight percentage and work out the points for each Working
compensable factor Conditions
• Environment X 5% 5
• Finally total the points to decide where the Job • Hazards X 5% 5
positions stands in compensation hierarchy
guru-comp-V 43 guru-comp-V
Total Points: 645 44

How many Factors?- Use of Hay Guide Chart Point Factor Method
Factor Degree Weightage Points Total
• An issue to be considered is how many factors? Know how 3 40% 120
• Towards this a large number od companies use Problem solving 4 30% 120 360
Hay Guide Chart Accountability 4 30% 120
• Know how Points depending on degree
• The three classic Hay factors are • Knowledge and skill -20%
– Know-How • interpersonal skill – 10% 120
•Plg and Org skill – 10%
– Problem Solving
• Problem Solving
– Accountability • Time span – 10%
• Variety in job – 10% 120
• The Hay Charts: How they look like?
• Authority in taking decision – 10%
• Accountability
•Impact – 15%
• Span of Control – 5%
guru-comp-V 45 • Responsibility for customer
guru-comp-Vcare – 10% 46

Job Enlargement, Rotation & Enrichment

• Need to build opportunities
• Increasing of job satisfaction
• Providing more challenges
JOB ENLARGEMENT • Need to move employees from one job to another
• Train to shoulder higher responsibilities
& • Job Enlargement: Assigning the employee additional same
JOB ENRICHMENT level activities, thus increasing the number of activities they
perform – Horizontal Loading
• Job Rotation: Systematically moving employee from one job
to another
• Job Enrichment: Redesigning jobs in a way that increases the
opportunities for the employees to experience feelings of
responsibility, achievement, growth and recognition –
Vertical Loading 48


Challenges and Trends

• Increased domestic competition
• Rapid change in product and technology
• Need to be more flexible and Responsive
• Changing customer demands
DEJOBBING • Maintaining effectiveness, efficiency and profitability
• Turbulent environments
• Globalisation and competitiveness
So What?
A Job Description confining to well defined duties,
tasks or responsibilities may not be the need of the time.
Employees should not limit themselves to the
Responsibilities, tasks etc given in their job descriptions50

Methods/Practices contributed to de-jobbing

Dejobbing • Flatter organisation
• Broadening the responsibilities of the jobs in a – Less micromanaging
company by encouraging employees not to – More space for freedom, responsibilities and authority
limit themselves to what’s on their job • Work Teams
descriptions – Rotation of responsibilities with in the team, hence
employees do not have fixed set of responsibilities
• Hence the weakening the meaning of the job
• Boundary less organisation
– Entire organisation is made of teams reducing the
syndrome of “it’s not my job”
• Re-engineering (BPR)
– Rethinking and redesigning of business processes

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