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Vocabulary Analysis

Vocab item (include stress, Definition Context (story, dialogue, Clarification of meaning Problems and solutions
phonemic transcription [if picture etc) and eliciting (ccqs etc)
necessary] and part of question

overqualified Having more knowledge, Pat is unemployed and Does Pat have much or Ss will confuse ‘overqualified’ with ‘unqualified’
skill and/or experience looking for a job. On the little experience? (much) because of negative connotation in both words.
than is needed (for a 18th day of her job search
adjective particular job). she went to an interview. Did they want to employ Ask CCQs about this and be prepared to give more
Did she get the job? How her? (no) examples/correcting.
can we describe Pat for
this job? What does it Was she too good or too
say in the text? bad for the job? (too
(overqualified) good) Ss will put the stress in the wrong place:
‘OVERqualified’ not 'overQUAlified'.

Model with finger highlighting for stress and correct

during drilling if necessary

nickname To call someone or Alex’s father is known Did Alex’s Ss will confuse the verb ‘to nickname’ with the
something by an to his fans as Corky schoolmates give him noun ‘nickname’.
informal name (often the Clown. He got the a new name? (yes)
verb humorous) based on a job when Alex was a Ask a concept check question about this and be
real name or character. teenager. When his Was it connected with prepared to give more examples/ correcting. Add
schoolmates got to his formal name? (no) the denotation of the part of speech (v) to the
know about his board record.
father’s job, how did Was it humorous?
they express their (yes)
attitude? What does it Ss will put the stress in the wrong place:
say in the text? nickNAME not 'NICKname'.
Model with finger highlighting for stress and
correct during drilling if necessary.
Vocab item (include stress, Definition Context (story, dialogue, Clarification of meaning Problems and solutions
phonemic transcription [if picture etc) and eliciting (ccqs etc)
necessary] and part of question

humiliation A feeling of being Alex’s father is known Is it a feeling? (yes) Ss will confuse ‘humiliation’ with
ashamed or stupid and to his fans as Corky ‘embarrassment’.
having lost the respect the Clown. When Alex Is it positive or Ask concept checking questions which focus on
noun of other people. was a teenager, his negative? (negative) this. Be prepared with more examples.
father took him to
children’s parties. Did Alex feel Ss will pronounce /ju:/ as /ʌ/
What did Alex feel ashamed? (yes) Model and drill the word chorally and
when his father made individually and add the phonemic script of /ju:/
him join in the act? Did other people make to the board record:
What does it say in the him feel this way? /ju:/
text? (humiliation) (yes) humiliation
When you make a
mistake and nobody Ss willl put the stress in the wrong place:
notices it, is it ‘HUmiliation’ not ' humiliAtion' and/ or not use
humiliation? (no) the schwa sound for 'tion'.
Model with finger highlighting for stress and
correct during drilling if necessary.
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