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 The banking system is crucial in India’s economy, and their poor state of health today, is further exacerbating
the slump in economic activity across the country. In this context it is important to assess the role of the Reserve
Bank of India (RBI) as the apex financial institution.

€ BACKGROUND price stability and to contain inflation. In 2016, a

Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) was set up
 Credit growth has fallen sharply in recent months to bring transparency and accountability in fixing
as banks have become wary of lending; even firms India’s Monetary Policy. It set the inflation target
have become reluctant to undertake new projects. at 4% (plus or minus 2%).
 Capital adequacy for Indian banks is low. Capital  Though it is often argued that with the constitution
buffers of India’s banking system are among the of MPC, RBI shifted from targeting multiple
lowest among the G-20 economies. indicators to just one indicator – inflation; however,
 Meanwhile, the troubles in the shadow banking matters of inflation are always considered in
sector threaten the health of the banking system, tandem with economic growth considerations.
and may prolong a deep financial slump. It could
result in a spike in bad loans for conventional RBI as a credit controlling authority
banks which fund the shadow banks.  Bank lending should normally outpace nominal
 The ‘domestic savings rate’ is low. There is sharp GDP in an emerging economy, but that’s not the
decline in the ‘net savings rate of households’, case in India right now. The credit gap has been
which have borrowed to maintain consumption negative since the end of 2013.
levels in period of weak income growth. There is  Most of the new deposits that banks have collected
growing dependence on foreign capital inflows since early 2019 have been parked in government
to fund the Indian commercial sector. securities rather than being lent to enterprises.
 Crisis among non-bank financial companies
€ ANALYSIS (NBFCs), and fears about the stability of some
banks, has declined bank credit (both bank and
RBI as a monetary authority non-bank) to the private economy as a whole.
 RBI’s institutional framework underwent a  Despite RBI regularly slashing the repo rate
significant change in the early 1990s after the to increase bank credit and boost demand, the
liberalisation programme was launched. Both economy has not gained growth momentum. The
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity reasons why repeated lowing of interest rates
Ratio (SLR) were reduced, and more importantly does not work are:
the administered structure of interest rate was
! monetary policy becomes impotent when
abandoned, and the government was forced to go
interest rates fall near zero;
to the market and borrow at market determined
rates of interest. ! increases in money supply are less than people’s
 Switching to market determined interest rates has
important implications for the RBI, because now ! Individuals don’t borrow if there is low
their Open Market Operations (OMO) became purchasing power.
an instrument of credit control. Also the ‘bank
rate’ and ‘repo rate’ became policy instruments RBI as a banking regulator
because of this change.  The ‘board for financial supervision’ enabled
 The foreign exchange market also came into active RBI to take an integrated view of the problems of
operation because of the switch. The relationship the banking system.
between the foreign exchange market and the  The policy of bank licensing as done in the early
domestic money market became intense, and as 1990s was very successful. Many licences were
a consequence, the monetary policy issues were given at the time, and most top banks of today are
linked to the rest of the world. the ones which were licensed in the early 1990s.
 The new monetary policy framework that But for some time there was almost no issue of
came into operation required RBI to maintain new licenses.


 The sudden crisis of 2008 delayed classification rate system.

of ‘non-performing loans’ as ‘bad loans’. But  Before 1991, India was dependent on
the stress on bank and corporate balance sheets multilateral institutions for support. After the
only grew, prompting RBI to finally launch a clean- change in foreign trade policy and the change
up act in 2015. RBI also put restrictions on fresh in exchange rate management, the Balance of
lending by some of the worst-affected lenders. Payment (BoP) situation has been managed quite
 Governance reforms in state-owned banks well. As on 23 August 2019, India’s total foreign
proposed by the PJ Nayak committee, which exchange (Forex) reserves stand at around
could have otherwise allowed the healthier banks US$429 billion.
to lend more freely, were put on a halt.  Today, the funds crunch in the financial sector
 With constrains of new regulations and weight of would have been worse had not been for foreign
bad loans on their books, banks outsourced part capital inflows, through either foreign direct
of their lending activity to shadow banks. These investment (FDI) or external commercial
non-banks played a key role in ensuring credit borrowings (ECBs). Though this source of funding
to risky sectors such as real estate, even while provides relief, but it is also a source of risk.
ensuring that banks did not have to bear a direct  If there is a domestic investment revival without a
exposure to such assets. matching revival in domestic savings, India could
 Now, the problems in shadow banking industry face current account pressures due to increased
threaten to spill-over onto the banking system dependence on foreign capital inflows to fund the
and the responsibility of RBI as a regulator has Indian commercial sector.
increased.  Though RBI has successfully managed the external
sector, there still remains need for the current
RBI as a guardian of exchange rate account deficit to be brought down.
 In 1993 RBI shifted from a dual exchange rate
system, to a fully market-determined exchange

 Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR): CAR is a monetary policy tool and is used for controlling
measurement of a bank’s available capital money supply in an economy.
expressed as a percentage of a bank’s risk-
 Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR): SLR is the ratio
weighted credit exposures. It foretells a bank’s
of liquid assets to net demand and time liabilities
ability to absorb losses using its own capital.
(NDTL). Every bank must have a minimum
 Shadow banking: Shadow banking refers to portion of their NDTL in the form of cash,
unregulated activities by regulated institutions. gold, or other liquid assets by the day’s end.
The shadow banking system creates credit SLR is a monetary policy tool instrumental in
across the global financial system through a ensuring the solvency of the banks and flow of
group of financial intermediaries whose members money in the economy. Its increase constricts
are not subject to regulatory oversight. Examples banks’ ability to inject money into the economy.
of intermediaries not subject to regulation
include hedge funds, unlisted derivatives, and  Open Market Operations (OMO): OMO is the
other unlisted instruments, while examples of sale and purchase of government securities
unregulated activities by regulated institutions and treasury bills by the central bank (RBI).
include credit default swaps. The objective of OMO is to regulate the money
supply in the economy. It’s a monetary policy tool.
 Non-performing loans/Assets (NPAs): NPA
is a loan or advance for which the principal When RBI wants to increase money supply in the
or interest payment remained overdue for a economy it purchases the government securities
period of 90 days. NPAs can be classified as from the market, and vice versa. OMO is carried
a ‘substandard asset’, ‘doubtful asset’, or ‘loss out through commercial banks and not public.
asset’, depending on the length of time overdue  Bank rate: The Bank Rate is the rate at which the
and probability of repayment. Central Bank discounts the bills of commercial
 Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR): CRR is a specified banks. In bank rate there is no need for
minimum fraction of the total deposits of collateral security. The loans are usually short-
customers, which commercial banks have to hold term loans lasting for just a day, or even just
as reserves either in cash or as deposits with the overnight. Lower bank rates can help expand
central bank. The aim is to ensure that banks the economy by lowering the cost of funds for
do not run out of cash to meet the payment borrowers, and higher bank rates help to contain
demands of their depositors. It is a crucial inflation. 7

 Repo rate: Repo rate is actually a repurchase Saving is GDP minus final consumption
agreement, and refers to the rate at which a expenditure. This rate is expressed as a
commercial bank sells security to Central percentage of GDP. Gross Domestic Saving
Bank to raise money. It promises to buy back consists of savings of household sector, private
the same security from RBI at a predetermined corporate sector and public sector. Major
date with an interest at the repo rate. It allows
reasons for decline in the rate of gross domestic
the central bank to control liquidity, money
supply, and inflation level in the country. To savings include; moderation in profit of the
decrease the money supply in the economy, private corporate sector, greater dissaving of
the RBI will hike up the repo rate to discourage public authorities, decline in household savings,
banks from borrowing funds. With fewer funds in particular, financial savings, largely on account
available with them, they have less to offer to of persistent inflation.
the customers.
 Current Account Deficit (CAD): CAD is
 Reverse repo rate: Reverse repo rate is the slightly different from Balance of Trade (BoT),
interest offered by RBI to banks who deposit which measures only the gap in earnings and
funds into the treasury. For instance, when
expenditure on exports and imports of goods
banks generate excess funds, they may deposit
the money with the central bank. So, the interest and services. While CAD also factors in the
earned on the deposited funds is known as the payments from domestic capital deployed
reverse repo rate. overseas. Current Account = Trade gap +
Net current transfers + Net income abroad.
 Non-bank financial companies (NBFCs): In
India, NBFC is a company registered under A country with rising CAD shows that it has
the Companies Act, 1956. They are financial become uncompetitive, and investors are not
institutions that offer various banking services willing to invest there.
like lending, making investments, currency  Asset Quality Review (AQR): Typically, RBI
exchange, underwriting etc. Their activities are inspectors check bank books every year as part
akin to that of banks; but do not have a banking
of its annual financial inspection (AFI) process.
license. Unlike in case of banks, NBFC cannot
accept demand deposits; NBFCs do not form However, a special inspection was conducted
part of the payment and settlement system in 2015-16. This was named AQR. In AQR the
and cannot issue cheques drawn on it; deposit sample size of loans inspected is much bigger
insurance facility of DICGC is not available than AFI. These inspections check if asset
to depositors of NBFCs. These limitations keep classification is in line with the loan repayment
NCFCs outside the scope of conventional and given prudential norms. Assets classification
oversight from financial regulators. requires concerned loans to be identified and
 Gross Domestic Savings Rate: Gross Domestic classified as non-performing.

CONCLUSION & WAY FORWARD banking sector, similar to the one conducted for
banks in 2015, to improve the sector and increase
 The mess in India’s financial system lies at the heart
of India’s slowdown today. The opacity around its funding. It would also be a good approach for
asset quality has led to a spike in the risk premium, RBI to open, and allow new entities to come into
nullifying the effect of RBI’s successive rate cuts. the banking system. This will have a good effect in
RBI can undertake an ‘asset quality review’ of the terms of efficiency and technology induction.




 North India is reeling under a wave of severe air pollution accompanied with smog as at least 12 cities regularly
recording an Air Quality Index (AQI) of 400 and above, falling in the severe category.

€ BACKGROUND  It has been reported by the National Environmental

Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) that
 India is among the most polluted countries, everyday almost 8,000 m tonnes of solid waste
with most places in the country exceeding WHO is being generated in Delhi. Plus, we also have
defined safe air quality standards multiple times the industrial hazardous and non-hazardous
over. Nearly half of the worst 50 polluted cities in waste. On an average, every day, the MCDs and
the world are in India. the NDMC manage to clear about 5,000-5,500 m
 The technological advancement and speedy tonnes of garbage. This results in the accumulation
development since India’s Independence has of more and more garbage in the city.
come at a great environmental cost. According to  There has been no proper technology or methods
the global Environment Performance Index (EPI) to treat solid, liquid, waste water, industrial and
2018, India is ranked at 177 with an EPI of 30.57. hospital wastes in the city.
 An estimated 1.2 million deaths in India are caused  There has been too much dependence on fossil
by air pollution, both outdoors and in households, fuels like coal-fired power plants, improper use
which is now the second-most serious risk factor of energy in buildings and the excessive use of
for public health in the country after malnutrition,
biomass for cooking and heating, etc.
contributing to 6.4 per cent of all healthy years of
life lost in 2016.
Major reasons for extremely poor Delhi air
 It is disheartening to hear that Delhi, the national in winters
capital of the country, is being tagged as one of the
most heavily polluted capital cities in the world. It  Burning of Crop Stubble – Burning of crop
is the world’s worst city in terms of air pollution, residue by farmers in Northern states of Punjab,
with an unhealthy air quality index for the majority Haryana and Uttar Pradesh is considered as the
of the year. prime reason for a spike in air pollution during
the winter months in Delhi and NCR. This is a
traditional practice followed by farmers in these
€ ANALYSIS states to prepare their fields for sowing crops after
harvesting their fields.
Causes of sever air pollution in Delhi
 Winter season - As the winter season sets in, dust
 Growing population of the city -The pressure particles and pollutants in the air become unable
and haphazard growth of the population is
to move. Due to stagnant winds, these pollutants
deteriorating the environment.
get locked in the air and affect weather conditions,
 There has been highly haphazard and unplanned resulting in smog.
development of industries and factories. Studies
 Burning crackers - Despite the ban on cracker
have revealed that only about 20% of the industrial
sales, firecrackers are usually a common sight
units are set up in the approved industrial areas
every Diwali. It may not be the top reason for this
whereas the rest of them are in residential and
commercial areas. smog, but it contributes to its build up.

 There has been a huge rise in the vehicular Challenges due to Air Pollution
population, despite the metro railways,
aggravating traffic congestion and increasing air  There is concrete evidence that air pollution leads
and noise pollution. It has also been reported that to low birth-weight, tuberculosis, ischemic heart
the number of vehicles plying on the roads of Delhi disease, cataracts, asthma and nasopharyngeal
is more than that of the three metropolitan cities and laryngeal cancers.
of Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai taken together.  New research has found that air pollution might also
 There has also been an ever-increasing number affect cognitive development. PM2.5 are so small
of diesel vehicles plying on the roads, which are that when inhaled they can enter the bloodstream,
largely responsible for the air pollution. and recent medical research indicates that it can 9

cause the degeneration of blood-brain barriers,  The Centre constituted the Supreme Court-
leading to oxidative stress, neuro-inflammation empowered Environment Pollution (Prevention
and damage of neural tissue. and Control) Authority or the EPCA, which is
tasked with taking various measures to tackle air
 Air pollution is linked to diseases and infections
pollution in the National Capital Region.
that kill around 600,000 children under five
years of age per year.  Delhi government regularly comes up with
emergency measures like Odd-Even formula for
 A study even shows that about 2.2 million school vehicles to control rising pollution.
children in Delhi are growing up with irreversible
lung damage which they will never recover.
 The number of premature deaths due to outdoor
air pollution is projected to increase from three  Alternate Solutions to Burning Crop Stubble
million people globally in 2010 to a global total of – Farmers need to be provided alternate options.
six to nine million people in 2060. Government agencies should provide shredder
 The number of cases of bronchitis is projected to machines free of cost rather than just providing
increase substantially, going from 12 to 36 million subsidy. Also, farmers should be educated
new cases per year for children aged six to twelve and made aware of the harmful effects of crop
and from 3.5 to 10 million cases for adults. burning.
 Total welfare costs of air pollution in the world is  Adopting Renewable Solar Power and
expected to increase from $3,160 billion in 2015 to promoting Solar Rooftops – A lot of government
$18,300 – $25,330 billion in 2060 (as per 2010 PPP buildings in Delhi have rooftop solar installations
which is praiseworthy. This should be further
exchange rates).
encouraged not just in government buildings but
across all kinds of commercial buildings in the city
Government initiatives taken to control
and suburb towns of Delhi NCR. Government can
Delhi Pollution also mandate residential plots measuring above a
 There are mobile enforcement teams deployed at certain size to install solar rooftops.
various locations for monitoring polluting vehicles  Public Transport – Improve public transport
and vehicles not having PUC certificates. systems. Although metro has been a great success,
the network is mostly concentrated in Delhi.
 A Mass Rapid Transport System (MRTS) is being
Also, last mile connectivity and overcrowding
constructed with the aim of providing a non-
remains an issue which prevents a lot of people
polluting, useful and affordable rail-based mass
from using the network. The various agencies
rapid transit system for Delhi, integrated with involved in public transport infrastructure should
other modes of transport. work towards improving the efficiency of public
 With a view to reducing vehicular pollution, transport networks.
there has been a ban imposed on the plying of  Promote CNG as fuel – The government should
more than 15 years old commercial/transport encourage CNG as a fuel for private vehicles. Most
vehicles, taxis and autos that run on conventional of public transport buses in the capital already use
fuels, including diesel driven city buses. CNG as primary fuel. This should be encouraged
 There has also been tightening of mass emission for private vehicles as well by providing subsidies
standards for new vehicles. and increasing the number of CNG pumps

 The quality of the fuel being supplied in Delhi  Electric Vehicles and related infrastructure –
has been significantly improved over the years by There have been a thrust on electric vehicles in the
past few years. The government should develop
the ban of selling leaded petrol, introduction of low
the necessary infrastructure – the most important
sulphur diesel, reduction of sulphur and benzene
of them being charging stations to help wide
content in petrol.
adoption of these vehicles. Subsidies should also
 There has been regular placement of dustbins, be provided to people who want to buy electric
purchase of additional front-end loaders, vehicles.
mechanical sweepers, dumper placers, tipper  Sprinkling o f Waste Water in Construction Sites
trucks, to collect and dispose of garbage. – Waste water can be used to sprinkle construction
 The biggest positive step taken by the Delhi sites so that pollutants emanating from these sites
government was to permanently shut down the can be controlled
old, polluting Badarpur coal-fired power plant  Large Scale Afforestation Drives – The
in the southeastern outskirts of Delhi. The plant, a government should identify large tracks that can
major cause of the Capital Region’s air pollution, be planted with trees for green cover across the
had been shut down every winter for the past city. Also, hill ranges like the Aravallis should be
three years to scale back pollution. preserved and they should be planted with trees.


Air Pollution
There has been no proper
technology or methods to treat
solid, liquid, waste water, industrial Burning of crop
and hospital wastes in the city Despite the ban residue by farmers
on cracker sales, in Northern states
firecrackers are of Punjab, Haryana
It has been reported by the usually a common and Uttar Pradesh
National Environmental sight every Diwali. is considered as
Engineering Research Institute It may not be the the prime reason
(NEERI) that everyday almost Context top reason for this for a spike in air
8,000 m tonnes of solid waste North India is reeling under a wave of smog, but it pollution during the
is being generated in Delhi severe air pollution accompanied with contributes to its winter months in
smog as at least 12 cities regularly build up Delhi and NCR
recording an Air Quality Index (AQI) of 400  
There has been a huge rise in the and above, falling in the severe category Bursting Burning of Crop
vehicular population (especially diesel crackers Stubble
ones), despite the metro railways,
aggravating traffic congestion and
increasing air and noise pollution
Causes Winter season blues
As the winter season sets in, dust particles
There has been highly haphazard and pollutants in the air become unable to
and unplanned development of move. Due to stagnant winds, these
industries and factories The pressure of haphazardly
pollutants get locked in the air and affect
growing population is
weather conditions, resulting in smog
deteriorating the environment
The number of premature A study even shows
Challenges due to this rising severity in
deaths due to outdoor air that about 2.2 million
pollution are of gargantuan proportions with
pollution is projected to school children in
concrete evidence linking air pollution to various
increase from three million Delhi are growing up
health issues like low birth-weight, tuberculosis,
people globally in 2010 to with irreversible lung
ischemic heart disease, cataracts, asthma and
a global total of six to nine damage which they
nasopharyngeal and laryngeal cancers
million people in 2060 will never recover

The Centre constituted the Supreme Court-

empowered Environment Pollution (Prevention
There has been regular and Control) Authority or the EPCA, which is A Mass Rapid Transport System
placement of dustbins, tasked with taking various measures to tackle air (MRTS) is being constructed with
purchase of additional front- pollution in the National Capital Region the aim of providing a non-
end loaders, mechanical polluting, useful and affordable
sweepers, dumper placers, rail-based mass rapid transit
tipper trucks, to collect and system for Delhi, integrated with
dispose of garbage Government other modes of transport
initiatives in response
There has been a ban There has been tightening of
imposed on the plying of mass emission standards for
vehicular pollution
more than 15 years old new vehicles and also there
commercial/transport are mobile enforcement
vehicles, taxis and autos The quality of the fuel being supplied in teams deployed at various
that run on conventional Delhi has been significantly improved over locations for monitoring
fuels, including diesel the years by the ban of selling leaded petrol, polluting vehicles and vehicles
driven city buses introduction of low sulphur diesel, reduction not having PUC certificates
of sulphur and benzene content in petrol

Although these steps are in the right direction, but their effective implementation
needs to be ensured and various further steps needs to be adopted

Promote Electric Vehicles Adopting Renewable Large Scale

CNG as fuel and related Solar Power and Afforestation Drives
infrastructure promoting Solar Rooftops
Sprinkling of Waste Water in Construction .Sites . Alternate Solutions to Burning Crop Stubble
Waste water can be used to sprinkle construction Govt agencies should provide shredder machines free of
sites so that pollutants emanating from these sites cost rather than just providing subsidy. Also, farmers should
can be controlled be educated and made aware of the issue 11

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