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Breakdown of Sales

Day 1
19 boxes @ 40 = 760. 00

4 boxes @ 45 = 180. 00

P 940. 00

Day 2

31 boxes @ 40 = 1, 240. 00

8 boxes @ 45 = 360. 00

(6 boxes) 2 @ 105 = 210. 00

45 boxes = 1, 810. 00

Munchkin + Drinks = 180. 00

P 1, 990. 00

Day 3

46 boxes @ 40 = 1, 840. 00

(3 boxes) 1 @ 105 = 105. 00

49 boxes = 1, 945. 00

Munchkin + Drinks = 515. 00

P 2, 460. 00

Total Sales P 5, 390. 00

Breakdown of Expenses

Day 1
Ingredients 1, 976. 70

Rent Expense 200. 00

Transportation 123. 00

Advertising Expense 315. 00

Other expenses 426. 50

P 3, 041. 2

Day 2

Ingredients 846. 68

Other Expenses 875. 00

P 1, 721. 68

Day 3

Ingredients 660. 00

Other Expenses 127. 00

Sales Return 430. 00

P 1, 217. 00

Total Expenses P 5, 980. 00

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