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Skin Physiology of the Neonate and Infant:

Clinical Implications

Teresa Oranges, Valentina Dini, and Marco Romanelli*

Wound Healing Research Unit, Department of Dermatology, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.

Significance: The skin is a complex and dynamic organ that performs several
vital functions. The maturation process of the skin starts at birth with the
adaption of the skin to the comparatively dry environment compared to the in
utero milieu. This adaptive flexibility results in the unique properties of infant
skin. To deliver appropriate care to infant skin, it is necessary to understand
that it is evolving with unique characteristics.
Recent Advances: The role of biophysical noninvasive techniques in the as-
sessment of skin development underlines the importance of an objective eval-
uation of skin physiology parameters. Skin hydration, transepidermal water
loss, and pH values are measurable with specific instruments that give us an
accurate and reproducible assessment during infant skin maturation. The
recording of these values, following standard measurement procedures, allows
us to evaluate the integrity of the skin barrier and to monitor the functionality Marco Romanelli, MD, PhD
of the maturing skin over time.
Submitted for publication February 13, 2015.
Critical Issues: During the barrier development, impaired skin function makes Accepted in revised form May 11, 2015.
the skin vulnerable to chemical damage, microbial infections, and skin dis- *Correspondence: Wound Healing Research
eases, possibly compromising the general health of the infant. Preterm new- Unit, Department of Dermatology, University of
Pisa, Via Roma, 67, Pisa 56126, Italy
borns, during the first weeks of life, have an even less developed skin barrier (e-mail:
and, therefore, are even more at risk. Thus, it is extremely important to evalu-
ate the risk of infection, skin breakdown, topical agent absorption, and the risk
of thermoregulation failure.
Future Directions: Detailed and objective evaluations of infant skin maturation
are necessary to improve infant skin care. The results of these evaluations
should be formed into general protocols that will allow doctors and caregivers to
give more personalized care to full-term newborns, preterm newborns, and in-

SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE of thermoregulation failure, which

will protect newborns against poten-
The skin of preterm newborns, tial skin breakdown and loss of its
full-term newborns, and infants un- barrier function.
dergoes a characteristic process of
maturation, and therefore, skin care
delivered to this spectrum of patients TRANSLATIONAL RELEVANCE
needs to be tailored to the individual Many studies have correlated func-
patient. The principal aims of safe tional infant skin parameters accord-
and effective skin care are to identify ing to age, anatomical site, and the
the agents that can influence the presence of skin or systemic disease.
skin barrier or those that can induce It would be useful to study how these
systemic toxicity and avoid their uti- functional parameters change in new-
lization, thereby minimizing the risk borns after the onset of skin infection,


Copyright ª 2015 by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/wound.2015.0642
j 587

skin breakdown, or the application of topical agents. tinocytes and consists of keratins that are enclosed
The results of these evaluations could be formed within cross-linked proteins and surrounded by a
into general protocols, which will allow doctors lipid matrix. Transglutaminases are the enzymes
and wound care providers the ability to give more responsible for cross-linking between proteins and
personalized care to full-term newborns, preterm have a central role in the cornified envelope for-
newborns, and infants. mation.6 Pathological defects during the cornified
envelope formation are associated with permeabil-
ity barrier abnormalities. Mutations in the gene
CLINICAL RELEVANCE that encodes transglutaminase I are linked to au-
Understanding the characteristics of newborn tosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis development,
and infant skin will permit the delivery of appro- in particular, lamellar ichthyosis.7 The preterm neo-
priate skin care with the main goal of avoiding skin nate has decreased epidermal and stratum corneum
damage and inducing dermatological pathology thicknesses compared to those of an adult. Although
and systemic consequences that can affect the this is a point of some discussion as a number of au-
overall well-being of the pediatric patient. thors have observed that full-term neonates have a
well-developed epidermis with epidermal and stra-
INTRODUCTION tum corneum thickness similar to adult skin,8 others
Skin is a dynamic complex organ, which per- have observed that the infant epidermis is thinner
forms several vital functions; in particular, it forms compared with an adult.9
a physical barrier between the organism and the Skin homeostasis depends on the stable cohe-
environment. It provides UV protection, prevents sion between the epidermis and the dermis, which
invasion of pathogens, and regulates body tem- are tightly interconnected through the dermoepi-
perature and sensory perception. dermal junction. The anchoring complex within the
Functional and structural skin maturation is a dermoepidermal junction zone is responsible for
dynamic process, which starts at the moment of the stability of the dermal–epidermal cohesion and
delivery and ends in the first year of life. In full- consists of the hemidesmosomes of basal kerati-
term newborns, this process begins immediately nocytes, the anchoring filaments linking the hemi-
after birth, while in preterm newborns by 2–3 desmosomes to the basement membrane, and the
weeks after birth, the skin is comparable to a full- anchoring fibrils connecting the basement mem-
term newborn’s skin.1 Skin growth in infants is brane with the underlying dermis.10,11 During skin
higher than in adults and is characterized by a maturation, cell attachments and epidermal cel-
higher ability to restore itself as a barrier. This lularity increase and the dermoepidermal junction
adaptive flexibility of skin maturation results in becomes undulated.3 In preterm neonates, the
the unique properties of infant skin.2 Regulatory papillary dermis underlying the dermoepidermal
mechanisms control epidermal and dermal devel- junction is edematous, collagen fibrils are smaller
opment, eccrine sweating, sebum secretion, skin than those of the term newborn or adult, and the
surface acidity, transepidermal water loss (TEWL), anchoring structures are decreased, with wide
capacitance, and natural moisturizing factors (NMF), spaces between connecting points.12
which develop during the physiologic maturation The microvasculature in the skin of newborns
process. presents a horizontal plexus with a capillary net-
work that is not yet organized. Immediately after
birth, capillary loops are observable only on the
SKIN STRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT nail beds, palms, and soles and are evident in all
Skin maturation starts during embryogenesis anatomical sites at 14–17 weeks of age.13
through intercellular and intracellular signals be- Sebum levels in the first week of life are high,
tween different tissue layers. Barrier development due to a strong androgenic stimulation of se-
increases with gestational age, and the epidermal bum secretion before birth; such levels subse-
maturation is complete by 34 weeks of age.3 The quently decrease. Infant skin contains less total
epidermis is composed of four major layers, which lipids compared to adults and this correlates
are the basal, spinous, granular, and stratum cor- with low sebum levels measured at 6 months of
neum.4 The physical barrier is mainly localized in life.14 Epidermal desquamation reflects epider-
the stratum corneum, involving corneocytes, cor- mal turnover and is inversely correlated to the
neodesmosomes, lipid-enriched intercellular domains, sebum levels of the skin surface. During the first
and nucleated epidermis cells.5 The cornified en- 3 months of life, desquamation increases above
velope is composed of several layers of dead kera- all on the facial areas due to increased epidermal

turnover, but not in the diaper region due to the Skin hydration
occlusive effect of the diaper. The lower desqua- Capacitance values correspond to stratum cor-
mation on the cheeks compared to the forehead may neum hydration, which influences barrier mechan-
be related to the higher density of sebaceous ical properties and percutaneous absorption.23 At
glands in the cheeks.15 Malnutrition is linked with birth, the skin surface is rougher and dryer com-
changes in surface lipids. In neonates who received pared with older children. During the first 30 days
incomplete parenteral nutrition, an alteration in of life, skin smoothing is correlated to an increase in
skin lipids has been observed due to essential fatty skin hydration. During the next 3 months, the hy-
acid deficiency.16 dration of the stratum corneum increases and ex-
Melanin creates a density filter and protects the ceeds the hydration level found in adults.15,24 The
epidermal cells from UV light damage. The mela- functional maturation of sweat glands may be the
nin concentration is correlated to the reduction of principal mechanism related to the increase in
the UV light penetration through the epidermis. skin hydration after birth.25 The stratum corneum
Infants have a lower concentration of melanin com- of infants between the ages of 3 and 12 months is
pared to adults in sun-exposed skin. The adaptive significantly more hydrated compared with adult
response of the skin to UV lights begins as early as skin. The difference between infant and adult skin
the first summer of life.17 Frequent sunburns and hydration is more evident on the skin surface, spe-
exposure to sunlight in childhood are strongly re- cifically between 10 and 14 lm of depth from the
lated to melanoma development; therefore, ap- skin surface.2 The deficiency of the stratum corneum
propriate measures of photoprotection have been function results in reduced water-holding capacity of
considered to decrease the risk of melanoma and newborn skin compared with adult skin.25 Infant
nonmelanoma skin cancer.18 skin has a higher rate of water absorption and de-
sorption compared with adults.2
The main mechanisms used by the stratum
SKIN PHYSIOLOGY corneum to preserve skin hydration are the inter-
Perspiration cellular lamellar lipids, the corneodesmosome-bound,
In investigating human perspiration or sweat- the ceramide hydrophobed corneocytes, and the in-
ing, we may measure the levels of lactate and tercellular and extracellular hygroscopic molecular
urea, which are the principal sweat constituents. complex known as the natural moisturizing factor
The concentration profiles of lactate and urea (NMF).26 During the corneocyte maturation pro-
show higher amounts in the skin surface and drop cess, a profilaggrin protein is dephosphorylated to
rapidly below the surface.19 In the premature filaggrin, which is proteolyzed to amino acids and
neonate, the sweat glands have not completely derivatives. These amino acids, ions, organic acids,
formed and the secretory coils of the glandular and sugar combine to make the NMF. The major
segment and the sweating response to external constituents of NMF are as follows: serine, glycine,
stimuli are limited. The capacity to sweat is cor- pyrrolidone-5-carboxylic acid, arginine, ornithine,
related with gestational age and there is a ten- citrulline, alanine, histidine, and urocanic acid. The
dency to total anhidrosis in the preterm newborn filaggrin breakdown enzymes increase the activity
in the first days after birth.20 Eccrine sweating when moisture is low.19,27 The concentration of
can be stimulated by an increase in ambient NMF is lower in infants than in adults,2 but in the
temperature, causing the activation of thermal first 2 weeks of life, an analysis of the amount of
sweating, or by emotions such as fear, pain, and NMF has been reported to have higher levels. The
anxiety, causing another type of sweating that is high level of NMFs in the first days of life may be a
termed emotional or mental sweating. Thermal compensatory mechanism to rebalance alkaline pH
sweating, involving first the forehead, and emo- and skin hydration during the postnatal period.28
tional sweating, involving mainly palms and soles,
have been reported in full-term newborns.21,22 Skin pH
Infants of less than 36 weeks of age start to sweat pH is defined as the negative logarithm of the ac-
after thermal stimulation during the second week tivity of hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution, used to
of life, but the intensity of the sweat response express acidity and alkalinity on a scale of 0–14.
depends on gestational age and thermoregulation Normal values of pH in intact adult skin are acidic
is initially low.21 In addition, emotional sweating due to the presence of the acid mantle, while the in-
can be observed only after 36 weeks of gestational terstitial fluid is characterized by neutral values.
age, with a clear relationship between arousal and Infant skin pH levels are higher than those of
palmar skin water loss.22 adult skin, which is usually characterized by a pH

value between 5 and 5.5.29 Newborns have alkaline environmental changes, and performs several ho-
skin surfaces, ranging from 6.34 to 7.5, depending meostatic functions. Macrophages, dendritic cells,
on the anatomical site.30,31 Several mechanisms Langerhan cells, dermal dendritic cells, mast cells,
may play a role in alkaline skin pH at birth, the dendritic epidermal T cells, dermal cd T cells, and
most relevant could be the exposure to the alkaline innate lymphoid cells are all involved in innate
amniotic fluid during the preborn life.32 The acid immunity.44 AMPs are part of the innate immune
mantle is considered a mechanism for skin defense response in human skin and are mainly generated
against infection, influencing the composition of by keratinocytes, mast cells, neutrophils, and se-
cutaneous bacterial flora.33 Skin acidification plays bocytes.45 Human beta defensins and cathelicidins
an important role in barrier maturation and in the are two classes of AMPs made by keratinocytes;
activation of enzymes involved in the extracellular dermcidin is an AMP expressed in eccrine sweat
processing of stratum corneum lipids.34 Alkaline glands and secreted into sweat after proteolytic
pH amplifies the activity of serine proteases (kal- activation of the precursor protein.46,47 An anti-
likrein 5 and 7), resulting in a degradation of cor- microbial ribonuclease, termed RNase 7, revealed
neodesmosomes and of lipid-processing enzymes,35 large spectrum of antimicrobial activity against
leading to desquamation. Exogenous and endoge- many microorganisms.48 Sapienic and lauric fatty
nous mechanisms are involved in the acidification acids generated from hydrolysis of triglycerides
of skin surfaces. Enzymatic generation of free fatty and sphingosines also have antibacterial proper-
acids from phospholipids36 and cis-urocanic gen- ties.46,49 Skin integrity and antimicrobial function
eration by degradation of histidine37 are two of the are both interdependent. AMP levels are indeed
most important endogenous mechanisms involved. lower under basal conditions rather than after
Exogenous mechanisms such as lactate production epidermal injury.49 The newborn skin surface is
in sweat glands38 and microbial hydrolysis of se- replete with host defense proteins at levels that are
baceous triglycerides39 also may play a role in skin lower than in adults. In contrast to total proteins,
surface acidification. the antimicrobial proteins, lysozyme and lactoferrin,
The vernix caseosa is a protective coating of the are present in the newborn skin surface at levels that
skin, which develops during the last trimester of are higher than in adults.50 Furthermore, the com-
gestation, when terminal differentiation of the mensal bacteria produce their own AMPs, which
epidermis and formation of the stratum corneum support the normal production of AMPs by kerati-
develop. It is composed of water (80.5%), proteins, nocytes and repress excessive cytokine release after
sebum lipids, and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) minor external insult to the barrier.45
with biomechanical and water-binding proper-
ties.40,41 Corneocytes are embedded in a hydro- Skin microbiome
phobic lipid matrix, consisting of wax, sterol esters, The human skin is colonized by a variety of mi-
squalene, cholesterol, triglycerides, and free sterol. croorganisms, most of which are innocuous or offer a
The abundance of water-filled fetal corneocytes benefit to their host; the skin barrier serves to pre-
makes the vernix a highly viscous material, despite vent the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms and
the high amount of water in its composition.41,42 supports the growth of commensal bacteria. Skin
The retention of vernix on the skin surface con- microbiota variability depends on endogenous host
tributes to a higher skin hydration, a lower skin factors, the local skin environment, demographic
pH, and relates to a reduced heat loss after birth. and genetic characteristics of the host, and trans-
Neonates less than 28 weeks of gestational age and mission events. Disruptions in the microbiota bal-
those that have a low birthweight have an imma- ance resulting in an alteration of the continuing
ture epidermal barrier and also lack the protective inter- and intraspecies interactions of the microor-
coating of vernix caseosa; therefore, they have a ganisms may lead to skin disorders or infections.51
greater risk of having a lower temperature.43 From the time of delivery, newborns are exposed
for the first time to different types of bacteria
Skin immune system from a variety of sources. Immediately after birth,
The skin is considered the first defense of the skin microbiome seems to be undifferentiated
the innate immune system through pro- and anti- across body sites; afterward, the composition of
inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, lipid and infant skin microflora proves to be site specific,
protein constituents, antigen-presenting cells, and similar to that of adults.52,53 Infants delivered by
mechanical barrier function.4 The rich network of cesarean section acquire bacterial microbiota re-
skin-associated immune cells governs the defense sembling their own mother’s skin surface micro-
against pathogenic microorganisms, responds to biota. Vaginal delivery is linked with infant skin

bacterial communities dominated by the Lactoba- 6-month-old children compared to older children
cillus, Prevotella, and Sneathia species. This is in and adults.2 There is an inverse linear relationship
contrast with the skin microbiome of infants born between TEWL and ambient relative humidity,
by cesarean section, which is dominated by the and the susceptibility to changes in ambient hu-
Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, and Propioni- midity is higher at lower gestational ages. TEWL
bacterium species.53 values are higher in preterm infants compared to
Such differences in the microbial community full-term and there is an inverse correlation be-
are related to the specific characteristics of the skin tween TEWL and gestational age expressed with
at various anatomical sites. In adults, Propioni- the equation: TEWL = 4.17 + 64.76e.(GA–24.99)/2.73 58
bacterium and Staphylococcus predominate in Most of the studies on TEWL show that full-term
sebaceous sites, Corynebacterium and Staphylo- newborns and adults have similar TEWL values,23,28
coccus predominate in moist sites, while Proteo- while others have reported a lower59 or higher 2
bacteria and Flavobacteriales predominate in dry infant TEWL compared with that of adults. The
sites.54 During the first days after birth, the func- high values of TEWL observed immediately after
tion of the skin barrier changes and the evolving birth could be attributed to the skin’s functional
skin environment stimulates the growth of some adaptation to the dry and gaseous extrauterine
bacteria and limits the growth of others. The environment.28 There is also an intersite variation
amounts of Staphylococcus species are higher on in TEWL. Newborns have higher values in the
neonatal skin compared with adult skin. Given forearm, palms, and inguinal region compared to
that infant skin is more hydrated than adult skin, other anatomical sites and this may be correlated
the skin microbiome of newborns resembles the with sweating and the predominant flexor prona-
microbiome of moist skin sites in adults. Moreover, tion of the extremities in newborns.30 After the first
in contrast to adults, firmicutes predominate on week of life, higher values of TEWL appear in the
infant skin, followed by Actinobacteria, Proteo- diaper region suggesting that the high humidity of
bacteria, and Bacteroidetes. The composition of diapering downregulates barrier competence.1,23
microflora residing on the skin surface continues to
evolve over the first year of life.52 CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS
Infant skin is functionally still developing, and
Transepidermal water loss the impaired barrier function of newborn skin
TEWL forms part of insensible water loss and makes it more susceptible to chemical irritation
correlates significantly with absolute rates of water and local or systemic infections compared with
loss assessed gravimetrically. This indicates that adults.60
the intention of quantifying the amount of evapo- In the late neonatal period, about 50% of all
rating water at the skin surface as a marker for deaths are related to sepsis or other severe infec-
barrier function was reached. Different approaches tions, and the incompetent epidermal barrier can
exist for assessing TEWL.55 The method most be considered a major predisposing factor for neo-
currently used is based on an estimation of the natal sepsis development.4,61 The barrier perme-
water gradient through an open chamber, provid- ability is correlated to the antimicrobial barriers,
ing continuous measurements in ambient air, with and most of the defensive skin functions are local-
little alterations of the microclimate overlying the ized in the stratum corneum. Pathogen coloniza-
skin surface. As an example of an open-chamber tion is limited by the geometry of mature and intact
system, the Tewameter (Courage-Khazaka Elec- skin layers, low skin water content, low skin pH,
tronic, Koln, Germany) is well known. It is based on resident microflora, antimicrobial surface-depos-
Fick’s law of diffusion and represents a standard ited free fatty acids, and sphingosine.49
instrument for the evaluation of TEWL. Criticisms Fragility of the epidermis is marked in preterm
of this traditional open system are related to the infants due to incomplete maturation of the skin
confounding effects of ambient and body-induced barrier. Therefore, use of adhesives on newborn
airflows near the probe, probe size, the limitation skin and their removal necessitates particular
in measurement sites, and application/probe an- care, especially in preterm newborns. After ad-
gles.56 Other important factors to consider during hesive removal, TEWL is higher at the site of ad-
TEWL measurement with an open-chamber method hesive application than at other sites, correlating
are air convection, room temperature, and ambient with damaged skin barrier function.62 Epidermal
humidity.57 stripping caused by adhesive removal can be avoi-
There is a large interindividual variability in ded with preventive liquid barrier films on the skin
TEWL values with higher values of variance in 3– under adhesive dressings. Soft silicon and hydro-

colloid dressings are commonly used in neonatal acid or salicylic acid, can lead to systemic toxicity,
and pediatric wound management, considering especially in young patients affected by skin dis-
atraumatic removal of these dressings.63 eases with impaired barriers.72,73
Thermal and chemical burns can induce serious Newborns have a large surface area in relation
adverse effects, mostly in neonates who have a skin to volume and a high thermal conductance with an
barrier function that is less effective compared with increased risk of heat loss. Drying the neonate skin
older children. Newborns sustain full-thickness using an incubator at thermoneutral temperature
burns from thermal insults, which may result in can be useful in preventing a rapid decrease in body
superficial thickness burns in older children, and temperature after birth, especially for low-birth-
preterm infants have major risks in term of mor- weight babies who are particularly at risk of heat
bidity and wound management.64 loss.74 Bathing newborns in the first hour after
Neonatal skin has peculiar absorption charac- birth increases the risk of hypothermia, despite the
teristics, with high permeability to topical agents. use of warm water.75 Rubbing the skin with a
In the early neonatal period, there is a marked sponge during the bath also increases heat loss and
topical drug absorption and high skin water loss should be avoided.76
because of incomplete development of the stratum Cleansing of newborns needs to be carried out
corneum. There is a decrease in skin permeability with particular care to avoid skin or eye irritation
with age, and infants of 37 weeks gestational age and predisposition to skin infections and diseases.
show no drug transcutaneous absorption and a It is recommended that caregivers use liquid,
good skin barrier function.65 Topically applied pH-neutral, or mildly acidic cleansers for infant
agents that are absorbed may cause toxic systemic cleansing. Liquid cleansers are preferable to water
effects and may induce neurotoxicity, structural alone, and liquid preparations are preferable to
damage, and even death.66 Newborns exposed to cleansing bars because the preparations often
topical iodine solutions have an increased risk of contain emollients.77
developing transient hypothyroidism due to iodine The use of emollients can be helpful to restore
overload. The use of iodine solutions should be skin elasticity, sustain skin homeostasis, and con-
avoided in neonates, especially in preterm new- trol TEWL, while regular emollient application
borns.67 Although the skin of the newborn is rela- from birth can be considered an effective approach
tively impervious to isopropyl alcohol, repeated use for atopic dermatitis prevention in neonates at
of this one can induce systemic intoxication by skin high risk of developing atopic dermatitis.78,79 The
absorption and can cause severe hemorrhagic skin application of emollient emulsions to the skin of
necrosis in preterm newborns.68 Chlorhexidine is a premature newborns is controversial. Some authors
recommended topical antiseptic and can be con- have demonstrated that the application of topical
sidered as a safe alternative to alcohol in children ointments may increase the risk of infections in
>2 months of age because of limited safety data in preterm newborns and therefore suggesting that
younger babies.69 Systemic toxicity with methe-
moglobinemia can be associated with skin absorp-
tion of aniline dye, which had been used to stamp Table 1. Structural and functional differences between
infant and adult skin
the name of the institution on diapers.70 In the
process of detoxification, there are some drug- Infant Adult Reference
metabolizing enzymes in the skin, which play an Structural differences
important role. Epidermal cells can activate the Epidermal thickness Thinner Thicker 9
enzyme system to detoxify or modify agents by No significant differences
oxidation, hydrolyzation, hydroxylation, deamina- Cell attachments and Less More
epidermal cellularity
tion, or conjugation. Preterm neonates do not have Dermoepidermal junction Flat Undulating 3

a complete detoxification skin system; therefore, Lipids Less More 14

topical substances can be absorbed without che- Melanin Less More
mical modifications.71 Given the peculiarity of the Functional differences
skin barrier function in the newborn, topical Sweat Less More
Water content Higher Lower
agents should be used only if their systemic ad- Natural moisturizing factor Lower Higher 2

ministration is not associated with toxicity. New- concentration

borns need particular attention in terms of topically pH Higher Lower 29–31
applied agent selection, but the risk of intoxication TEWL Lower Higher
Higher Lower
has to be considered also in older children. The use No significant differences 23,28

of common topical keratolytic agents, such as lactic


the prophylactic use of these should be avoided.80

Others authors have described a highly significant
 Infant skin is functionally still developing as indicated by
reduction of nosocomial infections with the topical
TEWL values, high pH values, high desquamation, high
application of sunflower seed oil in preterm new- skin hydration, and different skin microbiome.
borns, without side effects.81 Sunflower oil pre-
 Newborn skin is more fragile, more susceptible to in-
serves stratum corneum integrity and improves
fections, has a high risk of heat loss for high thermal
hydration; it is superior to olive oil, which can pro-
conductance, is more susceptible to chemical and thermal
mote the development of atopic dermatitis and
damage, and has high permeability to topical agents,
exacerbate existing dermatitis.82
which may induce toxicity.
Considering the susceptibility to irritation, in-
fections, mechanical and thermal insults, and the  Special skin care in newborns, above all in preterm new-
borns, is necessary.
high permeability to topical agents, especially in
newborn skin, preventive care practices should be
applied to preserve the integrity of neonatal and
child skin and to avoid complications.
Teresa Oranges, MD, graduated from the
SUMMARY University of Florence, Italy. She is currently a
The development of the skin barrier increases resident in the Department of Dermatology at the
with gestational age, and the epidermal matura- Santa Chiara Hospital of the University of Pisa. She
tion is complete at 34 weeks of age. The skin of is a member of the European Academy of Derma-
preterm newborns in the first 2–3 weeks of life is tology and Venereology (EADV) and the Italian
characterized by less functionality. The capacity of Society of Dermatology (SIDeMaST). Valentina
sweating is less developed in newborns than in Dini, MD, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Der-
adults and there is a tendency to total anhidrosis in matology at the University of Pisa School of Medi-
the preterm newborns in the first days after birth. cine. She received her doctorate in Experimental
The hydration of stratum corneum is higher in Dermatology in 2009 from the University of Pisa
newborns than in adults and their skin pH is and did her postdoctoral fellowship at the Wound
alkaline. Most of the studies about TEWL show Healing Research Unit of the Department of Der-
that full-term newborns and adults have simi- matology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of
lar TEWL values, but TEWL is higher imme- Miami. Her research interests focus on noninvasive
diately after birth (Table 1). Given the impaired diagnostic assessment of skin diseases and use of
function of newborn skin, suitable skin care is biologics in autoimmune diseases. Marco Roma-
necessary. nelli, MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor of
Dermatology at the University of Pisa, School of
Medicine. He is also the chief of the Wound Heal-
AUTHOR DISCLOSURE AND GHOSTWRITING ing Research Unit at the Santa Chiara Hospital of
The authors do not declare any conflicts of in- the University of Pisa. He is currently the Pre-
terest. The authors do not declare any ghostwriter sident elect of the World Union of Wound Healing
contributions. Societies (WUWHS).

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