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Cashless Hospitalization Assistance (CHA)

Cashless Hospitalization Assistance

Cashless Hospitalization Assistance or CHA is a service provided to the Sales Force

from all levels of Agents during office hours and after office hour excluding PEC
Agents, where their customers have problems with hospital admission and or
hospital discharge.
In other words, agents who have customers with live cases in Hospital.

Agents can contact CHA with written message via WhatsApp (WA) number:
Cashless Hospitalization Assistance

Weekdays: Coordination with

08.15am – 05.15pm Claim Team for TPA

Reply to
Sales Force
Result? Sales FINISH
inquiry of Service Weekdays:
Hospitalization by CHA 05.16pm – 00.00am
via Whatsapp
Coordination with
Claim Team for TPA
08.00am – 00.00am

To support Sales Force when meet complex situation in guaranteed hospitalization process

Term & Condition

• This facility for active cashless hospitalization only
• Communication through Whatsapp only
• Weekdays 08.15am-15.15pm provide to all Agen
• Weekdays 05.16pm-00.00am and Weekend/public holiday provide to agent non PEC and non
KPM Owner (KPM Owner & PEC member will assist by PRUClaim Extra Hours)
Cashless Hospitalization Assistance

Mulai 25 Oktober 2019, telah hadir layanan baru yaitu Cashless Hospitalization Assistance (CHA), yang saat ini
tersedia untuk untuk seluruh KPM di luar Jakarta.

Tenaga Pemasar dapat menghubungi CHA untuk menyampaikan kendala penjaminan yang dialami nasabah saat
rawat inap di Rumah Sakit.

CHA akan membantu Anda melalui pesan WhatsApp di nomor 08118253322 dengan keterangan:
• Senin - Jumat
- 08.15 – 17.15 WIB : untuk seluruh Tenaga Pemasar
- 17.16 – 24.00 WIB : untuk Tenaga Pemasar Non PEC dan Non KPM Owner*
• Sabtu, Minggu & Hari Libur (08.00 – 24.00 WIB) : untuk Tenaga Pemasar Non PEC dan Non KPM Owner*

Layanan CHA tersedia sampai dengan layanan PRUmedical network (PMN) diluncurkan.

*) Tenaga Pemasar PEC & KPM Owner dibantu oleh PRUClaims Extra Hours


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