Best Antiaging Tips Ebook

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1. Waterproof Your Skin

Did you know your skin has its own waterproof coat? You
wear it all the time too. Its fabric is made of sebum, a layer
of oil that keeps water in. When water stays in, skin looks
supple, glowy, and bouncy.

But the blazing sun, the harsh winter winds, the irritants in
your skincare (yep, alcohol and fragrances, I'm looking at
you), and hot water can slowly tear down the fabric. Water
evaporates away through the holes in the fabric, leaving skin
dry and dehydrated.

And when skin is dehydrated, the aging process is on full


Your mission

Quench your skin's thirst with hyaluronic acid: it holds

up to 1000 times its weight in water! 
Nourish skin with skin-identical ingredients: ceramides,
fatty acids, and cholesterol are part of the fabric of your
own waterproof coat and help keep the skin's protective
barrier intact.
Lock in moisture with occlusive emollients: shea butter,
mineral oil, olive oil, and plenty of other oils prevent
moisture from evaporating into thin hair (P.S. If you have
oily skin, you can skip this step).
2. Reduce Inflammation

What's that? You think you can skip ahead because your skin
ain't all red and itchy? Sorry, my friend, I've got bad news for

Your skin's as inflamed as hell. Right now. You can't see it

because it's happening in its deepest layers. 

So, what's going on down there?

To keep a long science lesson short, when skin is inflamed it

releases MMP's (Matrix Metallo Proteinases), a group of
enzymes that literally chew up and break down collagen and
elastin. Without them, skin starts to sag. Wrinkles form. It
ain't pretty.

So what causes inflammation? The usual culprits. Alcohol.

Sugar. Smoking. Pollution. UV rays. Harsh weather. Irritants
in your skincare products. Stress. Bacteria and viruses.

Your mission
Eat a rainbow every day: a rainbow of brightly coloured
  fruits and veggies, that is. You know, tomatoes, carrots,
kale, spinach, orange, blueberries, and all that yummy
Gobble up omega-3: there are plenty in salmon, tuna,
avocados, walnuts, and kale, and they all help soothe and
soften skin.
Go easy on the sugar and alcohol: no one's saying you
have to give them up (heck, a life without Nutella isn't
worth living!) - just eat (and drink) less. Moderation is the
key here.
Use soothing skincare products: look for bisabolol,
allantoin, aloe vera, niacinamide and oats in your skincare
3. Use Your Sunscreen

And not just at the beach, gorgeous.

Did you know that UV rays are responsible for up to 90% of

premature aging? That's a lot of wrinkles and sun spots
you're getting for spending time outdoors. 

Even 5 minutes counts. Even in winter. Even in your car. Even

in the mountains.

UV rays are evil. They penetrate through clouds and

windows, and can even be reflected on snow. Remember,
gorgeous, if the sun is out (even if it's hiding behind a cloud),
you ain't safe.

Your mission
  Use mineral sunscreens every day: zinc oxide and
titanium dioxide provide broad spectrum protection and
don't irritate your skin.   
If you can't go mineral, look for tinosorb and mexoryl:
they're gentler than other synthetic UV filters and provide
superb sun protection.
Reapply it throghout the day: sunlight degrades UV filters
(ironic, right?). So, reapply that sunscreen if you don't
want all its protection to magically disappears within a
few short hours.
4. Hello, Niacinamide!

There's one in every class.

You know, the nerdy, unpopular kid whose name you always
forget, but whose brilliant mind or exceptional talents will
make him famous one day.

Niacinamide is like that. No one knows it yet, but it's so

amazing, it'll inevitably make it big soon. But, you don't have
to wait, my smart friend. You can start using it now.

So, what makes niacinamide so awesome?

1. It moisturizes skin and strengthens its protective barrier.

2. It fights fine lines and wrinkles.
3. It improves skin's elasticity.
4. It soothes irritations and rosacea.
5. It reduces sallowness and dark spots.
6. It treats acne.

It literally works for everyone!

  Your mission

Use it!: look for products with niacinamide (P.S. Vitamin

B3 is niacinamide).
5. Use The Workhorses At Night

You already know what they are:

1. Retinoids: they accelerate cellular turnover, boost collagen

production, reduce wrinkles, minimize dark spot, and even
treat acne!

2. Vitamin C: ditto. It just can't treat acne. But, it boosts sun

protection, especially when used with his BFFs, vitamin E
and ferulic acid (I always look for all 3 when I'm shopping
around for a new vitamin C serum).

3. Glycolic acid: it gets rid of dead skin cells, boosts collagen

production, accelerates cellular turnover, reduces the
appearance of wrinkles and dark spots, and hydrates skin.

If you're serious about keeping your skin wrinkle-free for as

long as possible, you need all three. Period.

But, there's a catch. They make skin more susceptible to the

sun's damaging rays. So you can't use them during the day.

(OK, you can use them during the day IF you wear sunscreen
- and you do, right? But I do think it's safer to use them at

Your mission

Use vitamins A & C and glycolic acid at night: but not all
together! These goodies are powerful, so use them on
alternate nights.
Sensitive skin? Time-release or go small: these powerful
goodies may be too strong for you. If you want to try
them, start with small doses or opt for time-released
technology (it's a gentle way to release retinol slowly over
a few hours rather than all at once).
6. Bonus: Don't Forget Your Neck

(& Hands)

I will never forget the first time I went to Paris. The beautiful
architecture, the mouth-watering pastries, the romantic
walks along the Seine at night...

As I was strolling through its many rues and boulevards, I

couldn't help but notice that every Parisian woman I saw
wore a scarf. Back then, I thought it was just a fashion

Now I know it's one of their best kept anti-aging secrets.

Doesn't matter how well we take care of our face, our neck
(and hands) will always give our real age away.

They're just as exposed to the pollution in the air, the harsh

winter winds, and the hot summer sun as our faces. Yet, we
often neglect them.

No more!
Your mission

If it goes on your face, it goes on your neck (and hands)

too: no need to splurge on expensive neck creams. Just
extend your usual skincare routine to your neck (and
Thank You For Reading

Congratulations! You are now well on your way to gorgeous,

younger-looking skin - for good.

P.S. If you know someone who craves fabulous skin, feel

free to share this guide with her. I'm sure she'll appreciate it!

Giorgia Guazzarotti is the founder and editor of

Beautiful with Brains, where she helps women
achieve clear, gorgeous skin at any age. She's also a
chocolate addict, totally obsessed with owls, and
could listen to musicals all day long.

Let's Connect!


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