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RESOLUTION of the Ellis County Commissioners’ Court WHEREAS, ii he desire ofthe Elis County Commissioners Count to declare ts support ofthe Second Amendment t the United Ses Constiution and the Tess Corstiton, Arte f, Seton "2h potest eens inline aad ind daa ight to ep ad Bs rs tv. WHEREAS, the anehers of Ells County Conamissoners took a osth to support nel deed the Unie Sates Constintion, the Consttaton of the Sate of Texas an ans ofthe Soe of Tess (Guo as thes ar eonstutonal, and, NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED by dhe Commisioers Court ofthe Count of Es by ‘the authored othe Comnsoners bythe kno the State of Texas ae people of Es Couns: Teast tae an ete the hts aad iris, which ane guaranteed Ds the Ched ‘Stes ane Te» Constintonn, we hereby eleclar this Reelin as flees Second cmendent Preseraton Resolution Designating EMs County a Secon Amend "Sanctuary Conny” DET FURTHER RESOLVED tha thi Conmissoners Cou sls it sport fora appoined or elected Shel and any ote aw enforcement ofice of Es Conny, Teas the ‘revi of ound deren, Weak alin our esos to sport deco Don Shr ad ‘ther lw enforce Mier to tt enka any unconstaonal earn fs int tien. {BE IT FUICTHER RESOLVED tha ths Commsoners Cour wil not auhorie or appropre ernment Finds resoures emplores agence couactons baling, detention emer oF tices forthe pups of entering fw tha cso ating on the ight of he people to Beep and bes arin. Achy his ay of Nore, 201%

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