Reference Letter: On Behalf of Breanna Campbell

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March 25, 2018

Reference Letter: on behalf of Breanna Campbell

I supervised Breanna in her University of Lethbridge PS I student-teaching practicum at River

Heights School. In her grade 3 classroom Breanna quickly demonstrated her capacity for dealing
creatively with curriculum in a pedagogically progressive program that honored students. Her care
for student learning combined with powerful organizational strength to result in excellent
foundations and scaffolding for the student construction of learning. Furthermore, her calm and
clear-sighted maturity was notable in dealing with all aspects of her professional role.

In instructional skills, Breanna created extensive, deeply thoughtful lesson planning, characterized
by strong relevancy for students and activity-based inquiry learning. Her lessons were carefully
designed so that all students could learn, involving differentiation and high levels of collaborative
interaction to strengthen student capacity. Her empowerment of peer formative interaction through
excellent collaborative learning strategies was complemented by constant formative interaction with
her students. Assessment was carefully conceived to support student growth, with ongoing self and
peer assessments as well as constant teacher formative feedback.

Breanna was deeply supportive of her students, showing them ongoing respect in all her
interactions, and working to build their intrinsic capacity for self-regulation. She continually
supported their efforts, looking for ways to differentiate in order to build everyone’s capacity. They
responded with a level of engagement that was remarkable.

Breanna’s skills in communication supported this highly engaged classroom environment. She
worked to develop her voice as an ongoing element of emphasis in instruction. She used a careful
clarity in explanations and instructions, involving students in restating and clarifying procedures.
She believed in generating student voice as a means to stimulating thought, and so group-based
discussion was ongoing, moderated by a clear understanding of their responsibilities to each other
in this collective setting.

Breanna has exhibited throughout this initial practicum a heart-felt commitment to excellence in

James Rempel, MEd

University of Lethbridge Consultant/Instructor

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