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Sitio Fon, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon

Cell # 09175824627 or at
“ Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovation”
Brgy. Sabang, Polillo – cp no. 09218054326/09107400759 or at

NAME: ____________________________________________________ DATE: _____________________

GRADE LEVEL AND SECTION: ___________________________________SCORE: ____________________


1. Which of the following mode of reproduction is not an Asexual reproduction?
A. Fragmentation B. Fission C. Amplexus D. Sporulation
2. Oogenesis and Spermatogenesis are processes that involve the formation and maturation of gametes.
These are types of what particular stage of animal development?
A. Organogenesis B. Gametogenesis C. Embryogenesis D. Genetics
3. Which of the following is an appropriate contraceptive for women?
I. Vasectomy II. Tubal Ligation III. IUD IV. Morning-after pill


4. Plants and synthetic bacteria are organisms that obtain energy from sunlight and chemicals to produce
their own food. What do you call these organisms?
A. Autotrophs B. Heterotrophs C. Herbivores D. Omnivores
5. What substance that is being passed through the epidermis, cortex, endodermis, and pericycle then will
move upwards through the xylem vessels?
A. Products of photosynthesis C. Water molecules
B. Food molecules D. all A.B, C
6. What substance that is being excreted by the birds, insects, terrestrial reptiles, and even man?
A. oxygen B. sweat C. uric acid D. all A,B,C
7. Which organ in humans and other vertebrates that serves as the first line of defense against infection?
A. liver B. skin C. heart D. lungs
8. Which body system is responsible for coordinating the functions of the other body systems?
A. Circulatory system B. Endocrine System C. Respiratory System D. Nervous System
9. Which sensory receptor that detects possible tissue damage?
A. Photoreceptor B. Chemoreceptor C. Pain receptor D. Thermoreceptor
10. What is the importance of Eustachian tube?
A. It equalizes air pressure in the middle ear and outer ear.
B. It equalizes air pressure in the outer ear and inner ear.
C. It equalizes air pressure in the middle ear and inner ear.
D. none of the above
11. Which type of skeleton that is rigid but has flexible support made of bones, cartilage surrounded by
masses of muscles?
A. Hydrostatic skeleton B. Exoskeleton C. Endoskeleton D. none
12. What is homeostasis?
A. this refers to stability, balance or equilibrium C. both A and B
B. maintaining a stable internal environment D. neither A nor B
13. Blood sugar level is a reaction in which the system responds in such a way to reverse the direction of
change. What type of feedback is this?
A. Positive feedback B. Negative feedback C. Feedback mechanism D. homeostatic control
14. Which of the following illustrates a positive feedback?
A. thermoregulation B. Blood sugar level C. CO2 concentration D. blood clotting
15. Which of the following illustrates a negative feedback?
A. blood clotting B. Events in childbirth C. thermoregulation D. water and salt balance
16. Why gametogenesis is the first stage of animal development?
A. Without gametogenesis, there will be no formation and maturation of gametes.
B. With gametogenesis, well-developed gametes are able for fertilization.
C. A fertilized egg is the union between mature egg cell and sperm cell.
D. All of the above

Sitio Fon, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Cell # 09175824627 or at
“ Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovation”
Brgy. Sabang, Polillo – cp no. 09218054326/09107400759 or at

17. The glans of penis of male is analogous to what female reproductive structure?
A. fallopian tube B. cervix C. vagina D. clitoris
18. How will you differentiate correctly the symplast route to apoplast route in plants?
A. The absorption of water and minerals across plant roots in symplast route is through the plasmodesmata
while in apoplast route is through the cell wall.
B. The absorption of water and minerals across plant roots in symplast route is through the cell wall while in
apoplast route is through the cell wall.
C. The absorption of water and minerals across plant roots in symplast route is through the plasmodesmata
and cell wall while in apoplast route is through the cell wall and cytoplasm.
D. None of the above
19. One of the nutritional requirement of plants is carbon dioxide. What will happen if carbon dioxide is not
present in the atmosphere?
A. Plants are not able to convert the energy from the sunlight into chemical energy.
B. Plants are not able to release oxygen which is a necessity to animals.
C. Plants are not able to absorb light energy necessary for manufacturing their own food.
D. All of the above
20. In terms of feeding mechanisms, how will you classify earthworms and humans?
A. filter feeders and food seekers C. bulk feeders and food seekers
B. substrate feeders and filter feeders D. substrate feeders and food seekers
21. Which of the following is not a structure for gas exchange in plants?
A. Stomates B. Lenticels C. Aerial root hairs D. Flowers
22. Which of the following is NOT a pattern found on pathogens that the immune system recognizes as
A. Double stranded RNA C. Presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
B. Presence of N-formyl methionine D. Double stranded DNA
23. Which statement that best describes an antibody?
A. Antibodies are of five major types; IgM, IgD, IgG, IgA, and IgE.
B. Antibodies are produced by the immune system to specifically bind a target, a pathogen.
C. Antibodies are parts of pathogen that generate an immune system.
D. All of the above
24. Which statement that best explains the coordination between the endocrine system and nervous
A. The endocrine and the nervous system coordinate with each other through a series of feedback
B. When blood glucose levels are elevated, the satiety center of the hypothalamus is excited and appetite is
C. Chemical coordination of body functions is mediated by the endocrine system, composed of ductless
glands that release hormones.
D. All of the above
25. Tropism is a biological mechanism that enables plant to move toward (positive tropism) or against
(negative tropism) the source of a stimulus. Which of the following demonstrates negative tropism?
A. Mimosa pudica or Makahiya closes its leaflets when touched.
B. The roots grow underground.
C. The sunflower moves toward the direction of the sun.
D. The stem grows upwards and against the force of gravity.
26. The outer ear lobes catch sound waves and channel them to the eardrums. From the eardrum, the
middle ear amplifies the sound wave vibrations to three small bones – the hammer, anvil and stirrup. The
sound waves travel to the oval window. The Eustachian tube equalizes air pressure in the middle ear and
outer ear. The hearing organ is in the inner ear, composed of several channels of fluid wrapped in a spiral
cochlea. This is encased in the bones of the skull. Vibrations in the oval window produce pressure waves.
These waves travel through the upper canal to the tip of the cochlea, enter the lower canal and fade away.
Pressure waves of the upper canal push down to the middle canal and the membrane below this canal
vibrates. These vibrations stimulate hair cells attached to the membrane by moving them against the

Sitio Fon, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Cell # 09175824627 or at
“ Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovation”
Brgy. Sabang, Polillo – cp no. 09218054326/09107400759 or at

overlying tissue. The hair cells are able to develop receptor potentials causing release of neurotransmitters
that induce action potentials in the auditory neurons. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
A. The different parts of an ear and its function of a human ear.
B. How hearing is possible in the human ear.
C. Importance of hearing in the human ear.
D. A realization how grateful man is because he can hear.
27. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Cornea B. Anvil C. Pupil D. Rods E. Sclera
28. Which of the following is not an example of appendicular skeleton?
A. rib cage B. arms C. pectoral girdle D. pelvic girdle
29. What could happen due to a failure in homeostasis?
A. The accumulation of waste products C. Maintaining excess levels of sugar in the body
B. The loss of excess water from the body D. A, B, and C
30.Which of these statements explains best about feedback mechanisms?
A. Positive feedback is more common in naturally occurring systems than negative feedback.
B. There are ways of communication among these components (basically through the circulatory and
endocrine control).
C. All complex multicellular organisms maintain a stable internal environment using their organ systems.
D. All of the above
31. What will happen when the body temperature rises above normal?
A. Nervous system signals dermal blood vessels to dilate and sweat glands to secrete.
B. Nervous system signals dermal blood vessels to constrict and sweat glands to remain inactive
C. Nervous systems signals the muscles to contract involuntarily.
D. Nervous systems signals the muscles to relax involuntarily.
32. Which of these statements is not applicable to the stages of Animal development?
A. In gastrulation, this will give rise to three germ layers, the ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm.
B. In gametogenesis, this is the process to produce haploid gametes.
C. After fertilization series of mitotic division follows; this leads first to cleavage.
D. A gametophyte is a development through gametogenesis.
33. Which of the following statements is a fact?
A. Plants are autotrophic organisms and therefore do not require raw materials from the environment.
B. Heterotrophic organisms cannot make their own food and obtain their energy from other animals.
C. A kilocalorie is a unit of energy that indicates the amount of energy contained in food. It specifically refers to
the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg (2.2 lb.) of water by 1oC (1.8oF).
D. Phagocytosis is the engulfment of inorganic fragments or big particles.
34. How do hemoglobin and hemocyanin are connected to gas exchange in living oganisms?
I. Adaptations of animals for gas exchange include respiratory pigments that bind and transport gases.
II. The respiratory pigment of vertebrates is hemoglobin while that of invertebrates (e.g. arthropods and
molluscs) is hemocyanin.
III. Blood cannot carry sufficient oxygen and carbon dioxide in dissolved form to meet the body’s
requirements; hemoglobin helps enhance its capacity.


35. Absorption of water plus macronutrients and micronutrients through the root system is possible by
diffusion. Root hairs increase the surface area for transport. Water molecules pass through the epidermis,
cortex, endodermis and pericycle; then they move upwards by means of xylem vessels. What is its main
A. The function of root hairs C. The significance of xylem vessels
B. Plant transport through the root system D. Materials are transported up and down the plant
36. What is the importance of inflammation in the immune system?
A. Inflammation is a signal produced by the body in response to a real infection.
B. It sends signals to the adaptive immune response that there is a real danger present and that it has to be

Sitio Fon, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Cell # 09175824627 or at
“ Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovation”
Brgy. Sabang, Polillo – cp no. 09218054326/09107400759 or at

C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B
37. If animals have chemical and nervous control that enable them to respond to environmental stimuli,
what about plants?
A. All living things respond to environmental stimuli primarily to survive.
B. Recent studies also show that some plants can release chemicals that act as defense mechanisms against
pathogen and predators and warn nearby plants to prepare for an impending attack.
C. Hormones are chemical messengers in plants. They regulate various biochemical and physiological
responses that include seed germination, flowering, photosynthesis, fruit ripening and shoot and root
D. Tropism is a biological mechanism that enables plant to move toward (positive tropism) or against
(negative tropism) the source of a stimulus.
38. How odor and taste senses are interrelated?
I. What one “tastes” is actually “smell” or odor.
II. The common cold (due to a virus) can disrupt our sense of smell, thus, we lose taste for the food.
III. Chemoreceptors in the nose detect molecules, differentiated into numerous types of odor.
IV. In the tongue, chemoreceptors in taste buds detect salty, bitter, sweet, and sour tastes.

A. I and II B. II and III C. III and IV D. I, II, and III

39. What is the best explanation for homeostasis?
A. The human body is composed of various organs with specific functions. Organs assemble to form organ-
systems that contribute to homeostasis inside the organism.
B. Homeostasis is important for survival.
C. Homeostasis is the condition wherein steady state is regulated inside the organism in order for it to adapt
to internal and external changes.
D. All of the above.
40. What are the ways a pregnant woman must do to assure a healthy baby after delivery?
A. A pregnant woman will always have a regular consultation and check-up with her OB-GYNE.
B. A pregnant woman should eat foods she wants to have a healthy baby.
C. A pregnant woman should regularly exercise for a normal delivery.
D. All of the above
41. You have a nice picnic with your friends then decided to watch a trending movie in town. When you
enter the movie theater, your vision suddenly become blurred. After a few seconds, your vision returns
to normal. Why this happens?
A. Vision starts when light passes through the pupil and into a transparent lens that focuses images on the
B. The retina contains photoreceptor cells which transduce light energy into action potentials.
C. Rod cells are used for night vision while cone cells are sensitive for bright light.
D. During daylight or whenever light is available, cone cells are activated. But when dim light sets in or
darkness strikes, rod cells take place for vision adjustment would take place.
42. Diverse adaptations for animal movement are mainly because of what body system/s?
A. Nervous system C. Muscular system E. Both B and C
B. Skeletal system D. Both A and B
43. Events in childbirth is a positive feedback. What happens when oxytocin is secreted by the pituitary
I. Nerve impulses from the cervix are transmitted to the brain.
II. Oxytocin is carried in the bloodstream to uterus.
III. Oxytocin stimulates the uterus for contraction and pushes the head of the baby towards the cervix.
IV. Head of the baby pushes against the cervix.


44. What will happen if a man exercises?
A. The respiration rate decreases because the intake of carbon dioxide decreases.
B. The respiration rate decreases because the intake of carbon dioxide increases.

Sitio Fon, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Cell # 09175824627 or at
“ Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovation”
Brgy. Sabang, Polillo – cp no. 09218054326/09107400759 or at

C. The respiration rate increases because the intake of carbon dioxide increases.
D. The respiration rate increases because the intake of carbon dioxide decreases.
45. What will happen if homeostasis is disrupted?
A. The organism may experience a disorder that might affect its normal functions.
B. Organs assemble to form organ-systems that contribute to homeostasis inside the organism.
C. both A and B
D. neither A nor B
46. What is the most important stage in animal development?
A. Gametogenesis is the most important because without mature gametes or sex cells there will be no
fertilization that results to a zygote that will give rise to an embryo that will lead to growth and
B. Fertilization is the most important because it is where life begins of another being,
C. Organogenesis is the most important because it is where different organs will be developed from the
respective germ layers.
D. All of the above
47. Liver, pancreas, and gall bladder are accessory organs. Can man live without any of these accessory
A. No, because their function is to assist the functionality of other organ.
B. Yes, because accessory organs only assist the functionality of other organ.
C. No, because the digestive system is not complete without these accessory organs.
D. Yes, because they are non-vital organs yet they have to observe a very healthy lifestyle.
48. Vaccination is the injection of a killed microbe in order to stimulate the immune system against the
microbe, thereby preventing disease or to prevent the disease be worsen. Dengvaxia therefore, a vaccine
sponsored by the Philippine government to prevent Dengue infection. What makes it inconsistent to this
significant vaccine?
A. Sanofi Pasteur, a French drug based vaccine maker made a statement that its product poses higher risks
to people without prior dengue infection.
B. Sanofi Pasteur, a French drug based vaccine maker made a statement that its product is very expensive
where poor people can’t avail it.
C. Sanofi Pasteur, a French drug based vaccine maker made a statement that its product can no longer be
supported by the Philippine government because of its high cost.
D. Sanofi Pasteur, a French drug based vaccine maker made a statement that its product has a pending
49. How can you take care of plants to assure their full growth and development?
A. Always water the plants because of hydrotropism.
B. Expose the plants to sunlight because of phototropism.
C. Let the plants cling with another plant because of thigmotropism.
D. All of the above
50. Ants can detect small movement through 5 cm of the earth. The butterfly has hairs on its wings to detect
changes in air pressure. A crab has hairs on claws and other parts of the body to detect water current and
vibration. How will you evaluate the different animal senses to the environment?
A. It helps them when and when not to hunt for food.
B. It helps them detect danger in order for them to survive.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

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