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2 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.



We Are the Leaders We’ve Been Waiting For

very thinking American knows on some level authentic investigative journalism is real news. In of our basic individual rights. While mostly our from one another as they transmit. Hence the ability
that his/her current political disposition is its true and proper form, nothing but the facts are fault for our inexcusable non-participation beyond for radiation to disperse over a greater area between
based almost entirely on emotions triggered pursued. And every relevant peice of information morbid contempt or delusional hero worship, the towers. 5G will require mini antennas located
by media manipulation like never before. must first be sourced, then verified multiple times malfeasance afoot during our watch is coming approximately 20 meters apart from one another for
So take a moment to assess yourself with as much where possible. These are the minimum standards to fruition unchallenged. You don’t get a pass for the continuity of transmission. In its initial rollout,
self-honesty as you can muster regarding what you for information to be considered reliable, trustwor- political decrepitude in a republic because without 5G will require at least one mini-antennae per block,
actually know about current affairs – in other words, thy news. Anything less is unacceptable. civic participation, adherence to the rule of law, and approximately 250 mini-antennas per square mile,
verifiable facts – but also, just as importantly, the The public must sort out the issues, problems, tolerance for a spectrum of differences, eventually all emitting exponentially larger levels of radiation
context of those facts that are informing your politi- trends of the day for themselves. That’s how it works society will devolve and fall prey to some miserable during transmissions.
cal opinions and rationales. in a free society. Augmenting information with totalitarianism ever lurking. In addition, the macro 5G system will require
If mainstream media is your primary source opinion, spin, and political leanings is fast becoming Evidence of this can be found in our govern- approximately 20,000 satellites launched into space
of news, especially cable and broadcast news, you a license for indoctrination. Replacing neutral, fact- ment’s increasing secrecy, justified as necessary for directly above Earth, blanketing the planet with
are being relentlessly triggered, inevitably trapping based news with biased narratives that are sourced national security. Nondisclosure of government additional EMF radiation. 5G’s rollout is on a fast-
you in an “arena” mentality of picking a side – right anonymously confirms a complete degradation of activities and finances; including certain unscru- track, proceeding with infrastructure development
or left – and pigeonholing you within predictable, the integrity essential to the news-delivery mission pulous corporations; fraudulent charitable foun- before the individual components that comprise
managed parameters of behavior modification. of factually and actually informing the public with- dations; parasitical NGOs, denominational the 5G technology have been worked out. And also
And this prison of stupid is precisely where out bias – nothing less will serve the watchdog of organizations, and academia, will inevitably render before any industry or government-sanctioned
the social engineers of this systematic behavioral the people. Media has abdicated its prime directive the public obsolete in this republic’s governance research has been conducted on the potential health
manipulation want you. The fact that you do know to inform the public reliably, through usurpation of model. It is a centuries old strategy to commandeer impacts and potential negative consequences from
this on some level, yet continue to ignore it, makes the media platforms to advance far narrower agen- ever more power, and it is succeeding thanks to our this new technology.
this toxic political environment a deeply selfish, das of backroom political and social provocateurs. individual silent exempting of ourselves en masse 5G is promoted as a modern efficiency technol-
unimaginative, lazy, and in too many cases, a cow- Time for you to get back to rational assessment of from nearly all civic participation. ogy, connecting more devises together, download-
ardly indulgence. Translation: your fault. the news because the stakes have never been higher Below (and continued in upcoming issues) is ing large amounts of data much faster, seemingly
Mindlessly buying into the daily rickety media – as you are about to learn. It is time to reignite critical information, with a brief explanation and providing all manner of potential improvements.
narratives of biased, fact-less, mostly anonymous, your individual responsibility to question things, links for you to further research. This country needs But some argue that 5G is not for the benefit or
contradictory, redundant, conflicted, and emo- especially government and big business, where it to snap out of it and reengage now. We need a civic enhancement of consumers’ usage, but to increase
tional-charged memes delivered in short disparate dominates. Reignite your natural, healthy skepti- reawakening if we want to effect change, if you want speed and efficiencies in machine-to-machine
spurts is a communications tactic in the world of cism that is one of the defining characteristics of a to effect change, in time. We are the leaders we’ve communications and applications, many of which
behavioral science. free society. Redeploy your critical thinking skills been waiting for. Tick tock … . are strictly military and intelligence-gathering
It is the polar opposite of reasoned, thought-pro- by seeking to resolve the contradictions that present, applications.
voking dissemination of need-to-know information,
and is deployed throughout today’s news industry
by questioning underlying assumptions, verifying
information points, exploring proffered solutions’
5G TECHNOLOGY Currently, the Telecommunications Act of 1996
exempts the telecommunications companies from
with impunity. It is no longer news, and the industry potential unintended consequences … . You know, A simple explanation is as follows: 5G is basi- liability for health hazards. However this indemni-
is not the Fourth Estate. It forfeited that awesome stuff like that. cally electromagnetic wavelengths, sometimes fication may not apply relative to 5G due to the thou-
responsibility in favor of activism, mostly liberal if And rededicate yourself to the rule of law and the referred to as signatures, that bear an exponential sands of independent studies and peer reviewed
you believe the majority of scientific polling. News overarching principle that evidence matters. It’s the increase in density and strength. Electromagnetic papers on the dangers of EMF radiation since
anchors, regardless of party identification or affili- only thing that matters in a just society. Finally, get wavelengths travel within an Electromagnetic Field the1930s. Many of the Telecoms’ investors sylla-
ation, abandoned even the veneer of investigative real about the truth of things, without the overin- (EMF). EMFs exist all around us, and produce vary- bus’ disclose the potential financial risks looming if
journalism, favoring celebrity-hood. Technology dulgence of emotions, but instead with the intellec- ing levels of radiation emissions, depending on their health hazards emerge from 5G, especially because
means not actually having to travel where the news tual acuity required to assess things as they are. And intensity, wavelength, and pulse rate. no insurance companies will provide liability insur-
is, such as to Syria or Yemen. Instead, producers can you better get comfortable in the middle, because The first generations of EMFs associated with cell ance for such potential future claims.
green-screen the appearance of being on location that’s where the truth mostly exists. phones and towers (1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G) operated on Still, there is currently no legal remedy to pre-
without a hair out of place. These theatrically-savvy The following compiled list of news items have a lower density and pulse-rate spectrum due to the vent the telecoms from installing their 5G anten-
spokespeople read their lines as directed, elevating gone dangerously unreported, underreported, mis- wavelengths of approximately 3-6 gigahertz (GHz) nas on or near your property if your city has already
guided speculation, sprinkled with the glitterati of reported, or malreported by mainstream media. traveling longer distances and dispersing radiation contracted with them for 5G. So now is the time to
idealogical spin, as constantly “Breaking News.” While you’ve been wallowing in an epic distortion over wider areas. Still, there is ever-increasing con- intervene and demand that your city does not con-
There are countless examples of compiled clips of emotional angst and drama triggered by media’s firmation of serious health hazards associated with tract with telecoms or 5G implementation until the
of these 24/7 anchors repeating identical words, relentless coverage of President Donald Trump – all this lower level spectrum of EMF radiation emission telecoms devotes resources to studying the risks and
phrases, and highly specific iterations across not bad, all day, every day – to keep you alarmingly dis- attributable to cell-phone use. These hazards include acting responsibly. The telecommunications indus-
just news segments on one channel, but across mul- tracted from myriad other critical news occurring cancer, neurological disorders, birth defects, genetic try has devoted $50 trillion to the infrastructure
tiple channels during multiple news segments. Proof under your nose. Whether you hate him or love him damage, autism, mental illness, and dementia, all development that will accommodate 5G. This is an
positive that the so-called news is rigidly scripted does not absolve you from keeping informed about part of a growing list of health risks that are found unprecedented budget for a single technology and
and hive-mined. other vital news and updates of current affairs and to have correlations with EMF radiation emissions feasibly could free funding for such an important
How about this: reacting emotionally to news events that are in your purview as an American. already prevalent, not counting the increased expo- aspect to the tech’s longterm success. It begs the
items is your first clue you are being played. Emo- Since the media is no longer delivering such infor- sure predicted to occur as a result of 5G technology. question: Why not?
tionally-charged responses have their footing in mation, its on you to explore beyond a cursory read Now comes 5G, with a wavelength called a mil- This brief explanation is the tip of the tip of the
the more primal limbic system of our brain, taking or blurry explanation confined to a three-minute limeter wave (MMW) of approximately 30-300 5G iceberg. The argument favoring 5G technology
root quickly and more permanently. As a result, it news segment. This is serious stuff and ignoring it ghz. But because it is a much shorter wavelength, sooner than later includes an overarching global
is much harder to change or reverse an emotionally makes you not unlike a civic accomplice – and if you it is denser with a much faster pulse rate, substan- anxiety that whoever secures 5G tech penetration
derived opinion than it is a rationally achieved one. have children and/or grandchildren, also makes you tially increasing the amount of radiation emissions. first will rule the future economically. So, naturally,
Social engineers depend on this well-established a civically negligent parent/grandparent. What you Underpinning the growing alarm within the bio- the U.S. race is with China. Always always follow the
tenet of behavioral science. As long as an emotional do now is what your progeny lives with later. medical community, is that the 5G wavelengths are money, and also, of course, the obsessive, relentless
response can be elicited from you, the odds of you We all owe them and each other and ourselves much shorter, so their travel distance is dramati- pursuit of power and world domination.
pushing past that emotion to reason through the some discernible effort to hold our government cally reduced, concentrating emissions in a much
information that caused it become far less likely. accountable for increasing egregious patterns of narrower area. Full article online includes coverage of Smith
You have to resolve yourself to the fact that most conduct, including actual legislation and rule- Currently, 3G and 4G operate via large transmis- Mundt Modernization Act, and the US Bureau of
news is negative; that’s why it’s news. But only making that threatens the foundational protections sion towers that are spread in wide grids, miles apart Global Public Affairs. Visit

Sources and Resources:

• • Definitive Guide to 5G Rollout:
• Video: The Secret Behind 5G Technology: • May 2019 Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on 5G: • Feb 2019 Senate Commerce Hearing on 5G:
• 11 Reasons to Be Concerned: • Oct 2019 Senate Homeland Security Hearing on 5G: • Physicians for Safe Technology:
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 3

A Criminal in the House and a Mole in the Senate

he first day of the 2019 veto session on corrupt members should be forced out if they And then there are the lazy criminals who complaint says the person had to be “admon-
Monday, October 28, was unlike any don’t leave. Sitting in that room was Sena- think the only way to get things done is by brib- ished multiple times” to report his/her involve-
other that most people have ever seen. tor Tom Cullerton (D-Villa Park), who was ing people. That’s apparently the category that ment in any “unauthorized” illegal activity.
First, we learned that Representative Luis indicted on over 40 federal counts during the Arroyo falls into, if the government transcript And then the witness allegedly filed false
Arroyo (D-Chicago) had been arrested on summer. Tom Cullerton was reelected just of his conversation with the cooperating wit- income-tax returns and the FBI “closed” him
public-corruption charges. About an hour last year, so he can continue attending session ness is accurate and in context. as a source. They apparently gave the Senator
later, federal prosecutors claimed that Arroyo unless he’s eventually convicted of a felony or “This is, this is the jackpot,” Representative an opportunity at redemption, or at least a sen-
had attempted to bribe a state Senator who has is also expelled. Arroyo said to that unnamed Senator as he tence reduction, with the Arroyo sting.
been cooperating with the feds since 2016. Also in that caucus meeting was Senator handed over the first of what he thought would The herd mentality requires a rejection of
An alleged venal criminal in the House and Terry Link (D-Waukegan). The Sun-Times and be 12 monthly $2,500 checks. informants. This particular informant, mole,
a government mole in the Senate. That can tend the Tribune both reported that Link was the Seriously? The jackpot? Twenty-five hun- or whatever else you want to call it, was obvi-
to disrupt your day. one who helped the feds sting Arroyo. Link, dred? That’s only 30 grand over the life of the ously no angel. But he did help nab someone
Even so, the House Democratic caucus 72, the most prominent gaming expansion sup- one-year bribe. Either Arroyo figured the who apparently thought he could bribe a state
meeting early that afternoon was almost com- porter in the Senate, repeatedly denied being unnamed Senator was desperate for cash or that Senator into carrying legislation to legalize
pletely routine. House Speaker Michael Madi- the mole and each of the newspapers relied on a the Senator was recklessly corrupt. And “reck- sweepstakes games. There is a strong positive
gan went over several mundane topics with single source for their stories. But the unnamed lessly corrupt” is definitely what I would call to what the cooperating witness accomplished
members and then finally wound up an hour Senator said on a government recording that someone who threw away his future by hand- here.
later by reading a statement to his members he was in the “twilight” of his career, his first ing over a $2,500 check to an FBI informant. By the end of the week, Arroyo had resigned.
about Arroyo. meeting with Arroyo was in Lake County, and Line two of the “List of Items to be Seized” In his resignation letter, he practically begged
Madigan’s central message was that Arroyo they talked about a gaming-related bill. If it’s in the September federal search warrant of his colleagues to let his district keep the pork
must resign from the House or face a potential not Link, the government sure seemed to go out Senator Martin Sandoval’s Statehouse office projects he had inserted into the infrastructure
expulsion. One member of his caucus thanked of its way to draw a map to his house. read: “Items related to CW1, Lobbyist A, and/ program. Maybe somebody should take a look
him for the statement. Other than that, the Regardless, this might put a damper on or Lobbyist B.” CW is fed-speak for “cooperat- at those.
meeting was routine. Members talked inces- Mayor Lightfoot’s gaming bill if Senator Link ing witness.”
santly amongst themselves about Arroyo but is still involved. People may be hesitant to enter The unnamed Senator is described in the Rich Miller also publishes Capitol Fax, a daily
were mainly mum in caucus. a negotiating room believing that someone in Arroyo criminal complaint as “CW-1.” The political newsletter, and
Things were a little different in the Senate the venue might be manipulating them into cooperating witness “became a source for the
Democratic caucus meeting. Senator Melinda saying something that the FBI could interpret FBI” in 2016. The feds must have let that person New Column Published
Bush (D-Grayslake) angrily demanded that as a potential criminal offense. off the hook for something else because the
Weekly at




Through December 8, 2019
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Davenport, Iowa • 563.326.7804
4 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 Know More, Do More •

MUSIC By Max Allison

Jimmy Eat World

Friday, November 8, 8:30 p.m. @ The Rust Belt, 533 12th Avenue, East Moline, IL

Vol. 27 · No. 967 op-punk veterans Jimmy Eat World
NOVEMBER 2019 perform at the Rust Belt on Novem-
ber 8 on a tour supporting their
newest LP Surviving.
RIVER CITIES’ READER The word “timeless” gets thrown around
532 W. 3rd St. plenty to describe evergreen music that
Davenport IA 52801 seems to float outside of today’s trends. The kind of jams that always warrant a
(563)324-0049 (phone)
(563)323-3101 (fax)
return with fresh ears, regardless of what- ever new styles have taken over the charts
in the interim since their release. Arizona-
PUBLISHING SINCE 1993 based power-pop/punk band Jimmy Eat
The River Cities’Reader is an independently owned publication and
website, dedicated to providing readers and members the “keys to the World makes music that fits a different
Quad Cities’culture.” defi nition of timelessness. Their tracks
escape the flow of the ages by managing
PRINTED MONTHLY to conflate so many eras of human devel-
Newly printed complimentary editions are available monthly
at select locations in the region. For a complete list, visit opment by way of their effervescent spirit and their youthful energy, even though
Jimmy Eat World at the Rust Belt – November 8
they’re delivered by a band that has been
PRINT ADVERTISING SPACE RESERVATION DEADLINE IS THE 15TH in the game for almost thirty years. The the band’s many other Billboard-worthy that would come to further captivate the
OF EACH MONTH FOR THE FOLLOWING MONTH’S EDITION. band sidesteps the brand of forever-in- hits – the kind of song that they begrudg- band up to the present day. The song uti-
WEBSITE & WEEKLY E-NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING DEADLINE IS high-school lyrical content still pumped ingly play as the finale of a set that they lizes tropes like gang vocal sing-a-longs,
out by flagships like Blink 182, who sketch know so many audience members had heavy major key progressions, and kinetic
Visit for full out a somewhat creepy. Matthew McCo- patiently been expecting – the fervor of snare rolls to ramp up the energy through-
publishing calendar, sponsorship naughey-esque “I get older but they stay the Jimmy Eat World fan base ensures that out its unfolding structure.
opportunities, ad sizes, and pricing. the same age” mentality (and have done the track remains just another banger in The question becomes: What does
so since that band’s earliest releases, their arsenal. Jimmy Eat World’s newest music, released
PUBLISHER when they were already firmly in their
Todd McGreevy • Take, for example, the other tracks on 2019’s LP Surviving, have to offer to a
20s). Jimmy Eat World conjure a sense of that hit the airwaves around that era of pop/rock landscape where their brand of
EDITOR & BUSINESS MANAGER simple, cross-generational bliss by way the band’s output — and the memorable bombastic vocal songwriting has become
Kathleen McCarthy • of the fundamental elements that consti- entries that made their 2007 album Chase increasingly commonplace, after the con-
tute their songs: sugary melodic hooks, This Light their highest charting album tributions of five-years-removed chart-
ARTS & CALENDAR EDITOR dynamic multi-guitar arrangements, and
Mike Schulz •
to date. “A Praise Chorus,” from Bleed toppers such as Fall Out Boy or Panic! At
a honed sense of narrative development. American, hits with a fleet-footed verse The Disco? The answer is: plenty. Surviv-
ART DIRECTOR From the moment they fully broke into melody ornamented with stuttered syl- ing, which just landed in October, builds
Nathan Klaus • the mainstream in the early 2000s, Jimmy lables and high notes that stretch almost on the template of the band’s previous
Eat World were perhaps unfairly lumped to the falsetto range. When the pre-chorus albums as it showcases Adkins’s voice
DISTRIBUTION & OFFICE MANAGER into the glut of pop-leaning bands that hits and the guitars take a step down into as it keeps the guitar riffs churning and
Michael Locander • pulled tropes of emo rock, Cheap Trick- the lower register, the sense of narrative threading together into striking harmonic
style arena rock, and punk from their tool- flow locks into place. Here is a band that backdrops. Album opener “Surviving”
William Reveal boxes. Far from the willfully raw, emotive isn’t afraid to cram their song structures bumps over start-and-stop guitar chords
yelps that emerged from the microphones with melodies that would probably each and a loping drum beat that allows the
ADVERTISING SALES of bands such as American Football and constitute their own discrete songs in lead vocals to float between the cracks
Michael Locander • The Get Up Kids, Jimmy Eat World always the hands of a lesser band. Similarly, the in counterpoint. Highlight “All The Way
brought a theatrical, professional flair to excellent “Sweetness,” perhaps their sec- (Stay)” fully commits to the kind of bright,
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS their vocal arrangements. Lead singers
Amy Alkon, Max Allison, Rochelle Arnold, ond-most widely recognized song after chunky power chord riffs that covered
Rob Brezsny, Pamela Briggs, Max Cannon, Jim Adkins knows how to craft an ear- “The Middle,” flies right out of the date the airwaves in the 80s, before shedding
Madeline Dudziak, Daniel McAdams, worm melody, and possesses the vocal with some towering, hooky bellows that any semblance of machismo for its sticky
Julie McCarthy, Rich Miller, Loren Thacher chops to actually rise up and down the immediately implant into your brain. The sweet chorus. As a whole, the album rein-
scales as he sings, instead of harping on band’s sophistication in guitar arrange- forces Jimmy Eat World’s status as a fore-
Cheri Delay, Greg Fitzpatrick, Marie Mack, monotone clusters of notes or banking on ment comes into view here, as the distor- runner of affecting, expertly crafted pop
Jay Strickland an idiosyncratic delivery to back up what tion pedals kick on and the six-strings rock that knows exactly when to pull its
could be considered otherwise pedes- pump out chord progressions that subtly punches and when to make a lunge for

KNOW MORE. trian vocal lines. The band’s initial rise

on the strength of their immortal 2001
vary the harmonies already implied by the
chorus. The effect is one of motive intro-
those heartstrings.

hit “The Middle” came into being due to duction and quick reconfiguration, as Jimmy Eat World plays the Rust Belt
the song’s seamless, rapid-fire cadences the voices cast off new melodic flourishes at 8:30 p.m. on November 8, admis-
and multiple interlocking hooks. While against the shifting context of the guitars. sion is $30-35, and more information
© 2019 River Cities’ Reader “The Middle” might have developed into “Big Casino” from Chase This Light dou- and tickets are available by visiting
the kind of track that would overshadow bles down on the arena-rock influences
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 5

Covering November 7–December 4, 2019

Your event listing in print and online has been complimentary since 1993!

Send your events to

VISUAL ARTS be available for guests to explore art topics in new ways; Carolyn Krueger - Susan Sharp, exhibit of ceramics 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,
for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, and mixed media; Wed.-Sat.… The ARTery, thru Sat, thru Wed Dec 4
225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 1pm Nov 30
Openings & Gallery Events Sat Nov 16 Randy Richmond: The Set Table: Forks on the
Corrine Smith - Shari Telman, exhibit of mixed media Left, Metaphors on the Right, exhibit of photographs
Community Activist Talk, Donald and Theresa Girls On Fire Conference, the Figge is proud and jewelry; Wed.-Sat.… Midcoast at Bucktown Gallery, by the Muscatine-based artist;… Quad City Arts Center,
Daradar of the Pointeau-Chien Indian tribe of Louisiana to partner with LOVE Girls Magazine for this event thru Sat Nov 30 thru Wed Dec 4
will discuss their tribe’s ongoing efforts to combat the of empowerment focused on the capabilities,
effects of global warming that threaten their tribe’s land; achievements and spirit of junior high and high Day of the Dead: The Art of Remembrance, Randy Richmond: Verisimilitude, an exhibit of 10
free with $4-10 museum admission; for information, school girls; for information, call 563-326-7804, this installation will explore how we celebrate and large-format photographs; the subjects of Richmond’s
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, remember the lives of our lost loved ones through the photographs are careful arrangements of found
Davenport IA,, 6:30pm Thu Nov 7, 10am Thu Nov 21 collective traditions, art-making and storytelling that are objects combined with taxidermy animals or mounts
integral parts of Dia de los Muertos; Tue.-Fri. 10am-5pm, from the collections of St. Ambrose University and the
Senior Day at the Figge, meet in the lobby for a Free Family Day, families and fans will dive into the Sat. 11am-5pm; free with $4-10 museum admission; for Nature Center at Nahant Marsh; Tue.-Fri. 10am-5pm,
tour at 1:30pm, with a 2:30pm film in the auditorium; current exhibitions with special activities throughout information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 Sat. 11am-5pm; free with $4-10 museum admission; for
seniors get 10% off in the Museum Store and Cafe; for the museum; for information, call 563-326-7804, W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, thru information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, Wed Dec 4 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, thru
W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 1:30pm, 10am Sat Nov 23 Wed Dec 4
Thu Nov 7 Denise Bellazo - David Bower, exhibit of mixed-
Final Friday at Bucktown, featuring the closing media artworks; for information, contact Zaiga Rose Frantzen: Portrait of Maquoketa and the
Thursdays at the Figge, art-themed activities, reception for the “Show Your Colors!” exhibit;… Thorson… Black Hawk College ArtSpace Gallery, thru Storytelling Tree, Frantzen’s multi-panel “Portrait of
discussions, tours, refreshments, and more; guests Bucktown Center for the Arts, 6pm Fri Nov 29 Wed Dec 4 Maquoketa” artwork includes 180 12x12” oil portraits of
are invited to experience the current exhibitions people from Maquoketa and a 315 square foot landscape
and permanent collection gallery as well as shop the Public Reception: Show Your Colors, featuring Emily Newman: Sky Weave, exhibit of drawings by view of Maquoketa painted on 34 vertical panels
Museum Store; free; for information, call 563-326- works of visual art from all media excepting video;… the Des Moines-based… Quad City Arts Center, thru suspended from the ceiling; “The Storytelling Tree” tells
7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, Bucktown Center for the Arts, 6pm Fri Nov 29 Wed Dec 4 the story of a young girl’s special bond with her father;, 5pm Thu Nov 7 thru Thu Nov 28 Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm;
Collection and Exhibition Highlights Tour, a John Dilg: Arterial Resources, the exhibition free with $4-10 museum admission; for information,
Q&A: Earthly Beauty, held in conjunction with the guided tour with one of our knowledgeable docents, includes approximately 30 works as well as a collection call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St.,
exhibit of works by Susan… Morrissey Gallery, Galvin this is a wonderful way to gain further insight into of source materials, including a collection of thrift store Davenport IA,,thru Wed Dec 4
Fine Arts Center - St. Ambrose University, 4pm Fri Nov 8 museum exhibitions; meet in the Quad City Bank & Trust artworks, which combined with memory have inspired
Grand Lobby at the museum; free with $4-10 admission; Dilg in the development of his work; Tue.-Fri. 10am-5pm, Steve Erickson: Painter, through the series of 11
Q&A: Truth & Beauty, held in conjunction with the for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, Sat. 11am-5pm; free with $4-10 museum admission; for recent works that comprise the exhibit, one can witness
exhibit of works by Sandra… Catich Gallery - St. Ambrose 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 firsthand the artists’s desire to create paintings that
University, 4pm Fri Nov 8 1:30pm Sun Dec 1 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, thru suggest vast possibilities well beyond the edge of a
Wed Dec 4 rectangular plane; Tue.-Fri. 10am-5pm, Sat. 11am-5pm;
Reception: Earthly Beauty, held in conjunction with free with $4-10 museum admission; for information,
the exhibit of works by Susan… Morrissey Gallery, Galvin Exhibits & Shows Let It Show, seasonal exhibit by local artists; Wed.-Sat. call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St.,
Fine Arts Center - St. Ambrose University, 5pm Fri Nov 8 11am-6pm; free;… Bereskin Gallery & Art Academy, thru Davenport IA,, thru Wed Dec 4
Earthly Beauty, exhibit of works from Susan Coleman, Wed Dec 4
Reception: Truth & Beauty, held in conjunction with an artist… Morrissey Gallery, Galvin Fine Arts Center - St. Ben Ryan - Tony Seabolt, exhibit of mixed media and
the exhibit of works by Sandra… Catich Gallery - St. Ambrose University, thru Sat Nov 23 Mia Feuer: Totems of the Anthropocene, the paintings; Wed.-Sat.… Midcoast at Bucktown Gallery,
Ambrose University, 5pm Fri Nov 8 exhibit envisions what our environment might become Sun Dec 1 thru thru Wed Dec 4
Truth & Beauty, exhibit of works by Sandra Louise after prolonged exposure to petroleum products;
Closing Reception: Carolyn Krueger and Susan Dyas,… Catich Gallery - St. Ambrose University, thru Sat featuring several unique installations and a one- Teresa Mesich - Jeanne O’Melia, exhibit of paintings
Sharp, held in conjunction with the exhibit of ceramics Nov 23 person indoor synthetic ice rink; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, and mixed-media parade floats;… The ARTery, Sun Dec
and mixed media;… The ARTery, Sat Nov 9 Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free with $4-10 1 thru thru Wed Dec 4
museum admission; for information, call 563-326-
St. Alphonsus Catholic Church Annual Craft Sale,
held in the gymnasium; among the many items for
sale… St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, 9am Sat Nov 9

Collection and Exhibition Highlights Tour, a

guided tour with one of our knowledgeable docents, this
is a wonderful way to gain further insight into museum
exhibitions; meet in the Quad City Bank & Trust Grand
Lobby at the museum; free with $4-10 admission; for
information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 1:30pm
Sat Nov 9 thru Sun Nov 17

Curator Talk: Vanessa Sage, Sage, Figge assistant

curator, will take visitors through the permanent
collection galleries to discuss some of her favorite
artworks; free with $4-10 museum admission; for
information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 6:30pm
Thu Nov 14

The cArt!, find our art cart in selected galleries for

in-depth conversations about art; books, objects, gallery
games and information, along with a trained docent, will Mannheim Steamroller Christmas @ the Adler Theatre – November 14
6 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 Know More, Do More •

MUSIC Classes
submissions of video art and sound works; artists will be
notified the first week of January 2020; for information,
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St.,

Bath Bombs, all materials will be supplied; free; for Davenport IA,, thru Sat Nov 23
information, call 309-523-3440… River Valley District
Library, 5pm Thu Nov 7 Call for Entries: Show Your Colors, seeking
Saturday, November 9, 8 p.m. @ Rhythm City Casino Wine & Art: Mixed-Media Pet Portraits, enjoy
submissions for the exhibit whose public… Bucktown
Center for the Arts, Sat Nov 16 thru Wed Dec 4

Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Avenue, Davenport, IA

a glass of wine, light hors d’oeuvres, and socializing;
participants will think outside the frame of traditional
portraiture when they create their favorite furry family
member’s portrait. use acrylic paint and paper collage MUSIC
to create colors, patterns and dramatic layers; for
information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 Concerts
W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 6pm
Thu Nov 7 Guest List Series featuring Joe Marcinek, concert
with the blues, funk, and jazz-fusion musician; free; for…
Needlecraft: Applique, on Thursdays; learn to The Redstone Room, 7:30pm Thu Nov 7
personalize anything with easy to learn… Davenport
Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 3:30pm thru Bettendorf Park Band, the ensemble’s first concert
Thu Nov 21 in its 52nd season; free… Herbert Goettsch Community
Center, 7:30pm Fri Nov 8
Adult Coloring, coloring pages, gel pens, colored
pencils and crayons will be… River Valley District Library, Brent Penny - Annalibera - Gabriel Dowie,
2pm Fri Nov 8 bedroom-pop musician in concert; $5-10 sliding scale;
for information, call 309-200-0978… Rozz-Tox, 9pm Fri
America @ Rhythm City Casino Resort – November 9

Intro to Clay Studio, on Fridays, with instructors Claire Nov 8
Waterman and Karen Brinson; learn… Bereskin Gallery &
hart-topping rockers whose illus- platinum sales, and inspired another top-10 Art Academy, 5:30pm Fri Nov 8 thru Fri Nov 15 Casual Classics: Concert III, “Duets for Divas,” with
trious career has seen the release sensation in “I Need You,” while additional Diane McVey, soprano and Gretchen Windt,… Galvin
Mixed-Media Assemblage: “Put A Bird On It” Fine Arts Center - St. Ambrose University, 5pm Fri Nov 8
of 16 studio albums, four live hits for America in the 1970s included Workshop, with instructor Theresa Weil; explore
albums, and seven compilations (including “Ventura Highway,” “Lonely People,” “Tin mixed media assemblage in this… Bereskin Gallery & Art Jimmy Eat World, concert with the platinum-selling,
2019’s 50th Anniversary: Golden Hits), the Man,” and the chart-topping “Sister Golden Academy, 12:30pm Sat Nov 9 Arizona-based rockers; $30-35… The Rust Belt, 8:30pm
Fri Nov 8
Grammy Award-winning band America Hair.” Oil Painting, on Saturdays, with instructor Dave
enjoys a special engagement at Davenport’s America’s 2007 album Here & Now was Anderson; learn to see, draw,… Bereskin Gallery & Art Terry Quiett Band, concert with the touring blues
Academy, 9:30am Sat Nov 9 thru Sat Nov 30 musicians, featuring an opening set… The Redstone
Rhythm City Casino Resort Event Center a collaboration with a new generation of Room, 8pm Fri Nov 8
on November 9, playing from a five-decade musicians who credited the band as an Box of Thanks, an activity in the Southwest Craft Night
repertoire boasting such classic hits as “Tin influence, and in addition to their Grammy series; materials supplied;… Rock Island Public Library - The Manny Lopez Big Band, Lopez and his 13 piece
Southwest Branch, 6pm Tue Nov 12 big band will be playing… The Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 6pm
Man,” “Sister Golden Hair,” and the iconic Award, the musicians were inducted into Fri Nov 8
“A Horse with No Name.” the Vocal Group Hall of Fame in 2006 and Crocheting a Gift, Nov. 12 & 19; $28; for information
and to register,… Black Hawk College - Quad City America, concert with the multi-platinum-selling,
Despite the band’s moniker, America received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Campus, 5:30pm Tue Nov 12 Grammy-winning classic rockers; $35-75; for tickets and
was actually formed in London in 1970 by Fame in 2012. In recent years, America has information, call 844-852-4FUN, Rhythm City Casino
Dewey Bunnell and Gerry Beckley (both of gained more than 1.4 million monthly lis- DIY Canvas Photos, create your own 8” x 10” canvas Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA,
photo; participants need… River Valley District Library,, 8pm Sat Nov 9
whom are still in the group) alongside Dan teners on Spotify with eight songs receiv- 2pm Tue Nov 12
Peek. The trio met as sons of U.S. Air Force ing over two million streams, among them Corridore - White Batzzz - Everlasting Light, black-
Tipsy Art, have fun sipping on your favorite drink while metal, electronic, and doom musicians in concert; $5-10
personnel stationed in London, where they “A Horse with No Name” (42 million-plus creating your… Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 7pm Fri sliding scale; for… Rozz-Tox, 9pm Sat Nov 9
began performing together shortly after the streams), “Sister Golden Hair” (11 million- Nov 15
members’ graduation from high school. plus), and “Ventura Highway” (10 million- St. Ambrose University Student Invitational
Holiday Crafternoon, guests will be able to fashion Recital, free; for information, contact Terri Flynn at 563-
Acclaimed from the start for their tight plus). With Bunnell and Beckley continuing ornaments from six selections… Bettendorf Public 333-6001 or… Galvin Fine
vocal harmonies and light, acoustic, folk- to record material and tour with regular- Library, 1pm Sat Nov 16 Arts Center - St. Ambrose University, 3pm Sun Nov 10
rock sound, America’s musicians signed a ity, America’s audience continues to grow, Creation Studio Drop-In: Washi Tape Kindness Chris O’Leary Band, concert with the New York-based
record deal with Warner Bros. Records and comprising a loyal legion of first-, second-, Cards, free; for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail blues singer, guitarist, and harmonica… Moline Viking
released their self-titled debut in 1971, an and third-generation fans.… Bettendorf Public Library, Club, 6pm Mon Nov 11
3pm Mon Nov 18
album whose lead-off single was “A Hotrse Thy Art Is Murder, Australian deathcore musicians in
with No Name.” The song became their first America plays the Rhythm City Thankful Tree, if you have something you’re thankful concert, with sets by VCTMS, Pit Lord,… RIBCO, 5:30pm
for this fall, help… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Mon Nov 11
number-one smash on the Billboard Hot Casino Resort Event Center at 8 p.m. on Street Branch, 4pm Mon Nov 18
100 and was also a top-five hit in the United November 9, admission is $35-75, and
Kingdom, where it reached number three more information and tickets are avail- How Pin-teresting! with Jenn Voss, if you’re stuck
with the kids, bring them to the… LeClaire Community
on the U.K. Singles Chart. America itself able by calling (844)852-4386 or visiting Library, 6:30pm Thu Nov 21
topped the U.S. Billboard charts, earned
Creation Studio Drop-In: 3D Greeting Cards,
free; for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@… Bettendorf Public Library, 3pm
Mon Nov 25

Adult Coloring, discover the therapeutic benefits of

coloring; color pencils and coloring… Davenport Public
Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 2pm Tue Nov 26

DIY Dog Toys, we’ll provide the supplies you need

to make simple rope… Davenport Public Library -
Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm Tue Dec 3

Holiday Craft, celebrate the holidays with the Library

by making your own… Davenport Public Library -
Eastern Avenue Branch, 6pm Wed Dec 4

Calls For Entry

Call for Entries: 41st Fine Arts Exhibition, any
artist living within 150 miles of the Quad Cities is
eligible; Candace Moeller, associate director of Cristin
Tierney Gallery in New York, will be the juror; this year, Aaron Kamm and the One Drops
for the first time, the Rock Island Art Guild will accept
@ the Redstone Room – November 22
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 7
Hells Bells AC/DC Tribute, an evening with the
number-one tribute to AC/DC; $10 & up… Jumer’s Casino Special Events
& Hotel, 7pm Sat Nov 30
Augustana Symphony Orchestra: John Williams
Jim McDonough and His Orchestra & Singers: Movie Night, musicians of all ages are invited to
Holiday Grande 2019, this dazzling, all-new stage join the orchestra to play Williams’ film themes in
production features International Steinway Artist this Orchestra Reading Night; music will be provided;
McDonough… Adler Theatre, 2:30pm Sun Dec 1 participants should bring their instruments and a folding
music stand if possible; free, Bergendoff Hall of Fine
Black Hawk College Community String Orchestra, Arts - Augustana College, 3701 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
free; for information, contact Dr. Edgar Crockett at 309-,
796-5479 or… Black Hawk College 7:30pm Thu Nov 7
Theatre - Building 1, Room 308, 7pm Mon Dec 2
RME Community Youth Band Rehearsal, on
Black Hawk College Community Band, free; for Wednesdays; a concert band for students that may not
information, contact Dr. Edgar Crockett at 309-796-5479 have… RME (River Music Experience), 5:15pm Wed Nov
or… Black Hawk College Hawk’s 13 thru Wed Nov 27
Nest - Building 4, 7pm Tue Dec 3
KIX Orchestra Rehearsal, the KIX Orchestra, directed
Tuneful Tuesdays, bring your lunch and enjoy a by Steve Little, plays music from… RME (River Music
musical performance over the… Rock Island Public Experience), 7pm Tue Nov 19
Library - Downtown Library, noon Tue Dec 3
Trax from the Stax: Liv Carrow Presents, a music-
Black Hawk College Electronic Music Concert, listening program designed to provide the opportunity
Slayer @ the TaxSlayer Center – November 14 free; for information, contact Dr. Edgar Crockett at 309- to share… Bettendorf Public Library, 7:30pm Thu Nov 21
796-5479 or… Black Hawk College
Theatre - Building 1, Room 308, 7pm Wed Dec 4 RME Community Youth Band Rehearsal, on
Kris Kristofferson & the Strangers, concert with Black Hawk College Big Band and Jazz Combos, Wednesdays; a concert band for students that may not
the Country Music Hall of Fame member and… Adler free; for information, contact Dr. Edgar Crockett at 309- have… RME (River Music Experience), 5:15pm Wed Dec 4
Theatre, 7:30pm Wed Nov 13 796-5479 or… Black Hawk College
Theatre - Building 1, Room 308, 7pm Wed Nov 20
The T’N’T Tour: Tommy Castro & Tinsley Ellis,
touring blues musicians in concert; $30 adv / $35 day Aaron Kamm & the One Drops, concert with the
of… The Redstone Room, 7:30pm Wed Nov 13 touring reggae-rock musicians, featuring an opening
set… The Redstone Room, 9pm Fri Nov 22
Juan Franco, concert with the acclaimed tenor and
guest music artist; free;… Galvin Fine Arts Center - St. Daykeeper - Dead Emperors - Igneous - Cervine,
Ambrose University, 7pm Thu Nov 14 concert with the doom, prog, and heavy-metal
musicians; $5; for… RIBCO, 9:30pm Fri Nov 22
Karen Meat - Subatlantic - Tambourine, pop
and rock musicians in concert; $5-10 sliding scale; for Tunes at the Tulip, enjoy listener-friendly music from a
information,… Rozz-Tox, 8pm Thu Nov 14 variety of artists in the… Hauberg Civic Center Mansion,
7pm Fri Nov 22
Mannheim Steamroller Christmas, founder Chip
Davis celebrates the 35th Anniversary of his annual Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban in
Christmas… Adler Theatre, 7:30pm Thu Nov 14 Concert, the Quad City Symphony Orchestra plays live
accompaniment to Alfonso… Adler Theatre, 7:30pm Sat
Slayer, concert with the California-based thrash-metal Nov 23
band, featuring sets by Primus, Ministry,… TaxSlayer
Center, 6pm Thu Nov 14 Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban in
Concert, at 2 & 7:30pm; the Quad City Symphony
Brown Bag Lunch Series Concert: Tony Rangel Orchestra plays live accompaniment… Adler Theatre,
& Friends, free; for information, call 563-344-4175 or Sat Nov 23
e-mail… Bettendorf Public
Library, noon Fri Nov 15 Old Dominion, concert with the chart-topping
Nashville-based country band on its “Make… TaxSlayer
Bucktown Revue, a live music-and-humor variety Center, 7pm Sat Nov 23
show featuring various styles of folk… Nighswander
Theatre, 7pm Fri Nov 15 Zeta - Everlasting Light - Dark Family - Aubs.,
concert with experimental and psych musicians; $5-10
Cryptostatic - Autumn Rove - St. October, an sliding scale; for… Rozz-Tox, 9pm Sat Nov 23
epic night of metal for all ages featuring the… Village
Theatre, 7pm Fri Nov 15 Lessons & Carols, at 3 & 5pm; annual event presents
the story of Christ’s birth in readings and music, with the
Joe & Vicki Price, concert with the folk, blues, and Augustana Chamber Singers; free; for information, call
Americana singer/songwriters and Iowa… The Redstone 309-794-7306, Ascension Chapel, Augustana College,
Room, 7:30pm Fri Nov 15 3701 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,, Sun Nov 24

Northern Parallels 038: Mike Derer - Higgy - Black Hawk College Chamber Music Recital,
b00kie - b2b - flowereater, quality house and techno; free; for information, contact Dr. Edgar Crockett at 309-
$5; for information, call 309-200-0978… Rozz-Tox, 8pm 796-5479 or… Black Hawk College
Fri Nov 15 Theatre - Building 1, Room 308, 7pm Mon Nov 25

Moeller Nights Fest: Vol. II, concert with indie Black Hawk College Voice Recital, free; for
musicians TBA; $40… The Rust Belt, 7pm Fri Nov 15 thru information, contact Dr. Edgar Crockett at 309-796-5479
Sat Nov 16 or… Black Hawk College Theatre -
Building 1, Room 308, 7pm Tue Nov 26
Ami Dang, concert with the South Asian-American
vocalist, sitarist, composer and producer… Rozz-Tox, Doggin’ Out Blues Band, featuring local musicians;
9pm Sat Nov 16 no cover; for information, call 563-323-0895… The Diner,
7:30pm Wed Nov 27
My Posse in Effect: A Beastie Boys Tribute, concert
with the hip-hop tribute musicians; $10 adv / $12 day… Tommy Cornelis, concert with the QC-born, DC-based
The Redstone Room, 9pm Sat Nov 16 DJ and member of The… Rozz-Tox, 8pm Wed Nov 27

Fabio Frizzi - Frizzi 2 Fulci, presented by All Senses, Back in Black Friday / Electric Shock: AC/DC
WAKE Brewing, Ragged Records, and Music… RIBCO, Tribute, concert with the Quad Cities-based tribute
8pm Sun Nov 17 rockers; $8 adv / $10… The Redstone Room, 8pm Fri
Nov 29
Polyrhythms’ Third Sunday Jazz Workshop &
Matinee Series: The Bob Washut Emeritet, concert Guest List Series featuring Davina & the
with pianist/composer Washnut plus UNI faculty and Vagabonds - Mo Carter & Co., concert with the
alums Chris… The Redstone Room, 3pm Sun Nov 17 touring jazz and soul band, featuring a… The Redstone
Room, 7:30pm Sat Nov 30
Weeping Icon - Commodity A - Aging, concert
with experimental and noise-punk musicians; free; for
information, call… Rozz-Tox, 8pm Sun Nov 17
8 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 Know More, Do More •

MUSIC By Max Allison

Ami Dang and Bill MacKay
Rick Beyer, historian and Quad City Arts Visiting Artist
speaks about his… Frances Banta Waggoner Community
Library, 5pm Thu Nov 7
Saturday, November 16, 9 p.m. @ Rozz-Tox, Rick Beyer, historian and Quad City Arts Visiting
2108 Third Avenue, Rock Island, IL
Artist speaks about his… Black Hawk College Theatre -
Building 1, Room 308, 12:30pm Fri Nov 8

altimore-based Ami Dang and Chicago Local Author Series: AR DeClerck, local author
DeClerck will be discussing how authors find
musician Bill MacKay perform at Rock
inspiration… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue
Island venue Rozz-Tox on November 16. Branch, 3pm Sat Nov 9
Ami Dang’s music sketches out a hybridized
vision of experimental yet accessible songwriting Mystery Book Discussion Group: Crow Trap, a
discussion of Ann Cleeves’ book; free; for information,
and production that spans the many disciplines call… Bettendorf Public Library, 9:30am Sat Nov 9
and levels of the American and diasporic inter-
national undergrounds in which she has created. Rick Beyer, historian and Quad City Arts Visiting Artist
speaks about his… Central DeWitt Performing Arts
As a fixture of the Baltimore DIY scene for years, Center, 7pm Sat Nov 9
Dang has been an ambassador of cross-fertilization
between far-flung styles including North Indian Evening in the Palace of Reason: Bach Meets
classical music, bedroom-pop beat-making, and Ami Dang and Bill MacKay @ Rozz-Tox Frederick the Great in the Age of Enlightenment,
a discussion of James R. Gaines’ book with the German
extended drone and ambient exercises. Led by her – November 16 American… Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Tue Nov 12
emotive, masterful sitar playing, her tracks find
sitar to take center stage as it pours out gently Get Lit: Where’d You Go, Bernadette, a discussion Chad Elliott @ Flatted Fifth Blues and BBQ
room for moments of ethereal improvisation and
swooning lead lines, along with details of elec- reverbed melodies. Around a minute in, how- of Maria Semple’s book; free; for information, call… – November 23
ever, an ominous synth arpeggio bassline creeps Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Tue Nov 12
tronic production and synth performance that
recontextualize her lead instrument against diverse into the mix along with torrents of raw electronic Write Now! Writers Group, a chance for seasoned and Last Monday Book Club Discussion, light
soundscapes. tone. From there, the track navigates a tightrope inspired writers to meet to… Moline Public Library, 6pm refreshments will be paired with good conversation;
The description “East meets West” feels like between swelling synth abandon and crystalline Mon Nov 18 books for… Silvis Public Library, 6:30pm Mon Nov 25

it fundamentally misses that which makes her lead voices, culminating in a triumphant web of Educated, a discussion of Tara Westover’s book with the Farming While Black: Soul Fire Farm’s Practical
music so striking, because at this point, many of bubbling synth tones. Last Call… Icons Martini, 7pm Tue Nov 19 Guide to Liberation on the Land, a discussion of
the tropes that she incorporates in her music can’t Chicago-based journeyman guitarist Bill Leah Penniman’s book with the Environmental Book…
McKay joins Dang on the November 16 bill, West End Book Club, free; for information, call 563- River Action, 7pm Tue Nov 26
be localized to one region or tradition. Aside from 326-7832… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street
the presence of the sitar, which clearly grounds her bringing along his achingly beautiful post-Amer- Branch, 6:30pm Tue Nov 19 Woman in Cabin 10, a discussion of Ruth Ware’s novel
work in the South Asian canon, she deals in elec- ican Primitive style fingerpicked guitar work and with the Southwest Branch… Rock Island Public Library -
nuanced songwriting. This year, MacKay added A Novel Naptime, parents discuss a monthly selection Southwest Branch, 6pm Tue Nov 26
tronic elements that have no easy reference point. while activities are provided in… Moline Public Library,
Is it Tangerine Dream-style Berlin School synth the solo record Fountain Fire to his deep catalog 10:30am Wed Nov 20 Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, a discussion
arrangement? Is it omnivorous sculpting in digital of both solo records and albums in duo formation of T.S. Eliot’s book in the Book to… Davenport Public
audio workspace that evokes the work of polyglots with luminaries including Ryley Walker and Matt Contemporary Books Discussion Group: The Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6:30pm Wed Nov 27
Lux. Released via venerable Chicago mainstay label Story of My Teeth, a discussion of Valeria Luiselli’s
such as Aisha Devi, Holly Herndon, or Earthe- book; free; for information, call… Bettendorf Public The Poisoner’s Handbook, a discussion of Deborah
ater? Is it a post-minimalist update of the work of Drag City, Fountain Fire captures exactly what Library, 1pm Wed Nov 20 Blum’s book with the Brown Bag… Davenport Public
eternally returning drone forerunners including makes MacKay a continuing source of plucked- Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 1pm Wed Nov 27
out-of-time six string mastery. The album splits the Contemporary Books Discussion Group: Signs
Terry Riley and La Monte Young – or, perhaps Preceding the End of the World, a discussion of Yuri Whiteout, a discussion of Ken Follett’s book with the
more accurately, one step back to the bottomless difference between dynamic improvisatory leads Herrera’s book; free; for information, call… Bettendorf Alpha Book… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
kirana gharana singing of their teacher, the origi- and off-the-cuff riffing with composed passages Public Library, 7pm Wed Nov 20 Library, 1pm Mon Dec 2
nal drone progenitor Pandit Pran Nath? It is all of in which additional guitars, keyboards, and subtle
synths provide accompanying harmonies. The glis- Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone, a discussion of Write Now! Writers Group, a chance for seasoned and
these things and more. J.K. Rowling’s book with the 30/31 Book… Rock Island inspired writers to meet to… Moline Public Library, 6pm
Dang’s most recent release, 2019’s lush LP Parted tening “Welcome” seduces us with its jazzy chord Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 6:30pm Wed Nov 20 Mon Dec 2
Plains, displays all the skills that have come to shape structures and juxtaposed electric and acoustic
guitar tones, hitting some sweet spot between pro- American Fire, a discussion of Monica Hesse’s book Pageturners Book Discussion Group, free; for
her practice to date. The transfixing “Bopoluchi” with the True Crime… Davenport Public Library - information, call 309-524-2470… Moline Public Library,
flows through a series of cascading sitar melodies gressive English folk and pastoral mountain rock. Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm Thu Nov 21 6:30pm Tue Dec 3
all while a backdrop of high-definition synthesis “Try It On” slinks its way up through ascending
melodies of open-tuned folk grandeur, and gives Kafka on the Shore, a discussion of Haruki Murakami’s The Store, a discussion of James Patterson.’s book with
broods and percolates into motion behind them. book with the Bangtan Book… Rock Island Public Library the Between the… Davenport Public Library - Eastern
The track’s final minute or so soars into glorious us the welcome addition of MacKay’s own lovely
- Downtown Library, 5:30pm Thu Nov 21 Avenue Branch, 6:30pm Wed Dec 4
cross-pollinated aural territory, where the intensi- vocals to the mix – sounding as much like a belea-
fying lines from her instrument flow in time with guered songwriter stranded in a cabin in the forest
patches of fine-grain, hyper-textural synth – with as an urban troubadour making sense of his place
chubby bass notes and contoured washes that in the sprawling landscape of Chicago. The monu-
sound like they were sourced from the circuits of a mental “Dragon County” closes out Fountain Fire
classic Buchla synth. Album highlight “Sohni” hits on a high note as MacKay’s guitar playing com-
hard with its over-layered network of sitar tones, bines fluid comping, languid slide textures, and a
blasting out with a stereo spread in which every more formless, quick wrist style that provides the
corner is filled with percolating, twanged melody. harmonic bedrock for the other elements. MacKay
Moments like these, when Dang sidesteps typical builds tension throughout its six-minute run time,
conventions of live performance and allows her letting each layer of guitar shine in the spotlight
instrument to cross the uncanny valley into the before sinking back into the mist. His jittering
realm of fine-tuned digital arrangement, attest to electric leads, though, demand our attention as
her vision as a producer and her sense of the heights complex details within the stew of sounds, cast off
to which her tools can raise her music. The track with distinct effect processing and fleet-fingered
manages to evoke touchstones as disparate as the melodic phrasings.
guitar orchestras of Glenn Branca, the looped
melodic excursions of Noveller, and the existential Ami Dang and Bill MacKay play Rozz-Tox on
dread of large, doomsday, post-rock ensembles November 16 with an opening set by Idpyramid,
such as A Silver Mount Zion. “Souterrain,” the admission to the 9 p.m. is $10-15, and more infor-
towering closer of Parted Plains, peels back the mation on the night is available by calling (309)200-
0978 or visiting
layers of electronic ornamentation to allow Dang’s The Prenzie Players’ The Merry Wives of Windsor @ QC Theatre Workshop – November 15 - 23
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 9
read from the script, no preparation is necessary; Sat.
2-4pm, Sun. 5-7pm; for information, call 309-762-0330,
Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 35th Ave., Moline IL,
Prescription: Murder, 2pm Sat Nov 23 and Sun Nov 24

A Doublewide, Texas Christmas, holiday slapstick Audition Workshop for Area Youths, the focus of
by Jamie Wooten, Jessie Jones, and Nicholas Hope,…
Richmond Hill Barn Theatre, Thu Nov 7 thru Sun Nov 17
the classes will be audition techniques for… Timber Lake
Playhouse, 10am Sat Nov 16 Friday, November 8, through Sunday, November 17 @
Newsies: The Musical, Tony-winning period musical Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 35th Avenue, Moline, IL
based on the Disney movie; Thu.-Sat. 7pm,… Alleman
High School’s Dr. Tracy Spaeth Performing Arts Center, DANCE
Thu Nov 7 thru Sun Nov 10
Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance Classes,
Elf: The Musical, holiday musical based on the 2003 offering classes in Ballet Pointe, Modern, Jazz, Tap,
Will Ferrell film comedy,… Circa ’21 Dinner Playhouse, Conditioning, Creative… Ballet Quad Cities School of
Thu Nov 7 thru Wed Dec 4 Dance, thru Wed Dec 4

Oleanna, New Ground Theatre’s production of David Polka Club of Iowa, Inc., Eastern Chapter Dance:
Mamet’s sexual-harassment drama; Fri.… Village Eddie Korosa Jr. Band (1pm), $10, 21 & under free; for
Theatre, Fri Nov 8 thru Sun Nov 10 information, call 563-284-6340… Walcott Coliseum, 1pm
Sun Nov 10
Prescription: Murder, mystery-thriller by William Link
and Richard Levinson, directed by Eric Teeter; Fri. & Sat. Ballet Quad Cities Performance, Ballet Quad Cities Prescription Murder @ Playcrafters Barn Theatre – November 8 - 17

7:30pm, Sun. 3pm; $10-13; for information and tickets, will present a special performance inspired by art on
call 309-762-0330, Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 35th display at the Figge; free with $4-10 museum admission;
Ave., Moline IL,, Fri Nov 8 thru Sun for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, delightfully engaging stage mys- work on TV’s Ellery Queen and Columbo.
Nov 17 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, tery whose fi lm version intro- During the 1980s, they were also three-
6:30pm Thu Nov 21
She Kills Monsters, Qui Nguyen’s comedy about the
duced the world to the iconic time winners of the Edgar for Best TV
players of fantasy role-playing games, directed by Jeff detective Lt. Columbo, authors William Feature or MiniSeries Teleplay, and in
Coussens; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 1:30pm; $10-15; for
tickets and information, call 309-794-7306, Brunner COMEDY Link’s and Richard L. Levinson’s Pre-
scription: Murder wraps up the Playcraft-
November 1995, they were jointly elected
to the Television Academy Hall of Fame.
Theatre Center, Augustana College, 3750 7th Ave., Rock
Island IL,, Thu Nov 14 thru Sun Nov 17 Circumstantial Comedy Show, on Fridays; w/ $2 Old ers Barn Theatre’s 2019 season with its Directing Prescription: Murder for Play-
School Beers of the Day; for… Brew, 10pm Fri Nov 8 thru
The Merry Wives of Windsor, Prenzie Players Fri Nov 29
November 8 through 17 run, this “arrest- crafters is Eric Teeter, a frequent sound
production of Shakespeare’s comedy, directed by Jake ing” comic thriller sure to prove why designer for the Moline theatre who has
Walker… QC Theatre Workshop, Fri Nov 15 thru Sat SUYP Comedy Presents: Truth or Dare, combines British Theatre Guide raved, “For fans of also appeared in such productions as
Nov 23 everyone’s favorite and most traumatizing party game
with improv… Village Theatre, 8pm Sat Nov 9 Columbo, and of detective stories in gen- Something Intangible, Clybourne Park,
Losers Bracket, blue-collar comedy by Clay and Nate eral, this is certainly worth seeing.” and Avenue Q. Columbo is portrayed by
Sander, directed by David Bonde;… The Black Box Show Us Your Pokeballs, a night of improv and sketch
Theatre, Fri Nov 15 thru Sun Nov 24 comedy; $10-12; ages 18+; for… Village Theatre, 8pm
Providing the inspiration for the Alexander Richardson, the founder of
Sat Nov 9 Emmy-winning TV series that spanned the theatre’s Barn Owl Series who wrote
Gunplay, Frabk Higgins’ kaleidoscope of scenes about numerous decades and made a star of and directed this year’s (a work in prog-
guns in American life, directed by Kevin Battitt; Thu.-at. ComedySportz, interactive comedy with the area’s
7:30pm, Sun. 2:30pm; $8 at the door; reservations long-running improv troupe; $12 at… The Spotlight Peter Falk, Columbo’s theatrical prede- ress) and has acted in such productions
recommended at 563-441-4339, Scott Community Theatre, 7pm Sat Nov 9 cessor Prescription: Murder tells the tale as Some Girl(s) and Fat Pig. And com-
College’s Black Box Theatre, Room #228 through Door #2,
Scott Community College, 500 Belmont Rd., Bettendorf Tomfoolery on Tremont 37: Davey Wester, an
of a brilliant psychiatrist and his mistress pleting the ensemble are Nolan Schoenle
IA,, Thu Nov 21 thru Sun Nov 24 evening with the touring standup comedian; 8pm show, who hatch a plot to murder the man’s neu- in his acting debut for Playcrafters plus
with Happy… Renwick Mansion, 8pm Sun Nov 10 rotic, possessive wife. The execution of five venue veterans: Adam Cerny (4000
Christmas Wonderland Holiday Spectacular,
holiday production in the Broadway at the Adler Theatre Stand Up Comedy Open Mic, on Mondays, hosted by their plan and the creation of their perfect Miles), Kassidy Holdridge (She Kills Mon-
series,… Adler Theatre, 7:30pm Fri Nov 29 Douglas Hernandez; for information, call 309-517-1944… alibi depend on a bizarre impersonation, sters), Dave Moreland (a work in progress),
Broken Saddle, 8pm Mon Nov 11 thru Mon Dec 2
Mr. Scrooge! A Musical Christmas Carol, family-
and the stage mystery finds Lt. Columbo Yvonne Siddique (And Then There Were
friendly re-telling of Charles Dickens’ classic holiday Broken Saddle Comedy Open Mic, on Tuesdays; consequently engaging the psychiatrist in None), and Elle Winchester (Five Women
novel; 11am brunch,… Circa ’21 Dinner Playhouse, noon if you’ve ever been called “the funny guy”… Broken a duel of wits. But when the doctor suc- Wearing the Same Dress).
Fri Nov 29 thru Tue Dec 3 Saddle, 8:30pm Tue Nov 12 thru Tue Dec 3
ceeds in having Columbo removed from
Butchers Hook Comedy w/ Ryan Proctor, on the case … . Prescription: Murder runs November
Auditions & Calls for Entry Tuesdays; a stand-up-comedy open mic night; for
What follows is an exciting and fasci- 8 through 17 at the Playcrafters Barn The-
information, call… Meat Market, 9pm Tue Nov 12 thru
The Wedding Singer, seeking performers ages 16 & Tue Dec 3 nating game of cat-and-mouse written by atre, with performances at 7:30 p.m. on
older for the Tony-nominated musical… The Spotlight longtime collaborators Link and Levin- Fridays and Saturdays and 3 p.m. on Sun-
Theatre, Sat Nov 16 and Sun Nov 17 The Laugh Hard Comedy Show, event featuring
some of the funniest stand-up comedians from across… son, who received a Special Edgar Award days. Admission is $7-13, and more infor-
The Boxcar Children, auditions for Barbara Field’s The Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 8pm Fri Nov 15 (named after Edgar Allan Poe) from the mation and tickets are available by calling
Depression-era adventure running February 7 - 16,
directed by Cynthia Taylor; auditions will be a cold
Mystery Writers of America for their (309)762-0330 or visiting
10 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 Know More, Do More •


introducing Christmas traditions like Advent,… German
COMEDY American Heritage Center, 2pm Sun Nov 24

A Doublewide, Texas Christmas

European Christmas Markets & Traditions, a
presentation by by Wolf & Linnea Koch; we will visit…
ComedySportz, interactive comedy with the area’s German American Heritage Center, 2pm Sat Nov 30
Through Sunday, November 17 @ Richmond Hill Barn long-running improv troupe; $12 at… The Spotlight
Theatre, 7pm Sat Nov 16 Pop-Up Vendors: Suzanne’s Swiss Bakery, join
Theatre, 600 Robinson Drive, Geneseo, IL
Sweet & Savory Saturdays for a selection of pop-up…
They’re Only Jokes: Cal Reed - Wayne Lyter - German American Heritage Center, 11am Sat Nov 30

Dandrei - Pubali - Xandrew - Zach Hurt, a night of
holiday-themed sequel to the ven- standup comedy with pizza included; $5; for… Rozz-Tox,
ue’s slapstick smash from 2017, A
7pm Wed Nov 20
Doublewide, Texas Christmas ComedySportz, interactive comedy with the area’s
long-running improv troupe; for information… Back from the Brink: Saved from Extinction 3D,
serves as a season-ending presentation at Davenport Junior Theatre, 3pm Sat Nov 23 the new Giant Screen film adventure narrated by Claire
Geneseo’s Richmond Hill Barn Theatre, Danes… Putnam Museum & Science Center, Thu Nov 7
with the comedy’s November 7 through Shots ‘n’ Giggles, performers do shots and toasts with thru Wed Dec 4
the audience while playing… The Circa ’21 Speakeasy,
17 run sure to demonstrate why Theatre 8pm Sat Nov 23 The Ghost Army, historian and Quad City Arts Visiting
Mirror proclaimed, “If you want to spend Artist speaks about his… Black Hawk College Theatre -
Tomfoolery on Tremont 38: Greg Warren, an Building 1, Room 308, 12:30pm Fri Nov 8
two hours suspending belief, forgetting evening with the touring standup comedian; 8pm show,
your troubles, and just laughing at the sil- with Happy… Renwick Mansion, 8pm Sun Nov 24 A Bridge Too Far from Hero Street & Riding the
Rails to Hero Street, the true story of Pvt. William
liness, this is the show for you.” Sandoval’s involvement in the… Putnam Museum &
Written by the popular playwriting trio
of Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope, and Jamie MUSEUMS Science Center, 3pm Sun Nov 10

Coffee and a Movie Morning, includes a free movie,

Wooten, the authors of such beloved stage Gold Coast Glass: Works from the German Home, coffee, light refreshments, and discussion; for… Rock
comedies as The Dixie Swim Club, Mama featuring selections of stained glass from the… German Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 9:30am Mon
Mike Skiles, Nathan Johnson, and Lorrie Lord in American Heritage Center, thru Wed Dec 4 Nov 11
Won’t Fly, and Always a Bridesmaid, this
A Doublewide, Texas Christmas @ Richmond Hill
follow-up to Doublewide, Texas takes place Rube Goldberg: The World of Hilarious The Lion King, a screening in the Children’s Lunch
Barn Theatre – through November 17 Invention!, the exhibit showcases Pulitzer Prize- and Movie series; 11:30am… River Valley District Library,
during the holidays in the newest, and tini- winning humorist and inventor… Putnam Museum & 11:30am Mon Nov 11
est, town in Texas – and it’s beginning to familiar actor at the venue – last seen as Science Center, thru Wed Dec 4
Tennessee Gothic, author Ray Russell’s feature-length
look a lot like trouble in Doublewide. Not Norman in this past spring’s On Golden The German Immigrant Experience, visitors will horror/comedy photographed on 16mm film; a… Rozz-
only are the trailer-park residents dealing Pond – whose directing credits in Gen- learn about immigrants’ journey by… German American Tox, 7pm Tue Nov 12
with the stress of the holiday season, but eseo have included the Jones/Hope/ Heritage Center, thru Wed Dec 4
Cinema at Southwest, a free movie and light
they’ve just discovered that Doublewide Wooten titles Christmas Belles, Dearly Witness to the Revolution: Accounts from refreshments; for information, call 309-732-7323… Rock
is being doubled-crossed by the county. Beloved, and 2017’s Doublewide, Texas. Americans Who Were There, as communism fell in Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 10am Thu
Europe in the… German American Heritage Center, thru Nov 21
With their official incorporation papers Appearing in the cast are area talents Tom Wed Dec 4
in jeopardy, our eccentric Texans throw Akers, Storm Baca, Lorrie Lord, Suzanne Film Series: Day With(out) Art, the organization Art
Neighborhood Toy Store Day, held in The Fox & Bee Visual AIDS will commemorate the 30th anniversary
themselves into taking on the “big guys,” Rakestraw, and Jackie Skiles. And four store; 15% off for… Family Museum, 9am Sat Nov 9 of Day With(out) Art with seven newly commissioned
and determined to bolster their town’s additional performers return to the roles videos by Shanti Avirgan, Nguyen Tan Hoang, Carl
Pop-Up Vendors: Scherer Custom Meats, join George, Viva Ruiz, Iman Shervington, Jack Waters
legitimacy, they first set their sights on they originally played two years ago in Sweet & Savory Saturdays for a selection of pop-up… and Derrick Woods-Morrow, who will consider the
the county-wide “Battle of the Mangers” Doublewide, Texas: Eugenia Giebel (Big German American Heritage Center, 11am Sat Nov 9 continuing presence of HIV/AIDS while revisiting
competition. As our heroes conspire to Ethel Satterwhite), Diane Greenwood resonant cultural histories of art and activism; free with
The Berlin Wall: Reassessing Its Impact 30 Years $4-10 museum admission; for information, call 563-326-
win this smackdown with their “Nativity (Caprice Crumpler), Nathan Johnson After Its Fall, Dr. David Ellis will examine how the Wall 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,
at The Alamo” entry, and by any means (Norwayne “Baby” Crumpler), and Mike came to be,… German American Heritage Center, 2pm, 1:30pm Sun Dec 1
Sat Nov 9
possible, A Doublewide, Texas Christmas Skiles (Haywood Sloggett).
also finds Mayor Joveeta Crumpler forced Veteran’s Day Project, support those who served and
protected our country by bringing… Family Museum,
to wrangle her celebrity-obsessed mother, A Doublewide, Texas Christmas runs at 10:30am Sat Nov 9
her demoralized best friend who’s dating the Richmond Hill Barn Theatre Novem-
every loser this side of the Rio Grande, ber 7 through 17, with performances Thurs- Stained Glass Trolley Tours, take a trolley to visit a
selection of local churches… German American Heritage
and her beleaguered brother who’s being days through Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Center, 1pm Sun Nov 10
bullied ... by a pack of vengeful raccoons. Sundays at 3 p.m. Admission is $12, and
Pop-Up Vendors: Bake Me a Cake, join Sweet &
Serving as director for A Doublewide, more information and tickets are avail- Savory Saturdays for a selection of pop-up… German
Texas Christmas is longtime Richmond able by calling (309)944-2244 or visiting American Heritage Center, 11am Sat Nov 16
Hill favorite John VanDeWoestyne, a Saturday Science Lab, stop in to see what amazing
experiment, demo, or activity… Family Museum,
10:30am Sat Nov 16

The German “Melusine”: A Medieval Bestseller,

presented by Misty Urban; the 15th century prose
romance “Melusine”… German American Heritage
Center, 2pm Sat Nov 16

The Making and Preservation of Stained Glass

Windows, a presentation on the restoration and
creation of stained glass… German American Heritage
Center, 2pm Sun Nov 17

Putnam Museum Guild Monthly Tea, this month’s

program will feature Bill and Bobbi Brockmann
presenting… Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1pm
Thu Nov 21

Pop-Up Vendors: Jerry’s Market, join Sweet &

Savory Saturdays for a selection of pop-up… German
American Heritage Center, 11am Sat Nov 23

Christmas Food Traditions in Germany & John Caponera @ The Rust Belt
Switzerland, this presentation will begin by
– November 21 - 23
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 11
SPORTS Reentry Simulation, Safer Foundation partners
with United Way of Central Iowa to… Department of
Correctional Services, 9am Tue Nov 19
Quad City Storm vs. Evansville, professional minor-
league hockey; for information and tickets, call 309-794- Cheers! Beer & Wine Tasting Party, with a silent
2001… TaxSlayer Center, 7:10pm Sat Nov 9 disco and sneak peek at the 2019… Davenport
RiverCenter, 5pm Thu Nov 21
Quad City Storm vs. Peoria, professional minor-
league hockey; for information and tickets, call 309-794- Mr. Trivia, for tickets and information, call 309-786-
2001… TaxSlayer Center, 7:10pm Fri Nov 22 7733 extension 2… The Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 8pm Thu
Nov 21
Quad City Storm vs. Evansville, professional minor-
league hockey; for information and tickets, call 309-794- Kwik Star Festival of Trees Grand Premiere, be
2001… TaxSlayer Center, 7:10pm Fri Nov 29 the first to purchase a unique design; 6:30pm cocktail…
Davenport RiverCenter, 6:30pm Fri Nov 22
Quad City Storm vs. Evansville, professional minor-
league hockey; for information and tickets, call 309-794- Santa’s Special Stars, private event held in
2001… TaxSlayer Center, 7:10pm Sat Nov 30 conjunction with the 2019 Festival of… Davenport
RiverCenter, 9am Fri Nov 22

OTHER EVENTS Silver Bell Social, special event dedicated to senior

friends 55 & older, held… Davenport RiverCenter, 9am
Fri Nov 22
Rock Island Rotary Trivia Night, $100/table, up to
10 players; cash prizes, cash bar, 50/50,… The Camden Holiday Decoration Giveaway, find new-to-you
Centre, 6:30pm Fri Nov 8 holiday decorations; decorations are available on a
first… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue
St. Ambrose University Trivia Night, get a team Branch, 2pm Sat Nov 23
together or come on your own and… Rogalski Center -
St. Ambrose University, 6pm Sat Nov 9 She Kills Monsters @ Augustana College – November 14 - 17 Holiday Parade, featuring giant helium balloons,
pageant queens, dance groups, floats, bands,…
Sweets & Treats Bake Sale, the bake sale will include Downtown Davenport, 10am Sat Nov 23
baked goods like pies, cookies,… First Lutheran Church - An Afternoon of Bunco with the Friends of Night Sky Viewing with the Popular Astronomy
Rock Island, noon Sat Nov 9 the Library, enjoy an afternoon of game play and Club, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, M15 (Globular Cluster), M33 Kwik Star Festival of Trees, annual Quad City Arts
conversation with friends;… River Valley District Library, (Pinwheel Galaxy and… Niabi Zoo, 5pm Sat Nov 16 fundraiser featuring more… Davenport RiverCenter,
The 4th Annual U.S. Citizenship Honors Diner, 1pm Wed Nov 13 9am Sat Nov 23 thru Sun Dec 1
held by the Quad City Alliance for Immigrants and Trivia Night in LeClaire, tables of 8; $10 per person;
Refugees (QCAIR);… The Center, 6pm Sat Nov 9 Dungeons & Dragons Nights, on Wednesdays; for Mulligans and refreshments available… LeClaire Civic Drag. Queen. Brunch., with Nikki Turner, Milange
information, call 309-788-8247… Big Swing Brewing Center, 6:30pm Sat Nov 16 Cavalli, and Honesty Valentino; the event includes…
Brunch with the Bald Eagle, celebrate our Veterans Company, 6pm Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Dec 3 Davenport RiverCenter, 11am Sun Nov 24
during this Veterans Day weekend with our… Niabi Zoo, Bottom’s Up Quad City Burlesque, local burlesque
11am Sun Nov 10 Rock Star Bingo, on Wednesdays; just like “regular” with the Quad Cities’ premiere troupe and area… The Kwik Star Festival of Trees: Military Day, thru Dec.
bingo, but we replaced bingo… The Tangled Wood, 8pm Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 8pm Sat Nov 16 1; annual Quad City Arts fundraiser featuring more…
Walking the Trail, the Quad Cities have many trails Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Dec 3 Davenport RiverCenter, 10am Sun Nov 24
and one of them… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Jirard the Completionist, an evening with the noted
Street Branch, noon Tue Nov 12 social-media influencer and prize-winning video- Martin Luther King Jr Community Center
game… The Rust Belt, 7pm Tue Nov 19 Thanksgiving Dinner, come enjoy a delicious


Emily Newman and Randy Richmond Exhibits

Through Friday, December 6 @ Quad City Arts Center, 1215 Second Avenue, Rock Island, IL

rawings and photographs by a pair Introduction to Art for Non-Majors. integral to Richmond’s creative process,
of gifted Midwestern artists fi ll the According to her biography, and illustrates that no matter how much
Quad City Arts Center Gallery “Visual experiences that give a moment technology is introduced into the medium
through December 6 with the Rock Island of spatial unease, a second thought, or a of photography, there is more to creating a
venue housing the exhibits Sky Weave, fea- missed perception, become the details compelling image then pushing a button.
turing new works by Des Moines’ Emily from daily experience Emily uses to create Stretching the edges of the photographic
Newman, and The Set Table: Forks on the sculptures, drawings and photographs. image to tell a story has been the focus of
Left, Metaphors on the Right, boasting the Each artwork examines problems that Richmond’s work since his student days
talents of Muscatine-based photographer persist within her visual reality whether at the University of Iowa. Richmond has
Randy Richmond. that reality is physical or psychological. shown his work in numerous solo, group,
Newman, an assistant professor in the Th rough the forms of substitution and invitational, and juried exhibits nationally
art history department of Drake Univer- illusion, Emily investigates the power of and internationally, and his interpreta-
sity, received her M.F.A. from the Univer- materials and representational imagery. tion of environmental issues has been the
sity of Nebraska Lincoln and her B.F.A. Her work relies heavily on the simulation focus of special exhibits created for the
from Syracuse University, and her work of a specific place or thing, while question- Door County Land Trust, the Keeweenaw Emily Newman’s Through the Trees
has recently been shown regionally in the ing the existence of its physical space as an Land Trust, and the Iowa Natural Heri- @ Quad City Arts Center – through December 6
61st Juried Exhibition at Iowa’s Sioux City object and its definition as an image.” tage Foundation. His work is in perma-
Arts Center and nationally at Massachu- Richmond’s new exhibit The Set Table: nent collections of the Center For Fine
setts’ Attleboro Art Museum. Her artwork Forks on the Left, Metaphors on the Right is Art Photography in Fort Collins, Colo- Newman’s and Richmond’s new exhib-
has also been selected for the North Ameri- composed of photographic “sketches” that rado; Kishwaukee College in Malta, Illi- its will be on display at the Quad City
can Graduate Art Survey at the University come from the creative process he uses nois; Project Art of the University of Iowa Arts Center through December 6, with
of Minnesota, for show in the Wood’s to arrive at his “Nature Morte” images. Hospitals and Clinics; and Davenport’s regular gallery hours Tuesdays through
Gallery at the University of Alabama, and In order to work out the relationships St. Ambrose University, where Richmond Fridays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sat-
in a number of other group exhibitions between objects, Richmond creates still- teaches photography as an adjunct instruc- urdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission
around the country. At Drake University, life scenarios indoors before taking them tor. Richmond’s exhibition Verisimilitude is free, and more information is avail-
Newman currently instructs Beginning outside to photograph during the last light is also currently on display at Davenport’s able by calling (309)793-1213 or visiting
Drawing, Three-Dimensional Design, and of the day. The making of these images is Figge Art Museum.
CONTINUED River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 Know More, Do More •


Joe and Vicki Price @ the Redstone Room – November 15

emeritus of… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown

Library, 2pm Tue Nov 12
Daughters of the Steppes: The “Night Witches”
of World War II, author Brooks Carver brings to light
Thanksgiving meal and warm holiday cheer;… Martin a different story from… Rock Island Public Library -
Luther King Jr. Community Center, 11am Sun Nov 24 Downtown Library, 6pm Wed Nov 13

Sensory-Friendly Night, geared towards families who Divest from War & Cultivate a Peace Economy,
have children with special needs, Sensory-Friendly… the St. Ambrose University Baecke Endowment for the
Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 6pm Humanities Lecture,… Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose
Tue Nov 26 University, 7pm Wed Nov 13

Kwik Star Festival of Trees Celebrity Lunch, local Dr. Kroum Barchvarov, presentation with a scientist
celebrities wiat on tables in a holiday event featuring… who stumbled upon an extraordinary graveyard of
Radisson Quad City Plaza Hotel, 11am Wed Nov 27 ancient ships off the coast of Bulgaria; for information,
call 309-794-7240, Honkamp Myhre Black Box Theatre,
Frogtown Beer Fest, sample old and new fall favorites Augustana College, 3750 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
from more than 35… The Rust Belt, 1pm Sat Nov 30
graveyard-speak-nov-13, 7:30pm Wed Nov 13
Kwik Star Festival of Trees: Family Day, thru Dec.
1; annual Quad City Arts fundraiser featuring more… Opening the Third Eye for the Advanced Seeker, a
Davenport RiverCenter, 9am Sat Nov 30 Quad Cities Institute of Noetic Sciences meeting with a…
Bettendorf Public Library, 6:30pm Thu Nov 14
Bottom’s Up Quad City Burlesque, local burlesque
with the Quad Cities’ premiere troupe and area… The Alexander Hamilton: The Rags to Riches Story,
Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 8pm Sat Nov 30 Hamilton was born in the Caribbean and abandoned as
a… River Valley District Library, 6pm Fri Nov 15
Lighting of the Augustana Christmas Tree, join
President Bahls on the Quad behind Old Main for Homeschooling 101: An Introduction, free;
holiday treats and the annual lighting of the tree; free, for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@
Augustana College, Rock Island IL,,… Bettendorf Public Library, 3pm
4:30pm Mon Dec 2 Sat Nov 16

Adult Chess Club, staff members well-versed in the Community Connections, free; for information, call
game of chess will be… Bettendorf Public Library, 563-344-4175 or e-mail…
6:30pm Tue Dec 3 Bettendorf Public Library, noon Thu Nov 21

Dungeons & Dragons Nights, on Wednesdays; for Caregiving for the Elderly, in honor of Family
information, call 309-788-8247… Big Swing Brewing Caregiver Month, Milestones Area Agency on…
Company, 6pm Wed Dec 4 Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6pm
Mon Nov 25
Rock Star Bingo, on Wednesdays; just like “regular”
bingo, but we replaced bingo… The Tangled Wood, 8pm World Affairs Council Midwest Immigration,
Wed Dec 4 free; for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@… Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm
Tue Nov 26

LECTURES Jennifer Snell Rullman, Rullman from Snow Leopard

Trust brings an update from the… Niabi Zoo, 3pm Sun
Scam Recognition and Avoidance with Sgt. Jeff Dec 1
Nelson, with Sgt. Jeff Nelson of the Bettendorf Police
Department; the… Bettendorf Public Library, 2pm Thu
Nov 7
Underground Railroad, learn about the large part
Illinois played in the Underground… Quad City Botanical Lunchtime Meditation Class, Tue.-Thu.; learn how to
Center, 11:30am Thu Nov 7 create inner peace and contentment through… Lamrim
Kadampa Buddhist Center, noon Thu Nov 7 thru Wed
Down by the Creek Companion Animal Dec 3
Sanctuary, meet a variety of animals from Down by
the Creek… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Thursday Meditation Class, on Thursdays; learn how
Branch, 1pm Fri Nov 8 to meditate and use mindfulness practices… Lamrim
Kadampa Buddhist Center, 6:30pm Thu Nov 7 thru Thu
The Wonders of Wetlands, presented by Brian Ritter Nov 28
from Nahant Marsh; after 90% destruction… Niabi Zoo,
1pm Sun Nov 10 Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
Nutrition Classes, learn about the Buy. Eat. Live
The Power of Protest: 1969 & Today – Part IV, Dr. Healthy program at 563-359-7577;… Thu Nov 7 thru
Thomas Tredway, past college president and professor Wed Dec 4
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 13
Book-a-Librarian, one-on-one technology and
reference assistance by appointment; reserve a half-
Buddhist Meditation, on Tuesdays; for information,
call 309-794-0991 or email… Quad MUSIC By Loren Thacher
hour… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, City Botanical Center, 7pm Tue Nov 12 thru Tue Dec 3

Daykeeper, Dead Emperors,

9am Fri Nov 8
Families Anonymous Group, on Tuesdays; for those
Buddhist Studies Class, on Sundays; take a deep dive whose lives have been affected by a… The Spotlight

Cervine, and Igneous

into Buddhist thought and… Lamrim Kadampa Buddhist Theatre, 7pm Tue Nov 12 thru Tue Dec 3
Center, 5pm Sun Nov 10 thru Sun Dec 1
Yoga, on Tuesdays; for information, call 309-794-0991…
Sunday Buddhism Class, on Sundays; this class
includes chanted prayer, meditation, and an… Lamrim
Quad City Botanical Center, 5pm Tue Nov 12 thru Tue
Dec 3 Friday, November 22, 9:30 p.m. @ Rock Island Brewing
Kadampa Buddhist Center, 11am Sun Nov 10 thru Sun
Dec 1 From Now to Next: Genesis 150th Anniversary Company, 1815 Second Avenue, Rock Island, IL
Celebration, Genesis celebrates the milestone
AARP Smart Driver Course, Nov. 12 & 13; the course with a special birthday party featuring a number of
helps older drivers (50… Larson Center, Genesis Medical entertaining surprises; the event will support cancer
Center, 7:30am Tue Nov 12 research, genetic counseling, and cancer-nurse
navigators for patients at the Genesis Cancer Care
Rock Island Meditation Class, on Tuesdays; learn Institute; for information, call 563-421-6865, Quad-Cities
how to meditate and use mindfulness practices… Quad Waterfront Convention Center, 2021 State St., Bettendorf
City Botanical Center, 6:45pm Tue Nov 12 thru Tue Dec 3 IA,, 6:30pm Fri Nov 15

Book-a-Librarian, one-on-one technology and Wisdom and Wellness, learn health and wellness skills
reference assistance by appointment; reserve a half- from area experts; a new… Davenport Public Library -
hour… Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 9am Eastern Avenue Branch, 4pm Wed Dec 4
Fri Nov 15

Immigration and Citizenship Workshop Walk-
ins, representatives from QCAIR and Esperanza legal
Assistance Center will be… Moline Public Library, 10am
Sat Nov 16 Billiards, Mon.-Fri.; $2; for information, call 563-386-
7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 8am thru Thu
Book-a-Librarian, one-on-one technology and Nov 21
reference assistance by appointment; reserve a half-
hour… Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, Euchre, on Thursdays & Fridays; $2-5; for information,
9am Fri Nov 22 call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), Dead Emperors @ RIBCO – November 22 (photo by Michael Weber of Shadow Fox Photography)

12:45pm thru Thu Nov 21
IBCO is known for bringing fairly pensive lyrics. The gentle passages cause
MEETINGS Knitting & Crocheting, on Thursdays; volunteer club;
for information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for diverse acts to its stage, especially the louder riffs to fall all the heavier, even
Active Seniors), 12:30pm thru Thu Nov 21 quality metal bands. The show on when overlaid with clean singing and
Goose Hollow Meditation Garden Open for
Outdoor Prayer, at 1006 Western Ave., Davenport; for Line Dancing II, on Thursdays; $3-5; for information, Friday, November 22 combines heavi- hints of Moog synth. Their QC debut will
information, call 309-236-7113; free;… Goose Hollow, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), ness and diversity in a way seldom seen not be one to miss – they may be a “local”
Thu Nov 7 thru Wed Dec 4 2:30pm thru Thu Nov 21
(or heard) at the venue. Igneous, Cervine, band, but Cervine ranks with the best and
Home Bible Study/Vesper Services w/ Pot Luck, Low-Impact Exercise, Mon.-Fri.; $2-5; for information, Dead Emperors, and Daykeeper are bring- biggest metal releases of 2019.
on Sundays in parsonage; for information and directions, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 9am
call 309-236-7113… 6pm Sun Nov 10 thru Sun Dec 1 thru Thu Nov 21
ing together unique strains of rock, doom, Also making their Rock Island debut are
and progressive metal to create one mem- Dead Emperors from Iowa City. They’ve
LeClaire Chamber Networking Event, … Green Tree New Horizons Band Practice, on Thursdays; $2-5; for orable night of heavy music. been playing their melodic, doom-laden
Brewery, 5:30pm Tue Nov 12 information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active
Seniors), 12:30pm thru Thu Nov 21 QC locals Igneous open the night with hard rock around Iowa since 2014, drop-
Fireside Knitters, on Tuesdays; adult knitting group a fresh take on modern prog. “Summer ping a few releases along the way. On their
from beginner to expert; free;… Davenport Public Reflexology Clinic, on Wed. & Thu.; for information,
Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 5:30pm Tue Nov 12 call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Breeze” and “Hills and Valleys,” the two second full-length The Beast, they spin an
thru Tue Dec 3 thru Wed Dec 4 singles from their forthcoming debut, apocalyptic narrative, sweeping up the lis-
Quad City Go Club Weekly Meetup, on Wednesdays; Senior Bingo, free; for information, call 309-755-9614… are as lush and warm as their titles, yet tener in a tale of societal collapse inspired
beginners and masters of the board game welcome… East Moline Public Library, 3pm thru Wed Dec 4 crunch like sticks beneath your feet on a by our uncertain times. Dark stuff, but the
Rozz-Tox, 5:30pm Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Dec 4 run through the woods. The three-piece band delivers its message with swinging
Senior Day at the Figge, meet in the lobby for a
QCMUG (Quad Cities Macintosh Users Group) tour at 1:30pm, with a 2:30pm film in the auditorium; adroitly spins nimble grooves around each rock riffs and a macho vocal delivery that
Meeting, with a special program/presentation on seniors get 10% off in the Museum Store and Cafe; for other that jump around stylistically even brings to mind Monster Magnet’s more
Macintosh Applications or hardware, and… Bettendorf information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
Public Library, 6:30pm Tue Nov 19 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 1:30pm within songs. One minute they’re sway- serious moments.
Thu Nov 7 ing toward metal, the next they’ve paused Northwest Illinois’ Daykeeper closes
for crystalline guitar arpeggios that fall out the night. The trio tempers low, slow
HEALTH Ceramics I & II, on Fridays; $7-11; for information, call
563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 9am Fri as cool and gently as a hidden waterfall. distorted doom metal with uptempo
Nov 8 thru Fri Nov 29
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
Their complex yet accessible sound is just heavy rock grooves, though they’ve occa-
Nutrition Classes, learn about the Buy. Eat. Live Golden Tones Chorus Practice, on Fridays; $2-5; for hard enough to vibe with the other bands sionally thrown acoustic songs into their
Healthy program at 563-359-7577;… Thu Nov 7 thru information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active on the bill, and their vivid instrumentals live show. Their first EP From the Sea and
Wed Dec 4 Seniors), 9am Fri Nov 8 thru Fri Nov 29
need no vocals to set the mood. Out of Space evenly balances the first two
Seeking Life-Coaching Research Study Senior Theatre: Second Avenue Players, on Fridays; Cervine arrived out of Dubuque with- elements evenly, but fails to properly rep-
Participants, three free Life Coaching sessions, contact $2-5; for information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center
Dr. LeBlanc at;… Thu Nov 7 for Active Seniors), 10:30am Fri Nov 8 thru Fri Nov 29 out warning back in September, emerg- resent the live attack that the trio present
thru Wed Dec 4 ing without hype on Facebook one week on stage. Fans of fuzzed out, old-school
Zumba, on Fridays; $3-5; for information, call 563-386-
Guided Mindfulness: Meditation in the Galleries, 7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 8am Fri Nov 8
before dropping their stunning debut. The doom in the vein Pentagram and Electric
experience mindfulness meditation in the galleries; thru Fri Nov 29 self-titled and self-recorded album was Wizard will want to stay to catch Day-
practitioners will be guided in ways to calm the mind mastered by Brad Boatright, who brought keeper’s Sabbathian rumble.
and body, and to bring awareness to the present Bridge, on Mondays & Fridays; $2-5; for information, call
moment; meditations will be led by practitioners from 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 12:30pm Sleep’s Dopesmoker reissue the clarity it
the Prairie Oak Sangha and Prairie River Sangha; free, Fri Nov 8 thru Mon Dec 2 desperately needed. Cervine present their Daykeeper, Dead Emperors, Cervine,
but registration required; for information, call 563-326-
7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, Ceramics I, on Mondays & Fridays; $7-11; for music with a similar clarity. A surprising and Igneous play the Rock Island Brew-, 6pm Sun Nov 10 information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active amount is given over to clean, intricate ing Company on November 22 with doors
Seniors), 9:30am Fri Nov 8 thru Mon Dec 2
NAMI Peer Support Group, on the 2nd & 4th Mon. of guitar passages, far more than one would opening at 8:30 p.m. and the music begin-
the month; the… Butterworth Center, 6:30pm Mon Nov Genesis Blood Pressure Checks, on Mondays; for expect of a band claiming influence from ning at 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 for adults
11 thru Mon Nov 25 information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active
Seniors), 9am Mon Nov 11 thru Mon Dec 2
Black Sabbath, Tool, King Crimson, and 21 and older, and more information is
Neurosis. Indeed, they most recall Neu- available by calling (309)793-1999 or visit-
rosis in their loud-quiet dynamics and ing
14 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 Know More, Do More •


information, call… CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
SENIORS 11:30am Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Dec 4

Elf: The Musical

T’ai Chi Ch’un, on Wednesdays; $24-36/6 weeks; for
information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active
Shuffleboard, on Mondays; $2-5; for information, call Seniors), 10:25am Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Dec 4
Through Sunday, December 29 @ Circa ’21 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 2:15pm
Mon Nov 11 thru Mon Dec 2 Zumba Gold, on Wednesdays; $3-5; for information,
Dinner Playhouse, 1828 Third Avenue, Rock Island, IL
call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 9am
Ugly Quilts, on Mondays; no sewing experience Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Dec 4

necessary; free; for information, call… CASI (Center for
alled “hilarious and heartwarm- Active Seniors), 8am Mon Nov 11 thru Mon Dec 2 11th Anniversary Holiday Hat Bash, annual evening
of fun, delicious food, a hat contest, raffle,… CASI (Center
ing” by the Chicago Tribune and Zumba Gold Toning, on Mondays; $3-5; for for Active Seniors), 5:30pm Thu Nov 21
praised for its “bright comic zest” information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active
and “swinging music” by the New York Seniors), 10:15am Mon Nov 11 thru Mon Dec 2 Walgreens Medication Review & Blood Pressure
Check, free; for information, call 563-386-7477… CASI
Times, the musical adaptation Elf: The Genesis Foot Clinic, on Mon. & Tue.; reservations (Center for Active Seniors), 10am Thu Nov 21
Musical – based on the 2003 screen comedy required; for information, call 563-320-3978… CASI
(Center for Active Seniors), 8am Mon Nov 11 thru Tue Classic Movie, $2-5; for information, call 563-386-
starring Will Ferrell – returns to the Circa Dec 3 7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Tue Nov 26
’21 Dinner Playhouse for a November 6
through December 29 engagement, treat- Movie Matinee, $2-5; for information, call 563-386- Red Hat Club Luncheon, locations vary monthly; for
7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Tue Nov 12 information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active
ing patrons top a holiday tale that Broad- Seniors), noon Tue Dec 3
way World called an “upbeat, oddball, and Canasta, on Tuesdays; $2-5; for information, call 563-
386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Tue
tuneful concoction.”
A seasonal smash for the Rock Island
Nov 12 thru Tue Dec 3
dinner theatre in 2017, Elf: The Musical Line Dancing I, on Tuesdays; $3-5; for information, call
Elf the Musical @ Circa ’21 Dinner Playhouse 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 9am Tue Reading Assistance Dogs, for information, call
centers on William “Buddy” Hobbs, a Nov 12 thru Tue Dec 3 563-344-4175 or e-mail…
– through December 29
young orphan who mistakenly crawls into Bettendorf Public Library, 6pm Thu Nov 7
Line Dancing Lesson, on Tuesdays; free; for
Santa’s bag of toys and is transported back his wife Emily, both reprising their roles information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Teen Advisory Group, an opportunity for teens and
to the North Pole. Years later, the fully from Elf ’s 2017 production. Also featured Seniors), 8:30am Tue Nov 12 thru Tue Dec 3 tweens to have input in… Moline Public Library, 3:30pm
grown Buddy finds out that he’s an ordi- Thu Nov 7
in the cast are Jacob Clanton, Sam Forgie, Senior Technology Clinic, on Tuesdays; $5-7; for
nary human being, not the elf he thought Sarah Hayes, Janos Horvath, Al Jackson, information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Little Makers Thursday, on Thursdays; we’ll have
he was, and heads off to New York City in Barry Kramer, Brooke Myers, Kirsten Sin- Seniors), 1pm Tue Nov 12 thru Tue Dec 3 plenty of craft supplies and a… Davenport Public Library
- Main Branch, 3:30pm thru Thu Nov 21
search of his father. Although Buddy does delar, Miranda Sloan, Tristan Tapscott, Spiritual Devotions, on Tuesdays; free; for
fi nd the man, he also fi nds that Walter Haley Teel, Shelley Walljasper, and Julian information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Story You-niversity, on Thursdays; our librarian will
doesn’t believe in the spirit of Christmas, Seniors), 8am Tue Nov 12 thru Tue Dec 3 read a story while modeling… Davenport Public Library -
Anderson and Brennan Hampton alternat- Fairmount Street Branch, 3:30pm thru Thu Nov 21
nor do many other New Yorkers – which ing performances as Michael. And eight Grief Support Group, on the 2nd & 4th Wed. of the
proves to be a problem, considering that student performers from the area join in month; donations… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), Tales for Tots : 0-3 Storytime, on Thursdays;
9:30am Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Nov 27 for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@
Santa’s sleigh is powered by people’s love the musical’s ensemble: Evan Baker, Kai-… Bettendorf Public Library,
for the holiday. Faced with the harsh reali- tlyn Baker, Jack Caslake, Kayden Denys, Bunco, on Wednesdays; $2-5; for information, call 563- 6:30pm thru Thu Nov 21
ties that his father is on the naughty list 386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Wed
Evyn Hassel, Chloe Knobloch, Liam Kno- Nov 13 thru Wed Dec 4 The Young and the Restless Storytime, on
and his half-brother Michael doesn’t even bloch, and Katelyn O’Brien. Thursdays; a music and movement storytime, this
believe in Santa, Buddy is determined to Cribbage, on Wednesdays; $2-5; for information, call program is… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue
563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Branch, 10am thru Thu Nov 21
win over his new family and friends in this In addition to its preview performances Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Dec 4
modern-day holiday classic sure to make on November 6 and 7, Elf: The Musical will Preschool Storytime, on Thursdays; for ages 3-5 with
everyone embrace their inner elf. be performed November 8 through Decem- Early Bird Bingo, on Wednesdays; no admission fee, their adult; stories, rhymes,… Moline Public Library,
card costs are $0.25 &… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 10am thru Thu Nov 28
Circa ’21’s Elf: The Musical is directed by ber 29 with performances on Fridays, Satur- 6pm Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Dec 4
venue newcomer Jeremy Littlejohn, with days, and Wednesdays at 7:45 p.m.; Sundays Preschool Storytime, Tue.-Fri. at 10am and Mon.
music director Travis Smith boasting Rock Energizing Yoga, on Wednesdays; $7-10; for at 6:30pm; free; for information,… Bettendorf Public
at 5:45 p.m.; and Wednesday afternoons information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Library, thru Wed Dec 3
Island credits including Freaky Friday, at 1:30 p.m. All shows will be preceded by Seniors), 2pm Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Dec 4
Ring of Fire, and The Church Basement meals and pre-show entertainment by the Baby Storytime, on Fridays; featuring books, songs,
Pinochle, on Wednesdays; $2-5; for information, call rhymes, lap bounces, and more;… Davenport Public
Ladies in: Rise Up, O Men! Buddy is por- theatre’s performing wait staff of Circa ’21 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 10am Fri Nov 8 thru
trayed by Stephen Potter in another Circa Bootleggers, and more information and Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Dec 4 Fri Nov 22
’21 debut, while venue veterans Tom Wal- tickets are available by calling (309)786- TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly), on Family Storytime, on Fridays; songs, stories, and play
ljasper and Erin Churchill play Walter and 7733 extension 2 or visiting Wednesdays; 11:30am weigh-in, noon meeting; $1; for to inspire literacy; free;… Davenport Public Library -
Main Branch, 10am Fri Nov 8 thru Fri Nov 22
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 15
Fantastical Friday, on Fridays; dramatic play
encouraging your child to explore different… Davenport
Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 3:30pm Fri Nov
8 thru Fri Nov 22

Crafternoon: Jewelry Making, materials provided to

create your own or instruction-led creation; free;… Silvis
Public Library, 2pm Sat Nov 9

Girl Scouts Day: Terrific Terrariums, learn about

the different types of habitat and needs for… Quad City
Botanical Center, 10am Sat Nov 9

Story Travelers: Be Careful What You Sniff For,

for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@… Bettendorf Public Library, 2pm
Sat Nov 9

Child’s Play | Create : Explore : Experience, on

Saturdays; for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail… Bettendorf Public Library,
10am Sat Nov 9 thru Sat Nov 30
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Concert @ the Adler Theatre – November 23
Book Buddies, your baby, toddler and/or preschooler
can spend some time with… Silvis Public Library, 10am
Sat Nov 9 thru Sat Nov 30 Little Makers Wednesday, on Wednesdays; we’ll - Fairmount Street Branch, 3:30pm Mon Nov 18 thru Sunday Funday, for information, call 309-794-0991…
have plenty of craft supplies and a… Davenport Public Mon Nov 25 Quad City Botanical Center, 1pm Sun Dec 1
Teen Video Games, free; for information, call 309-523- Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 3:30pm Wed Nov 13
3440… River Valley District Library, 3pm Mon Nov 11 thru Wed Nov 27 Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; songs, stories, Blown Away: Trebuchets : Lay Siege to Your
and crafts created to introduce your… Davenport Public Curiosity!, elementary through high-school-aged
The Lion King, a screening in the Children’s Lunch Little Yogi Storytime, on Wednesdays; favorite Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 10am Mon Nov 18 students have a chance to explore the… Bettendorf
and Movie series; 11:30am… River Valley District Library, bedtime stories, kid-friendly meditation, stretching and thru Mon Nov 25 Public Library, 11:30am Tue Dec 3
11:30am Mon Nov 11 simple… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue
Branch, 6pm Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Nov 27 Gingerbread House Challenge!, we supply the Teen Volunteer Night, teens, fulfill needed service
Homework Heroes, on Mondays; we’re here to help materials and you supply your imagination; free;… Silvis hours or use on job applications;… Silvis Public Library,
you solve your homework… Silvis Public Library, 4pm STEAM-A-Rama, on Wednesdays; themed Public Library, 5pm Tue Nov 19 5:30pm Tue Dec 3
Mon Nov 11 thru Mon Dec 2 programming for grades K - 5; free;… Moline Public
Library, 2pm Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Nov 27 Teen Advisory Board, teens are invited to hang out, After School Kids Lab, on Wednesdays; for
Storytime for Littles, on Mondays at 9:30 & 10:45am, eat snacks, learn about… Davenport Public Library - information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@
for ages 3-5 with… Moline Public Library, Mon Nov 11 Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; hang out with friends Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm Tue Nov 19… Bettendorf Public Library, 3pm
thru Mon Dec 2 and try out new… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Wed Dec 4
Street Branch, 3pm Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Nov 27 Teen Take Ten, take ten from your busy schedule with
Tales for Tots : 0-3 Storytime, on Mondays; laid-back activities with… East Moline Public Library, Build a Cat Castle, build your furry friend a customized
for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@ Toddler Storytime, on Wednesdays; stories, music, 5pm Tue Nov 19 cardboard castle for play… Rock Island Public Library -… Bettendorf Public Library, movement and play; all ages welcome,… Davenport Downtown Library, 5:30pm Wed Dec 4
10am Mon Nov 11 thru Mon Dec 2 Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 3:30pm Wed Big/Little Bookclub, book club for Littles (kids in 3rd
Nov 13 thru Wed Nov 27 through 5th grade)… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Dungeons, Dragons, & More! : Tabletop Roleplaying
Blown Away: Trebuchets : Lay Siege to Your Avenue Branch, 6:30pm Wed Nov 20 and TCGs!, on Wednesdays; all of the tools of the game
Curiosity!, elementary through high-school-aged Creativity Lab: Autumn Luminaries, elementary will… Bettendorf Public Library, 2:30pm Wed Dec 4
students have a chance to explore the… Bettendorf students create art; free; for information, call 309-524- Story Time for Littles, for ages 0-36 months; a chance
Public Library, 11:30am Tue Nov 12 2440… Moline Public Library, 6pm Thu Nov 14 for our youngest patrons… Moline Public Library, 6pm Play & Grow, monthly play group for ages three and
Wed Nov 20 under and their… Rock Island Public Library - Southwest
KinderNature, for ages 3-5; wild turkeys are native to Family Storytime, program includes stories, a song Branch, 10:30am Wed Dec 4
North America… Quad City Botanical Center, 10:30am or rhyme and a craft;… Silvis Public Library, 6pm Thu Tween Book Club, join us to speak about your favorite
Tue Nov 12 Nov 14 book every 3rd… Silvis Public Library, 5pm Wed Nov 20 STEAM-A-Rama, on Wednesdays; themed
programming for grades K - 5; free;… Moline Public
Teen LGBTQ Round Table, Tee, from Family Resources Animal Adventures, for ages 6-9, on the 1st & 3rd Sat. Family Storytime: Family Reading Night PJ Party, Library, 2pm Wed Dec 4
will be here to lead the… Silvis Public Library, 4:30pm of… Niabi Zoo, 10:15am Sat Nov 16 come in your pajamas and enjoy reading together as a…
Tue Nov 12 Silvis Public Library, 6pm Thu Nov 21 Story Time for Littles, for ages 0-36 months; a chance
Animal Expeditions, for ages 10-13, on the 1st & 3rd for our youngest patrons… Moline Public Library, 6pm
Circle Time, on Tuesdays; we will talk, sing, play, and Sat. of… Niabi Zoo, 11:15am Sat Nov 16 Book Buddies: Sensory Session: Oobleck, based on Wed Dec 4
read during… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue the book “Bartholomew & the Oobleck,” our sensory…
Branch, 9:30am Tue Nov 12 thru Tue Dec 3 Frozen II Party, grab your reindeer and journey Silvis Public Library, 10am Sat Nov 23 Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; hang out with friends
beyond Arendelle with the library… Davenport Public and try out new… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount
Girls Love Code, on Tuesdays; an after-school club Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 2pm Sat Nov 16 Teddy Bear Tea, for ages 2-12; tea party for youths and Street Branch, 3pm Wed Dec 4
for girls in 3rd-5th grade… Davenport Public Library - their adult… Radisson Quad City Plaza Hotel, 2pm Sun
Fairmount Street Branch, 3:30pm Tue Nov 12 thru Tue Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead! Bubbly Bath Fizzies, create Nov 24 Yoga & Stories, on Wednesdays; for information, call
Dec 3 your own bath fizzies to enjoy or give as… Silvis Public 563-344-4175 or e-mail…
Library, 2pm Sat Nov 16 PJ Party Storytime!, wear your PJs and come for Bettendorf Public Library, 6:30pm Wed Dec 4
Library Playgroup, on Tuesdays; drop-in and meet stories free; for information,… Moline Public Library,
with other parents and caregivers… Davenport Public Gobble, Gobble!, an Augustana Kaleidoscope 6pm Mon Nov 25
Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 10am Tue Nov 12 thru program with Catherine Gehrmann for ages 6-8; create
Tue Dec 3 a turkey, a banner, a leaf collage and more, just in time Sugar Plum Ball, a dress-up evening for special
for your Thanksgiving holiday; $14; for information and sugarplums and their favorite gentlemen; for
Show Me the Monet!, on Tuesdays; ages 8+ learn to register, call 309-794-7729, Augustana Art Studio information, call 309-793-1213, Quad-Cities Waterfront
about different artists each week… Davenport Public
Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 3:30pm Tue Nov 12
Building, 610 35th St., Rock Island IL,,
1pm Sat Nov 16
Convention Center, 2021 State St., Bettendorf IA,, 6pm Tue Nov 26
October 8 Crossword Answers
thru Tue Dec 3
Swedish Folk Craft, Nov. 16 & 23; an Augustana Teen Advisory Board, vote on new YA library books
Anime-Manga Club: Tasty Snacks & Sweets, join Kaleidoscope program with Lisa Huntsha for ages 9 to and plan teen programs;… Silvis Public Library, 6:30pm
us and discuss all things anime and manga; enjoy… Silvis adult; learn to weave a Swedish star in a variety of ways; Tue Nov 26
Public Library, 5pm Wed Nov 13 we’ll work with paper and reed to create this unique
craft; $20; for information and to register, call 309-794- Teen Volunteer Night, teens, fulfill needed service
After School Kids Lab, on Wednesdays; for 7729, Augustana Art Studio Building, 610 35th St., Rock hours or use on job applications;… Silvis Public Library,
information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@ Island IL,, 1pm Sat Nov 16 5:30pm Wed Nov 27… Bettendorf Public Library, 3pm
Wed Nov 13 thru Wed Nov 20 Youth Chess Club, on the 1st & 3rd Sat. of the month; Animal Adventures, for ages 10-13, on the 1st & 3rd
elementary… Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm Sat Nov 16 Sat. of… Niabi Zoo, 11:15am Sat Nov 30
Dungeons, Dragons, & More! : Tabletop Roleplaying
and TCGs!, on Wednesdays; all of the tools of the game Animal Tales, for ages 3-5, on the 1st & 3rd Sat. of… Animal Adventures, for ages 6-9, on the 1st & 3rd Sat.
will… Bettendorf Public Library, 2:30pm Wed Nov 13 Niabi Zoo, 9:30am Sat Nov 16 thru Sat Nov 30 of… Niabi Zoo, 10:15am Sat Nov 30
thru Wed Nov 20
Geek Out!, geek out about all of your favorite fandoms Lego Club: Chain Reactions, design and build
Yoga & Stories, on Wednesdays; for information, call and play… Silvis Public Library, 5:30pm Mon Nov 18 amazing moving machines with Legos; free; for… Silvis
563-344-4175 or e-mail… Public Library, 2pm Sat Nov 30
Bettendorf Public Library, 6:30pm Wed Nov 13 thru Make-Believe Monday, on Mondays; work at a
Wed Nov 20 grocery store, a coffee shop,… Davenport Public Library
16 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 Know More, Do More •

TERRA FIRMA • NOVEMBER 12, 2019 Oct. 8 Answers: Page 15

ACROSS 78. Sudden increase 38. Really enjoyed

1. Griffin of TV 80. “_ Jacques” 39. Guidelines: 2 wds.
5. Flower stalk 81. Pillages 40. Moderated
10. Custard apple: Var. 83. Word in place names 41. Casts off
15. _ -a-Dale 84. Double daggers 43. Fescue
19. Tub’s contents 85. Less fat, less sugar 44. Kind of model
20. Seraph 86. Vessels 45. Be in a light sleep
21. Tropical fruit 88. _ Blanc 46. Prepares apples
22. Sauce for pasta 89. Of lofty peaks 49. Hominy _
23. Grammar school adjunct 92. Dimple 51. Sopwith Camel, e.g.
25. RV park 93. Mason or millwright 53. Used to have
27. Detached 98. Place of prominence 54. Works in verse
28. Drunkards 100. Advance: 2 wds. 55. Clearing
29. Hawn of “Laugh-In” 101. Kanten 57. Gets through effort
30. Stand wide open 102. Offspring 58. Skyrocketed
31. Join forces 103. Like a leaf 59. Secluded places
33. Canine cry 104. Old Greek weight 61. Memorize
34. Self-indulgent 105. Rogers and Orbison 62. A flatfish
37. Pin 106. Invited 63. To a better position
38. Concern of genealogists 107. Lab compound 64. “Lorna _”
42. Headband 108. The Phantom 65. Like a churchgoer
43. Plants used in landscaping 66. Stumbled
47. Go team! DOWN 67. French department
48. “QB VII” author 1. Cleans a certain way 68. Yields
49. Mortar 2. She: Fr. 70. Wild dog of Asia
50. Lunar vehicle 3. Get 71. Is dazzled by a blow: 2 wds.
51. Affectation 4. Travelers at sea 74. Standards
52. “_ Rosenkavalier” 5. Shawl 75. Cob
53. Some exams 6. Cousin to a five-spot: Hyph. 76. Peevish
54. Stomata 7. Fever 78. Auctioneer’s warning
55. Attached, in a way 8. Hanging downward 79. Skirt feature
56. How a crab moves 9. Antiquity 80. Less coarse
58. Disseminated 10. Embroidered loop 82. Hand tool
59. Sweetbreads 11. Wingy 84. Dickens’ Artful _
60. _ and raves 12. Tillis and Grier 86. Jurisdiction
61. Loamy deposit 13. Rock show equip. 87. Brought to a close
62. Boring 14. Driver of a kind 88. Clergy’s residence
63. Honors as divine 15. Swiss pine 89. Remotely
65. “_ porridge hot...” 16. Commend 90. Corporate symbol
66. _ Auguste Bartholdi 17. Hindu god of fire 91. Implore
69. Pursue 18. Painter’s subject 92. Evenfall
70. Planner 24. Persona non _ 94. Demonstration gone bad
71. Hanging fishnet 26. Athlete in a shell 95. “The Ghost and Mrs. _”
72. Application 28. Symptom 96. _ nubiles
73. Years upon years 32. Neither masc. nor fem. 97. A state: Abbr.
74. Task 33. Apiary items 99. Early spy org.
75. Deals in 34. Work by Chopin 100. Force unit
76. Took off 35. Discharged
77. A conjunction or connector 36. Carnival setting
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 17

Movie Reviews By Mike Schulz •

Hasta la Vista, Baby


ou can nearly always pinpoint the
precise moment in which a formerly
serious – or at least mildly rational –
film franchise turns inexorably into camp.
With the Batman series of the ‘80s and
‘90s, it was when, in 1997’s Batman & Robin,
director Joel Schumacher’s camera gave us
nice, juicy closeups of our hero’s updated
leather-fetish costume complete with Bat-
nipples and Bat-ass. In Sam Raimi’s Spider-
Man 3 from 2007, all remaining hope was
lost when apple-cheeked Tobey Maguire
strutted down the street like the Travolta
of Saturday Night Fever, promptly fulfi ll-
ing Peter Parker’s apparent life dream of
becoming a hipster jazz pianist. And with
the new Terminator: Dark Fate, I’m afraid, Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator: Dark Fate
it might be time to bid adieu to whatever
As for 72-year-old Schwarzenegger human Grace, sent from the future to pro- supporting work, my initial reaction was
sanity may have been left in this 35-years-
(who, let’s remember, played Mr. Freeze in tect Earth’s latest hope for survival: a young largely unfavorable: too much on-the-nose
running series of sci-fi action adventures …
Batman & Robin,), he entered the full-camp Mexican (the touching Natalia Reyes) as exposition and overt speechifying; too
though I can’t yet tell if the franchise offi-
phase of his acting career ages ago. But even confounded by the time-travel intrica- much postcard-ready prettiness courtesy of
cially died when Linda Hamilton made a
considering the laughs he intentionally and cies as we are. And given that its storyline cinematographer John Toll; wa-a-a-ay too
grim callback to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s
unintentionally generates, Schwarzenegger is really just a rehash of T2, complete with much aural melodrama by the usually first-
“I’ll be back” catchphrase, or when Schwar-
can’t pull off the movie’s ridiculous conceit Schwarzenegger’s need to turn his onetime rate composer Terrence Blanchard. (For
zenegger himself gave the line a cornball
that his T-800 assassin is now a contented robotic monster into an undisputed hero, two hours, the score tells us exactly what
spin with the sadly inevitable “I won’t be
family man with a drapery business and Dark Fate at least boasts the first Termi- to feel at every moment). Adding the film’s
back.” Either way, had I been holding a soda
the nom de guerre “Carl,” nor adequately nator plot since 1991 that I could actually frustrating adherence to traditional bio-pic,
or a tub of popcorn, it would have taken all
explain how even a futuristic cyborg is remember two days after seeing the movie. and even action-pic, formulas, the watering
my restraint not to hurl my concession at
able to develop facial hair, wrinkles, and a Yet despite its professionalism and occa- down of Tubman’s harrowing experiences
the screen.
conscience. The first five minutes here are sionally witty fringe touches – among them for PG-13 consumption, and some of the
I take no pleasure in reporting this, given
somewhat reminiscent of the prelude to Sarah’s astonishment that Carl’s wife hasn’t most fascinating elements of our heroine’s
that, like most everyone I know, I love James
David Fincher’s 1992 Alien3, which inten- noticed his presumed weight of 400 pounds life – such as her serving as a spy for the
Cameron’s 1991 Terminator II: Judgment
tionally (and effectively) trashed whatever – Terminator: Dark Fate feels like a huge Union Army during the Civil War – rel-
Day to death and was initially jazzed at the
upbeat notes lingered after 1986’s Aliens. Yet missed opportunity. I don’t know if Ham- egated to mere mentions in title cards at
prospect of seeing its stars Hamilton (as
I was less bummed by the opener’s revision- ilton or Schwarzenegger, or the series itself, the finale, I left my screening sincerely dis-
the iconic world-saver Sarah Conner) and
ist history – a narrative gamble that might will ever “be back.” If they do, though, I’m appointed. Upon reflection, however, it’s
Schwarzenegger (as the titular monosyllabic
easily piss off admirers of the series – than praying they’re back in a brand extension hard to deny that this blunt, literal-minded,
cyborg) reunite for another tour of duty. But
by the film’s bald acquiescence to presumed less embarrassing than this one. mostly unimaginative film wouldn’t have
most everything that’s wrong with director
fan service. Yes, seeing T2 stars Hamilton considerable impact on young audiences
Tim Miller’s Dark Fate is, unfortunately,
wrong because of Hamilton’s and Schwar-
and Schwarzenegger together again is a HARRIET new to the Harriet Tubman story who
hoot. If only their returns didn’t make me would, hopefully, be properly astounded by
zenegger’s participation. Sixty-three-year- This can only sound like a backhanded
want to hoot with derision. this historic saga of courage, tenacity, and
old Hamilton looks great, if understandably compliment, if not a direct insult. But
The rest of the fi lm is … fine, I guess. unimaginable bravery. Is Harriet a good
weathered, and her deep, husky voice ably between my weekend viewing of director
Deadpool director Miller stages the action movie? Personally speaking, I don’t think
suggests decades of residual grief and undi- Kasi Lemmons’ Harriet Tubman bio-pic
– particularly an early, extended chase so. I also think, for the right viewers under
luted anger. That’s why it’s all the more baf- and my sitting down to review it, my opin-
that climaxes on a highway bridge – with the right circumstances, that couldn’t pos-
fling that this script – credited to no fewer ion on Harriet has mellowed, and I’m now
a fair degree of style, and the famed “liquid sibly matter less.
than six screenwriters and/or “story by” ready to concede that the film may actually
metal” effects, though obviously less aston-
contributors including James Cameron – be a terrific one – for kids. Not little kids,
ishing now than they were 27 years ago, still For reviews of Joker, The Lighthouse,
turns Sarah into a figure of comic relief, mind you, but certainly intelligent, curious
provide some giddy delight when employed Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, Motherless
always at the ready with a withering aside middle- and high-schoolers interested in
by the new, improved cyborg REV-9 (a Brooklyn, The Addams Family, Zom-
or a throaty punchline; the woman’s every learning about one of the most legitimately
subtly charismatic Gabriel Luna). Macken- bieland: Double Tap, Countdown, Dolemite
cynical utterance should be followed, Dor- heroic figures in American history. Despite
zie Davis delivers an empathetic, thrillingly Is My Name, and other recent releases, visit
othy Parker-style, with Sarah taking a sip lead Cynthia Erivo’s forceful, sometimes
physical performance as the “augmented”
from her martini. lyrical title performance and a lot of solid
18 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 Know More, Do More •


A Labor of Leave Fade to Bleh

I haven’t had sex since my last breakup, and I’m a very obsessive person. I went on one
I’m all lusty. I really like this guy, but he seems date with this guy, and it was immediately
to have some intimacy issues. We went on a apparent that he’s emotionally unavail-
coffee date, and the chemistry made things go able and broken. I deleted his number but
further than I would have wanted or expected soon dug it back up. I texted, but he never
(making out like crazy in the car). My friends responded. I know he’s bad news, but I still
keep reminding me to build trust and friend- think about him constantly. It’s especially
ship before sex. But can you really go back- bad when I’m trying to go to sleep. How do
ward? Like, is it possible to just hang out and I stop these intrusive thoughts?
chat once things have gotten hot and heavy? – Besieged
– Lustbucket
It’s like that spinning teacup ride, with Satan
A nice, thick pane of bulletproof glass
between two people is an underappreciated
chastity helper, which is to say, in a perfect
as the carny: “Wanna get off? Too bad!”
You’re doing your best to avoid thinking
about the guy. Unfortunately, there’s a prob-
world, you’d plan your dates around one of you lem with that. Research by psychologist Daniel THROUGH DECEMBER 29, 2019
getting a job in a check-cashing place or getting Wegner on “the paradoxical effects of thought
arrested and held without bail. suppression” suggests our minds have some- This exhibition is presented in partnership with the Center for
There’s a tendency when you’ve initially gone thing in common with a defiant two-year-old, Polar Studies at Augustana College and Davenport Parks and Recreation.
a little too heavy into the heavy petting to be meaning that telling yourself not to think
all: “Oh, well … cat’s out of the bag. Let’s just about something gets your mind doing exactly Mia Feuer, An Unkindness, 2013, and Rink, 2018, installation view,
go straight to the sex dungeon.” However, for the opposite: thinking about that thing with a Esker Foundation, Calgary, Canada, © image courtesy of the artist
women especially, having sex right away can vengeance.
lead to a sort of psychological blinding to their This is just how the mind works. When you Davenport, Iowa • 563.326.7804
sex partner’s shortcomings. tell yourself not to think about something, it’s
Women seem more prone to getting attached an immediate fail. The mind sweeps around to
when they have sex. This is thought to result monitor how well you’re doing at not think-
from surging oxytocin, a hormone associated ing about it, which of course involves thinking
with emotional bonding between mothers and about whatever you’re not supposed be think-
children, as well as lovers. Oxytocin is released ing about.
in both men and women through cuddling, Helpfully, Wegner and his colleagues found
kissing, and especially through orgasm. How- a possible way to stem the flood of intrusive
ever, in men, having sex also sets off a big blast thoughts: distraction. This requires thinking
of testosterone. Testosterone goes all nightclub of something positive and unrelated to the
bouncer on oxytocin, blocking it from getting thoughts you’re trying to suppress. Even a red
to its receptor. So just as a woman’s going all Volkswagen – the example they used in their
melt-o about a guy, if the guy has no pre-sex experiment – could do the job.
emotional attachment to her, his neurochem- What’s more, psychologists Jens Forster
istry is prodding him to say something sweet and Nira Liberman found that you can keep
and romantic, like “Thanks for the ride! Have your mind from constantly bouncing back to
a great life!” a thought if you shift your focus: admit that
In other words, the bulletproof-glass sugges- not thinking about it is hard. As I explain in
tion isn’t all that outrageous. It’s a form of “pre- my book Unf---ology, “Removing the need to
commitment,” a strategy by economist Thomas patrol your thoughts … removes the mental
Schelling that involves preparing in advance to sticky note that tells you to keep going back into
make it difficult for you to break a promise or Thoughtland with a flashlight to see how well
duck a goal. Incorporating precommitment you’re doing at it.”
could mean only scheduling lunch dates in Finally, because the mind cannot multitask,
meaning think two thoughts at once, it might
restaurants and only on days when you have a
be helpful at bedtime to tire yourself out read-
work meeting right afterward. Another idea is
ing aloud or following a guided meditation on
getting to know each other over the phone more
your phone: “You’re walking down a beach …
than in person – with the caveat that you only
you’re looking out into the waves … and … um
do it in relatively public places, where turning
… oops!” Just remind yourself that not think-
FaceTime into PenisTime is likely to lead to,
ing about something is hard and yank your
um, jail time.
mind back to Swami Doodah after you inevita-
bly picture yourself holding the guy down and
drowning him in the ocean.

Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405. E-mail,
visit @amyalkon on Twitter, and listen to Amy’s weekly radio show at Order Amy
Alkon’s new book Unf_-ology: A Field Guide to Living with Guts and Confidence (St. Martin’s Griffin, 2018).
©2019, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. New column published weekly at
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 19


ARIES (March 21-April 19): Aries psy- have been trained in the best strategies for mani- in the sun.” The coming days will be an excellent book about the Metaphysics by an author named
chologist James Hillman said we keep festing our wishes and hopes. That’s the bad news. time to indulge in your own fantasies about the al-Farabi. He read it quickly, and for the first time
“our images and fantasies at arm’s The good news is that now is a favorable time for special fragrance you’d like to emanate. More- understood Aristotle’s great work. He was so
length because they are so full of love.” you to upgrade your skills at getting what you over, I bet you’ll be energized by pinpointing a delighted he went out to the streets and gave away
They’re also quite flammable, he added. They are want. With that in mind, I present you with the host of qualities you would like to serve as corner- gifts to poor people. I foresee a comparable mile-
always on the verge of catching fire, metaphori- simple but potent wisdom of author Maya Ange- stones of your identity: traits that embody and stone for you, Capricorn: Something that has
cally speaking. That’s why many people wrap lou: “Ask for what you want and be prepared to get express your uniqueness. eluded your comprehension will become clear, at
their love-filled images and fantasies in meta- it.” To flesh that out, I’ll add: Formulate a precise least in part due to a lucky accident.
phorical asbestos: to prevent them from igniting a statement describing your heart’s yearning, and SCORPIO (October 23-November 21):
blaze in their psyches. In my astrological opinion, then work hard to make yourself ready for its Studies suggest that on average each of AQUARIUS (January 20-February
you Aries folks always have a mandate to use less fulfillment. us has a social network of about 250 18): In addition to being a key figure in
asbestos than all the other signs – even none at all. people, of whom 120 we regard as a Renaissance art, fifteenth-century Ital-
That’s even truer than usual right now. Keep your LEO (July 23-August 22): What are the closer group of friendly acquaintances. But most ian painter Filippo Lippi had a colorful
images and fantasies extra close and raw and wild. key parts of your life – the sources and of us have no more than 20 folks we trust, and only life. According to legend, he was once held pris-
influences that enable you to be your two or three whom we regard as confidants. I sus- oner by Barbary pirates, but gained his freedom
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Poet most soulful self? I urge you to nourish pect that these numbers will be in flux for you by drawing a riveting portrait of their leader.
James Merrill was ecstatic when he them intensely during the next three weeks. Next during the next twelve months, Scorpio. I bet Inspired by the astrological factors affecting you
learned the Greek language. According question: What are the marginally important you’ll make more new friends than usual, and will right now, I’m fantasizing about the possibility of
to his biographer, he felt he could artic- parts of your life – the activities and proclivities also expand your inner circle. On the other hand, a liberating event arriving in your life. Maybe
ulate his needs “with more force and clarity, with that aren’t essential for your long-term success I expect that some people who are now in your you’ll call on one of your skills in a dramatic way,
greater simplicity and less self-consciousness, and happiness? I urge you to corral all the energy sphere will depart. Net result: stronger alliances thereby enhancing your leeway or generating a
than he ever could in his own language.” He con- you give to those marginally important things, and more collaboration. breakthrough or unleashing an opportunity.
cluded, “Freedom to be oneself is all very well; the and instead pour it into what’s most important. (Please also re-read your horoscope from last
greater freedom is not to be oneself.” Personally, I Now is a crucial time in the evolution of your rela- SAGIT TA R IUS (November week.)
think that’s an exaggeration. I believe the freedom tionship with your primal fuels, your indispens- 22-December 21): I blame and thank
to be yourself is very, very important. But for you able resources, your sustaining foundations. the Sagittarian part of me when I get PISCES (February 19-March 20):
in the coming weeks, Taurus, the freedom to not brave and brazen enough to follow my “Stand high long enough and your
be yourself could indeed be quite liberating. What VIRGO (August 23-September 22): strongest emotions where they want to lead me. I lightning will come,” writes Piscean
might you do to stretch your capacities beyond “When she spoke of beauty, he spoke of also blame and thank the Sagittarian part of me novelist William Gibson. He isn’t sug-
what you’ve assumed is true about you? Are you the fatty tissue supporting the epider- when I strip off my defense mechanisms and gesting that we literally stand on top of a treeless
willing to rebel against and transcend your previ- mis,” wrote short-story author Robert invite the world to regard my vulnerabilities as hill in a thunderstorm and invite the lightning to
ous self-conceptions? Musil. He was describing a conversation between interesting and beautiful. I furthermore blame shoot down through us. More realistically, I think
a man and woman who were on different wave- and thank the Sagittarian side of me on those he means that we should devotedly cultivate and
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Musician lengths. “When she mentioned love,” Musil con- occasions when I run three miles down the beach discipline our highest forms of expression so that
Brian Eno made a deck of oracular tinued, “he responded with the statistical curve at dawn, hoping to thereby jolt loose the secrets when inspiration finds us, we’ll be primed to
cards called Oblique Strategies. Each that indicates the rise and fall in the annual birth- I’ve been concealing from myself. I suspect the receive and use its full power. That’s an excellent
card has a suggestion designed to trig- rate.” Many of you Virgos have the flexibility to coming weeks will be a favorable time to blame oracle for you.
ger creative thinking about a project or process express yourself well on both of those wave- and thank the Sagittarian part of you for similar
you’re working on. You Geminis might find it lengths. But in the coming months, I hope you’ll experiences. Homework. You don’t have to believe in ideas
useful to call on Oblique Strategies right now, emphasize the beauty and love wavelength rather that make you sad or tormented. Drop them.
given that you’re navigating your way through a than the fatty tissue and statistical curve wave- CAPRICORN (December 22-January Visit
phase of adjustment and rearrangement. The card length. It’ll be an excellent strategy for getting the 19): Persian polymath Avicenna (980–
I drew for you is “Honor thy error as hidden inten- healing you need. 1037) wrote 450 books on many topics, New column published
tion.” Here’s how I interpret it: An apparent lapse
or misstep will actually be the result of your LIBRA (September 23-October 22):
including medicine, philosophy,
astronomy, geography, mathematics, theology,
weekly at
deeper mind guiding you to take a fruitful detour. Libran blogger Ana-Sofia Cardelle was and poetry. While young, he tried to study the
asked, “What is your signature per- Metaphysics of Aristotle, but had difficulty grasp- Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s
CANCER (June 21-July 22): We devote fume?” She said she hadn’t found one. ing it. Forty times he read the text, even commit- EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES
a lot of energy to wishing and hoping But then she described how she would like to ting it to memory. But he made little progress & DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES
about the meaningful joys we’d love to smell: “somewhere between fresh and earthy: cin- toward fathoming it. Years later, he was browsing The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at
bring into our lives. And yet few of us namon and honey, a rose garden, saltwater baked at an outdoor market and found a brief, cheap 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700
20 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 Know More, Do More •


2019/11/16 (Sat)
2019/11/20 (Wed)

Ami Dang – Bill MacKay – Black Hawk College Big Band

Idpyramid – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third and Jazz Combos – Black Hawk
Ave., Rock Island IL College Theatre - Building 1, Room
Andy & the Decades – Rhythm City 306, 6600 34th Ave., Moline IL
Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Lewis Knudsen – The Faithful Pilot
Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Cafe & Spirits, 117 N Cody Rd,
The Blooze Brothers Revue – LeClaire IA
Timber Lake Playhouse, 8215 Black The Night People (5:30pm) –
Oak Road, Mt. Carroll IL Davenport Elks Lodge #298, 4400
Code 415 – Quarter-Til Tap, 4101 14th W. Central Park Ave., Davenport IA
Ave., Rock Island IL On a Winter’s Night – Englert
Fortag Band – Riverside Casino and Theatre, 221 East Washington St.,
Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Iowa City IA
Riverside IA

Gray Wolf Band – Len Brown’s North 2019/11/21 (Thu)
Shore Inn, 700 N. Shore Dr., Moline
IL Black Hawk College Jazz Ensemble
Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo – City (6pm) – Cool Beanz Coffeehouse,
Limits Saloon & Grill, 4514 9th St., 1325 30th St., Rock Island IL
Rock Island IL Contra-Tiempo & Las Cafeteras –
I Lift My Lamp – Coralville Center for Hancher Auditorium, 141 East Park
the Performing Arts, 1301 5th St., Rd., Iowa City IA
Coralville IA iHearIC – The Mill, 120 E. Burlington
Ivan Moshchuk – First Presbyterian St., Iowa City IA
Church of Davenport, 1702 Iowa Lauren Anderson – Matt Panek –
St., Davenport IA Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St,
Kevin B.F. Burt – Alice Howe – Iowa City IA
Kirsten Maxwell – Uptown The Marcus King Band – Aaron Lee
Karen Meat @ Rozz-Tox – November 14 Theatre, 221 1st Street NE, Mt. Tasjan – Englert Theatre, 221 East
Vernon IA Washington St., Iowa City IA
Left of Reason – Zachary Daniels
2019/11/07 (Thu) 2019/11/09 (Sat) 2019/11/11 (Mon) 2019/11/15 (Fri) Zeke Beats – G-Rex – Gabe’s, 330 E.
Band – OHWA – Iowa City Yacht
Washington St., Iowa City IA
Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Citrus Sunday – NonGrata – Iowa America – Rhythm City Casino Resort Chris O’Leary Band (6pm) – Moline Blues Rock It – Parkside Grill &
Michael Charles – Flatted Fifth Blues
City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Viking Club, 1450 41st St., Moline IL Lounge, 2307 5th Ave, Moline IL 2019/11/22 (Fri)
& BBQ, 300 Potter Dr., Bellevue IA
City IA Davenport IA Kaleido (5pm) – Bain-Marie – Brown Bag Lunch Series Concert: Moeller Nights Fest: Vol. II – The
Guest List Series featuring Joe BYOBrass – The Mill, 120 E. Burlington OWHA – Stick People (7pm) – Tony Rangel & Friends – Aaron Kamm & the One Drops
Rust Belt, 533 12th Ave., East
Marcinek – The Redstone Room, St., Iowa City IA Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 – Rude Punch – The Redstone
Moline IL
129 Main St, Davenport IA Blue Mississippi – Flatted Fifth Blues City IA Learning Campus Dr., Bettendorf Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA
My Posse in Effect: A Beastie Boys
Riot Ten – Yakz – Cromatik – Gabe’s, & BBQ, 300 Potter Dr., Bellevue IA Thy Art Is Murder – VCTMS – Pit IA Casting Call – Parkside Grill &
Tribute – The Redstone Room, 129
330 E. Washington St., Iowa City IA Blues Rock-It – VIP’s Corner Bar & Lord – Post A.D. (5:30pm) – Bucktown Revue – Nighswander Lounge, 2307 5th Ave, Moline IL
Main St, Davenport IA
The Talbott Brothers – Dickie – The Grill, 4100 4th Ave., Moline IL RIBCO, 1815 Second Ave., Rock Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Orchestra Iowa Masterworks II: Daykeeper – Dead Emperors –
Mill, 120 E. Burlington St., Iowa City Bret Michaels – Night Ranger – Lita Island IL Davenport IA Passion of Angels – Paramount Igneous – Cervine – RIBCO, 1815
IA Ford – Joe Nichols – U.S. Cellular Cryptostatic – Autumn Rove – St. Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE, Cedar Second Ave., Rock Island IL

Center, 370 1st Ave NE, Cedar 2019/11/12 (Tue) October – Village Theatre, 2113 E Rapids IA Fortag – Rhythm City Casino Resort

2019/11/08 (Fri) Rapids IA 11th St, Davenport IA Pappa-Razzi – Green Tree Brewery, Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
Bugeye Sprite – Len Brown’s North Dax – Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Dave Ellis & Rich Fricke – Treehouse 309 N. Cody Rd., LeClaire IA Davenport IA
Bettendorf Park Band – Herbert Shore Inn, 700 N. Shore Dr., Moline Iowa City IA Pub & Eatery, 2239 E. Kimberly Rd., Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar – Funktastic Five – The Gypsy
Goettsch Community Center, 2204 IL Bettendorf IA The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust

Grant St., Bettendorf IA Code 415 – Crabby’s Bar & Grill, 826 W. 2019/11/13 (Wed) Fortag – Riverside Casino and Golf Bar, 111 West 2nd St., Davenport IA St., Davenport IA
Brandon Gibbs Duo (6:30pm) – 1st Ave., Coal Valley IL Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside Soul Storm – The Gypsy Highway Jazz After Five w/ Ritmocano (5pm)
Brushville (8:30pm) – Riverside Corridore – White Batzzz – Burlington Street Bluegrass Band – IA Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., – The Mill, 120 E. Burlington St.,
Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Everlasting Light – Rozz-Tox, 2108 The Mill, 120 E. Burlington St., Iowa Funktastic 5 – RIBCO, 1815 Second Davenport IA Iowa City IA
Highway 22, Riverside IA Third Ave., Rock Island IL City IA Ave., Rock Island IL Superchief – Porchburner – Larry Boyd (6pm) – Cool Beanz
Brent Penny – Annalibera – Gabriel Folk ‘n’ Stages – Quarter-Til Tap, 4101 Fall Gospel Choir Concert – Blades Gray Wolf Band (6:30pm) – Volcano Diving – The GMO’s – Coffeehouse, 1325 30th St., Rock
Dowie – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., 14th Ave., Rock Island IL Chapel - University of Dubuque, Lavender Crest Winery, 5401 US Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa Island IL
Rock Island IL Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo – Green 2000 University Ave., Dubuque IA Highway 6, Colona IL City IA Passion Music Group – Riverside
Casual Classics: Concert III (5pm) Tree Brewery, 309 N. Cody Rd., Jef Spradley – The Faithful Pilot Cafe Halfloves – Younger – Purple Frank Whoozdads? – The Grape Life Wine Casino and Golf Resort, 3184
– Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 N. LeClaire IA & Spirits, 117 N Cody Rd, LeClaire IA – The Mill, 120 E. Burlington St., Emporium & Lounge, 3402 Elmore Highway 22, Riverside IA
Gaines St., Davenport IA Krank Daddies – RIBCO, 1815 Second Kris Kristofferson & the Strangers Iowa City IA Ave., Davenport IA The Real Zebos – TV Cop – Uncle
Chris O’Leary Band – Flatted Fifth Ave., Rock Island IL – Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St., Hap Hazard – The Gypsy Highway – Dog Dave – Gabe’s, 330 E.

Blues & BBQ, 300 Potter Dr., Ladonna & the Crossover Band – Davenport IA Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., 2019/11/17 (Sun) Washington St., Iowa City IA
Bellevue IA Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, The T’N’T Tour: Tommy Castro Davenport IA Tunes at the Tulip – Hauberg Civic
The Deep Hollow – Bishop Hill 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA & Tinsley Ellis – The Redstone Joe & Vicki Price – Lojo Russo – Matt Fabio Frizzi – Frizzi 2 Fulci – RIBCO, Center Mansion, 1300 24th St.,
Creative Commons, 309 N Bishop Madd Hoss Jackson – Rhythm City Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA Woods – The Redstone Room, 129 1815 Second Ave., Rock Island IL Rock Island IL
Hill St., Bishop Hill IL Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Thank You Scientist – Bent Knee Main St, Davenport IA Jef Spradley Sunday-Funday
Icon for Hire – TV Cop – Megababes
– Zaq Baker (5pm) – Gabe’s, 330 E.
Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar –
– Tea Club – Gabe’s, 330 E.
Washington St., Iowa City IA
John Heasley & Jerry Schroeder –
Cool Beanz Coffeehouse, 1325 30th
Acoustic Show (4:30pm) – The
Gypsy Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. SATURDAY
2019/11/23 (Sat)
Washington St., Iowa City IA The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Tommy Pickett & Friends (5:30pm) St., Rock Island IL Locust St., Davenport IA The Acoustic Project (6pm) – Cool
Jimmy Eat World – The Rust Belt, 533 Bar, 111 West 2nd St., Davenport IA – Davenport Elks Lodge #298, 4400 Libido Funk Circus – Rhythm City The Peña Brothers – Geezer’s Draft Beanz Coffeehouse, 1325 30th St.,
12th Ave., East Moline IL Smooth Groove – The Gypsy W. Central Park Ave., Davenport IA Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 House, 1654 W. 3rd St., Davenport Rock Island IL
Larry Boyd (6pm) – Cool Beanz Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust Elmore Ave., Davenport IA IA Chad Elliott – Flatted Fifth Blues &

Coffeehouse, 1325 30th St., Rock St., Davenport IA 2019/11/14 (Thu) Lil Weep & the Crybabies (6pm) – Polyrhythms’ Third Sunday Jazz BBQ, 300 Potter Dr., Bellevue IA
Island IL The Unincorporated & Friends – Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa Workshop & Matinee Series: The Code 415 – VIP’s Corner Bar & Grill,
The Manny Lopez Big Band (6pm) – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Juan Franco – Galvin Fine Arts Center, City IA Bob Washut Emeritet (6pm) – 4100 4th Ave., Moline IL
The Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Iowa City IA 2101 N. Gaines St., Davenport IA Moeller Nights Fest: Vol. II – The The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Dave Ellis – Green Tree Brewery, 309
Ave., Rock Island IL Karen Meat – Subatlantic – Rust Belt, 533 12th Ave., East Davenport IA N. Cody Rd., LeClaire IA

North of 40 – The Gypsy Highway 2019/11/10 (Sun) Tambourine – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Moline IL Quad City Music Guild Youth Fortag – Rhythm City Casino Resort
Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Third Ave., Rock Island IL Northern Parallels 038: Mike Chorus (2pm) – Quad City Music Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
Davenport IA Bob Bucko Jr. – Human Host – Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Derer – Higgy – b00kie – b2b – Guild - Prospect Park Auditorium, Davenport IA
Pert Near Sandstone – Kind Mustard in Law – Ruche Mere – Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St., flowereater – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third 1584 34th Ave., Moline IL Hangover Rescue Team – RIBCO,
Country – The Mill, 120 E. – Yak Attack – Gabe’s, 330 E. Davenport IA Ave., Rock Island IL Scarlett O’Hara – Sleepwalker 1815 Second Ave., Rock Island IL
Burlington St., Iowa City IA Washington St., Iowa City IA Novalima – Bishop Hill Creative Orchestra Iowa Masterworks II: – Somewhere to Call Home – Harry Potter & the Prisoner of
Phyllis & the Sharks – Parkside Grill The Peña Brothers – Geezer’s Draft Commons, 309 N Bishop Hill St., Passion of Angels – Coralville Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa Azkaban in Concert (2 & 7:30pm)
& Lounge, 2307 5th Ave, Moline IL House, 1654 W. 3rd St., Davenport Bishop Hill IL Center for the Performing Arts, City IA – Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St.,
Smooth Groove – Rhythm City IA Penny Peach – Tooth Ivy – 1301 5th St., Coralville IA Weeping Icon – Commodity A – Davenport IA
Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Polka Club of Iowa, Inc., Eastern Basketball Divorce Court – Dog Roger Carlson & Stephanie Aging – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., K n ox- G a l e s b u r g Sy m p h o ny
Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Chapter Dance: Eddie Korosa Jr. Dave – Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington Stephens (6pm) – Rock Island Hy- Rock Island IL Masterwork s II: Winds of
Terry Quiett Band – Hal Reed Band (1pm) – Walcott Coliseum, St., Iowa City IA Change – Orpheum Theatre, 57 S.
Vee Market Grille, 2930 18th Ave.,
& Mississippi Journey – The 116 E Bryant St, Walcott IA Slayer – Primus – Ministry – Philip Rock Island IL 2019/11/19 (Tue) Kellogg St., Galesburg IL
Redstone Room, 129 Main St, St. Ambrose University Student H. Anselmo & the Illegals (6pm) Wilco – Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd Metro Mix Chorus Holiday Show
Davenport IA Invitational Recital (3pm) – – TaxSlayer Center, 1201 River Dr, St. SE, Cedar Rapids IA Universit y of Iowa Jazz (4pm) – Ohnward Fine Arts Center,
Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 N. Moline IL Performance: Area 51 & Grad 1215 E Platt St., Maquoketa IA
Gaines St., Davenport IA Combos – The Mill, 120 E. Mike Jones – Gabe’s, 330 E.
Burlington St., Iowa City IA Washington St., Iowa City IA
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 21

Hosting a live music event?

Email • Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication

Davina and the Vagabonds @ The Redstone Room – November 30

The Mixtape – Iowa City Yacht Club, Doggin’ Out Blues Band – The Diner, Maquoketa IA
13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA 421 W. River Dr., Davenport IA Phyllis & One Shark (2pm) – Quarter-
Moonshine Run – The Gypsy Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo – Len Til Tap, 4101 14th Ave., Rock Island
Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust Brown’s North Shore Inn, 700 N. IL
St., Davenport IA Shore Dr., Moline IL Ron Tegler Jazz Quartet (6pm) –
The Neverly Brothers – Timber Lake The Ladies of Blues Rock – Riverside Cool Beanz Coffeehouse, 1325 30th
Playhouse, 8215 Black Oak Road, Casino & Golf Resort, 3184 Highway St., Rock Island IL
Mt. Carroll IL 22, Riverside IA Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar –
Nic Arp & the Bernemann Brothers Lynn Allen – Parkside Grill & Lounge, The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini
– The Mill, 120 E. Burlington St., 2307 5th Ave, Moline IL Bar, 111 West 2nd St., Davenport IA
Iowa City IA My Fellow Americans – Rhythm City Two White Crew – Riverside Casino
Old Dominion – Scotty McCreedy Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22,
– Ryan Hurd – TaxSlayer Center, Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Riverside IA
1201 River Dr, Moline IL Project X Thanksgiving Eve Bash
Passion Music Group – Riverside
Casino and Golf Resort, 3184
– The Gypsy Highway Bar & Grill,
2606 W. Locust St., Davenport IA SUNDAY
2019/12/01 (Sun)
Highway 22, Riverside IA Spam Halen – Hum Hum – The If Only, If Only – Bain-Marie
Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar – Crash – Harley Corin’s, 1708 State – Cowpoke – Gabe’s, 330 E.
The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini St., Bettendorf IA Washington St., Iowa City IA
Bar, 111 West 2nd St., Davenport IA Tommy Cornelis – Higgy – Rozz-Tox, Jim McDonough and His Orchestra
Zeta – Everlasting Light – Dark 2108 Third Ave., Rock Island IL & Singers: Holiday Grande 2019
Family – Aubs. – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Tommy Pickett & Friends (5:30pm) (2:30pm) – Adler Theatre, 136 E.
Third Ave., Rock Island IL – Davenport Elks Lodge #298, 4400 Third St., Davenport IA
W. Central Park Ave., Davenport IA Mike Zabrin (5pm) – Flatted Fifth

2019/11/24 (Sun)
24 Blues & BBQ, 300 Potter Dr.,

Kevin B.F. Burt – Riverside Casino THURSDAY

2019/11/28 (Thu)
28 Bellevue IA
The Peña Brothers – Geezer’s Draft
and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, The TailPeople Band – Riverside House, 1654 W. 3rd St., Davenport
Riverside IA Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 IA
Lessons & Carols (3 & 5pm) – Highway 22, Riverside IA
Ascension Chapel, Augustana
2019/12/02 (Mon)
College, 3701 7th Ave., Rock Island
2019/11/29 (Fri)
29 Black Hawk College Community
The Peña Brothers – Geezer’s Draft Back in Black Friday / Electric String Orchestra – Black Hawk
House, 1654 W. 3rd St., Davenport Shock: AC/DC Tribute – The College Theatre - Building 1, Room
IA Redstone Room, 129 Main St, 306, 6600 34th Ave., Moline IL
Steve Grismore (5pm) – Flatted Davenport IA
Fifth Blues & BBQ, 300 Potter Dr.,
Bellevue IA
The Night People – The Gypsy
Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust TUESDAY
2019/12/03 (Tue)
Telekinetic Yeti – Ape Machine – St., Davenport IA Black Hawk College Community
Acoustic Guillotine – Shining North of 40 – Rhythm City Casino Band – Black Hawk College Hawk’s
Realm – Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Nest - Building 4, 6600 34th Ave.,
St., Iowa City IA Ave., Davenport IA Moline IL
Smoke in Space – ADE – London Fog

2019/11/25 (Mon)
2019/11/30 (Sat)
30 – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St,
Iowa City IA
Black Hawk College Chamber Blues Rock–It – Riverfront Grille, Tuneful Tuesdays (noon) – Rock
Music Recital – Black Hawk 4619 34th St., Rock Island IL Island Public Library - Downtown
College Theatre - Building 1, Room Code 415 – Hawkeye Tap Sports Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL
306, 6600 34th Ave., Moline IL Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave.,
Iowa City New Horizons Band:
Generations of Jazz 2019
Davenport IA
Crooked Cactus – Rhythm City WEDNESDAY 4
2019/12/04 (Wed)

– Coralville Center for the Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Black Hawk College Electronic
Performing Arts, 1301 5th St., Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Music Concert – Black Hawk
Coralville IA Dylan Doyle Band – Flatted Fifth College Theatre - Building 1, Room
Blues & BBQ, 300 Potter Dr., 306, 6600 34th Ave., Moline IL

2019/11/26 (Tue)
26 Bellevue IA
Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo – Abides
The Night People (5:30pm) –
Davenport Elks Lodge #298, 4400
Black Hawk College Voice Recital Bar & Grill @ Backyard Bowl, 2020 W. Central Park Ave., Davenport IA
– Black Hawk College Theatre - 1st St. W., Milan IL
Building 1, Room 306, 6600 34th
Ave., Moline IL
Guest List Series featuring Davina
& the Vagabonds – Mo Carter THURSDAY
2019/12/05 (Thu)
Truffle Pig – The Mill, 120 E. & Co. – The Redstone Room, 129 Black Hawk College Holiday Choral
Burlington St., Iowa City IA Main St, Davenport IA Concert – First Congregational
Hells Bells AC/DC Tribute – Jumer’s Church - Moline, 2201 7th Avenue,

2019/11/27 (Wed) Casino & Hotel, 777 Jumer Dr., Rock
Island IL
Moline IL
Blue Christmas: A Rock ‘n’ Roll
Burlington Street Bluegrass Band – Interstellar Cave Dweller – Leaving Holiday Extravaganza (1 &
The Mill, 120 E. Burlington St., Iowa Light – Josh Ross & the Want – 7:15pm) – Circa ’21 Dinner
City IA Near Misses – Iowa City Yacht Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave., Rock
Coast to Coast Blues Finale w/ Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA Island IL
Kevin B.F. Burt – Riverside Casino Ozark Jubilee Presents: A Branson
and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Country Xmas – Ohnward Fine
Riverside IA Arts Center, 1215 E Platt St.,
22 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 Know More, Do More •

DJs/Karaoke/Jams/Open Mics
Email all listings to • Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication

Hell’s Bells @ Jumers Casino and Hotel – November 30

THURSDAYS Karaoke Night – V.F.W. Post 9128,
2814 State St., Bettendorf IA
Ave., Rock Island IL
Karaoke Night – 11th Street Precinct,
DJ Mixxin Mel – Happy Hollow Karaoke Night w/ Aftermidnight 1107 Mound St., Davenport IA
Tavern, 1502 W. 14th St., Davenport Band in a Box – Choppers Bar &
Karaoke Night – Bier Stube Moline,
Grill Incorporated, 17228 IL-5, East

415 15th St, Moline IL Open Mic Coffeehouse (Nov. 8) Open Mic w/ J. Knight – The Mill, 120
Karaoke w/ Double Dz – Purgatory’s – First Lutheran Church of Rock E. Burlington St., Iowa City IA
Pub, 2104 State St, Bettendorf IA Island Parish House, 1600 20th St.,
Karaoke Night w/ Mike Matthews –
The Torchlight Lounge, 1800 18th
Rock Island IL

Ave., East Moline IL

Open Mic & More – Uptown Bill’s SATURDAYS
SATURDAYS Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht
Club, 13 S. Linn St., Iowa City IA
Coffee House, 730 S. Dubuque St., DJ Hi-Tech – The Key at Union Arcade, Open Mic Night – Broken Saddle,
Iowa City IA 229 Brady St., Davenport IA 1417 Fifth Ave., Moline IL
Open Mic Night (6pm) – Energized Karaoke Night – Boozie’s Bar & Grill, Open Mic Night – Cool Beanz
Cafe, 226 W. Third St., Davenport IA 114 1/2 W. Third St., Davenport IA Coffeehouse, 1325 30th St., Rock
Open Mic w/ H.C. Wallace – Boots Karaoke Night – K & T’s Bike Rack Island IL
Western Saloon, 2228 E 11th St., Sports Bar & Grill, 3303 Brady St., Tuesday Night Dance Party w/ DJ
Davenport IA Davenport IA Jamaican Daddy – Iowa City Yacht
Rock the House Karaoke – Bottoms Karaoke Night – Big River Bowling, Club, 13 S. Linn St., Iowa City IA
Up on 7th, 1814 Seventh St., Moline 2902 E. Kimberly Rd., Davenport IA
Thumpin’ Thursdays DJ Night –
Karaoke Night – Roadrunners
Roadhouse, 3803 Rockingham Rd., WEDNESDAYS

Rascals Live, 1414 15th St., Moline IL Davenport IA DJ Mixxin Mel – Happy Hollow
Karaoke Night – The Grove Tap, 108 Tavern, 1502 W. 14th St., Davenport

FRIDAYS S. First St., Long Grove IA
Karaoke Night w/ Aftermidnight
Hump Day Wing & Sing w/
DJ Hi-Tech – The Key at Union Arcade, Band in a Box – Choppers Bar & Marybeth – Hawkeye Tap Sports
229 Brady St., Davenport IA Grill Incorporated, 17228 IL-5, East Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave.,
DJ K Yung – Barrel House Moline, Moline IL Davenport IA
1321 Fifth Ave., Moline IL Karaoke Night w/ Jim Harker – Karaoke Night – 11th Street Precinct,
DJ Lacey – Hawkeye Tap Sports Hollar’s Bar and Grill, 4050 27th St., 1107 Mound St., Davenport IA
Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Moline IL Karaoke Night – Circle Tap, 1345 W.
Davenport IA Open Jam/Open Mic (Nov. 9, 6pm) – Locust St., Davenport IA
Fresh Wax: A Little More Blue (Nov. Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S. Linn St., Karaoke Night – RIBCO, 1815 Second
22, 8pm) – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Iowa City IA Ave., Rock Island IL
Ave., Rock Island IL Songwriters’ Round Table (Nov. Open Jam w/ The Channel Cats –
Karaoke Night – Circle Tap, 1345 W. 9, 11am) – RME (River Music Bent River Brewing Company, 512
Locust St., Davenport IA Experience), 131 W. Second Dt., 24th St., Rock Island IL
Karaoke Night – K & T’s Bike Rack Davenport IA Open Mic Night – Boozie’s Bar
Sports Bar & Grill, 3303 Brady St., Tw i s t e d M i c ’s M u s i c a n d & Grille, 114 1/2 W. Third St.,
Davenport IA Entertainment – Barrel House Davenport IA
Karaoke Night – Big River Bowling, Moline, 1321 Fifth Ave., Moline IL Open Mic Music Night (5:30pm) –
2902 E. Kimberly Rd., Davenport IA Milltown Coffee, 3800 River Dr. #2,
Karaoke Night – Roadrunners
Roadhouse, 3803 Rockingham Rd., SUNDAYS
Underground Karaoke – Iowa City
Davenport IA Hal Reed & Mississippi Journey Yacht Club, 13 S. Linn St., Iowa City
Karaoke Night – The Grove Tap, 108 Sunday Jam (Nov. 24, 6pm) – IA
S. First St., Long Grove IA Rock Island Elks Club, 427 Seventh
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 23
IN MEMORIAM By Julie McCarthy

R.I.P. “Happy Joe” Whitty

he day I began working at the first crew of many new locations. laughing, sharing, and getting to know both on my part, that I realized how much of an
Happy Joe’s Pizza & Ice Cream Parlor Joe was so much more than just a boss to Joe himself and our co-workers. It’s no sur- impact Joe Whitty had on my life. I feel so
down in the East Village of Daven- all of us, especially to the original crew at the prise we were such a tight-knit group. blessed that my very first job was such a posi-
port, Joe Whitty sat me down in his office East Village location. He treated us more like Joe knew the majority of his employees tive experience. The things I learned from
and imparted wisdom that affected the rest family members. would be young high school students who Joe have greatly influenced the course of my
of my life. Joe taught me the invaluable lesson that had probably never held a previous job. He career.
Joe told me that regardless of what job I employees matter most. He took the time to took the time to not only make this first job I moved from Iowa to Florida in the early
was doing at Happy Joe’s, do it to the absolute verbally acknowledge us for a job well done, experience memorable for each of us, but he ‘80s to start a financial advisory/money
best of my ability. He told me that no job was but also to listen to each of us when he saw set the stage for us to be successful in our management firm with my brother Paul
menial, because everybody’s job depended McCarthy III and still enjoy going to work
on another department doing theirs. every day. It has been over 30 years since I
He shared with me that people notice I remember Joe saying on more than one occasion, have had any contact with Joe Whitty, but
when an employee is working hard, and hopefully the words I have shared here
willing to be a team player by stepping up “People are humans. They make mistakes. It’s important convey the impact he had on at least one ice-
and helping wherever they are needed. I cream-parlor waitress.
made the decision, in that moment, to be the to extend them the same grace you would hope for.” I have no doubt that God’s hand has been
best ice-cream-parlor waitress I could be. on Joe throughout his career. The kind of
Being a waitress isn’t normally a glamor- love and kindness Joe Whitty showed me
ous job, but Joe’s wisdom benefited me in we were not at our best. Joe was the epitome future careers by employing the traditional and the other employees represents the love
ways I never could have imagined. I was a of what the employee/employer relationship values and work ethics that, if utilized, of our Heavenly Father. Occasionally when I
sophomore in high school when I started can be when good work ethics are employed. would take us wherever we dreamed to go. guest preach for my church, I share my story
working at Happy Joe’s, and by the summer Routinely, after closing on a Saturday Joe was also showing us how to be good about my first job to teach how we can never
of my senior year, I was flying around the night, Joe would invite the entire closing future employers. really know the impact we will have on other
country in the company’s corporate jet train- crew to join him for a much appreciated pan- I remember Joe saying on more than one people’s lives with the words we use and the
ing employees at new franchise locations. cake breakfast at the Village Inn. He would occasion, “People are humans. They make behavior we choose. I pray I have positively
Joe was right: Being the best waitress I encourage us to order anything we wanted mistakes. It’s important to extend them the influenced someone else like Happy Joe did
could be caught the eye of new franchise and would always pick up the tab. It was same grace you would hope for.” It wasn’t me.
owners, and I was asked to be on the opening such a great way to end a busy, hectic night: until many years later, and much maturing
24 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 27 No. 967 • November 2019 Know More, Do More •


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