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Why do we sell arms?

- BPC – increasing there capabilities makes it easier to deal with counterterror,
and we can have them as an actual ally as opposed to the US swooping in and
like Thanos, doing it by itself.

- Interoperability
o Allows us to conduct joint operations with other nations

- US power projection is linked to Arms Sales

o They give us ability to operate inside other countries (like Saudi Arabia)
- Arms sales send signals internationally
- Key to showing other nations what we care about and what we want to do
o They show how and why we plan to act

- A good signal of commitment

o Shows we have relationships we want to maintain/alliances we want to keep in certain
o Proves we have security commitment for these nations
o We ensure they are safe and secure, this gives them a good reason to think we will help
them if need be
o If we don’t fufill these countries try to do it themselves which could undermine the US,
and BPC
o Shows to our adversaries that we are a committed ally who is willing to help if need be

- Lets us threaten other nations with removal of certain arms or commitments

that were previously had
o They are a good bargaining chip for the US
o If we just yet the arms out then there is no reason for them to change their ways – no
o Against Saudi Arabia saying that the way the aff executes the plan is a strong arg –
solvency def on the incentivization of arms

- Even if arms are being sold for economic benefit their signaling behind them
still exists
- None of the following see these in a vacuum, facts don’t matter, its all about
perception – if they don’t see it as a threat then they aren’t going to care, even
if the death of their nation is at risk
- They are all filtered through perception
o Perception is a function of signaling
- How confident is the other actor that we will act that we will follow through
with our threat

- We can try and force ourselves and guarantee that we will be involved in a
conflict (see: NoKo, SoKo)
- How large are the stakes?
o Worth changing for?

- MAD proves and is important because it ensures

o First that your nation will be destroyed in this war if it escalates
o And that this war will be mutual, and second strikes will happen
- How fast it can be followed through on
o Taiwan and US, we are heavily tied with them which deters China, but no one knows
how fast we could/would respond
o Shorter term economic costs ow gains most of the time because fixing those means
other nations cant intervene as much
Ways that deterrence fails
- Miscalc
o Thinking that another nation wont get involved

- A country could decide that the reward>risk

o They see it as a game of chess, the sacrifice sometimes comes into play

- The cost is too slow

Punishment vs denial

- Punish
o Inflicting a cost
o Countries might still see it as worth it
o Less credibility

- Denial
o Preventing a gain
o Might be more credible
o If we posture ourselves in a way to deny a nations claim them we show that we can and
will act if need be – punishment may never happen
o If we make our partners capable enough to flex militarily on other aggressor nations
then this also denies the,
o Basing allows us to get involved during a crisis as opposed to after a crisis – countries
see our influence and ability to act within the nation

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