Letter To Speakers Independent and New MHRs 20101119

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Friday 19.11.2010

A n O p e n L e t t e r t o t h e S p e a k e r, D e p u t y S p e a k e r a n d o t h e r e s t e e m e d P a r l i a ' t a r i a n s
and ad'Ministers of (Chaps I and II of) the Constitutional Government of Australia

The Hon Harry Jenkins MHR The Hon Brendan O'Connor MHR
Member of the Australian Labor Party Member of the Australian Labor Party
Member for Scullin (House of Representatives) Member for Gorton (House of Representatives)
Speaker of the House of Representatives Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives
By Twitter: [Not applicable] By Twitter: [Not applicable]
By Facsimile: +61 (0)2 6277 2050 By Facsimile: +61 (0)2 6273 7098
And By Email: Harry.Jenkins.MP@aph.gov.au And By Email: Brendan.O'Connor.MP@aph.gov.au
Telephone: +61 (0)2 6277 4000 Telephone: +61 (0)2 6273 7290

The Hon Bob Katter MHR The Hon Tony Windsor MHR
Independent Member of Parliament Independent Member of Parliament
Member for Kennedy (House of Representatives) Member for New England (House of Representatives)
By Twitter: [Not applicable] By Twitter: [Not applicable]
By Facsimile: +61 (0)2 6273 8558 By Facsimile: +61 (0)2 6277 8545
And By Email: Bob.Katter.MP@aph.gov.au And By Email: Tony.Windsor.MP@aph.gov.au
Telephone: +61 (0)2 6277 4978 Telephone: +61 (0)2 6277 4722

The Hon Peter Dutton MHR The Hon Ken Wyatt MHR
Member of Liberal Party of Australia Member of Liberal Party of Australia
Member for Dickson (House of Representatives) Member for Hasluck (House of Representatives)
By Twitter: @peter_dutton By Twitter: @KenWyattMP
By Facsimile: +61 (0)2 6277 8752 By Facsimile: +61 (0)2 6277 8552
And By Email: Peter.Dutton.MP@aph.gov.au And By Email: ken.wyatt.mp@aph.gov.au
Telephone: +61 (0)2 6277 4884 Telephone: +61 (0)2 6277 4707

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

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The Hon Andrew Wilkie MHR The Hon Rob Oakeshott MHR
Independent Member of Parliament Independent Member of Parliament
Member for Denison (House of Representatives) Member for Lynne (House of Representatives)
By Twitter: [Not available] By Twitter: @OakeyMP
By Facsimile: +61 (0)2 6277 8579 By Facsimile: +61 (0)2 6277 8403
And By Email: andrew.wilkie.mp@aph.gov.au And by Registered Post
Telephone: +61 (0)2 6277 4766 And By Email: Robert.Oakeshott.MP@aph.gov.au
Telephone: +61 (0)2 6277 4052

The Hon Adam Bandt MHR The Hon Wyatt Roy MHR
Member Australian Greens Party Member Liberal Party of Australia
Member for Melbourne (House of Reps) Member for Longman (House of Representatives)
By Twitter: @AdamBandt By Twitter: @Wyatt_Roy_MP
By Facsimile: +61 (0)2 6277 8583 By Facsimile: +61 (0)2 6277 8539
And by Registered Post And by Registered Post
And By Email: adam.bandt.mp@aph.gov.au And By Email: wyatt.roy.mp@aph.gov.au
Telephone: +61 (0)2 6277 4775 Telephone: +61 (0)2 6277 4646

Copied to:

Ms Julia Eileen Gillard MHR*

Member and Parliamentary Leader of the Australian Labor Party
(Provisional)* Member for Lalor (House of Representatives)
Leader of the House of Representatives (by independent MPs agreements)
Parliamentary Leader of the Australian Labor Party (by agreements of faceless & the ALP Caucus)
(Installed, unelected) Prime Minister of Australia (by virtue of said appointments and said anti-Democratic
and anti-Constitutional agreements)
Leader of Executive Cabinet and Executive-Ministry-in-Council (by virtue of same said appointments and extra-
Parliamentary and para-Constitutional agreements)
(*High Court of Australia Litigation Pending)
By Twitter: @ and DM as @JuliaGillard
By Facsimile: +61 (0)2 6273 4100
And By Email: [Not Publicly Available – officially http://www.pm.gov.au/PM_Connect/Email_Your_PM ]
Telephone: +61 (0)2 6277 7700

Mr Robert Bruce McClelland MHR

Member Australian Labor Party,
Member for Barton (House of Representatives),
Commonwealth Attorney-General “for” Australia and Federal Australian Minister “for” Justice
By Twitter: [not applicable]
By Facsimile: +61 (0)2 6273 4102
And By Email: R.McClelland.MP@aph.gov.au
Telephone: +61 (0)2 6277 7300

Dear Speaker, Deputy Speaker and other esteemed Members of the Australian House of Representatives
(cc: Ms Gillard and Mr McClelland)



MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

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I commend the lives of 12 (probably more) lost Australian souls and the fates of 36 (probably more) de-fathered
and de-grandparented Australian children, every day into your Parliamentary hands, until these atrocities are

investigated and remedied, and no longer repeated by the Australian Government: http://bit.ly/aRoy1V;
http://dadsontheair.squarespace.com/csa/; http://bit.ly/b4WoCL..

Open Request for Parliamentary Action

I am writing to each of you, as strong, independent and/or new Members of Parliament to ask you to take action
in parliament to investigate the Australian Government's statistics from the Child Support Agency and the Family
Court of Australia that indicate that every day in Australia 12 non-custodial parents (almost but not exclusively
dads) choose death over continued suffering at the hands of those Government institutions and the lawyers
packed inside them [see below].

Both the (provisional* - litigation pending) Member for Lalor, Ms Gillard nor the Member for Barton, Mr
McClelland, along with their Rudd-Gillard Ministerial colleagues have refused for years to engage in dialogue
over these issues [see below].

As far as my researches indicate the last time that these issues were raised in the floor of the House of
Representatives was by the then Deputy Speaker, the Honorable Member for Curtin, Mr Rocher, on 17.06.1997:

http://bit.ly/aRoy1V .

So it is not out of 'court' to be asking you good Parliamentarians to raise these frightful questions in the House of
Representatives again before next Friday's end of the current Parliamentary sessions.

Should there not be time to raise these issues, and have these demands filled, during the no doubt packed
debating sessions next week, I implore that some or all of you at least raise them during question time(s).

Here are the things that need to be investigated. Which Ms Gillard and Mr McClelland, in contempt of their
Parliamentary and Ministerial duties to the Australian public (Chapters I and Chapter II of the Constitution)
refuse to do.

 Independent Investigation of the Child Support Agency “Client Death Toll” which exceeds 4,000 non-
custodial parents per annum:
see: http://dadsontheair.squarespace.com/csa/

 Independent Investigation of more than 100,000 human rights violations committed in the Australian

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

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Family Courts every year:
see: http://bit.ly/aRoy1V; http://www.scribd.com/doc/28300722/Letter-to-Court-20100127 .
http://www.scribd.com/doc/28300717/Letter-to-Court-Attachments ;
Law-Case .

 Independent Investigation of the $4,000,000,000 (Four Billion Dollars) of federal taxpayer funds your
Government spends on Family Court judges, officers and infrastructure:
see: 30 January 2010 National Press coverage of your own announcement to double the previous
year's spend of $2,000,000,000 (Two Billion Dollars).

 Immediate establishment a Minister for Status of Men and Office of Status of Men (with matching
funding, status and influence as the (more than $26,100,000 (Twenty Six Million Dollars) plus being
spent in 2010 alone on the decade long established Office of Status for Women. [Perhaps Australia
even needs 4 separate Offices of Status, one each for (1) Heterosexual Men, (2) Homosexual Men,
(3) Heterosexual Women and (4) Lesbian Women?]: see:

A Sense of Urgency – The Desire to Prevent 12+ 'CSA [Child Support

Agency] client' deaths per day

I am concerned that both Houses of the Australian Parliament will be shutting down for Summer recess at the
end of next Friday 26.11.2010 and will not be returning from Summer Break until February 2011.

I am concerned that during the 70 or so Parliamentary non-sitting days of Summer, this will translate into
another 840+ CSA 'non-custodial-parent' deaths. Another 2500+ Australian children of broken families will be
rendered fatherless (losing their non-custodial parent) and ties of kith and kinship (with paternal grandparents,
uncles, aunts and extended family and friends) will be permanently and inter-generationally terminated, whilst
our Parliamentarians sit on the beaches with eyes shut to the goings on in these twin governmental (and utterly
lawyered up) institutions of the Family Court of Australia and the Child Support Agency.

The investigations I call for in the enclose chain of correspondences cannot wait until the February 2011
Parliamentary sessions.

So I call on each of you as independent minded, good, Australian Parliamentarians, to table these calls in the
House of Representatives next week, to call for these investigations.

I also call on you to action parliamentary (and other, disciplinary including curial) investigations into the failings
of Ms Gillard and of Mr McClelland over a course of several years, to do their Constitutional duties as

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

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Parliamentarians (Chapter I of the Constitution) and neglecting if not actively abusing their extended
Constitutional duties as ad'Ministers of the Australian Government (Chapter II of the Constitution). There must
be fair dismissal laws and procedures applicable to these Constitutionally and criminally neglectful
circumstances. And, if not, why not? Several legal and historical precedents spring readily to my Constitutional
scholar's mind.

Embedded Chain of Correspondences

I have written extensively (with extensive embedded links) to Ms Gillard and Mr McClelland, even on and since
20.10 of 2010. I hope you will take the time to read not just each of the following embedded documents, but
also the further materials linked-in and referred to therein.

● Embedded here (and following at the end of this covering letter) is my 5 paragraph, short-form
information brief, as sent to Ms Gillard yesterday and (via the magic of www.twitter.com) already read
and commented on, yesterday (just the first day) by more than 300 ordinary Australians (so far):


● Embedded here is my 5 page letter to Ms Gillard, as sent to Ms Gillard on 15.11.10 and (via the magic of
www.twitter.com) already read and commented on this week by more than 1600 ordinary Australians, so

far: http://scr.bi/9b17bb .

● Embedded here is my “original” petition (really and information brief and a demand), as sent to Mr
McClelland on 20.10.2010 and (via the magic of www.twitter.com) read and commented on by more than

500 ordinary Australians, so far: http://scr.bi/acaHue.

● Embedded here is my “background paper” Legal Authority Warns that Family Lawyers are a Family
Health Hazard, as sent to Mr McClelland on 21.10.2010 and (via the magic of www.twitter.com) read

and commented on by more than 700 ordinary Australians, so far: http://bit.ly/b4WoCL.

8 Inspiring Australian Parliamentarians

● I am inspired by the Hon Member for Denison (Mr Wilkie) in many ways. I am inspired by Mr Wilkie's
integrity and stamina, fortitude and resilience as one of our life-time's most significant (surviving)
Australian whistle blowers on big bad government of our era. The Hon and most worthy Member for
Denison is right up there for survival and admiration, ranking in his David v Goliath Battle of vulnerable

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

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whistle blower versus out-of-[Constitutional]-control BigBadBrother (now BigBadSister) Government. Mr
Wilkie deserves his place in history alongside www.twitter.com/danielellsberg /
www.mostdangerousman.org and of course our fellow-Australian Julian Assange of

I am inspired by Mr Wilkie's impassioned maiden speech. Manly tears shed for the 10 Australian
soldiers who in the past 9 years have died on active duty on Afghanistan soil. Wrongful and
unacceptable politically caused losses of 9 quality Australian lives (and diminishment of the lives and
generations of family, friends and community around each of them).

But those were young men who were trained, armed, protected, resourced and who died as heroes
(both the Majority Leader and the Minority Leader of the Australian House of Representatives attending
their (Federal) State funerals).

If one can be so crude as to measure or compare human existences in numbers and statistics 10 Aussie
(soldier) deaths in 9 years hardly compares to 12+ deaths a day of non-custodial parents ('CSA clients',
mostly but not exclusively dads).

Most of these dying (mostly but not exclusively) non-custody dads have never been, and never deserved
to be 'in trouble' with 'the law'. Unlike the trained, resourced and protected Australian soldiers, each of
them shares a common history of being stripped of family, shelter, resources, rights, even identities and
incomes (as part of the fallout) and driven into mental illnesses they would never otherwise contract, by
processes before so called 'Justices' and lawyer-enriching practices that are indistinguishable (at best))
from the practices of the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witchcraft “trials.”

I appreciate that Mr Wilkie is, like many Australians, unarmed as to the barbarity and feed-lot mentality of
Australia's family courts and Child “Support” Agency practices. So here are some live twitterfeeds with
which each of you, including Mr Wilkie can continuously 'arm' yourselves and your constitutents and
fellow-citzens with information on these atrocities against Australians by “our” “own”Government on “our”
“own” Australian soil:

See: www.twitter.com/JAILTasmania/Favorites ; And See www.twitter.com/wikedleaks/Favorites ; And

See www.twitter.com/JamesJohnsonCHR/Favorites.

● I am inspired by the Hon Member for Kennedy (Mr Bob Katter). The Hon and most worthy Mr Bob
Katter is inspirational for his focus on being the parliamentary instrument, advocate and voice of his
constitutents (not the other way around). Mr Katter is inspirational for his resilience against (perhaps

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

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deliberately calculated, not just or always incompetent) politically-partisan media coverage, and his
embodiment of the proper principles of representative Government. The Hon Mr Katter is the
quintessential MP who acts as the “voice OF his Constituents.' A healthy contrast to the usual
parliamentary abnormalities, such as Lalor's AWOL Ms Gillard, “the voice AT her Constituents” on those
few nights of the year (including 2 nights during the entire August 2010 election procession) when Ms
Gillard is actually in the home State of her supposed 'home electorate' of Lalor (for the record, for any
dear readers interested, Ms Gillard did spend 2 hours on one day in Lalor during the entire duration of
the August 2010 election procession).

I am inspired by the Hon Mr Katter's often expressed concerns (including during the August 2010
election campaign) over the plight of our farmers (the feeders and clothers of our nation) who are doing it
tough, with a suicide rate of one suicide (therefore according to Australian of the year Patrick McGorry, at
least 32 unsuccessful suicide attempts) every 4 days. I would expect that many of those suicides (and
on Patrick McGorry's mathematics attempted suicides, and other self-harms and mental disorders) of
which Mr Katter is cognisant are captured within the statistics of the Child Support Agencies “CSA Client”
(non-custodial parent) national death toll of 12+ per day (371 deaths during October 2010 and 448
deaths during September 2010).

And these statistics are only the poor quality statistics of a disinterested, flawed and failed, government
agency with much incentive to under record (or at least to under resource the record keeping) if not
plough resources into covering up, the real extent and cause of these deaths suicides and associated
attempted suicides, depression and other mental illnesses, poverties and criminal and ant-social and
anti-self behaviors hinted at in these Australian Government statistics. Certainly there are no incentives
and no resources allocated to give any reason to think that these statistics capture all or even a
significant percentage of the evil truth of what is going on inside the (lawyer packed) Government
bastions of the Family Court and the Child Support Agency).

I am inspired by all 6 of our new and (in Mr Katter's and Mr Windsor's cases), often- and newly-returned
Members of the House of Representatives. If I might single out three more of our fine new MPs:

● The Hon Member for Melbourne (Mr Bandt) (eg (1) pre-election policy statements on local Melbourne
city and environ issues; (2) on his #equalmarriage Private Members Bill, as #gaymarriage is an @UN
covenanted #humanrights surely protected by our Constitutional laws and international treaty signatory-
obligations). [Apologies, dear readers, for the momentary lapse into twitter-speak.]

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

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● The Hon Member for Hasluck (Mr Wyatt) whose beautiful maiden speech demonstrating just how
much this nation has lost through the 'White Australia' period under our Apartheid written Constitution
(1900 – 1967) through the human rights abuses inflicted on the original inhabitants of this land, and how
much more there is to do, rather than to say, to remedy that sorry past (and present) and unlock the
future benefits of our indigenous, non-British Penal Invasion Ancestry. Our pre-British Colonial invasion
(so-called “indigenous”) Australians form the backbone of the classes of marginalised and alienated
(from political power, social and economic opportunities and resources) who suffer most under laws such
as those that are executed through the Australian family courts and Child Support and other Government
Agencies. With suicide rates 4 times higher than the whole-of-nation average (and mental health,
economic health and other symptoms such as crime and poverty and educational drop-outs also
reflecting those figures), it is no surprise that “indigenous” Australian's are also disproportionately highly
included in these Australian Family Courts and Child Support Agency “death tolls” and other horror

● The Hon Member for Longman (Mr Roy) whose maiden speech (to the effect that “I am the first MP
younger than the walls and roof of this Parliamentary building in which we are seated”) demonstrates the
wisdom of the life-philosophy that “We borrow our planet from our children, we do not inherit it from our

The horrors of Australia's family law court and child support agency tyranny were created by the
generations of Gough (Whitlam)-Malcolm (Fraser)-and-John(Howard). Though opposed by those two
latter as Liberal Party Parliamentarians (both future Prime Ministers of Australia) in 1974, the Family Law
Act and the human rights violating institutions and industries (of lawyers) spawned by it were not
corrected by them despite “Lazarus” years and decades of opportunity to do so, in the three decades

after 11.11.1975]: http://bit.ly/aDiKXm.

These Whitlerian horrors have grown in successive generations, unchecked and unbalanced by the
Howard Government's 01.07.2006 'shared parenting presumptions' which were lipserviced but otherwise
willfully ignored by the family lawyer-denizens as financial beneficiaries and rulers of the Australian
family law courts. These horrors have grown in successive generations since 1975 (as lawyers habitually
grow laws that are lucrative to their class – the grand scheme of the law is to produce wealth for
lawyers, as Dickens duly recorded in the context his famous literary case Jaundice v Jaundice in his
epic Bleak [blankety-blank] House.

[Dickensian Notes for our Dear Readers: (1) You may purposively insert
“Parliament” or “Court” equally, as you wish in the above 'Blankety-Blank'. Both

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

T E L E P H O N E : 1 3 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] www.jamesjohnson2020.com :WEB
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Houses are all but exclusively packed to the rafters by and for generations of
lawyers who are handpicked and endorsed by bureaucratic agencies that are
also packed for generations at the top by and for generations of lawyers. Burma's
Military Dictatorship, in the modern era where the pen [and paper, PC,
propaganda, taxes and TV] is mightier than the sword [and machine gun] has
nothing on the cold quiet ruthless efficiency of Australia's Lawyers Dictatorship
[which doesn't even attract a whisper of attention on-shore or off-shore from
citizens, human rights organisations, media or government officialdom].
Jaundice v Jaundice was based on a wills dispute case that ran for several
generations, starting well before Dickens's days articled as a London law clerk,
and continuing well after Dickens's death, into the early 20 th Century. In fact, the
real Chancery case [note the humor in the Orwellian title of the Court], Jordan v
Jordan ran for a grand total of 105 years whilst the lawyers emptied the
deceased estate and, once the estate was emptied the case simply stopped. The
lawyers having no financial self-interest left to continue to promote it or to resolve
it, during 105 years it never went anywhere close to a judge'ment. As it is in
Australia today, in Dickens's day too 'Justice' is 'what you get when the lawyers
have emptied the litigants of all of their monies (or, at least, stripped the assets if
not lives out of all of the litigants falling on one side of the case without suckering
in new litigants, and new assets and lives to be sucked to replace them).' The
laws have changed to make modern Jaundice v Jaundice lawyers-feasts a little
less obvious, including a lot less short-llved, but otherwise the practices continue.
Family lawyers draw and quarter divorce estates (taking a quarter for
themselves, typically destroying two quarters in the process, and leavin 'mum
and dad' to split the remaining undestroyed quarter between them – one-eighth
each?). With deceased estates, those same lawyers draw and quarter
(aggravating and even manufacturing disputes between potential suitors and
inheritors) the deceased estate, often managing to score not just one but two

quarters for themselves: http://bit.ly/b4WoCL. End of Dickensian Notes

to our Dear Readers, and resumption of main text ----> ]

My own generation though it has suffered greatly – 6 million out of 22 million Australians affected
according to some sound non-Government statistics 2.5 million out of 22 million Australians according to
more conservative national media estimates.

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

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But I realise that it is Mr Roy's generation that will have to endure these horrors most. And even my own
actions, such as this chain of correspondences, at most, will probably do little more than illuminate this
latest manifestation of this cancer on our society and its politics, this “peculiar institutions” for those of Mr
Roy's generation (with more time available to them to organise, resource up, contain and repair) to do
something meaningful to redress this situation.

Background and Historical, Social and Constitutional Contexts

Each of you inspiring Members of Parliament will have constitutents who number amongst:

● the 1600 Australians who have read this week the embedded chain of correspondences I have sent to
Mr McClelland (most recently, on on 20.10.2010 and 21.10.2010) and to Ms Gillard (on 12.11.2010,
15.11.2010 and yesterday); and

● the 100s of 1000s of Australian children, women and men, parents, grandparents, relatives, siblings and
friends (“families”) who live or lived in your Federal Electorates over the past 35-plus years whose lives
have been affected, damaged and in frightening numbers, destroyed and ended, by and about certain
Governmental Agencies and governmental activities and para-governmental activities, namely, the
secret horrors and Constitutional, international and criminal human rights violations and abuses going
on in the Child Support Agency and in the Australian family law courts that are captured in the
Government statistics quoted in this embedded chain of correspondences.

[At this juncture, I ask that you not do as The Honorable Senator for Tasmania, Mr Bob Brown did, about a
year ago, and refuse to action on corresponding correspondence from me until I produced an actual list of
actual names of those of his actual potential Tasmanian (senatorial) voters falling into the second of these
categories – the motto quoted to me by his staffer being to the effect “I'm not interested in Australian issues. I'm
only interested in issues that affect Tasmanians.”]

I have called out, in this latest chain correspondences, as I have called out via many summary pleas and
petitions, and many detailed informations and submissions to Mr McClelland and to Ms Gillard over the past
several years (all of them ignored), regarding the Rudd-Gillard Government's own shocking family law statistics
and modus of processing 100,000 more distressed ordinary Australian families (approx 300,000 Aussie kids,
their 100,000 fathers, their 100,000 biological mothers, their 400,000 grandparents and countless Aunts, Uncles,
cousins, step-parents and step-siblings) every year.

I call out to you, as I have called out to Mr McClelland and Ms Gillard many times previously, that these hugely
taxpayer-subsidised and seeded, secret (and lucrative to lawyers) blatantly unconstitutional (and often-times

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

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criminally conducted) government sanctioned institutions and processes must be independently investigated
by appropriate bodies (plural, and separately) established under Chapters I, II and III of the Australian

These investigations must be performed within constitutionally established bodies, and investigations, wholly
independent of the lawyers and other governmen and governwomen types who operate and profit from those

I am also calling out to you to exercise the Constitutional duties that you owe to all Australians (not just your
constitutents) in your capacities as Australian Parliamentarians. Those duties are contained in Chapter 1 of the
Australian Constitution (actually, all VIII Chapters, and the Preamble, really).

As the embedded chain of correspondences records, for several years I have previously written to both Mr
McClelland and to Ms Gillard in both these/their Parliamentary capacities under Chapter I of the Constitution
and in their extended Governmental ad'Ministerial capacities under Chapter II of the Constitution.

As the embedded chain of correspondence records, Ms Gillard and Mr McClelland have over those same years
demonstrated ultimate contempt and violation of the basic principles of representative Government, and the
higher principles of our written Constitution (Government 'by rule of law, not by rule of [elite] people'), democracy
and the rule of law. On all past occasions, “my” “our” and “the” elected Member for Lalor (provisionally
returned to the House of Representatives at the 21.08.2010 federal election, but remedial High Court litigation
pending) and her parliamentary colleagues, including Mr McClelland, have totally, willfully and illegally ignored

Conclusion (It's Only Just Beginning)

Please consider your moral and Constitutional duties as Parliamentarians, the duties you owe to your
constituents and to all Australians.

Like former Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr Rocher did 13 years ago

(http://bit.ly/b4WoCL) please raise these horror Australian Government 's own Family Court, Child
Support Agency statistics on the floor of the House.

It is unbearable to think that according to the Government's own probably understating statics, even 1, let alone
12+, non-custodial parents (mostly but not exclusively dads) are dying every day in Australia in the aftermath of
often brutal (and lawyer and Family Court and other Government Agency aggravated) and unnecessary

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

T E L E P H O N E : 1 3 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] www.jamesjohnson2020.com :WEB
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Page 11 of 17
violations of basic concepts of government, justice, human rights and humanity, without protection of a justice
system, a written Constitution, democracy, human rights or the rule of law.

Until you do, I commend the lives of 12 (probably more) lost Australian souls and the fates of 36 (probably
more) de-fathered and de-grandparented Australian children, every day into your Parliamentary hands, until
these atrocities are investigated and remedied, and no longer repeated by the Australian Government:


Best wishes

Federal Candidate for Lalor

Constitutional Human Rights Lawyer
Solicitor and Barrister of the High Court of Australia
(Celebrating 20 Years of Legal Practice 1990 – 2010)

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

T E L E P H O N E : 1 3 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] www.jamesjohnson2020.com :WEB
FAC S I M I L E : 1 8 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] J a m e s J o h n s o n 2 0 2 0 : FAC E B O O K
S M S ( T E X T O N LY ) : 0 4 0 1 8 6 5 9 1 4 @JamesJohnsonCHR :TWITTER
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MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

T E L E P H O N E : 1 3 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] w w w. j a m e s j o h n s o n 2 0 2 0 . c o m : W E B
F A C S I M I L E : 1 8 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] J a m e s J o h n s o n 2 0 2 0 : FA C E B O O K
S M S ( T E X T O N LY ) : 0 4 0 1 8 6 5 9 1 4 @JamesJohnsonCHR :TW ITTER

Here is a 5 paragraph extract from the latest Family Justice Petition to the
Australian Leader of the House of Representatives, Honorable Member for Lalor and
Prime Minister, Ms Julia Gillard, as sent to her by facsimile and posted to her 2 days
[15.11.2010] ago as @JuliaGillard, by @ and by DM on www.twitter.com.

For feedback from some of the 1300 [1650 by 19.11.2010] Australians who have read
this petitions so far, since Monday morning, via the magic of www.twitter.com, see

To see the full text of this letter to Julia Gillard see: http://scr.bi/9b17bb

Best wishes
Federal Candidate for Lalor
Constitutional Human Rights Lawyer
Solicitor and Barrister of the High Court of Australia
(Celebrating 20 Years of Legal Practice 1990 – 2010)

“Dear Member and Minister,



... I am singularly unimpressed by your Commonwealth Attorney-General's failure to table this petition of
20.10.2010 http://scr.bi/acaHue on the floor of the Parliament that week.

Robert Bruce McClelland's latest failure as a Parliamentarian and as a Minister (supposedly “for” Justice) does
not surprise me, capping as it does some three plus years that I and countless others have sought to draw his
attention to these atrocities – with never a hint of an acknowledgment or any other kind from him.

Adopting the language of the former Deputy Speaker (Member for Curtin) in his June 1997 Parliamentary
description of the then Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia, Alistair Nicholson as 'singularly stupid', It is
my considered opinion, as a constitutional lawyer of some renown and of more than 2 decades good standing,

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

T E L E P H O N E : 1 3 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] www.jamesjohnson2020.com :WEB
FAC S I M I L E : 1 8 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] J a m e s J o h n s o n 2 0 2 0 : FAC E B O O K
S M S ( T E X T O N LY ) : 0 4 0 1 8 6 5 9 1 4 @JamesJohnsonCHR :TWITTER
Page 13 of 17
that not only is this a disgraceful neglect of Ministerial and Parliamentary responsibilities by Mr McClelland, but it
is contempt of both the First Chapter (the Parliament) and of the Second Chapter (the Executive Ministry) of our
Constitutional Government in Australia.

For these contempts and/or misconducts in public office, Mr McClelland should be censured by being “recalled”
(as the American's call it under their constitutional system) and should be “dismissed” as a Minister if not as a
Parliamentarian (perhaps requiring Chapter Three Constitutional involvement of the Federal Judiciary). I draw
your attention to the obvious Constitutional precedents (whatever their merits) surrounding the 11.11.1975
Whitlam dismissal and of course the 24.06.2010 Rudd dismissal.

As a Constituent of Lalor, as well as you political opponent for the Federal Seat of Lalor, I look forward to
receiving a response from you to these issues regarding your political party colleague and cabinet minister,
and a tabling in the House of Representatives by you of this Family Justice Petition and supporting papers.

Lest you forget and I must make these same charges against you (either before the Governor-General, or
before the Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia or via the floor of the Parliament or the floor of another
and other world Assemblies) as the charges that I make before you today regarding your political and
parliamentary colleague Mr McClelland...



JamesJohnsonCHR - Here is the #bigGovt #FamilyLawFail Petition http://scr.bi/9b17bb served on

@JuliaGillard by @ and by DM on @twitter today 2 days ago via web

JamesJohnsonCHR 1200 Readers SO FAR. HOW LONG will @JuliaGillard ignore this #bigGovt
#FamilyLawFail Petition THIS TIME? http://scr.bi/9b17bb #auspol about 2 hours ago via web


Outstanding Award Winning Columnist for Sydney Morning Herald, Herald Sun etc etc

mirandadevine @JamesJohnsonOHR Interesting piece. Hard to believe CSA death toll. Good luck
7:44 AM Nov 16th via TweetDeck in reply to JamesJohnsonOHR

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

T E L E P H O N E : 1 3 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] www.jamesjohnson2020.com :WEB
FAC S I M I L E : 1 8 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] J a m e s J o h n s o n 2 0 2 0 : FAC E B O O K
S M S ( T E X T O N LY ) : 0 4 0 1 8 6 5 9 1 4 @JamesJohnsonCHR :TWITTER
Page 14 of 17
JamesJohnsonCHR Bravo @mirandadevine. Most run&hide from this data. Like Neo in Matrix,Red
Pill /Blue Pill? SEE: http://bit.ly/b4WoCL & CSA Death Toll link 1,289,854,386,000.00 via web

Corporate Coach and Social Media Guru - 8th most effective Communicator on Twitter and No.1 (most
followed on Twitter, for Perth and Western Australia.

WayneMansfield My politics have lapsed so I turn the essays of @JamesJohnsonOHR to test my

thoughts http://scr.bi/b0uqyU about 20 hours ago via TweetDeck

JamesJohnsonCHR I salute U @WayneMansfield. Thru your @twitter power 500 more read this
http://scr.bi/9b17bb Petition to @JuliaGillard bt 0:00 & 6:00 today. about 12 hours ago via web

Corruption Monitor and MSN News Service

wikedleaks RT @injusticegames More Aussies die every 48hrs of #FamilyLawFail Lawyer-Govt

corruption than 9 yrs war in #Afghanistan http://bit.ly/b4WoCL 10:17 AM Nov 14th via web

Prominent Non-Government Social Justice & Welfare Organisation
Protecting Poor and Disadvantaged Australians

SydneyHomeless great political campaign @JamesJohnsonCHR. I understand you're targeting

@JuliaGillard seat of Lalor as Ind? #auspol about 12 hours ago via web

JamesJohnsonCHR "@SydneyHomeless I've been a Lalor lad for a decade. Candidate for 8 mths
due to yrs Gillard contempt 4 Constitutents." about 12 hours ago via web

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

T E L E P H O N E : 1 3 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] www.jamesjohnson2020.com :WEB
FAC S I M I L E : 1 8 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] J a m e s J o h n s o n 2 0 2 0 : FAC E B O O K
S M S ( T E X T O N LY ) : 0 4 0 1 8 6 5 9 1 4 @JamesJohnsonCHR :TWITTER
Page 15 of 17
Pro Democracy and Constitutionalist Policy Think Tank

LalorInstitute Impressive Political Debutant @JamesJohnsonCHR http://scr.bi/9b17bb #auspol #Lalor

@sunriseon7 @australian @theeage about 11 hours ago via web

LalorInstitute NotaBene @CatoInstitute Impressive Political Debutant @JamesJohnsonCHR

http://scr.bi/9b17bb #auspol #Lalor @sunriseon7 @australian @theeage about 9 hours ago via web


Burmese Suport Group, Political Activists
Promoting and Protecting Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

AungSanSuuKyii RT @manatrue #Make @nick_clegg #EatHisWords If McKinnon taken to

US,Never come back http://bit.ly/dxwkHJ #freegary PLZ RT 7:12 AM Nov 16th via web

JamesJohnsonCHR I congratulate @AungSanSuuKyii & Daw Aung, speaking out for non #Burma
too. #bigGovt LawFail anywhere threatens #humanrights everywhere 8:22 AM Nov 16th via web

Australian Conference of Trade Unions
(Australian Peak Trade Union Body)

read_about_it ACTU: Unions welcome release of ASSK & call for action on #humanrights in
#Burma. | http://bit.ly/apwEDw #ASSK #ausunions 1:30 PM Nov 16th via web

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

T E L E P H O N E : 1 3 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] www.jamesjohnson2020.com :WEB
FAC S I M I L E : 1 8 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] J a m e s J o h n s o n 2 0 2 0 : FAC E B O O K
S M S ( T E X T O N LY ) : 0 4 0 1 8 6 5 9 1 4 @JamesJohnsonCHR :TWITTER
Page 16 of 17
JamesJohnsonCHR Q: @read_about_it ACTU: Unions welcome release of JJCHR & call for action
on #humanrights in #Aust? | http://scr.bi/9b17bb #ASSK #ausunions 1,289,874,752,000.00 via web

read_about_it @latikambourke Nah, let's face it, Australians just love being lorded over by a
hereditary monarchy on the other side of the world. about 2 hours ago via web in reply to latikambourke

delperr0 @read_about_it and Nazi costumes about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to

Whistle Blowers exposing Australian Government Corruption as the No.1 Cause of Mental Health,
Suicide, Depression, Crime and Social and Family Disintegration in Australia

InjusticeGames RT @JamesJohnsonOHR my two ALL NEW Productions "Soylent Green & Gold"
AND "The Crucible" may open in the same week. #FamilyLawFail #bigGovt 10:10 PM Nov 14th via web
Retweeted by you and 2 others

- o0o -

MAIL: PO Box 6137 Point Cook Vic 3030 james@jamesjohnson2020.com :EMAIL

T E L E P H O N E : 1 3 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] www.jamesjohnson2020.com :WEB
FAC S I M I L E : 1 8 0 0 [ Ye t t o b e a d v i s e d ] J a m e s J o h n s o n 2 0 2 0 : FAC E B O O K
S M S ( T E X T O N LY ) : 0 4 0 1 8 6 5 9 1 4 @JamesJohnsonCHR :TWITTER
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