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A living will, like Five Wishes, is a way for you to give consent for certain
situations where you might want or not want treatment. You can appoint
someone to make decisions for you, if you can’t do so for yourself. It gives you
a better chance of having your wishes carried out, when you can’t speak for

When is the best time to complete Five Wishes?

The best time is before you need it. Everyone, at any age, should think about
making an advance directive.

How will my doctor know that I filled out Five Wishes?

Once you finished filling out Five Wishes, talk about it with your doctor. Also
tell people close to you that you have it and where it’s kept (not locked up
where no one can find it!). Give copies to your healthcare agent, family
members, and friends.

Can I change my advance directive?

Yes, at any time while you are competent to do so. In fact, it’s recommended
to do so every 10 years or if you have a major health change, family change,
or experience the death of a loved one.

What is life-sustaining medical treatment?

Life-sustaining medical treatment is anything mechanical or artificial that

sustains, restores, or substitutes for a vital body fiction and would prolong the
dying process for a terminally ill patient. Examples include: CPR, artificial
respiration like a ventilator, dialysis, among others.

What is a “do not resuscitate” order?

Do Not Resuscitate, or DNR, is an order written by a doctor telling the

healthcare team taking care of you that CPR is not to be used if your heart or
breathing stops.

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