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Various alternatives are evaluated in Tables 12-1 to 12-4. The annual costs of each
alternative are plotted in Figure 12-1. The best economic choice is to use all public

TABLE 12-1 Costs for a Pure Public Warehouse Strategy
Privately-operated Rented
Ware- Space
house require- Private Monthly Monthly Rented Monthly Monthly
thruput, ments, allo- fixed cost variable allo- storage handling Monthly
Month lb.a sq. ft.b cation cost cation cost cost total cost
Jan. 1,000,000 62,500 0% $0 $0 100% $30,000c $50,000d $80,000
Feb. 800,000 50,000 0 0 0 100 24,000 40,000 64,000
Mar. 600,000 37,500 0 0 0 100 18,000 30,000 48,000
Apr. 400,000 25,000 0 0 0 100 12,000 20,000 32,000
May 200,000 12,500 0 0 0 100 6,000 10,000 16,000
June 50,000 3,125 0 0 0 100 1,500 2,500 4,000
July 250,000 15,625 0 0 0 100 7,500 12,500 20,000
Aug. 450,000 28,125 0 0 0 100 13,500 22,500 36,000
Sept. 600,000 37,500 0 0 0 100 18,000 30,000 48,000
Oct. 700,000 43,750 0 0 0 100 21,000 35,000 56,000
Nov. 800,000 50,000 0 0 0 100 24,000 40,000 64,000
Dec. 900,000 56,250 0 0 0 100 27,000 45,000 72,000
Totals 6,750,000 421,875 $0 $0 $202,500 $337,500 $540,000
Thruput (lb.) = Sales ($)/($5/lb.)
Space requirements (sq. ft.) = Thruput (lb.) × ½ × 1/0.40 × 0.1/10(5) = Thruput × 0.6250
Given a turnover ratio of 2 and 100% of the demand through the rented warehouse, then 1,000,000 × 1.00/2 × 0.06 = $30,000
1,000,000 × 1.00 × 0.05 = $50,000

TABLE 12-2 Costs for a Mixed Warehouse Strategy Using a 10,000 Square Foot Privately-
Operated Warehouse
Privately-operated Rented
Ware- Space
house require- Private Monthly Monthly Rented Monthly Monthly
thruput, ments, allo- fixed cost variable allo- storage handling Monthly
Month lb.a sq. ft.b cation cost cation cost cost total cost
Jan. 1,000,000 62,500 16% $9,792d $3,200e 84% $25,200f $42,000g $80,192
Feb. 800,000 50,000 20 9,792 3,200 80 19,200 32,000 64,192
Mar. 600,000 37,500 27 9,792 3,200 73 13,140 21,900 48,032
Apr. 400,000 25,000 40 9,792 3,200 60 7,200 12,000 32,192
May 200,000 12,500 80 9,792 3,200 20 1,200 2,000 16,192
June 50,000 3,125 100 9,792 1,000 0 0 0 10,792
July 250,000 15,625 64 9,792 3,200 36 2,700 4,500 20,192
Aug. 450,000 28,125 36 9,792 3,200 64 8,640 14,400 36,032
Sept. 600,000 37,500 27 9,792 3,200 73 13,140 21,900 48,032
Oct. 700,000 43,750 23 9,792 3,200 77 16,170 26,950 56,112
Nov. 800,000 50,000 20 9,792 3,200 80 19,200 32,000 64,192
Dec. 900,000 56,250 18 9,792 3,200 82 22,140 36,900 72,032
Totals 6,750,000 421,875 $117,504 $36,200 $147,930 $246,550 $548,184
Thruput (lb.) = Sales ($)/($5/lb.)
Space requirements (sq. ft.) = Thruput (lb.) × ½ × 1/0.40 × 0.1/10(5) = Thruput × 0.6250
10,000/62,500 = 0.16
(35×10,000/20) + 10×10,000/12 = $9,792 per month
1,000,000×0.16×0.02 = $3,200
Given a turnover ratio of 2 and 84% of the demand through the rented warehouse, then 1,000,000 × 0.84/2 × 0.06 = $25,200
1,000,000 × 0.84 × 0.05 = $42,000

TABLE 12-3 Costs for a Mixed Warehouse Size Strategy Using a 30,000 Square Foot Privately-
Operated Warehouse
Privately-operated Rented
Ware- Space
house require- Private Monthly Monthly Rented Monthly Monthly
thruput, ments, allo- fixed cost variable allo- storage handling Monthly
Month lb.a sq. ft.b cation cost cation cost cost total cost
Jan. 1,000,000 62,500 48%c $29,375d $9,600e 52% $15,600f $26,900g $80,575
Feb. 800,000 50,000 60 29,375 9,600 40 9,600 16,000 64,575
Mar. 600,000 37,500 80 29,375 9,600 20 3,600 6,000 48,575
Apr. 400,000 25,000 100 29,375 8,000 0 0 0 37,375
May 200,000 12,500 100 29,375 4,000 0 0 0 33,375
June 50,000 3,125 100 29,375 1,000 0 0 0 30,375
July 250,000 15,625 100 29,375 5,000 0 0 0 34,375
Aug. 450,000 28,125 100 29,375 9,000 0 0 0 38,375
Sept. 600,000 37,500 80 29,375 9,600 20 3,600 6,000 48,575
Oct. 700,000 43,750 69 29,375 9,600 31 6,510 13,020 58,505
Nov. 800,000 50,000 60 29,375 9,600 40 9,600 16,000 64,575
Dec. 900,000 56,250 53 29,375 9,600 47 12,690 21,150 72,815
Totals 6,750,000 421,875 $352,500 $94,200 $61,200 $104,170 $612,070
Thruput (lb.) = Sales ($)/($5/lb.)
Space requirements (sq. ft.) = Thruput (lb.) × ½ × 1/0.40 × 0.1/10(5) = Thruput × 0.6250
30,000/62,500 = 0.48
(35×30,000/20) + 10×30,000/12 = $29,375 per month
1,000,000×0.48×0.02 = $9,600
Given a turnover ratio of 2 and 52% of the demand through the rented warehouse, then 1,000,000 × 0.52/2 × 0.06 = $15,600
1,000,000 × 0.52 × 0.05 = $26,000

TABLE 12-3 Costs for a Mixed Warehouse Size Strategy Using a 40,000 Square Foot Privately-
Operated Warehouse
Privately-operated Rented
Ware- Space
house require- Private Monthly Monthly Rented Monthly Monthly
thruput, ments, allo- fixed cost variable allo- storage handling Monthly
Month lb.a sq. ft.b cation cost cation cost cost total cost
Jan. 1,000,000 62,500 64%c $39,167 $12,800e 36% $10,800f $18,000g $80,767
Feb. 800,000 50,000 80 39,167 12,800 20 4,800 8,000 64,767
Mar. 600,000 37,500 100 39,167 12,800 0 0 0 51,167
Apr. 400,000 25,000 100 39,167 8,000 0 0 0 47,167
May 200,000 12,500 100 39,167 4,000 0 0 0 43,167
June 50,000 3,125 100 39,167 1,000 0 0 0 40,167
July 250,000 15,625 100 39,167 5,000 0 0 0 44,167
Aug. 450,000 28,125 100 39,167 9,000 0 0 0 48,167
Sept. 600,000 37,500 100 39,167 12,000 0 0 0 51,167
Oct. 700,000 43,750 91 39,167 12,800 0 1,890 3,150 57,007
Nov. 800,000 50,000 80 39,167 12,800 20 4,800 8,000 64,767
Dec. 900,000 56,250 71 39,167 12,800 29 7,830 13,050 72,847
Totals 6,750,000 421,875 $470,004 $115,000 $30,120 $50,200 $665,324
Thruput (lb.) = Sales ($)/($5/lb.)
Space requirements (sq. ft.) = Thruput (lb.) × ½ × 1/0.40 × 0.1/10(5) = Thruput × 0.6250
40,000/62,500 = 0.64
(35×40,000/20) + 10×40,000/12 = $39,167 per month
1,000,000×0.64×0.02 = $12,800
Given a turnover ratio of 2 and 52% of the demand through the rented warehouse, then 1,000,000 × 0.36/2 × 0.06 = $10,800
1,000,000 × 0.36 × 0.05 = $18,000

670 Total Annual
650 Costs for a
Total cost, $000s

630 Warehouse
610 Size Using
Private and
570 Warehouse

0 10,000 30,000 40,0 00
Private warehouse space, sq. ft.

The annual cost of public warehousing is:

Handling $ 600,000
Storage 300,000
Total $ 900,000

The costs of private warehousing are:

Annual operating $ 250,000

Annual lease payment 3×150,000 = 450,000
Other fixed (one time) 400,000

The savings in operating costs of lease vs. public warehousing is:

Savings = $900,000 − 250,000 = $650,000/yr.

TABLE 12-5 Ten-Year Cash Flow Stream for Public vs. Leased Warehouse Comparison
Depre- Savings less
Savings: Pre-tax ciation less depre- After-tax Discount Dis-
Lease vs. net cash sche- depre- Taxes ciation Savings net cash factor counted
Year public flow dule ciation (35%) & tax less tax flow 1/(1+i)j cash flow
0 $0 (3,050)a $0 0 0 0 0 ($3,050) ($3,050)
1 650 650 57b 593 208 385 442c 442 0.9009 398
2 650 650 57 593 208 385 442 442 0.8116 359
3 650 650 57 593 208 385 442 442 0.7312 323
4 650 650 57 593 208 385 442 442 0.6587 291
5 650 650 57 593 208 385 442 442 0.5935 262
6 650 650 57 593 208 385 442 442 0.5346 236
7 650 650 58 592 207 385 443 443 0.4817 213
8 650 650 0 650 228 422 442 442 0.4339 183
9 650 650 0 650 228 422 442 442 0.3909 165
10 650 650 0 650 228 422 442 442 0.3522 149
$6,500 $3,450 $400 $6,100 $2,139 $3,961 $4,361 $1,311 NPV = ($471)
Capitalization lease plus initial cash outlay, i.e., $2,650,154 + 400,000 = $3,050,154
Depreciation charge for each of seven years is 1/7 = 0.1429 such that 400,000×0.1429 = $57,143
Add back depreciation, i.e., 385 + 57 = $442

Capitalizing the lease over ten years, we have:

(1 + 011
. )10 − 1
PV = 450,000 = $2,650,154
. (1 + 011
011 . )10

The initial investment in $000s then is:

Initial investment = $2,650 + 400 = $3,050

The ten-year cash flow stream is shown in Table 12-5. Since the savings are expressed to
favor leasing and the net present value is negative, choose public warehousing.


k = $210/sq ft.
S = 100,000 sq. ft.
C = $0.01/ft.×10,000 = $100/ft.

The width is:

C + 8k
W* = S
2C + 8 k
100 + 8( 210)
= 100,000
2(100) + 8( 210)
= 308 ft.

The length is:

L* = S / W * = 100,000 / 308 = 325 ft.

Space layout according to text Figure 12-4(a) can be determined by the application of
Equations 12-8 and 12-9. These equations specify the best number of shelf spaces and
the best number of double racks, respectively. Equations 12-10 and 12-11 give the length
and width of the building.
The optimal number of shelf spaces would be:

1  dCh + 2aCs + 2C p   K ( w + a ) L 
m1* =  
L  2( dCh + C p )   2h 

1  400,000( 0.001) + 2(10)( 0.50) + 2(3.00)   50,000(8 + 10)( 4) 

4  2( 400,000)( 0.001) + 300
. 
 2( 4) 

= 120.48, or 121

The optimal number of double racks would be:

1  2( dCh + C p )   K ( w + a ) L 
n1* =  
w + a  dCh + 2aCs + 2C p   2h 

1  2[( 400,000 )( 0.001) + 3.00]   50,000(8 + 10 )( 4 ) 

8 + 10  400,000( 0.001) + 2(10 )( 0.50 ) + 2(3.00 )  
 2( 4) 

= 52

The warehouse length would be:

u1 = n1* ( w + a ) = 52(8 + 10) = 936 ft.

and the width would be:

v1 = 2a + m1* L = 2(10) + 121( 4) = 504 ft.

According to Equation 12-17, the number of truck doors can be estimated by:



N = (75×12,000) ×3/(3×12,000) ×8 = 9.37, or 10 doors

Summarizing the given information as follows:

Three Five Seven

type 1 type 2 type 3
units units units
Initial investment $60,000 $50,000 $35,000
Useful life 10 yr. 10 yr. 10 yr.
Salvage value @15%
of initial cost $ 9,000 $ 7,500 $ 5,250

Annual operating
expenses $ 6,000 $12,500 $21,000
Return on investment
before tax 20% 20% 20%

An initial solution to this problem can be found through a discounted cash flow
analysis. Three alternatives are to be evaluated.

 (1 + 0.2)10 − 1  1 
PV1 = 60,000 + 6,000 10 
− 9,000 10 
 0.2(1 + 0.2)   (1 + 0.2) 
= 60,000 + 6,000( 4.2) − 9,000( 016
. )
= $83,760

PV2 = 50,000 + 12,500( 4.2) − 7,500( 016

. )
= 50,000 + 52,500 − 1,200
= $101,300

PV3 = 35,000 + 21,000( 4.2) − 5,250( 016

. )
= 35,000 + 88,200 − 840
= $122,360

The low present value of the Type 1 truck indicates that from among these three
alternatives, this would be the best buy.


Initial cost of equipment = $4,000

Operating costs 500 + 40(t - 1)2 - 30(t - 1)
Salvage value Sn = I(1 – t/7)
Rate of return on investment = 20%
Replacement is expected to be with equipment of like kind

The best replacement year can be found by comparing the equivalent annual cost of a
sequence of similar equipment replaced every n years. The equivalent annual cost is:

[ ][ ]
AC n = I + ∑ j=1 (C j /(1 + i ) j ) − ( S n /(1 + i ) n ) i (1 + i ) n /(1 + i ) n − 1

Solving this equation for different years is facilitated if the equation is set up in tabular
form, as shown in Table 12-6.
The equipment should be replaced at the end of the third year of service although a 5-
year replacement cycle is also attractive.

TABLE 12-6 Equivalent Annual Cost Computations for Problem 8
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=(1+2-3)(4)
Operating Salvage Factor
Year, Initial costs, value, i(1 + i ) n Equivalent annual
n investment, I ∑ C j / (1+ i) j
S n / (1 + i ) n
(1 + i ) − 1
n cost, ACn
1 $4,000 $416 $2,857 1.20 $1,871
2 4,000 770a 1,984 0.65 1,821
3 4,000 1,117 1,323 0.47 1,783 ⇐
4 4,000 1,488 827 0.39 1,818
5 4,000 1,898 459 0.33 1,795
6 4,000 2,350 191 0.30 1,848
7 4,000 2,841 0 0.28 1,915
$416 + [500 + 40(2-1)2 – 30(2-1)]/(1+0.20)2 = $770
$770 + [500 + 40(3-1)2 – 30 (3-1)]/1+0.20)3 = $1,117

(a1) Layout by popularity involves locating the more frequently ordered items closest to
the outbound dock. Based on the average number of daily orders on which the item
appears, the items closest to the outbound dock would be ranked as follows:
The storage space might then be:


D J, C, G

H, F, A H, J

A, E E

B B, I, E


(a2) Layout by cube places the smallest items nearest the outbound dock. Using the
individual item size, the ranking would be as follows: A,E,I,C,J,H,G,B,F
The layout of items in the storage bays would be:


F, D B

H, D H, G, B

D, J, C E, I, C

E, A E


(a3) The cube-per-order index is created by ratioing the average required cubic footage
of a product to the average number of daily orders on which the item is requested.
Hence, this index is found as follows:

(1) (2) (3)=(1)/(2)

required Daily CPO
Product cu. ft. orders index
A 5,000a 56 89
B 30,000 103 291
C 15,000 27 556
D 17,000 15 1,133
E 55,000 84 655
F 11,000 55 200
G 7,000 26 269
H 28,000 45 622
I 13,000 94 138
J 9,000 35 257
500 sq. ft. stacked 10 ft. high

Locating the products with the lowest index values nearest to the outbound dock
results in the following ranking and layout: A,I,F,J,G,B,C,H,E,D



E, F E

H, C B

F, I, A F, J, G, B


(b) All of the above methods assume (1) that the product is moved to the storage
locations in large unit loads, but retrieved from the storage locations in relatively
small quantities and (2) that only one product is retrieved during an out-and-back trip.
Therefore, these methods do not truly apply to the situation of multiple picks on the
same trip. However, they may be used with some degree of approximation if the
products can be aggregated as one and grouped together or zoned in the same section
of the warehouse.

This extra challenging problem requires some knowledge of linear programming. It may
be formulated as follows:

Let Xij represent the amount per 1,000 units of product j stored in location i. Let Cij
be the handling time associated with storage bay i and product j. Gj is the capacity of
a bay for product j and Rj is the number of units of product j required to be stored.

The linear programming statement is:

Objective function

Zmin = .90X11 + .75X12 + .90X13 + .80X21 + .65X22 + .95X23

+ .60X31 + .70X32 + .65X33 + .70X41 + .55X42 + .45X43

+ .50X51 + .50X52 + .45X53 + .40X61 + .45X62 + .35X63

Subject to:

Capacity restrictions on bays

20X11 + 33.3X12 + 16.7X13 ≤ 100

20X21 + 33.3X22 + 16.7X23 ≤ 100

20X31 + 33.3X32 + 16.7X33 ≤ 100

20X41 + 33.3X42 + 16.7X43 ≤ 100

20X51 + 33.3X52 + 16.7X53 ≤ 100

20X61 + 33.3X62 + 16.7X63 ≤ 100

and storage requirements restrictions on products

X11 + X21 + X31 + X41 + X51 + X61 ≥ 11

X12 + X22 + X32 + X42 + X52 + X62 ≥ 4

X13 + X23 + X33 + X43 + X53 + X63 ≥ 12

Solving the linear programming problem by means of any standard transportation code of
linear programming, such as LNPROG in LOGWARE, yields:

X12 = 1.610 The total minimum

X21 = 1.020 handling time is
X22 = 2.390 138.68 hours
X31 = 5.000
X43 = 5.988
X51 = 4.980
X53 = 0.024
X63 = 5.988

where Xs are in thousands of units. That is, product 1 should be stored in bays 3, 4, and 5
in quantities of 1,020, 5,000, and 4,980, respectively. Product 2 should be stored in bays
1 and 2 in quantities of 1,610 and 2,390, respectively. Product 3 should be stored in bays
4, 5, and 6 in quantities of 5,988, 24, and 5,988, respectively. Graphically, this is:

Bay 1 2 3 4 5 6 Require
Product -ments
1 1,020 5,000 4,980 11,000
2 1,610 2,390 4,000
3 5,988 24 5,988 12,000
% of bay
capacity 53.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0


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