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(Quarter 1, Week 6, Day 5)


At the end of the 50-minute lesson, the children should be able to:

a. identify compound words;

b. construct compound words;
c. understand what a compound word is.

A. Topic: Compound Words
B. Materials: pictures, textbook, worksheet, powerpoint presentation, slides
C. Reference: K To 12 Grade 4 Learner’s Material in English (Q1pg. 62-64)
D. Value Focus: Obedience, Responsibility and Hardwork


A. Preparatory Activity
1. Review
(Count Nouns and Mass Nouns)
2. Motivation
Showing of pictures. Identify each picture and write the answer on the board.

Toothbrush Earring Sunflower Snowman Bookshelf

B. Developmental Lesson

1. Presentation
Read the short article below.

Inside and Outside

Kyle has a lot to do inside. He has to feed his fish. He fills his backpack with school
supplies. He eats his lunch and takes a nap. Kyle can now go outside. He has a lot to do in the nice
sunshine. He likes to walk with the passers-by outside. His favorite thing to do is jump rope. Kyle
also likes to swim. He must use sunblock when he swims.

Kyle wants to fly his kite. The wind takes his kite high in the air. His kite gets caught in the
treetops. Someone walking by helps Kyle get his kite back. At sunset, Kyle must go back home. It
is now his bedtime. Kyle has had a dun day. His parents tuck Kyle into bed and give him a kiss
good night.

2. Analysis and Discussion

From the article that you have read, wh at two words were used?

Possible Answers:

Inside backpack school supplies sunshine passer-by

Jump rope sunblock treetops someone sunset

Bedtime good night

a. What do we call these words?

Possible Answer: Compound Nouns
b. How are they written?
Possible Answer: Some are written as one word, some are written with hyphen, and
some are written separately.

Compound word is made up of two words. Its meaning is different from the meaning of
each word that makes up the compound word.

 Some compound nouns are made up of two short words that appear as
Examples: backyard grandmother wallpaper doormat
 The hyphenated compound noun is formed when two or more words are
connected by a hyphen.
Examples: commander –in- chief father-in-law
 Some compound nouns are written as two words.

Examples: lawn tennis water lily fairy tale

I have here more examples of nouns. Let’s study them.

3. Generalization

What is a compound word?

Give more examples of compound words.

C. Post Activity

1. Application Individual Activity:

Read the poem silently. Identify the compound words. Write the words on a
piece of paper. The students will check their own paper afterwards.

My house is at the hillside.

Where a tree nearby has a beehive.
One day a careless passerby.
Bumped into it and let the bees fly.
Why he did it.
I don’t know why.
2. Enrichment Activity

3. Values Integration
What positive values of Kyle do you admire most?

4. Group Activity
Divide the class into three groups. Each will be given an envelope with the given
task on each.
Group 1. Group 2

Group 3


Direction: Choose 5 compound words and use each in a sentence.

notebook chalkboard

classmates playground

classroom backpack

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