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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 44, 2007, 211–223  2007 The Authors.

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Munksgaard

Bleeding disorders and


Delivery of patient care encompasses a wide range An increasing number of medically compromised
and variety of challenges, one of which is unexpected patients within the aging population manifest signs of
clinical bleeding. Clinical bleeding can be presented periodontal disease. Illnesses, along with pharmaco-
in two forms: the first can occur during surgery; and therapy, may contribute to the tendency for excessive
the second can manifest several days after the pro- bleeding. Polypharmacia and medical conditions
cedure. In both situations, the clinician will need to found in an aging population are the main reasons to
take immediate action to control the hemorrhage and reconsider treatment approaches in patients with
stabilize the patient. The present article will review bleeding disorders and periodontal disease (19).
bleeding disorders and their management. The dis- The dental professional must be aware of the
cussion will address the following issues: possibility that periodontal patients with no previous
• significance of bleeding disorders in the treatment indication of bleeding can manifest their first bleed-
of periodontal disease. ing event in the dental office. A detailed knowledge of
• prevalence of bleeding disorders. intra-operative and postoperative hemostatic meas-
• basic physiology of hemostasis. ures under challenging hemorrhagic situations is
• classification and definition. considered a priority for the dental care professional.
• medical diagnosis. If a patient has been diagnosed with a hematologic
• management of periodontal patients with bleeding deficiency, the dental care provider needs to consult
disorders. the patient’s hematologist. Thus, the dental care
• current concepts and new approaches in treating provider can modify the treatment to be provided
periodontal patients with bleeding disorders. and may refer the patient out to a multidisciplinary
comprehensive care center for further care and
investigation (29).
Significance of bleeding disorders
in the treatment of periodontal
disease Prevalence of bleeding disorders
The extent and severity of periodontal disease Coagulation factor abnormalities are the most com-
determines the necessity for a surgical or nonsurgical mon inherited bleeding disorders. However, the
treatment approach in its management. Both of the overall frequency rate of congenital coagulation dis-
above share the common goal of debriding the root orders in the general population is low, at 10–20 per
surfaces. Periodontal cases can be more complicated 100,000 individuals (50).
and treatment may involve tooth extractions and Von Willebrand disease, Hemophilia A and He-
dental implant surgical procedures in order to restore mophilia B account for 95–97% of all coagulation
loss of function (14, 52). deficiencies (40, 42).
Patients undergoing periodontal treatment may be Von Willebrand disease is the most frequently
at increased risk for bleeding. Although the incidence inherited bleeding disorder, affecting 0.8–2% of the
of bleeding disorders is low in the general population, general population in Europe and America. However,
a hemorrhagic episode during or after periodontal von Willebrand disease often remains undiagnosed
procedures can lead to detrimental complications and, as a result, statistical prevalence does not indi-
and can place the patient’s life at risk (60). cate the actual prevalence of the disease (55, 68, 69).

Vassilopoulos & Palcanis

For example, how many people within dental care dominant mechanism of blood loss stoppage in
settings who experience bleeding are actually tested capillaries and small-diameter vessels (27).
for von Willebrand disease? Secondary hemostasis is associated with fibrin
Hemophilia A is the most common of the inherited synthesis and its deposition, which surrounds and
coagulopathies, with a prevalence of up to one per links the platelet aggregate and provides stabilization
5,000 male births (70). Hemophilia B occurs in one of the hemostatic clot (27). Localized formation of the
per 50,000 male births. In the U.S.A., 18,000 people fibrin clot in the injury site restores the blood flow of
are diagnosed with hemophilia (61). How many of arteries and veins (27). This stage can take up to
these people have experienced bleeding during den- several minutes to complete (27). Having briefly
tal treatment? Further studies in this area would shed outlined primary and secondary hemostasis, we will
more light on the risks of bleeding and periodontal now address the hemostatic process, which consists
treatment. of four phases: vascular; platelet; coagulation; and
Other coagulation factor deficiencies, such as fac- fibrinolytic (58) (Fig. 1).
tor I (fibrinogen), factor II (prothrombin), factor VII
(proconvertin), factor X (Stuart-Prower) and factor XI
Vascular phase
(plasma thromboplastin antecedent), are even more
rare (1, 41, 48–50). Literature regarding such defici- Tha vascular phase starts immediately after the dis-
encies and periodontal treatment is not substantial. ruption of blood vessels. Vascular smooth muscle
Currently, more than one million people receive cells become readily activated and contract to reduce
anticoagulation therapy each year in the U.S.A. (38). the vascular lumen and thus maintain vascular
Furthermore, ca. 200,000 people have chronic renal integrity (58). As a result, the endothelial cells be-
failure, which affects clotting (46). Because of the come closely situated and this inhibits blood loss
presence of inherited and acquired bleeding disor- (58). Also, blood concentrated in the extravascular
ders in a population that increasingly undergoes space exerts pressure, which further contributes to
periodontal therapy, it is important to review the diminished blood loss (58).
basics of hemostasis in order to understand the nat-
ure of bleeding disorders in greater detail.
Platelet phase
Platelets have an anucleated discoid shape, 2–4 lm in
Basic physiology of hemostasis diameter. They are derived from megakaryocytes in
the bone marrow. Under normal circumstances, they
Hemostasis can be viewed as either primary or sec- number 150,000–400,000/ll and circulate in the
ondary (27), or as a four-phase process (58). Primary periphery of the vascular lumen (53). The platelet
hemostasis entails platelet plug formation and lasts phase is characterized by platelet adhesion, acti-
for 2–3 seconds (27). It is considered to be the pre- vation, secretion and aggregation (53).


Vascular Platelet Coagulation
1. Lysis of fibrin
1. Smooth cells 1. Adhesion Pathways
network into
contraction 2. Activation 1. Tissue factor –
2. Extravascular 3. Secretion dependent
2. Fibrinogen
pressure 4. Aggregation 2. Intrinsic
Fig. 1. Hemostasis phases.

Bleeding disorders and periodontology


Platelet vWF Platelet vWF Platelet


Vascular endothelium

Fig. 2. Platelet adhesion and aggregation. GP, glycoprotein; vWF, von Willebrand factor.

The platelets adhere to the exposed subendothelial (53). Both categories of granules play an important
connective tissue through glycoprotein receptors lo- role in hemostasis. Moreover, the second wave of
cated in the platelet membrane (27). Glycoprotein platelet aggregation is associated with hemostatic
receptors GP Ib-IX-V and GP Ia-IIa, as well as GP VI, plug organization through the binding of GP IIb–IIIa
play a predominant role in the binding of platelets at platelet adhesive receptor with fibrinogen (58)
the site of injury (27). Von Willebrand factor acts as a (Fig. 2).
bridge between GP Ib-IX-V and underlying collagen
(27) (Fig. 2) and, as a result, initiates platelet activa-
Coagulation phase
tion. With this ÔbridgingÕ, the platelet is able to move
towards the direction of blood flow until it binds The third phase of hemostasis, known as coagulation,
firmly to the vascular wall through the GP Ia-IIa and includes a complex series of protelytic reactions that
GP VI receptors. occur on the phospholipid membrane of the activa-
The activation of platelets leads to the formation of ted platelets (58). During coagulation, a variety of
filopodia and, at this time, the platelet cell is pre- factors, including enzymes, cofactors and contact
pared for secretion. The first wave of platelet aggre- factors, contribute to thrombin formation and the
gation ends before platelet granule secretion (58), the important conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin (35).
next step in the platelet phase. The traditional way of division of the coagulation
The second wave begins with the granule release system into extrinsic and intrinsic pathways has been
(58). Platelets contain a number of storage granules, underscored, and the new model of coagulation is
including alpha granules and dense granules, as well viewed as two inter-related pathways merging into
as glycogen particles, mitochondria and lysosomes the common pathway, which entails the formation

Vassilopoulos & Palcanis

Intrinsic pathway Tissue-factor pathway

weight kininogen XI XIa

IX IXa factor

X Xa

Prothrombinase complex


Prothrombin Thrombin

Fibrinogen Fibrin monomer Fibrin

Fig. 3. Coagulation phase. TAFI, thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor.

of prothrombinase complex (8). The tissue factor- In the intrinsic pathway, the contact factors pre-
dependent pathway, also known as the extrinsic kallikrein and high-molecular-weight kininogen and
pathway, acts rapidly and produces a small quantity factor XII form a complex that activates factor IX and
of thrombin, triggering the initiation of the intrinsic XI, resulting in the formation of prothrombinase
pathway that is responsible for the main production complex (27) (Fig. 3).
of thrombin through the prothrombinase complex (7, Thrombin is associated with acceleration of the
58). The prothrombinase complex is composed of clotting process through the activation of factors V, VII,
activated factor X, activated factor V, phospholipid VIII, XI and XIII, as well as through platelet aggrega-
membrane and calcium ions (58) (Fig. 3). tion, in addition to its role in fibrin formation (Fig. 4).
In the extrinsic (or tissue factor-dependent) path- The platelet clot is transformed to the fibrin clot
way, factor VII is activated from the tissue factor and under the influence of the activated fibrin stabiliza-
provokes the activation of factor X and formation of tion factor XIII, which crosslinks the fibrin monomers
the prothrombinase complex. The tissue factor (27) (Fig. 3).
pathway inhibitor regulates the extrinsic pathway, In addition, thrombin stimulates the thrombin-
inhibiting the factor VII–tissue factor complex (58) activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor to protect the fibrin
(Fig. 3). clot from premature dissolution (8).

Bleeding disorders and periodontology



Fig. 4. Thrombin functions. TAFI, thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor.

We will highlight the most common hematologic

Fibrinolytic phase
disorders in relation to each of the hemostatic
Fibrinolysis is the last stage of hemostasis and initi- phases.
ates disintegration of the hemostatic plug and the
tissue repair process. Two plasminogen activators –
tissue plasminogen activator and urinary plasmino- Inherited bleeding disorders
gen activator – have the task of transforming
Vascular disorders
plasminogen to plasmin, which breaks down the fi-
brin network to fibrin peptides and, to a lesser extent, Hereditary vascular defects are associated with syn-
deactivates fibrinogen (58). The fibrinolytic action is dromes and are characterized by blood vessel devel-
limited at the site of the hemostatic clot and is opmental abnormalities. Hereditary hemorrhagic
regulated by specific plasminogen activator inhibi- telangiectacia, or Osler–Weber–Rendu syndrome and
tors and by a-2-antiplasmin that acts directly on Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, are classic examples that
plasmin (8) (Fig. 5). manifest bleeding diathesis because of malformed
blood vessels and defects in the subendothelial and
perivascular connective tissue respectively (27, 58).
Classification and definition Platelet disorders

Bleeding disorders are hematological conditions Platelet disorders are classified into quantitative and
characterized by a functional impairment in the qualitative disorders. An example of a quantitative
hemostatic process. disorder is congenital thrombocytopenia, which is
The bleeding disorders are classified in two broad characterized by a low number of platelets, specific-
categories: inherited or hereditary; and acquired. ally if the platelet count is <150,000/ll (30).


Tissue plasminogen Urinary plasminogen

activator acivator

Plasmin α-2 -antiplasmin

Fibrin clot Fibrin peptides

Fig. 5. Fibrinolytic phase.

Vassilopoulos & Palcanis

On the other hand, qualitative platelet disorders gulopathies have been reported in the literature, with
are divided into platelet receptor and platelet secre- very low incidence rates (8, 41, 50).
tion defects (8). The platelet receptor defects include
Fibrinolytic disorders
a number of syndromes, such as Bernard–Soulier
syndrome and Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia (53, 54). There have been few cases published in which a
Platelet secretion defects, known as storage pool de- plasminogen activator deficiency has been detected,
fects, can be caused by absent or deficient granules. as well as a-2-antiplasmin deficiency, leading to
These disorders are the most common of the con- hemorrhagic episodes (8). The limited number
genital platelet disorders, which include Gray platelet of specialized laboratory centers, and the inability of
syndrome, dense granule deficiency and Wiscott– current tests to identify these abnormalities, have
Aldrich syndrome (8, 53). contributed to the underdiagnosis of congenital
fibrinolytic disorders (8).
Coagulation disorders

Von Willebrand disease is described as a qualitative Acquired bleeding disorders

or quantitative deficiency of von Willebrand factor,
Vascular disorders
leading to a hematologic disorder (28). The von
Willebrand factor is composed of a series of plasma Acquired vascular defects are associated with diseases
protein multimers originally presented in the form of affecting the epithelium and connective tissue of blood
a propeptide in the endothelial and megakaryocyte vessels. Scurvy (as a vitamin C deficiency) affects the
cells (68). The von Willebrand factor acts as a con- formation of connective tissue and thus the perivas-
necting link between the injured subendothelial col- cular connective tissue network. The weakened capil-
lagen and the platelet receptor GP Ib, providing an laries are prone to hemorrhage and create a series of
aggregate of platelets at the bleeding site (39). The challenging bleeding episodes (27, 58).
subsequent binding reinforcement provided by the
Platelet disorders
large multimers enhances the formation of fibrin and
the conversion to a stable hemostatic clot. von Acquired platelet disorders can be categorized as
Willebrand factor binds, in a complimentary manner, quantitative and qualitative disorders (30).
to coagulation factor VIII and makes it more resistant A number of conditions lead to acquired thrombo-
to the degradation process (16). cytopenia, including decreased platelet produc-
Sadler (56) classified von Willebrand disease into tion, increased platelet destruction, and increased
three types. Types I and III are associated with partial sequestration. The disease entities associated with
and total deficiency of von Willebrand factor, decreased platelet production involve primarily ane-
respectively. Type II represents a qualitative disorder. mia, leukemia and medication-induced infection. In
All the forms are inherited in an autosomal-dominant regard to platelet destruction, the cause can be
manner, except for subtype IIN, which has an auto- immunologic or nonimmunologic in nature, such
somal-recessive pattern (20). as immune thrombocytopenic and nonimmune
Hemophilia A is defined as a recessive X chromo- thrombocytopenic purpura. Moreover, hypersplen-
some-linked coagulation factor VIII disorder (9). ism, as a secondary feature of portal hypertension
Carrier mothers transmit the hemophilia gene to and splenic neoplastic conditions, can remove a large
sons. Hemophilia A, known also as classic hemo- portion of platelets from plasma (30).
philia, accounts for 80–85% of all hemophilia and is Furthermore, acquired qualitative platelet disor-
grouped into three types, according to the level and ders are present in chronic renal failure. A defect in
activity of coagulation factor VIII (14). In the severe platelet receptor glycoprotein IIb–IIIa, and the asso-
form, coagulation factor activity is <1%, compared ciated hyperviscosity of this disease, contribute to the
with the normal and moderate ranges (1–5%) and the impairment of platelet function (38).
mild range (5–49%) (15).
Coagulation disorders
Hemophilia B, or Christmas disease, is 10 times
less frequent than hemophilia A and is inherited in Patients with hepatic failure as a result of hepatitis B
the same manner (15). The deficiency in factor IX and C, cirrhosis or alcohol abuse, present decreased
may have different pathogenic mechanisms, charac- synthesis of coagulation factors (38, 47).
terized by inefficient activation, insufficient binding Patients on long-term anticoagulation therapy
and decreased half life of factor IX (15). Other coa- develop acquired coagulopathies (37). The orally

Bleeding disorders and periodontology

administered anticoagulant, coumarin (36, 59), intra-

venously administered unfractionated heparin (36, Medical diagnosis and bleeding
59), and subcutaneously administered low-molecular-
weight heparin (33), are commonly used medications Medical diagnosis of a patient with a bleeding dis-
that inhibit the coagulation system and are of partic- order is based on the medical history, physical
ular importance to periodontal patients. Specifically, examination and laboratory evaluation. Taking a
coumarin interferes with the vitamin K-dependent patient’s medical history is of paramount import-
factors II, VII, IX, and X. Meanwhile, fractionated and ance in determining the nature of hemorrhagic
unfractionated heparin enhances the action of anti- disease, whether inherited or acquired. Physical
thrombin III, resulting in the deactivation of activated examination, revealing multiple and small-in-size
prothrombin and activated factors IX, X, XI, and plas- mucocutaneous hemorrhagic lesions in the form of
min. Moreover, and to a lesser degree, it inhibits the petechiae and ecchymoses, is indicative of vascular
transformation of fibrinogen to fibrin (33). or platelet disorders. Moreover, superficial cuts, with
Patients taking aspirin or aspirin-containing com- persistent and often profuse bleeding, may indicate
pounds are candidates for excessive bleeding. Aspirin the presence of a vascular or a platelet bleeding
affects the transition of arachidonic acid to throm- disorder (53).
boxane A by blocking the enzyme cyclooxygenase. The characteristics of severe inherited coagulation
The enzymatic inhibition is irreversible and interferes bleeding disorders include enlarged, solitary, or deep
with the homeostatic ability of existing circulating dissecting hematomas, as well as haemarthrosis,
platelets. The duration of its effect is equal to the life intramuscular and intracranial hemorrhage (53).
span of platelets: c. 7–10 days (17, 36, 59). Laboratory evaluation contributes adjunctively in
Other antiplatelet medications, administered as a establishing the diagnosis. Screening tests for bleed-
part of anticoagulation therapy, are ADP receptor ing disorders include partial thromboplastin time,
inhibitors and fibrinogen receptor (GP IIb–IIIa) prothrombin time and platelet count. Partial throm-
inhibitors. ADP receptor inhibitors, such as clopi- boplastin time evaluates the intrinsic and common
dogrel bisulfate and ticlodipine hydrochloride, and pathways, with normal values ranging from 25 to
GP IIb–IIIa inhibitors, such as tirofiban, abciximab 35 seconds, depending on the laboratory, and always
and eptifibatide, result in the irreversible inhibition require a control sample. Prothrombin time evaluates
of platelet aggregation (17, 36, 59). Dipyridamole the extrinsic and common pathways, and averages
inhibits reversibly the phosphodiesterase enzyme, between 11 and 15 seconds, based on the laboratory.
which reduces cAMP. cAMP inhibits platelet activa- Running a control sample is mandatory. The platelet
tion and aggregation. The duration of the antiplatelet count depicts the number of platelets in the circula-
effect is estimated to be up to 24 hours. tion, with the normal range being 150,000–400,000/
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications act ll. Other specialized tests can be performed by the
reversibly on the cyclooxygenase enzyme, which hematologist to identify specific defects causing the
interferes with platelet hemostatic function. Hemo- bleeding disorder (47, 57).
static dysfunction is limited to the presence of the
medication in the circulation (59). Patients with
malabsorption syndromes placed on long-term anti- Management of periodontal
biotic therapy, and others lacking vitamin K, may
patients with bleeding disorders
manifest coagulation disorders because of synthetic
impairment of vitamin K-dependent factors (38).
Pre-operative precautions
Fibrinolytic disorders
Pre-operative management of patients starts with a
Liver disease can reduce the metabolization of cer- medical history focusing on the previous bleeding
tain fibrinolytic activators, thus impacting the history of the patient and medical conditions asso-
fibrinolytic stage and subsequently dissolution of the ciated with bleeding.
hemostatic plug. On the other hand, certain medi- A detailed medical history must include the fol-
cations, such as streptokinase, administered to des- lowing.
troy the formed clot in thromboembolic disorders, • Previous hemorrhagic episodes after trauma or
create the potential for fibrinolysis. Prostate carci- surgery, or even spontaneous bleeding.
noma cases are also associated with increased plas- • Family history regarding hereditary bleeding dis-
min levels and fibrinolysis (43, 47). orders.

Vassilopoulos & Palcanis

• Current illnesses, such as hepatic and renal failure, anticoagulation treatment (65, 67). In some in-
and a list of medications interfering with hemos- stances, the likelihood of a thromboembolic episode
tasis, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory in patients who discontinued taking the anticoagu-
drugs and antibiotics. lant medications is three times higher than that of a
• Anticoagulation medications, such as coumarin, bleeding event in patients who remained on the
heparin, aspirin, clopidogrel, and ticlodipine. anticoagulant regimen (66). Detailed risk assessment
Patients with a family history of bleeding or past has to be performed on each patient, and the possi-
hemorrhagic episodes should be encouraged to seek bility of life-threatening situations has to be taken
medical advice to find the cause of bleeding. Con- into serious consideration before the dental practi-
sultation with the primary care physician and a tioner suggests discontinuation of anticoagulation
hematologist is deemed necessary, and proper rec- therapy. Pre-operative care of patients on antico-
ommendations will be proposed by the medical agulant therapy with coumarin involves the con-
health providers concerning the dental management tinuation, reduction or withdrawal of the medication
of these patients. The nature and severity of an ac- (10, 31, 36, 59). The decision should be based on the
quired bleeding disorder, and the degree of invasive international normalized ratio value, the invasiveness
dental procedures, determine the need for treatment and extent of dental procedure, current illnesses and
to be provided in a specialized treatment center set- medications (59). The international normalized ratio
ting. In such cases, the hematologist will suggest the is a key component in the dental treatment of these
proper pharmacological regimen to be administered patients. When the international normalized ratio is
prophylactically in order to achieve hemostasis (43). £3.5, periodontal surgical procedures can be carried
Patients presenting with certain illnesses, such as out on these patients in a dental office (36, 37, 59).
hepatic failure or renal failure, or those taking anti- When the international normalized ratio is >3.5, the
coagulant medications, aspirin, antiplatelet medica- anticoagulation regimen has to be adjusted. The
tions and/or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, dental care provider should consult with the medical
are prone to bleeding during delivery of dental care provider and describe, in detail, the periodontal
treatment. The treatment protocol may have to be procedure and risk for bleeding (66, 67). The dental
modified to minimize the risk of intra-operative and professional may decide if modification of the anti-
postoperative bleeding. First, patients diagnosed with coagulant regimen will place the patient at risk for a
chronic renal failure should be managed the day after thromboembolic event (65). A safe approach entails
dialysis when heparin has been cleared from the reduction of the coumarin dose 2–3 days before the
system and the patient regains his/her strength after procedure and repetition of international normalized
the dialysis process (71). Second, patients lacking ratio testing the morning of the procedure to ensure
vitamin K, because of malabsorption syndrome, that the value is <4 (36, 37, 59). The international
should receive vitamin K supplement before the normalized ratio can also be measured at home using
dental appointment to restore liver function and the a portable device (36, 43, 59). International normal-
synthesis of coagulation factors. If the patient has ized ratio therapeutic levels for most medical condi-
liver failure, the dental management of the patient tions range between 2.5 and 3.5 (4). International
should involve platelet transfusion in a hospital set- normalized ratio values may be increased because of
ting (38). Third, the management of patients on the use of medications enhancing the effect of cou-
anticoagulant therapy has been controversial. Anti- marin, a diet rich in vitamin K and/or compliance
coagulant treatment is indicated in the following reasons (59). International normalized ratio values
medical conditions: deep-vein thrombosis, pul- can be normalized to 3.5 by making minor adjust-
monary embolism, atrial fibrillation, mechanical ments involving the reduction, but not the discon-
prosthetic heart valve, valvular heart disease, cere- tinuation, of coumarin. Entire withdrawal of cou-
brovascular accident, transient ischemic attacks, and marin is not recommended because of the rebound
myocardial infarction (4, 36, 37). Anticoagulant thrombotic effect noticed especially in patients with
medications reduce the risk of embolism and in- prosthetic cardiac valves when coumarin intake re-
crease the probability of bleeding during and after initiated (59, 65, 66). It takes up to 4 days for the
the dental procedure. There is considerable evidence international normalized ratio values to return to
supporting the safety of dental procedures performed normal (59). Therefore, reducing the international
on anticoagulated patients (31). There are a number normalized ratio value may increase the risk for
of case reports concerning serious thromboem- thrombosis in patients with other concomitant ill-
bolic events developing after the interruption of nesses such as liver and renal disease, and patients

Bleeding disorders and periodontology

with increased alcohol consumption (59). Extensive nents taken into consideration are the severity of the
and invasive periodontal surgical procedures in such bleeding disorder and the type of dental procedure
patients should be performed in a hospital setting, and associated potential for bleeding. To minimize
and intravenous unfractionated heparin should be the risk to the patient, a dental care professional must
given as a substitute for coumarin (59). Unfraction- be familiar with the pathology of inherited bleeding
ated heparin can be interrupted 4–6 hours before the disorders, and recommended dental procedures to be
surgical procedure, thus substantially minimizing the performed on a high-risk patient should be carried
time the patient is under a suboptimal level of anti- out in a facility in which all necessary equipment and
coagulation and subsequently reducing the risk for a biological products are available (7, 32).
thromboembolic event (31). Anticoagulation treat-
ment is resumed 12–18 hours after the dental pro-
Intra-operative actions
cedure (31). Fractionated or low-molecular-weight
heparin may provide an alternative substitute for Intra-operative measures include a number of sys-
coumarin, without the need for the patient to be temic and local measures administered prior to, or
admitted to hospital (33, 36). Subcutaneous during, the procedure to prevent unlikely bleeding
administration of low-molecular-weight heparin diathesis. Patients with inherited bleeding disorders
provides the benefit of conveniently adjusting the require specific systemic hematologic coverage in
anticoagulation regimen at the point of care (33, 36). order for the dental professional to provide the
Patients taking aspirin should discontinue the necessary dental care (23, 24). Every case is unique,
medication at least 3 days, and up to 7 days, before and the severity of the bleeding disorder determines
the surgical procedure (17, 36, 37, 59). However, the need for systemic prophylactic coverage in con-
consultation with the physician is mandatory. In re- junction with the local hemostatic measures (23). The
gard to other anti-platelet medications, such as ADP hemostatic deficiency in these patients can be cor-
inhibitors and GP IIb–IIIa inhibitors, discontinuation rected by systemic and local measures (22). Thus,
of the medication 7 days before the procedure gives coverage should be determined after consultation
adequate time for the level of circulating functional with a hematologist. Inherited platelet disorders,
platelets to be restored (17, 59). Patients taking other leading to bleeding or increased risk for bleeding, are
antiplatelet medications, such as dipyridamole or managed systemically with platelet transfusions (30).
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and present- Patients with moderate and severe thrombocytope-
ing a bleeding potential, should consult their physi- nia, in which the platelet counts range from 50,000 to
cian. The physician should recommend the proper 100,000/ll and from 25,000 to 50,000/ll, respectively,
regimen according to the half life of the administered are candidates for extensive and prolonged bleeding
medication. In most cases, three half lives of this and definitely require platelet transfusion (30).
medication provide sufficient time for the medication However, minor surgery, involving soft tissues, can
to be removed from the circulation (17, 59). be performed with platelet counts as low as 30,000/ll
In addition, the care of patients with bleeding (30). Moreover, inherited coagulopathies are man-
disorders must be placed into new perspective. Pre- aged systemically with replacement of coagulation
ventive dental care for patients with known bleeding factors (9). Intravenous infusion of deficient, or
disorders has to be intensive and should include missing, coagulation factor starts 1 hour before the
regular dental visits, frequent professional tooth procedure in order to achieve a level that is 30%
cleanings, oral hygiene reinforcement, fluoride sup- above the normal plasma concentration of this par-
plements and mouthrinses, a low-sugar diet and ticular factor (22). The level has to be higher and to
annual radiographic examination. Continued efforts reach 50% of the normal amount when regional
to prevent dental diseases, and arresting dental dis- block anesthesia is administered (22). Proper treat-
eases at the initial stage, eliminate the need for ment planning addresses the half life of coagulation
invasive dental procedures and reduce the risk of factors, and treatment sessions are programmed
associated prolonged bleeding (7). accordingly. For instance, factor VIII has a half life of
Patients with diagnosed congenital bleeding dis- 10–12 hours, and prophylactic coverage with factor
orders should consult their hematologist before any VIII is sufficient for dental treatment performed in
treatment is rendered. Dental management protocols only one appointment (24, 25, 32, 44). In mild and
proposed for these patients are individualized and moderate inherited coagulopathies, desmopressin or
based on a very specific design plan by the dental 1-desamino-8-D arginine vasopressin can be useful.
care professional and the hematologist. Key compo- Desmopressin induces the release of factor VIII/von

Vassilopoulos & Palcanis

Willebrand Factor from platelets and endothelial aminocaproic acid, inhibits plasminogen action and
cells. Prior testing is required to determine the degree reduces the fibrinolytic activity of the early formed
of response to 1-desamino-8-D arginine vasopressin hemostatic clot. Fibrin glue consists of thrombin,
(13, 21, 44, 51). fibrinogen, fibronectin and aprotinin. Fibronectin
Management of patients with acquired bleeding acts as a binding protein for the blood clot, and ap-
disorders is focused mainly on local hemostatic rotinin delays the degradation of the hemostatic clot.
measures that apply also to inherited bleeding dis- Platelet-rich plasma contains growth factors released
orders. Professional cleaning, and scaling and root by the platelets that accelerate the healing process
planing, can be safely performed with the use of local and thus enhance hemostasis.
antifibrinolytic mouthwash, such as tranexamic acid Dental extractions and associated bleeding are
or epsilon aminocaproic acid (34). Intra-operative effectively managed with the insertion of a sponge
local measures for periodontal surgical procedures into the site (5). The sponge can be presoaked with an
are very effective and control the bleeding tendency antifibrinolytic agent, such as tranexamic acid or
in these patients. The type of periodontal surgical epsilon aminocaproic acid. An absorbable gelatin
procedure and potential for bleeding are important sponge should only be used in conjunction with
aspects that must be taken into consideration. Re- thrombin for this purpose (36). Fabrication of a sur-
gional block anesthesia must be avoided. Local gical splint for additional pressure and protection of
infiltration anesthesia with the use of vasoconstric- the site is recommended (2, 63). Another material
tive agent is desirable. Lidocaine 2% with 1:100,000 that has been used in the past to seal the extraction
epinephrine is adequate. Articaine 4% with 1:100,000 site is cyanoacrylate (3).
epinephrine provides sufficient anesthesia for surgery At the end of surgery, patients susceptible to bleed-
in the mandible. Another way to prevent excessive ing are instructed to bite on a moistened gauze, or
bleeding is the meticulous handling of soft tissues. gauze soaked with the hemostatic agent, for 30 min-
Creating a conservative flap design and minimizing utes. After 30 minutes, the gauze is removed and the
flap elevation are key points. For surgical extractions, surgical area is observed for oozing. If bleeding occurs,
tooth sectioning is helpful for preserving bone and additional measures are initiated. The surgical area is
minimizing the involvement of anatomic spaces re-entered and the bleeding source is identified. Elec-
around the surgical site. Mandibular molars should trocautery and laser are used to control bleeding in the
be approached with a buccal flap and no reflection of soft tissues. When oozing arises from hard tissues,
a lingual flap. To prevent secondary infection and bone burnishing and bone wax are the treatments of
postoperative bleeding, there should be thorough choice. Once the bleeding is under control, the patient
curettage of the extraction sockets and removal of all may leave the site, but not without biting on a gauze
granulation tissue. Extraction sockets of periodon- moistened with saline, a teabag or gauze soaked in
tally involved teeth appear to have more potential for tranexamic acid (59).
bleeding after a procedure because of the increased
local infection in the area. In periodontal surgery,
Postoperative measures
primary closure of the flap is accomplished with
nonresorbable or resorbable sutures. Application of Postoperative management is crucial for preventing
pressure for 10 minutes with moistened gauze on the bleeding. General recommendations emphasize the
flap has been suggested (59). importance of good care of the surgical area. Rinsing is
There are a number of commercially available local prohibited on the day of surgery and the healing site
hemostatic agents that enhance clot stabilization must be left undisturbed. Specific attention should be
(36). These include: absorbable gelatin (5, 21); given to tongue movements interfering with healing
absorbable collagen (36); microfibrillar collagen (36) and food intake. Liquids and a high-protein diet are
and collagen dressings (36); oxidized regenerated strongly recommended. The use of antifibrinolytic
cellulose (26), thrombin (36), tranexamic acid (11, 12, mouthwash is highly recommended the day after
62) and epsilon-aminocaproic acid (45); fibrin glue periodontal treatment. The regimen may comprise
(6, 12, 17, 18, 26, 63); and platelet-rich plasma (64). rinsing with 10 ml of 4.8–5% tranexamic acid solution,
Collagen, gelatin and cellulose products provide the four times a day, for 2 minutes (22). The rinsing can be
scaffold for platelets to adhere to one another and carried out over a period of 2–5 days and may be
form the platelet plug. Thrombin converts fibrinogen extended up to 8 days (22). The dental professional
to fibrin and this contributes to the formation of the should exercise caution in prescribing antibiotics and
fibrin clot. Tranexamic acid, along with epsilon pain medications. Antibiotics, such as penicillin,

Bleeding disorders and periodontology

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