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Chapter 1



One of the major problems in the Philippines is the increasing cost of electricity

(Gonzales, 2013). Along with this is the increasing number of electronic devices in the

country. Nowadays, gadgets are becoming a commodity for every Filipino. These

gadgets are used for communication, education, entertainment, and other important

matters. This further triggers the increase in electricity consumption (Zickuhr, 2011).

One of the solutions in dealing with the increasing cost of electricity is the use of

renewable energy sources. Renewable energy source can be a good source of electricity

in any aspect because it is clean and unlimited. A good example of this is the wind

energy. To harness the power of the wind, a windmill is required. The problem is that

windmills require high wind speeds to operate so it is not applicable in places with low

wind speeds. Because of that problem, the proponents came up with the idea to make a

power source that is usable anytime and anywhere.

Considering this, the researchers aimed to design an improved version of a

previous special research project which can be used by the students of Don Bosco

College- Canlubang in charging and operating their gadgets and small appliances. To

achieve this, the researchers followed the recommendation of the special research

project of M. Medrano and P. Paulino (2013). This recommendation includes changing


the battery from a motorcycle battery to a car battery and changing the materials from

scrap materials to improve its quality. Because of this, the proponents of this Special

Research Project were also moved to create a prototype that will provide a renewable

energy source which is safe to use.

Aside from a safer energy source, the project will also promote good health

through exercise. Biking is considered as one of the good forms of exercise. Biking

improves general muscle function gradually, with little risk of over exercise or strain.

Regular Biking actually strengthens leg muscles and is great for the mobility of hip and

knee joints. But above all, biking makes the heart pound in a steady manner and helps

improve cardio-vascular fitness. According to De Lange (2014), studies have shown that

biking as a form of regular exercise will increase cardiovascular fitness by 3-7 percent.

In other words, the regularity of the use of bikes will largely raise heart rate that will

benefit stamina and fitness.

Research Objectives

General Objectives

This special research project generally aimed to create a machine that can

convert mechanical energy into electricity that can be used to supply power to make

small electrical appliances work.

Specific Objectives

Specifically, this Special Research Project aimed to:


1. design a bicycle driven generator with an enhanced battery capacity, alternator output,

and inverter output and with added special components like ammeter, voltmeter, and

voltage regulator;

2. fabricate a working bicycle driven generator with improved quality over the previous


3. test the functionality of the bicycle driven generator; and

4. evaluate the functionality, reliability, durability, maintainability, creativity, safety,

design and aesthetics, and quality of the bicycle driven generator;

Theoretical Framework

Electromagnetism is basically the science of electromagnetic fields. When an

object is charged electrically, an electromagnetic field is produced. By changing the

magnetic field, electricity is produced but in an opposite direction. The basic principle of

a generator is the law of electromagnetic induction. When the conductor moves with the

magnetic field, a voltage is induced in the conductor only when the conductor cuts the

lines of the magnetic force.

The basic application of electromagnetism is in the use of motors. The motor has

a switch that continuously switches the polarity of the outside of motor. An

electromagnet does the same thing. It can change the direction by simply reversing the

current. The inside of the motor has an electromagnet, but the current is controlled in

such a way that the outside magnet repels it.


According to Mirza (2011), the principle of electromagnetism states that when a

current passes through a piece of wire, a magnetic field is generated around it and when

a piece of wire passes through the magnetic field, current is induced into it.

Electromagnetism is the principle behind the alternator; this produces electricity

by using the alternator while biking.

Conceptual Framework

Materials:  Planning
 Voltage regulator  Researching
 Inverter  Designing
 Electrical Measuring  Fabricating
Instrument  Computing
 Car battery  Testing
 Modified Bicycle  Evaluating
 Alternator
 Belt
 Exciter battery
 Electrical Wiring
“Bicycle Driven
 Auto Cad or Drafting Generator with Charge
 Fabricating Regulator”
 Electrical Knowledge

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework


Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework. This was the guide of the researchers

on how to do and develop this project.

To successfully create and improve this research, knowledge in electrical wiring

was required. Knowledge in AutoCAD was also useful for the design of the prototype to

be made. Since there is a prototype involved in this special research project, knowledge

in mechanical fabrication was needed to assemble the said prototype.

In addition to the knowledge requirements, hardware requirements were the

voltage regulator, alternator, inverter, car battery, exciter battery, and bicycle. Lastly, the

tools and equipment needed include electrical measuring instruments, wires, and belt.

After the preparation of knowledge, materials, and tools, the researchers went

through the process which involves planning, researching, designing, fabricating,

computing, testing, and evaluating.

During the planning stage, the proponents identified the equipment and tools for

the project. Next is the researching stage. The proponents researched the necessary

information needed to construct the prototype. Next stage is the designing and

fabricating stage. The proponents designed the prototype and fabricated it with the right

specifications. The last stage is the computing, testing, and evaluating. The proponents

tested and computed the functionality and efficiency of the project. The proponents

gathered evaluators who evaluated the prototype. With these inputs and processes, the

researchers created a bicycle driven generator for the electro-mech laboratory of Don

Bosco College, Canlubang.


Significance of the Study

This study is significantly made to serve the following:

Don Bosco College. This project may be used as a display in exhibits during the

foundation week to encourage students from different schools to enroll in Don Bosco


Electro-Mechanics Technology Students. This study may help them increase

their knowledge in generation of electricity and also gain better idea in mechanical

generators for their major subject.

Present Researchers. This research may serve as an enrichment of the

proponents’ knowledge and skills in Electrical Wiring, Mechanical Fabrication, and

Conservation of Energy.

Future Researchers. This research may serve as a guide or reference for future

researchers who intend to conduct the same study using mechanical energy.

Scope and Limitations

The scope of this project is to create a bicycle driven generator that can operate

small appliances.

This project limits itself to a voltage input of 12 volts direct current. The ampere

per hour of the lead acid batteries is 75 amperes/hour. The voltage output of the project

is 220 volts alternating current single phase. The power output is between 100 watts to

700 watts.

Definition of Terms

To facilitate understanding, the following terms are hereby conceptually and

operationally defined:

Alternating Current (AC). It is a continuous electric current that periodically

reverses direction, usually sinusoidal.

Alternator. It is an electrical generator that converts mechanical energy to

electrical energy in the form of alternating current. For reasons of cost and simplicity,

most alternators use a rotating magnetic field with a stationary armature.

Diode. It is an electronic device that restricts current flow chiefly to one


Direct Current. It is the unidirectional flow or movement of electric charge

carriers (which are usually electrons). The intensity of the current can vary with time,

but the general direction of movement stays the same at all times. The term DC is used

in reference to voltage whose polarity never reverses.

Electromagnetism. It is a branch of physics which involves the study of the

electromagnetic force, a type of physical interaction that occurs between electrically

charged particles.

Generator. It is a machine that generates voltage.

Inverter. It is an electronic device or circuitry that changes Direct Current (DC)

to Alternating Current (AC).


Lead acid battery. It is a car battery with lead electrodes with dilute sulphuric

acid as the electrolyte. Each cell generates about 2 volts.

Rectifier. It is a four diode in a bridge arrangement to achieve full-wave

rectification. It converts AC which periodically reverses direction to DC.

Voltage. It is an electric potential or potential difference expressed in volts.

Wattage or watts. It refers to the derived unit of power in the International

System of Units. It is defined as one joule per second.


Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature and studies with similarities and/or

differences with this Special Research Project.

Local Literature

LED Lamp Portable DC Generator

In the Philippines, LED Lamp Portable DC Generator also known as 2big Power

was invented by a Filipino to help his countrymen in rural areas. Using water, this

invention can generate electricity and light an LED bulb.

2big Power can light up a bulb up to 3-4 days depending on the amount of water

added and is capable of producing 3-10 watts. It does not need clean water to power a

bulb. It can work in dirty water, sea water, freshwater, buko juice, or waste water.

Along with this, Tubig- powered machine was also invented for the shortage of

electricity in the rural areas. This device can power a flashlight and a lamp post. It can

charge batteries and a battery pack of cellular phones or power a transistor radio. It can

also power a village in rural areas for two weeks. Same with 2big power, it can generate

electricity using water (Rejuso, 2013).


Foreign Literature

Generators and Dynamos

According to Edison Tech (2011), a dynamo is a generator that makes direct

current. In a DC, electrons flows in a single direction. In a simple generator, the rotor

rotates completely thus reversing the current.

A dynamo has three major components. First, the stator is a fixed structure that

creates magnetic fields. Second is the armature. It rotates inside the magnetic field, and

it is made of coiled copper windings. This component creates pulses of electric power.

Third is the commutator which produces direct current.

A generator is different from a dynamo because it produces only AC. AC flows

in both directions while DC flows only in one direction. Alternating current is harder to

control so early inventors don't know what to do with the alternating current. This

problem paved the way in inventing the commutator. The commutator is a device that

only allows one direction of the current. While the alternator uses commutators, a slip

ring is used in a generator. Brushes attached to the slip ring tap the power off the rotor.

These brushes uses carbon for its material, and it is spring loaded so that the brush can

be pushed into the ring. In this way, the power constantly flows through the alternator.

Over a period of time, brushes wears down and it should be replaced.


Electricity Generators

A generator is any machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical

energy and which can be transmitted through power lines to the end user of electricity.

Generators can also make the electrical power for automobiles, aircraft, ships, and trains.

The mechanical power of electric generator can be usually obtained from a rotating shaft

and is equal to the shaft torque multiplied by the rotational or angular velocity. There are

many sources of mechanical power like hydraulic turbines at dams or waterfalls, wind

turbines, steam turbines, and gas turbines. All electric generators generate alternating

current. It is also known as synchronous generators or alternator.

Synchronous generator or electric generator can convert electrical power at

whatever voltage and current it is generated to high voltage and low current for long-

distance transmission and then transforms it down to a low voltage suitable for each

individual consumer (Slemon, 2014).

The world's primary fuel in making electricity is oil, but not for long. Modern

homes are mostly powered by electricity. Some cars invented these days are also

powered by electricity. Electricity can be created in many ways such as using coal, oil,

wind, waves, and sun. Once electricity is produced, it can be stored in batteries and can

be used later (Woodford, 2015).


Basics of Electromagnetism

According to Kurtus (2012), Electromagnetism is defined as the force between

electrically charged particles. The oscillating electrical charge can result to

electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetism can also be defined as the creation of a

magnetic field from the movement of electrical charges. Through the electric current in

the magnet, it can produce electromagnetic energy which can also be called as

electrodynamics. Electromagnetic induction is an effect of electromagnetism which can

change the magnetic field to induce electric current.

Generating Electricity Energy Loss

According to Low Tech Magazine (2011), generating electricity is far from the

efficient way to use pedal power. Internal energy losses in the battery, battery

management system, other electronic parts, and the motor generator are the reasons of

energy losses.

The energy losses are: for the battery is 10 to 35 percent, 10 to 20 percent in the

motor/generator, and 5 to 15 percent in the inverter or the converter. The energy loss in

the voltage regulator is 25 percent.

The total energy loss in a pedal powered generator is 42 to 67.5 percent. If one

produces 100 watts of power and 42 to 67.5 percent is lost in the conversion, 32.5 to 58

watts is only left to power the device. One needs to pedal 2 to 3 times as hard or as long

if one chooses to take the intermediate step of generating electricity and storing in the


Local Studies

Stationary Bicycle Powered Generator

Based on the special research project by M. Medrano and P. Paulino (2013), it is

determined that the stationary bike can be a good renewable source of energy because it

can convert human energy into electrical energy. It is said in the previous special

research project that the stationary bike can produce 2 to 3 volts in 5 minutes. The major

problem in this project is that one needs to pedal fast. In normal cycling speeds, it can

produce 1 to 1.5 volts in 5 minutes. The studies made by the previous researchers

indicate that using their prototype can burn 145 to 765 calories within 30 minutes. It is

said in the special research project that it can be used as an alternative source of energy

and exercise machine. It is proven to be environmentally friendly since it does not emit

any harmful toxins to the environment.

Foreign Studies

Turning Perspiration into Electricity

At the New York Sports Clubs' facility on Eighth Avenue and West 23rd Street

in Manhattan, stationary bikes are attached to compact a generator that converts the

pedaling motion of the people into electricity. The electricity is fed into the power grid,

thus reducing the sport's club electricity bills. Through this, the gym users make the

world greener and their bodies healthier.

Gyms can promote themselves as environmentally friendly and at the same time,

energy cost efficient by adapting to power producing exercise machines. Some

companies in the United States are now selling equipment to convert gym equipment

into electricity producing gym facilities.

In 2007, a researcher from the University of Florida found out that elliptical

machines have a small DC generator inside. This DC generator powers the console of

the elliptical machine and it also contributes to the amount of the resistance the user of

the machine feels when they are exercising. The resistance varies depending on the

current being created by the user. That is because the current creates a magnetic force

that opposes the motion that creates this current (Gibson, 2011).


Batteries are devices that convert chemical energy into electrical energy. Some

batteries can be charged so it can be used again. Sustainable energy sources become

more and more in-demand because of the decrease in the fossil-fuel and increase in

energy demands. Because of this, the design of new electrochemical storage systems

must incorporate material abundance, eco-efficient synthetic process, and life-cycle

analysis (Larcher & Tarascon, 2014).


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, project design, and project

development of the special research project.

Research Design

For the research design, the proponents decided to use the Action Research

design. It refers to a wide variety of evaluative, investigative, and analytical research

methods designed to diagnose problems or weaknesses whether organizational,

academic, or instructional and help educators develop practical solutions to address them

quickly and efficiently (Abott, 2014). The research started by identifying the

recommendation of a certain research project. The proponents evaluated the

recommendations made by the last proponents and investigated if there are better ways

to create the prototype. After carefully evaluating and investigating all possible

improvements in the prototype, the proponents decided to make an improved Bicycle

Driven Generator. After making the prototype, the researchers together with the adviser

and a licensed electrician conducted various tests to ensure the quality and functionality

of the prototype. The proponents evaluated the results and tried to reflect on the

comments given by the adviser and licensed electrician.


Project Design

This project is designed to use bicycle as a prime mover of the alternator to

produce electricity which can be used in small appliances. Since small appliances are to

be connected to the prototype, they considered efficiency in charging the battery and the

longevity of the battery. The proponents also considered the safety of the user by

preventing over charging of the battery. Since longevity, efficiency, and safety are

considered in making the prototype, the proponents came up with a different design for

the circuits and specifications of the prototype. The proponents used low cost materials

for the frame and low priced brand for the construction of the project. Majority of the

parts were assembled using standard mechanical parts for ease of assembly maintenance

purposes. The image of the prototype is shown below.

Figure 2. Bicycle Driven Generator


The Bicycle Driven Generator is divided into three parts: the Frame, the

Drivetrain, and the Alternator Assembly. These parts will serve a specific task in the

bicycle driven generator. The bicycle driven generator features a voltage regulator that

prevents over charging and sudden surge of voltage in the battery. This makes the

bicycle driven generator safer to use.

The bicycle driven generator works when the user starts pedalling. The energy

produced by pedalling is transferred to the chain wheel. The chain wheel is connected to

the sprocket thus transferring the energy to it. The sprocket has lesser number of teeth

than the chain wheel so that the sprocket rotates more than the chain wheel. The wheel is

driven by the sprocket. The energy is now transferred from the wheel to an alternator by

a belt. The alternator converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy and rectifies

it before storing it in the battery. The energy stored in the battery passes through an

inverter to convert it from DC to AC voltage. This energy can now be used for small


The following are the parts that were used in order to produce a bicycle driven


Handle Saddle

Figure 3. Frame

The frame as shown in figure 3 is used to hold the user of the bicycle driven

generator. It is used to hold the drivetrain in place so that it remains stationary when the

bicycle driven generator is being used. The needed material for the frame does not have

to be expensive and it should be lightweight since the bicycle driven generator is


 Handle bar – This is where the user places his/her hands for better stability and

balance. This is made of some standard mechanical parts of the bike and some

galvanized iron pipe because it has corrosion resistant properties.


 Saddle – This is where the user sits. It also holds the crank arm and chain wheel

for the drivetrain. It is a standard mechanical part of a bicycle.

 Rear stand – This holds the rear wheel. This is made of galvanized iron pipe.


Chain Wheel


Figure 4. Drivetrain

The main function of the drivetrain as shown in Figure 4 is to transfer the force

of the user’s pedalling motion into the alternator to produce the electricity to be stored in

the batteries. The key here is to make the chain wheel bigger so that in each pedal of the

user, the rim makes more rotation. The materials used in the drivetrain were standard

mechanical parts for ease of maintenance and fabrication.

 Chain wheel – This is a standard part of a bicycle. This drives the sprocket.

 Chain – This connects the chain wheel and the sprocket.


 Sprocket – This drives the wheel and increases the number of rotation of the

chain wheel.

 Wheel – This is connected to the belt and drives the alternator.



Figure 5. Alternator Assembly

Figure 5 presents the alternator assembly. It shows that when the bicycle is

driven, the spinning motion of the rear tire will drive the alternator. The exciter

battery will excite the field of the alternator temporarily to generate its own magnetic

field for the alternator to produce electricity. Then the alternator will produce AC

voltage which will then be rectified to DC voltage that will then pass through the charge

regulator. Voltage regulator can regulate voltage and can limit the rate of electric

current. It also prevents overcharging and may protect against sudden surge of voltage in

order to have electrical safety. The power will then be stored in the lead acid batteries.

Then, from the batteries, the inverter will change the DC voltage to AC voltage. Its

importance is to simply maintain a strong and steady pedalling speed for a few minutes

in order to build the charge of the battery.

 Alternator – This converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

 Lead acid battery – This stores the energy produced by the alternator.

 Inverter – This converts DC voltage from the battery to AC voltage.

Figure 6. Car Alternator Diagram

Figure 6 shows the typical alternator car diagram and shows the flow of

electricity through the circuit. The diagram illustrates how the AC current is transformed

into DC current with the aid of rectifiers until the electricity is stored into the lead acid


Figure 7. Bicycle Driven Generator Diagram

Figure 7 shows the schematic diagram of the bicycle driven generator and shows

how the alternator works thru the concept of electromagnetic induction. The field coil is

excited via an external source (battery). The regulator acts as a limiter for the field coil.

Once the field is excited, it will induce its own magnetic field. When the rotor of the

alternator spins, the coils of the stator will cut the magnetic field of the rotor which will

then induce voltage .The induced voltage will then be rectified to DC voltage to supply

the battery.

Table 1. Components of the Bicycle Driven Generator

Picture Name Function Specification

Bike This device is Standard

used to drive Racing Bike
the fan belt to

Alternator This device is Toyota 3au

used to convert 12 v 55 amps
energy to

Inverter To convert DC Modified sign

voltage to AC wave
voltage 12v to 220 ac
1000 watts

Car Battery This device is 35 AH 12V

used to store 40 AH 12 V

Ammeter This device is 12 V

used to state
whether the
battery is
charging or

Push Button It is the switch

to run the

Voltage This device is 12 V

Regulator used to prevent
batteries from
It maintains a
supplied to the

Volt Meter This device is 12 V

used to
whether the
batteries are
charged or

Exciter This device is 1.5v 1000

Battery to excite the maH Duracell
field coil of the Industrial
alternator. Alkaline AAA

Fan Belt It is used to 85 mm fan

spin the belt

Galvanized It is used to 0.4 mm

Iron Sheet cover the galvanized
alternator iron
assembly sheet

Angle Bar It is used to 2 x 2 angle bar

build the

G.I. Pipe It is used to 3 cm GI pipe

build the frame
of the

Paint It is used to Gold and Blue

improve the Spray paint
appearance of
the prototype

This table shows the components used for the bicycle driven generator.

Table 2. Costs of Materials

Materials Quantity Amount

12v Alternator 1 pc PHP 3000
12 v 40 AH Lead acid battery 2 pcs 5800
Voltage Regulator 1 pc 600
Exciter battery (1.5v 1000 maH Duracell 8 pc 250
Industrial Alkaline AAA)
Bike 1 pc 990
Inverter (PWI -003 1000W) 1 pc 1000
Electrical Meter (Voltmeter and Ammeter) 1 pcs 420
Wire #14 AWG TW wire Stranded 50 mtrs. 750

This table shows all the materials that were used by the researchers. The

materials stated above were gathered by the researchers to successfully create the

prototype. The total cost was PHP 13, 470.00


Project Development

Construction Procedure


Step 1: Observing

Step 2: Researching
Bicycle Driven Generator with
Step 3: Planning Charge Regulator

Step 4: Designing

Step 5: Fabricating

Step 6: Testing

Step 7: Evaluating

Figure 8. Construction Procedure

The construction procedure of the project as shown in figure 8 includes seven

different steps, namely: Observing, Researching, Planning, Designing, Fabricating,

Testing, and Evaluation.

Step 1. Observing

The proponents started the project after finding a certain problem through

observing the current situation of the increasing cost of electricity in the Philippines.

Step 2.Researching

The researchers cited and researched reference materials that are related to the

bicycle driven generator that can provide evidences and other supporting data which are

helpful to the construction of the project.

Step 3. Planning

The researchers made a detailed plan and conceptualized on how to make a

Bicycle Driven Generator. The proponents considered the factors that can affect the

project and what are the necessary concepts, specification, and materials that should be


Step 4. Designing

The researchers conceptualized the project by means of technical drafting.

Step 5.Fabricating

The researchers built the prototype with correspondence to the design. The step-

by-step construction of the prototype are as follows:

Buying of materials. The researchers bought high-quality materials that conforms

to the standards and specifications of the design of the prototype.

Body and Framework. The researchers constructed the frame of the prototype

using angle bars. Inside the frame are the following parts: alternator, power inverter,

lead acid batteries, and voltage regulator.

Wiring. The researcher connected the alternator output directly to the voltage

regulator and lead acid battery and connected the power inverter to the lead acid battery.

Assembly. The researchers assembled the prototype according to its proper

designation and its profile. They followed the designed plan and installed the prototype


Painting. The researchers used blue and gold paint to protect the frame and

alternator assembly. They used primer paint to protect the parts from rusting and to

improve the appearance of the prototype.

Step 6. Testing

All the needed materials for the Prototype were gathered and prepared, following

the specification provided. The bicycle driven generator with charge regulator was tested

by the proponent’s adviser and a licensed electrician based on the functionality of the

project in terms of effectivity and efficiency in saving electricity by using this project as

a secondary power supply for small appliances.

Step 7. Evaluating

The prototype was evaluated by the electrical maintenance of Don Bosco

College – Canlubang who are experts in the field of electricity, through an evaluation

sheet containing the following criteria: functionality, reliability, design and aesthetics,

safety, efficiency, durability, maintainability, and quality. The results of the evaluation

were interpreted with the use of a Likert scale.


Table 3 below shows the Likert scale with the corresponding interpretation.

Table 3. Likert Scale

Likert Scale Verbal Interpretation

4.21 - 5.00 Strongly Agree

3.41- 4.20 Agree

2.61 – 3.40 Neither Agree or Disagree

1.81- 2.60 Disagree

1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree

The formula for computing the evaluation results of the project is as follows.

Weighted Mean:

Formula: Wm= Σ𝑓𝑁

Where: Wm = weighted mean

F = frequency

N = Total number of population


This part of the paper explains the procedure of completing the prototype .It

begins with the presentation of the time table observed.

Table 4. Time Table

SRP Development Stages

Date (2015-2016) Description
Planning of the overall design August 3rd – 31st The researchers planned the overall
of the project design of the project.
Gathering of information September 1st – The researchers gathered
needed 15th information needed in the research.
Designing of the prototype September 16th – The researchers designed the
25th prototype.
Canvassing of possible September 26th – The researchers canvassed for the
materials needed 30th possible materials needed.
Writing of chapter 1, 2, and 3 October 1st –9th The researchers created chapters 1,
2, and 3.
Submission of chapter 1, 2, 3 The researchers submitted the
October 12th manuscript which includes
chapters 1, 2, and 3.
Defense of the project title October 20th The researchers defended the title
of their project.
Canvassing and procedure of January 1st – 31st The researchers canvassed and
materials bought the materials.
Fabrication of the frame, February 1st – The researchers fabricated the
alternator assembly ,and April 31st frame, alternator assembly, and
drivetrain drive-train.
Assembly of the prototype May 1st – June 1st The researchers assembled the
Submission of the July 20th The researchers submitted the final
Final manuscript manuscript of their project.
Final Defense July 26th The researchers defended their
Redesigning of the prototype July 27th – August The researchers redesign the
13th prototype.
Revision of manuscript August 13th - The researchers revised the final
October 11th manuscript.
Submission of hardbound October 12th – The researchers submitted the
manuscript October 14th hardbound of final manuscript

Table 4 shows the time table of the research. The first months occupied the

planning of the final design with the specifications that must be met to successfully

create the prototype. After which, the canvassing of the needed materials for the project

based on the proponent’s project design followed. For the succeeding months, the

proponents focused mainly on fabrication, assembly, and testing of the prototype.


Chapter 4


This chapter discusses the result of the special research project. The output

followed the objectives in order to achieve the purpose of this study.

Presentation of Results and Discussions

A. Bicycle Driven Generator with Charge Regulator


Drivetrain Frame
Figure 9. Bicycle Driven Generator

The figure 9 shows the Bicycle Driven Generator is made up of standard bicycle

parts with a fabricated frame and a box containing the electrical components of the

prototype. This device works by first pedaling the Bicycle Driven Generator and flicking

the switch of the exciter battery to excite the field coil of the alternator. This action gives

more resistance to the pedaling and signals that the alternator is now creating electricity.

The user must continue to pedal until the battery is fully charged.

Figure 10. Bicycle Driven Generator (Alternator Assembly)

The volt meter is an indicator to know the voltage of the batteries. This indicator

can indicate whether the batteries are charged or discharged. The ammeter is an

indicator whether the prototype is charging or discharging. The inverter will change the

DC voltage to AC voltage.



Figure 11. Bicycle Driven Generator (Alternator Assembly Components)


When the alternator produces AC voltage, it will be rectified to DC voltage and

then will pass through the voltage regulator. Voltage regulator can regulate voltage and

can limit the rate of electric current. It also prevents overcharging and may protect

against sudden surge of voltage to maintain electrical safety. The power will then be

stored in the lead acid batteries.

The proponents designed the prototype to be durable and safe to use. The

proponent used blue and gold paint to improve the appearance of the prototype. Through

this design, the user will feel at ease when using the prototype because it is stationary.

B. Analysis of Results

Power consumption

The specification of the batteries that was used on the bicycle driven generator

was a lead acid car battery 12V 40 AH/Ampere hour and 12V 35 AH/Ampere hour.

Based on the given specifications of the batteries, it can harness a power of

roughly around 900 watt per-hour.

Where: P = Power

E= Voltage

I= Current

If the output of the battery will be inverted to AC, power loss might occur.

Assuming the output that will be inverted has a power of 900 watt per hour, it can be

assumed that the output current will be 2Ah.

900 watt-hour/230V = 4 Ampere-hour

The output current will be the reference on how the devices or appliances will

behave when it is plugged into the prototype. If one has a device rated at 500

milliampere, the prototype will sustain the device for about 8 hours. If the device is rated

at 1Ampere, it will be sustained roughly for 4 hours. For a 2Ampere device, it will be

sustained roughly for 2 hours.

The prototype can also be used continuously through continuous pedaling

without relying on the battery to sustain the devices or appliances much longer.

Charging Time

Based on the actual testing, in every 1 revolution of the drivetrain, it produces

2.75 revolution on the wheel. In the same manner, for every 1 revolution of the wheel

the alternator produces 7.25 revolution.

2.75 x 7.25 = 19. 93 or 20


So that, the ratio of the drivetrain to the alternator is 1:20. The required rpm to

produce 55 ampere of alternator is 2000 rpm. The needed rpm to produce full power of

alternator is 100 rpm.

20 revolution x 100 rpm = 2000 rpm

The alternator specification is 12 volts and 55 ampere. The alternator output is

660 W.


55 amperes x 12 volts = 660 W

According to Low Tech Magazine (2011), the power loss for the alternator is 10-

20 % while the charging output produces 660 W. The computed power when charging

output is 528- 594 W. The weighted mean for 528 -594 W is 561W.

660 W x .90 = 594 W

660 W x .80 = 528 W

The power loss for the regulator is 25% while the charging output is 561 W. The

computed power when charging the output that pass through the regulator is 120 W.

561 W x .75 = 420 W

The power loss for the battery is 10 – 35% while the charging output is 420 W.

The computed power when the charging output pass through the battery is 273 W-

378W. The weighted mean is 325 W.

420 W x .90 = 378 W

420 W x .75 = 273 W


Based on the power losses, the prototype can be charged for 2.38 – 3.3 hours.

The weighted mean is 2.84 hours.

273 WH ÷ 660 W = 2.38 H

378 WH ÷ 660 W = 3.3 H

Energy Saving Analysis

The proponents computed the power consumption of a typical FA classroom in

Don Bosco College. The computation below shows that an FA classroom has three

pieces of fluorescent bulb (40 W) and Ceiling Fan (50 W). It shows that the combined

rating of each appliance is 220 W/ hour.

FA- Classroom Estimated Power Consumption

Fluorescent bulb 40 W x 3 pcs. = 120 W

Ceiling Fan 50 W x 2 pcs. = 100 W

220 W

As shown in the computation, the bicycle driven generator can supply 810 W of

power. Based from the computation, a 810 W of power can supply 220 W for hours. It

means that the bicycle driven generator can save 3.68 hours of energy.

Bicycle Driven Generator Output = 810 W

FA Consumption = 220 W

810 W ÷ 220 W = 3.68 hours


The MERALCO’s electricity tariff is P 10. 00/ kWh. To calculate the cost of

electricity consumption, the proponents used the given formula.

Power Consumption x Tariff = Total Energy Cost

The power consumption of an FA classroom for 3.68 hours is 0.810 kWh and the

MERALCO’s electricity tariff is P 10. 00/ kWh. Derived through the cost of electricity

consumption formula, the total energy cost is P 8.10.

0.810 kWh x P 10.00/ kWh = P 8.10 @ 3.68 hours

Projected Return of Investment

The proponents used the formula below to determine the projected return of


The bicycle driven generator can save 3.68 hours and it is equivalent to P 8.10.

The investment for the prototype is P13, 470. The computation shows that the needed

hours to use the prototype are 6119 hours in order to match the investment.

Table 5. Comparison of Prototypes

Category Stationary bike-powered Bicycle driven generator

generator with charge regulator
Alternator output 12v 30 amps 12v 55 amps

Battery capacity Motorcycle Battery 2 pcs of Car Battery

Voltage regulator No Yes

Charge indicator (Ammeter No Yes

and Volt meter)
Exciter battery No Yes

Inverter output 200 watts 50 Hz 1000 watts 60 Hz

Environmental friendly Yes Yes

Table 5 shows the comparison of the previous prototype and the present

prototype. The bicycle driven generator alternator output is 12 volts 55 amperes, 25

amperes higher than stationary bike powered generator. The improve prototype

showcases two pieces of car battery while the previous prototype uses only motorcycle

battery. The voltage regulator, charge indicator and exciter battery is present in the

bicycle driven generator on the other hand stationary bike powered generator does not

include this special features. The output of inverter of the previous prototype is 200

watts 50 Hz while the present prototype is 1000 watts 60 Hz.


C. Project Testing Results

For the testing of the prototype, the proponents made a functionality checklist

which was evaluated by the proponent’s adviser and a licensed electrician of Don Bosco

College. The table below shows the functionality checklist made by the researchers.

Table 6. Functionality Checklist

Functionality Complied Not Complied

It can convert mechanical
energy to electrical energy.

It can regulate voltage to
prevent overcharging of the

It can supply energy to
small appliances like
television, electric fans, and

It can provide healthy
exercise for the users.

The batteries can be used
for two hours.

The checklist shows the function of the prototype. The proponents’ adviser and a

licensed electrician checked if the functionality checklist was attained. Based from the

results of the testing, the prototype can be charged through the pedalling of the bicycle.

When the battery is discharged, it will have to be pedaled for four hours for it to be


It was confirmed that the prototype can convert mechanical energy to electrical


It was also checked that the prototype can supply 220V AC. It was tested that it

can power up a table fan/electric fan for 2 hours without the battery being discharged.

It was also approved that the prototype can provide healthy exercise for the user.

It can also regulate the voltage by using a voltage regulator for the prototype.

The licensed electrician said that the components must have a label in the

alternator assembly box and that the box must be presentable and safe.

D. Project Evaluation Results

For the evaluation of the prototype, the proponents made an evaluation tool to be

answered by the evaluators. The evaluators were two electrical maintenance personnel, a

teacher, and seven students of Don Bosco College.

Presentation of Evaluation Result

Table 7. Evaluation of the Prototype in Terms of Functionality

Functionality 1 2 3 4 5 Mean
a. The prototype is able to convert mechanical energy 1 3 6 4.5
to electrical energy.
b. The prototype is able to supply 220V AC. 1 2 7 4.6
c. The prototype is able to regulate voltage. 1 3 6 4.5
Total Mean 4.5

Table 7 shows the functionality criteria, the total mean is 4.5 which means that

the respondents strongly agreed in the over-all functionality of the prototype. The first

indicator garnered a mean of 4.5 which means that the respondents strongly agreed that

the prototype is able to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. The second

indicator garnered a mean of 4.6 which means that the respondents strongly agreed that

the prototype is able to supply 220V AC. The third indicator garnered a mean of 4.5

which means that the respondents strongly agreed that the prototype is able to regulate


Table 8. Evaluation of the Prototype in Terms of Reliability

Reliability 1 2 3 4 5 Mean
a. The prototype’s belt does not slip. 2 5 3 4.1
b. The prototype is reliable in supplying energy to 2 5 3 4.1
small appliances.
c. The prototype does not turn on and off on its own. 2 5 3 4.1
Total Mean 4.1

Table 8 shows the reliability criteria, the total mean is 4.1 which means that the

respondents agreed in the over-all reliability of the prototype. The first indicator

garnered a mean of 4.1 which means that the respondents agreed that the prototype’s

belt does not slip. The second indicator garnered a mean of 4.1 which means that the

respondents agreed that the prototype is reliable in supplying energy to small appliances.

The third indicator garnered a mean of 4.1 which means that the respondents agreed that

the prototype does not turn on and off on its own.

Table 9. Evaluation of the Prototype in Terms of Durability

Durability 1 2 3 4 5 Mean
a. The prototype is able to withstand rigorous usage 1 5 4 4.3
b. The prototype is able to endure mild unintended 1 5 4 4.3
movement like bumps, vibrate, etc.
Total Mean 4.3

Table 9 shows the durability criteria, the total mean is 4.3 which means that the

respondents strongly agreed with the over-all durability of the prototype. The first

indicator garnered a mean of 4.3 which means that the respondents strongly agreed that

the prototype is able to withstand rigorous usage. The second indicator garnered a mean

of 4.3 which means that the respondents strongly agreed that the prototype is able to

endure mild unintended movement like bumps, vibrations, and etc.

Table 10. Evaluation of the Prototype in Terms of Maintainability

Maintainability 1 2 3 4 5 Mean
a. The prototype is easy to maintain because parts 1 5 4 4.3
are easily accessible.
b. The prototype has few moving parts. 2 5 3 4.1
c. The prototype has cheap parts that can be easily 2 7 1 3.9
Total Mean 4.1

Table 10 shows the maintainability criteria, the total mean is 4.1 which means

that the respondents agreed in the over-all maintainability of the prototype. The first

indicator garnered a mean of 4.3 which means that the respondents strongly agreed that

the prototype is easy to maintain because parts are easily accessible. The second

indicator garnered a mean of 4.1 which means that the respondents agreed that the

prototype has few moving parts. The third indicator garnered a mean of 3.9 which means

that the respondents agreed that the prototype has cheap parts that can be easily replaced.

Table 11. Evaluation of the Prototype in Terms of Creativity

Creativity 1 2 3 4 5 Mean
a. The prototype is unique and is designed by the 7 3 4.3
proponents based on their own ideas.
b. The prototype is designed to have multiple 1 5 4 4.3
benefits to the user.
c. The prototype is creative because new 4 6 4.6
components are added from the previous prototype.
Total Mean 4.4

Table 11 shows the creativity criteria, the total mean is 4.4 which means that the

respondents strongly agreed in the over-all creativity of the prototype. The first indicator

garnered a mean of 4.3 which means that the respondents strongly agreed that the

prototype is unique and is designed by proponents based on their own ideas. The second

indicator garnered a mean of 4.3 which means that the respondents strongly agreed that

the prototype is designed to have multiple benefits to the user. The third indicator

garnered a mean of 4.6 which means that the respondents strongly agreed that the

prototype is creative because new components are added from the previous prototype.

Table 12. Evaluation of the Prototype in Terms of Safety

Safety 1 2 3 4 5 Mean
a. The prototype’s electrical wiring is properly 2 6 2 4
b. The prototype’s materials can withstand the user’s 4 3 3 3.9
c. The prototype can prevent overcharging through 1 5 4 4.1
the use of a voltage regulator.
Total Mean 4

Table 12 shows the safety criteria, the total mean is 4 which means that the

respondents agreed in the over-all safety of the prototype. The first indicator garnered a

mean of 4 which means that the respondents agreed that the prototype’s electrical wiring

is properly installed. The second indicator garnered a mean of 3.9 which means that the

respondents agreed that the prototype’s materials can withstand the user’s weight. The

third indicator garnered a mean of 4.1 which means that the respondents agreed that the

prototype can prevent itself from being overcharged by using a voltage regulator.

Table 13. Evaluation of the Prototype in Terms of Design and Aesthetics

Design and Aesthetics 1 2 3 4 5 Mean

a. The prototype is designed using materials that are 1 5 4 4.1
easy to find.
b. The prototype is designed in such a way that users 9 1 4.1
feel comfortable.
c. The prototype is designed to be simple. 1 3 6 4.5
Total Mean 4.23

Table 13 shows the design and aesthetics criteria, the total mean is 4.23 which

means that the respondents strongly agreed in the over-all design and aesthetics of the

prototype. The first indicator garnered a mean of 4.1which means that the respondents

agreed that the prototype is designed using materials that are easy to find. The second

indicator garnered a mean of 4.1 which means that the respondents agreed that the

prototype is designed in such a way that users feel comfortable. The third indicator

garnered a range of 4.5 which means that the respondents strongly agreed that the

prototype is designed to be simple.

Table 14. Evaluation of the Prototype in Terms of Quality

Quality 1 2 3 4 5 Mean
a. The prototype is properly crafted and built with 1 6 3 4.2
b. The prototype is able to meet the needed 1 5 4 4.1
components for a bicycle driven generator.
Total Mean 4.15

Table 14 shows the quality criteria, the total range is 4.15 which means that the

respondents agreed in the over-all design and aesthetics of the prototype. The first

indicator garnered a mean of 4.2 which means that the respondents agreed that the

prototype is properly crafted and built with quality. The second indicator garnered a

mean of 4.1 which means that the respondents agreed that the prototype is able to meet

the needed components for the bicycle driven generator.

Table 15. Identified Mean for each Criteria

Functionality 4.5
Reliability 4.1
Durability 4.3
Maintainability 4.1
Creativity 4.4
Safety 4
Design and Aesthetics 4.23
Quality 4.15

The over-all mean of the prototype is 4.22. It shows that the respondents strongly

agreed that the prototype meets the criteria set for the prototype.

Evaluation Chart

Figure 12. Evaluation Chart

Figure 12 shows the evaluation result gathered by the researchers.


Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of the study, conclusions, and

recommendations based on the findings gathered by the proponents.

Summary of Results

This Special Research Project entitled “Bicycle Driven Generator with Charge

Regulator” was made to create a prototype that can supply power for 220 AC small


Based on the results, the following were the findings:

 The design of the prototype is improved by changing the motorcycle battery to a

car battery, adding some safety indicators for charging like (Volt meter and

Ammeter), and improving the output of alternator and inverter and also voltage

regulator for the safety of the project.

 The prototype was successfully created, and it can be an alternative source of

electricity to supply 220 AC to small appliances like television, electric fans,

projector, laptop, and cellular phones.

 The tests conducted on the prototype confirms that it can convert mechanical

energy to electrical energy, regulate voltage to prevent overcharging of the


batteries, supply small appliances, provide healthy exercise for the users, and use

batteries for 4 hours.

 The prototype was evaluated in terms of functionality, durability, creativity,

safety, reliability, maintainability, quality, design, and aesthetics. It was found

out that the prototype gained a favorable numerical evaluation of 4.22 which

means that the prototype meets the set standard according to the eight indictors


 The proponents confirmed that the prototype can be a good form of exercise

machine that can burn calories and that it is safe for the environment.

 The prototype can regulate the voltage to prevent sudden surge of voltage that

can cause over charging of the battery.


Based on the results generated by the study, the proponents have made the

following conclusions:

1. The proponents confirmed that an improved Bicycle Driven Generator can be


2. The proponents confirmed that an improved Bicycle Driven Generator can be

fabricated in a low price without compromising quality.


3. During testing, the time needed to fully charge the battery is roughly 4 hours.

The rider needs to pedal fast during the charging process.

4. Based on the criteria given, the evaluation resulted to a rating of 4.22 which

means that the evaluators agree to its capability.

5. The proponents confirm that the component specification must be strictly met to

avoid problems in fabrication and assembly of the prototype.

6. The proponents confirm that an improved Bicycle Driven Generator conforms

with all the functionality requirements needed.

7. The study confirms that the Bicycle Driven Generator can be used as a good

alternative source of electricity.


The following recommendations are based on the study conducted by the


Don Bosco College. It can display this prototype in exhibits during the

foundation week to encourage students to enroll in the institution.

Electro-Mechanics Technology Students. The prototype should be used as an

instructional material for electro-mechanics technology students for them to understand

its function and its benefits. Students can maximize the use of the Bicycle Driven

Generator by using this device to charge their phones, laptops, and tablets. They can also

use this as power source for electric fans, television, and anything with the required


Present Researchers. For the proponents’ personal enrichment, they suggest

that if given an opportunity, they should conduct further endeavors such as this to

contribute more to the world of knowledge.

Future Researchers. Upgrade inverter and batteries to further improve this

project, and also change the standard rim of bicycle to fly wheel.



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